Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1999-02-18

The year 2000 bug issue has been at the forefront of agenda items of business and government this year. Whilst we seem to be achieving Y2K compliance in our systems, can the minister inform the House if there are any measures in place to protect organisations against legal action for Y2K glitches post year 2000?


Obviously, it’s a subject which people are becoming more and more interested in as we move towards the year 2000. But I think that everyone in this House would be aware of the implications of the so-called Y2K bug. Preparation is being made to ensure compliance of government and business and also defence systems for the year 2000.

The problem certainly has been highlighted quite well throughout the community, and it seems that many companies are hesitant when it comes to disclosing their Y2K readiness, or even seeking or offering help in Y2K issues for fear that the statements they make or actions that they undertake could lead to some sort of legal action in the future.

The federal government has just introduced legislation dubbed ‘The Good Samaritan Bill’, which will provide certain legal protections in regards to Y2K statements. The Year 2000 Information Disclosure Bill 1999 will give a level of coverage to protect a person from civil liability resulting from statements that they may have made in good faith. The bill will identify terms and conditions under which such statements are protected.

States have agreed that they will supply complementary legislation. We certainly believe that we are well placed to solve the challenges of the problem. I am pleased to announce that Cabinet has just given approval for complementary legislation to be drafted for the Territory. Even though there is little time to spare in addressing this issue, we know that every effort must be made to ensure that businesses are confident about disclosing their Y2K preparedness. It is only proper that we protect statements made in good faith. This is obviously to create an atmosphere of cooperation without fear of reprisals, but at the same time we have to ensure reasonable protection for the community from the Y2K problem.

We are bringing legislation into the House here. I will certainly keep the House informed on developments involving our efforts to ensure that the millennium bug is well and truly under control in the Territory. But, because of the ramifications of things that occur in other places through other people, we have to ensure that everyone who is acting in good faith is protected from any legal processes further down the line.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016