Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 1999-08-19

As a result of the formation of the Darwin Committee For Aid to East Timor after a meeting chaired by the Chief Minister, the Speaker of this parliament hosted a launch for Caritas, the Catholic care agency, to raise money for emergency aid for East Timor. Could the Chief Minister inform the House of the result of that appeal?


Mr Speaker,the national launch of the Caritas appeal in the main hall of Parliament House on Wednesday May 19 was one of the many undertakings by this government and this community to respond to an emerging crisis among our near neighbours in East Timor. It followed the formation of a joint committee incorporating the three main community groups representing Timorese people in Darwin – Lafaek, representing indigenous Timorese, the NT Timor Chinese Association and the Portuguese and Timorese Social Club. It was a joint effort with the combined churches. All groups involved determined that funds raised should be directed through Caritas because the Catholic Church has missions and schools in the most remote corners of East Timor. This makes it an ideal vehicle for aid distribution along non-factional lines.

About 400 people attended the launch. Mr Speaker presented a cheque for $10 000 from the Northern Territory government to Mr Tom Storey, national director of Caritas, to kick off the fundraising effort. Through church and school-based activities a further $7250 has been raised. That was down a bit on expectations because the combined churches ran major appeals for the Kosovo refugees when that crisis suddenly erupted.

The total, I’m pleased to say, is about to be boosted from $17 250 by a further $5980 today when members of the NT Timorese Chinese Association present a cheque for this amount for the Caritas appeal. Members of the Timorese community are present in the parliament this morning, including Mr Kivi Lay, president of the NT Timor Chinese Association. The cheque presentation will occur at the entrance to Parliament House immediately the House breaks for lunch.

The $5980 results from a fundraising dinner at the NT Timor Chinese Association clubhouse in June. Over 400 people attended, and the level of cooperation between the three Timorese groups in Darwin was evident before and during that memorable function. All groups promoted the event and sold tickets. It was very much in line with the policy adopted at my inaugural meeting with the Darwin Committee for Aid to East Timor. All group representatives determined at that meeting to leave their individual politics in East Timor and work in Darwin for the good of all the people of East Timor.

With the vote on the future of East Timor scheduled in 11 days, there is even more need for funds for medical emergency supplies. Donations can be made via the Westpac Bank, any church in Darwin, or directly to Caritas via GPO Box 4406, Darwin NT 0801.

I intend to make a more detailed statement on the East Timor situation as it relates to the Northern Territory later in the day. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing Kivi Lay and the Timorese community members out on the steps of Parliament House immediately the House breaks for lunch.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016