WRITTEN QUESTIONS – Not Answered by 19 June 2009
16 September 2008
3. Bob Collins - Investigation and Prosecution
1. On what date or dates did -
2. Did the now Chief Minister, then Police minister, Mr Paul Henderson, discuss or inform the then Chief Minister Ms Clare Martin of the nature of the briefings he had received regarding Bob Collins; if so, how did this discussion occur (by phone or meeting) and who was present at this meeting?
3. Did the then Chief Minister, Ms Clare Martin, contact the Police Commissioner on 9 February 2005 on the strength of a rumour she had heard about Bob Collins; if so, in respect of this information:
5. If government declines to provide details on the timings and information provided at these briefings enumerated in questions 1 to 4, on what grounds are the details withheld?
6. Was there any communication between ministers’ offices and the Department of Justice regarding the Bob Collins investigations; if so, what was the substance of those communications and when did they occur; and will the government make available any documents including unofficial documents such as e-mails, notes or any other such communication pertaining to such communications?
7. Was Bob Collins’ name removed from court lists; if so, why, and what grounds did the prosecution support the suppression order sought by defence counsel in the Bob Collins investigation?
8. Did Supt Gary Smith of the Northern Territory Police (now deceased), write a letter suggesting unwarranted interference into investigations surrounding Bob Collins; if so, will the government provide a copy of that letter to the Leader of the Opposition and, if not, why not?
9. Will the Chief Minister support a judicial inquiry into the activities of Bob Collins in the Territory, including identifying any other victims and the interaction and involvement between ministers, ministerial offices and Bob Collins and associates in the time leading up to and following the announcement of an investigation into these activities?
21 October 2008
13. Community Benefit Fund – Annual Report 2006-07
Section 68B(4) of the Gaming Control Act requires that an annual report be provided to parliament regarding the operation and dissemination of the Community Benefit Fund. Essentially, the report cannot be tabled later than October in the next financial year. The 2006-07 annual report has not been submitted.
1. Why is the annual report still not available even though it is a year late?
2. Why has the requirements of the act not been adhered to?
15. Cuscal Pty Ltd - Home LoansMr ELFERINK to TREASURER
On 30 June 2007, TIO re-securitised its home loans with Cuscal Pty Ltd. As I understand, $224m worth of home loans were assigned to Cuscal Pty Ltd, which represents the whole of the TIO home loan portfolio.
1. What is known about the financial liquidity of Cuscal Pty Ltd?
2. Is Cuscal Pty Ltd currently offering any credit to TIO for the purpose of home loans?
3. If Cuscal Pty Ltd is not offering credit to TIO, is TIO currently capable of offering credit for home loans?
4. What is the current value of the portfolio held on TIO’s behalf by Cuscal Pty Ltd?
28 October 2008
16. Power and Water Corporation – Fuel Supply
1. How much diesel has the PAWC purchased to provide an alternate fuel reserve to power their installations in the event that there is a disruption to the supply of gas since 1 July 2007?
2. What was the total purchase price of the reserve diesel stock? Would you provide this detail by power station in the Alice Springs and Darwin regions?
17. Gas Supplies
Has ConocoPhillips agreed to supply the NT government with gas in the event normal supplies are disrupted? If so:
19. Capital Infrastructure
1. Please provide a list of the works on the approved capital infrastructure program, including proposed tender and construction time lines.
2. Please provide a compete list of the forward capital works under consideration for approval to be added to the infrastructure program, including proposed time lines for completion.
3. Please provide a list of forward capital works that have been identified by departments as necessary for inclusion into required capital works into the future.
20. Cyclone Emergency Services
1. How many cyclone shelters are there in the greater Darwin area?
2. List the location, category and capacity of each shelter.
3. Are all the shelters considered operational? What are the requirements for the different cyclone shelter categories?
4. Are all cyclone shelters able to cope with a Category 5 cyclone and related events? What are the evacuation procedures if shelter occupants need to be relocated?
5. What upgrades and/or repairs have been made to each shelter since the last Wet Season? Please provide a list by shelter and detail work required.
6. What upgrades and/or repairs are still required? If any, please provide a list by shelter and detail work required.
7. In the event of a Category 5 cyclone, what is the level of damage expected to residences across the greater Darwin area? How many houses are expected to be damaged to a point where they could not be inhabited? Which suburbs would be most affected by a Category 5 cyclone and related events?
8. How many people are expected to be temporarily displaced due to storm damage caused by a Category 5 cyclone?
9. What emergency mid- to long-term accommodation contingencies are in place to cope with a large number of displaced persons?
10. What are the mid- to long-term logistics in place to cope with a large number of displaced residents after a Category 5 cyclone? Please detail plans for food stores, potable water storage, medical treatment etcetera
11. How often do Police, Fire, and Emergency Services and other essential agencies conduct drills to prepare for a Category 5 cyclone?
