Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1998-08-13

From debate in the House in the last 2 days, I notice with concern that Territory Labor is shrinking back from its commitment to statehood. Would the Chief Minister comment on the equivocation of Territory Labor’s federal candidate, Mr Warren Snowdon.


Madam Speaker, the interview given by the Labor candidate for the federal seat, Warren Snowdon, on the morning of 12 August said it all. It is equivocation when he says that statehood will depend on the minor parties. Statehood does not depend on the minor parties. If the federal Labor Party votes in the Senate with the Coalition, then it is all over red rover. Statehood will be delivered for Territorians. What is this statement from Warren Snowdon that it all depends on the minor parties? We know that statehood is opposed by the Democrats and by the Greens. The way it is shaping up, it is evident to me that Territorians cannot expect the support of Warren Snowdon.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order, members of the opposition!

Mr STONE: Remember this Territorians: Warren Snowdon sat for 3 terms as the federal member, and for the better part of that period he was a parliamentary secretary with executive responsibility in areas that impacted on the Territory. He could have advanced the cause of statehood, and he did nothing. He sat on his hands. John Howard, Nick Dondas, and Grant Tambling have achieved more in 2 years on the issue of statehood than those sitting opposite.

Mr Stirling interjecting.

Mr STONE: I pick up the interjection from the failed Labor leadership candidate, the member for Nhulunbuy. This is the man who can count to 1! We meant to send him some help. We intended to try to help him out. We considered giving him a bit of coaching. The member has to get past 1 to pull off a leadership challenge. However, he should not worry because he has 2 other helpers. Once the federal election is out of the road, here come Jack and John! They are on the way.

Mrs HICKEY: A point of order, Madam Speaker! The Chief Minister, Emperor Stone, has been asked a question by his backbencher and he was quite keen to bag Warren Snowdon. I suggest that he gets back to the point, which is representing in a true fashion what the federal candidate for the Labor Party really thinks about this. I can tell Territorians that he is strongly in favour of statehood.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Members, would you all settle down! Chief Minister, I would like you to finish your answer quickly and I would like fewer interjections from the opposition.

Mr STONE: Certainly, Madam Speaker. I was simply responding to that interjection from the member for Nhulunbuy.

There is no better example than the point of order we have just witnessed from the Leader of the Opposition. Warren Snowdon is an absolute apologist. This is a man who did nothing. Territorians will have statehood. They will achieve it because the Country Liberal Party went out and fought for it despite obstruction from the Labor Party.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016