Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1997-12-04

The value of the Territory’s horticulture industry has grown dramatically to almost $50m a year, primarily in the rural area. What steps has the minister’s department taken to protect this important industry from the recent outbreak of papaya fruit fly?


Madam Speaker, the horticulture industry in the Northern Territory, over the last 10 to 15 years, has certainly experienced exponential growth both in volume of production and the value of that production. It is of great concern, not only to the government but also to producers and Territorians in general, that papaya fruit fly was discovered in some traps near Karama.

As a result of that detection, we have implemented a program of spraying and setting baits. We are also laying further traps to ascertain the extent of the infestation. This weekend, we will be putting in place 2 road inspection points - one a little south of the Manton Dam turn-off and the other near Lambells Lagoon. All vehicles moving out of the Darwin area will be asked to pull in to these inspection points. Any fruit they are carrying will be removed and destroyed. I ask Territorians to cooperate with the department in this campaign. It is essential for the ongoing development of our horticulture industry that we are able to control this outbreak and are seen to be controlling this outbreak. It will cost substantial sums to control this infestation. Thank God the Commonwealth and the states have come to the party with funding.

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In conclusion, I wish to comment on the sniffer dog at Darwin Airport. Mindy is back, and Mindy has a mate. In a few weeks, we have gone from 1 dog to no dog to 2 dogs.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016