Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2000-03-02

During the last 2 weeks the Chief Minister has managed to:

(1) bag his own justice system, of which he is the first officer;

(2) precipitate a legal crisis in the Territory’s justice system with the threat of the court system becoming unworkable; and

(3) publish crime statistics that you do not even believe in, in a politically-motivated advertising campaign.

I ask the Chief Minister, how do you justify deliberately deceiving Territorians, insulting their intelligence, and then using their money to pay for it?


Mr Speaker, the judgment of the Chief Minister will occur on 11 March when Territorians compare this Chief Minister with the Leader of the Opposition, who considers that Territorians live in a racist and oppressive regime, who considers that mandatory sentencing laws should be scrapped, and who says that the minute she becomes Chief Minister - if ever that awful day ever occurs - she will immediately scrap them. They will judge the Labor Party for being soft on crime, and God willing, they will support the CLP for its strong stance on crime.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016