Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2000-02-24

The Attorney-General’s comments have effectively paralysed the justice system in the Northern Territory and the damage cannot be simply undone. Isn’t it now the case, following your idiotic, damaging and untrue remarks, which you have tried to pathetically weasel out of, that you have created a legal crisis unprecedented in Australian legal history and, according to constitutional expert, Professor Tony Blackshield, ‘placing us alongside Nazi Germany and Rhodesia under Ian Smith’? How can the justice system continue to function in the Northern Territory when every matter before any court is likely to be appealed due to your very public remarks?


Mr Speaker, in answer to that vitriol, I am absolutely clear that the justice system is functioning and was functioning this morning under the guidance and leadership of the Chief Justice, who was dealing with cases before the court.

I can understand it is the Leader of the Opposition’s job to try to make attacks on me, wherever she will, and that is her want. That is what you are paid for. That’s your job in life. I understand all that.

With regard to any crisis in the legal system, I believe that is without foundation. I can only emphasise that my role as Attorney-General enjoys the strong support of the Chief Minister (sic), and I will continue to discharge my duties to the very best of my ability on behalf of Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016