Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2000-10-19

It is great to see that what I have been arguing for, for five years is going to come about.

The Chief Minister is always telling this House how proud he is of the Defence Forces and his own Defence Force background. The Chief Minister’s electorate has a major Defence presence. So why is it that the Palmerston RSL cannot get any proper support from their local member, and is housed in a condemned building with rotting walls and roof?


Mr Speaker, the member may not be aware, but I was a member of that Palmerston RSL since I moved to the Northern Territory and have been involved in its activities for some time, and have tried many options in order to provide a better facility for the RSL. One of the problems with the RSL has been, frankly, disputes within the organisation over some time. The present member for Blain is closely associated with the RSL, and with me, we are looking at options to relocate the RSL to a new location, and also to provide them with better facilities. So the member can be assured that in all things associated with Defence, including the RSL, they are getting our close attention.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016