Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1998-10-14

The Country Liberal Party has had 3 goes at establishing an effective training body in the Territory. Speculation is now rife that the Country Liberal Party is going to knife its latest attempt, NTETA. Will the minister guarantee NTETA will remain in its current form?


Madam Speaker, I notice that the honourable member has now talked about speculation. About a month or so ago on the radio he was talking about very strong rumours and he cannot now even be bothered to listen to the answer to the question.

What this particular member deals in is speculation and rumours. What we will do with organisations like NTETA and others will be under discussion later on this morning.

I say one thing to the member for Stuart. It is in relation again to what we were talking about before, some of the training scenarios. We have, as the Leader of the Opposition failed to mention this morning, a bit of a culture developing in Australia where a lot of people do not find trades as attractive as they used to. Some of that has to do with people like the member for Stuart, who stand up in this place and claim that if you do not go to school and finish Year 12, you are a failure and a drop-out. That is what he has said.

He has accused this government of having a problem because not everyone goes through to Year 12. The fact that some of those people are actually leaving school and going out into a traineeship, of course, is beside the point. People like the member for Stuart are part of the problem.

Ms Martin: Answer the question.

Mr ADAMSON: I have. I will explain to members what we are doing later on this morning and honourable members will have to wait on that particular area. We have a ministerial statement later on this morning that will touch on those issues. What you are doing at the moment is, you could probably make a point of order on this, for the fact that you are, with a question, trying to pre-empt ...

Members interjecting.

Mr ADAMSON: You are talking about Planning for Growth. You, yourself, mentioned the fact that it was all part of this process, and you are pre-empting what is being said later. So I should have stood up now and said I am sorry. But again we have a man who deals in speculation and as he has done in the past, stood up, gone public on very strong rumours. The strong rumours that he talked about were outrageous allegations that were damped down very quickly.

We will not pre-empt what is happening later on this morning. I would simply say to the member, try to keep your attention to the Treasurer’s speech which will be happening later on this morning and that will tell you where we are heading in those general directions at this stage.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016