12. When was the last drill undertaken? What was the assessment of the effectiveness of the emergency services and what recommendations, following this drill, have been taken up by government, and what remain unaddressed?
13. What measures are in place to provide emergency communications in the event of a cyclone? Are the communications run by NT government agencies ie police or by another agency ie ADF? If not the NT government, who provides the communications and why?
21. ENI Gas
1. What are the terms of the arrangements between the NT government and ENI Australia to supply gas to the Power and Water Corporation?
2. What price will the Territory be paying for each MMBtu of gas from the project?
3. What is the anticipated annual cost to be paid by Power and Water for the supply?
4. Is the Territory contributing to the construction of the infrastructure associated with the delivery of gas to Darwin? If so, can the commitment be detailed and what is the cost of the Territory government’s commitment?
22. Electricity Network
1. What are the terms of reference given to Mr Mervyn Davies to investigate the problems with the NT electricity network?
2. How many generators are being brought into Darwin to provide emergency/back-up power? Break down by size and type.
3. What is the total cost of transporting the generators to the Territory?
4. Are the generators leased or has the government purchased the generators? How many and what generators have been purchased? How many and what generators have been leased?
5. If purchased, how much has the government paid? Please itemise by type.
6. What are the lease arrangements for the borrowed generators? Where have they come from? How long will they be leased for? What is the cost per week to have the generators on loan?
7. Are there arrangements to ensure the security of the generators once in place? Please outline those arrangements.
8. Are there arrangements in place to guarantee the supply of diesel to the generators for the duration the generators are required? What are those arrangements?
9. What is the fuel consumption of each generator by type/size?
10. What is the cost per litre for diesel to run the generators?
11. What is the expected running time per day of each generator?
12. What are the running, servicing and refuelling arrangements for the generators?
13. What are the environmental protection measures in place for the sites that the generators will be located?
14. What is the expected carbon footprint of the generators? Are there any carbon offset plans in place? If so, what are they?
15. Are there any other major substations in the Territory that are likely to experience similar failures to those experienced at Casuarina?
16. What measures are in place if the problems experienced in Casuarina are experienced at other major substations in the Darwin region?
17. Are there any arrangements in place for generators elsewhere in the Darwin/Katherine grid to supply power back into the grid?
18. How much have measures to supplement Casuarina substation cost the NT government to date (9 Oct)?
19. What is the estimate of total costs before the Casuarina substation is back on line?
20. How is the bill for the lease, running and transportation of the generators being paid?
21. Will Power and Water customers be expected to foot the bill? If so, what percentage of the bill will be added to electricity accounts?
22. What are the expected law and order ramifications if there are further long-term blackouts? What measures are in place to mitigate any problems?
23. What are the expected public health ramifications if there are further long-term blackouts? What measures are in place to mitigate any problems?
24. Are there any compensation measures in place for residents and businesses affected by long-term blackouts?
25 November 2008
28. Tree Point Conservation Reserve
As the Tree Point Conservation Reserve on the Gunn Point Peninsula is part of NT Parks:
1. Does the department intend to repair or rebuild the fence which protects the sand dunes at Tree Point from vehicle traffic?
2. How many people have been prosecuted for driving along the foreshore within the boundary of the reserve?
3. What is the maximum fine for driving on the foreshore?
4. The department removed Poinciana trees from within the reserve over 12 months ago. The trees are starting to grow again. What:
5. Are there any plans to station a Parks and Wildlife Ranger temporarily on weekends, or permanently at Tree Point or nearby to this area?
Could you give a breakdown of capital and maintenance expenditure projects carried out on the Tree Point Reserve over the last five years?
1. The 2007-08 annual report recorded the police attrition rate as 9.28% not including dismissals, retirement or deaths. What is the attrition rate if separation due to dismissals, retirement and death are included?
2. What was the reason that there were 6739 less police hours recorded under the Road Safety output group in the 2007-08 year than originally estimated?
As of 14 Nov 2008 please provide a complete list of:
1. What was the NT Police establishment (FTE) broken down by rank, command, division and section for the whole of the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services?
2. Personnel actually committed to those positions by rank and gender and actual location?
3. The number of positions that are vacant and length of time those positions have been vacant?
4. How many vacancies there are within the NT Police Force?
5. The location of those vacancies, what position each of those vacancies are, and how long each position has been vacant?
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many police officers (not including those who were dismissed, retired, died or were recruits) left the police force? Would you please break this down under the following categories - fully sworn officer, commissioned officer, auxiliary officer, ACPO.
2. For each of the above categories would you please break them down by rank, gender, position assigned to at time of separation, average length of time in the service and top five reasons for separation.
3. How many police officers left the police force due to dismissal, retirement or death?
4. For each category above (3) please break down by rank, gender, position assigned to at time of separation, average length of time in the service and top five reasons for separation.
