Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-08-13

Because Territorians already pay high prices for goods and services, they will pay a higher goods and services tax than other Australians. Will the Chief Minister, who has given the green light to his political masters in Canberra to impose a 10% goods and services tax, reassure Territorians that they will receive a larger compensation package than other Australians?


Madam Speaker, I commence my answer by making this observation. Any fair-minded, reasonable person would accept that the current taxation system does not work. It does not work for workers, it does not work for families, and it does not work for productivity. We have a taxation system that works against the national interest.

The reality is that Australians will be offered an opportunity. Anyone who knows the history of taxation reform and debate in this country would know that both major parties have tinkered with the taxation system from time to time. Even the former Prime Minister, Paul Keating, in his capacity as Treasurer, sought to make improvements and, indeed, flagged reforms. Both sides have tried reforms and both sides have failed spectacularly in the past.

Failure has occurred because there has been a lack of political will on the part of the people who can influence the nation to be objective and to be prepared to ask the question: can we as Australians and as a nation and, in the case of the Territory, can we as Territorians come up with a better deal?

The details of that taxation plan will be revealed later in the day. I can say to Territorians that, for them, this is a better deal. I can say to Territorians …

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: Members ask me the question and then cackle across the Chamber. Either they want the answer or they do not want the answer.

Territorians will have more money in their pockets. Territorians will have …

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: This is the sort of hypocrisy we have to deal. Members opposite have not even seen the package and they condemn it already.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Stuart.

Mr STONE: They seek to play it for political advantage. I urge Territorians not to be conned by this lot opposite. They should make up their own minds. Territorians do not have to listen to the politicians, and they do not have to listen to me or members opposite.

When Territorians get the package, they will make up their own minds. Territorians are intelligent people. They will make an assessment for themselves.

From my reading and understanding of the package, Territorians will have more money in their pockets. More importantly, the Territory government of the day will have access to greater revenue streams than the Territory has ever had in its history. That means better schools, better roads, better hospitals, better services. This will build on what we have already in the Territory.

Ms Martin: So you are printing it now.

Mr STONE: What an inane comment from the recently promoted frontbench member for Fannie Bay.

Ms Martin: Using the economics of One Nation, are you?

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: What an inane comment. I hope she can count better than the bloke sitting behind her.

The reality is that Territorians will make up their own minds about this. We, as politicians, will do the people a real disservice if we do not give them the opportunity to judge for themselves. Territorians are smart. Territorians are the clever people of this great nation of ours. They will make their assessment, and they will not be scared off by people like the Leader of the Opposition and her failed Labor candidate for the federal seat, Warren Snowdon.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016