Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2001-07-05

Palmerston is the centre of the Army presence in the north and the city’s spectacular growth is due largely to defence movements. The current premises of the Palmerston RSL are in an appalling state and the building is just about derelict. I ask the minister: will the CLP live up to previous commitments and ensure that this branch of the RSL is assisted by government to enable it to develop suitably-equipped premises that do justice to returned servicemen and women and their families?


I am pleased to hear that the Leader of the Opposition is now recognising that we are experiencing population growth and that this is underpinned by a sound economy and that the opportunities for Territorians are very bright. The opportunities for the Palmerston RSL are similarly bright. The Chief Minister has taken a personal interest in this particular matter. It has been a subject of productive discussion between the Chief Minister, the member for Blain, myself, the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Development, and others, to ensure that a path is set to provide the Palmerston RSL with a facility much more suitable than the one they currently operate from.

I would contrast that response with the public bleatings of the Leader of the Opposition which have achieved nothing, and the constructive approach taken by this government which is being pursued by it. I will defer this question to the Minister for Transport and Infrastructure Development who can give a more wholesome response.

Mr PALMER (Transport and Infrastructure Development): Indeed, the Deputy Chief Minister did point out the particular interest taken in the Palmerston RSL by both the Chief Minister and the member for Blain. Some time back the Chief Minister asked me, as Minister for Transport and Infrastructure, to have a look at the existing facilities at the Palmerston RSL, and see what we can do to improve those said facilities.

During that time I was approached by a certain building company in Darwin who had a novel and new building system that they were having tested in Queensland in relation to cyclone codes etc. I suggested to them that if those tests came through and they were able to build, they should indeed build a demonstration building at the site of the Palmerston RSL, which they were more than keen to do. Unfortunately, I am told now, in the last week or so, that the testing regime being undertaken by the James Cook University in Townsville in relation to cyclone codes, loadings and wind loadings etc will take some substantial period of time, and thus they will not be able to it.

In the meantime, I have had officers from Transport and Works go out and inspect the Palmerston RSL, and they tell me the building there is unfit for human habitation, both in terms of its structural integrity and the electrical wiring, and is in urgent need of demolition. So that covers some good news, and as a result of that, I am in fact having buildings designed right as we speak, so that we can put demountables, or transportable buildings on the site of the Palmerston RSL to replace the current buildings.

That is an undertaking given by the Chief Minister, it is an undertaking I have given the member for Blain some month ago that we would do something about it. The future of the RSL is tied up with land titles. I am unsure of just where we are at with title and land considerations, but from a perspective of building integrity, there will be a new building put on the current site of the Palmerston RSL in the near future.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016