5. How many recruits began recruit training, and please categorise by gender?
6. How many recruits did not complete the recruit training course? Please list these for each recruit intake and by gender.
Officer Secondments
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many NT police officers have been seconded to the Emergency Response? Where were those police officers drawn from and what was their primary role prior to becoming part of the Emergency Response?
2. How many NT police officers have been seconded to the AFP? Where were those police officers drawn from and what was their primary role prior to becoming part of the AFP?
3. How many AFP officers have been seconded to the NT Police Force?
4. How many sick leave days were taken by NT Police officers?
5. What was the total amount of compensation paid to NT police officers? Please categorise by psychological, physical or psychological and physical category or other.
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many hours of interpreter services were used? Please categorise by region and language.
Discipline Matters
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many members of the police force have been under internal investigation?
2. How many members of the NT Police Force have been suspended for disciplinary reasons?
3. How many members were dismissed from the service due to disciplinary reasons? Please itemise and categorise these cases.
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many breath testing stations operated in the NT? Please include details of location, hours of operation, number of police officers involved, number of drivers tested, number of drivers recording low BAC readings, number of drivers recording mid BAC readings, number of drivers recording high range readings, number of drivers who recorded positive readings and were driving under a zero blood alcohol conditions, number of drivers who refused to provide a breath sample, and number of drivers who failed to submit to a blood test.
2. How many RBTs were conducted as part of an officer’s routine duties? Please include details of location, number of drivers recording low BAC readings, number of drivers recording mid BAC readings, number of drivers recording high range readings, number of drivers who recorded positive readings and were driving under a zero blood alcohol conditions, number of drivers who refused to provide a breath sample, and number of drivers who failed to submit to a blood test.
3. What is the servicing schedule to ensure the accuracy of the Drager Alcotest 7110?
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many fatalities have had drugs other than alcohol as a contributing factor? What drugs were involved in each accident?
2. How many serious accidents have had drugs other than alcohol as a contributing factor? What drugs were involved in each accident?
3. How many drivers have been tested under the ‘drug driving laws’ since they were introduced? Detail the location, type of test (blood or saliva), time of day each of those drivers were tested, and if they were tested for drugs as a result of an accident.
4. How many of the drivers tested under the ‘drug driving laws’ tested positive? How many of those that tested positive were convicted as a result of those tests? In each instance of a positive test what drugs were identified?
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many accidents (non-fatal) were contributed in part or whole to alcohol?
2. Please list all those accidents by actual location, time of day, day of the week, and all contributing factors for each accident.
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. What were the locations and hours of operation for each speed camera throughout the Territory?
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many drivers have been issued infringement notices for driving without a seatbelt?
2. How many drivers have been issued infringement notices for driving while talking on a mobile phone?
3. How many traffic infringement notices were issued for each of those cameras?
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. List the number of people taken into protective custody for each police station within the Territory.
2. List the dates, locations, hours of operation and events that have required the use of police horses.
3. List the dates, locations, hours of operation and events that have required the use of police dogs.
28 April 2009
45. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Treasury Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
46. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Business Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
47. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Chief Minister’s Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
49. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Health Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
50. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Justice Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
51. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Local Government Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
52. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Natural Resources, Environment and Heritage Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
53. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Arts and Museums Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
54. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Sport and Recreation Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
56. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Planning and Lands Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
57. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Infrastructure Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
58. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
59. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Regional Development Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
60. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Housing Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
61. Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants Revenue in 2007-08 and 2008-09
According to the 2007-08 Annual Report, the Department of Employment, Education and Training received $146.6m in Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants revenue in 2007-08.
1. What programs are covered by the Specific Purpose Grants?
2. What is the purpose of each of these programs?
3. What is the funding allocation to each of these programs from the Commonwealth and from the Northern Territory?
4. Please itemise how much was spent on each of these programs in 2007-08 and how much remains to be spent.
5. What guidelines, operating practices and reporting have been developed in conjunction with the Commonwealth to expend the received funds?
6. What performance indicators or markers are in place from the Commonwealth or Territory that relate to these monies?
7. What was our performance against these performance indicators or markers in 2007-08?
8. Was any payment returned to the Commonwealth or carried over from 2007-08 to 2008-09?
9. If payments were returned or carried over, in what areas and how much were they?
10. What is the budgeted amount of Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants to be received in 2008-09 by the Department of Employment, Education and Training?
11. What programs are covered by the 2008-09 budgeted Specific Purpose Grants?
12. What is the allocation to each of these programs for 2008-09?
13. How much of this allocation has been spent by 1 March 2009?
14. What guidelines, operating practices and reporting have been developed in conjunction with the Commonwealth to expend the received funds?
15. Is the department expecting to expend all the funding allocated?
16. If not, in what areas will funding expenditure not be met?
17. Are there any areas within Education, Employment and Training where Commonwealth funding has been provided for either in 2007-08 or 2008-09 where monies have not been allocated to specific purposes?
18. What performance indicators or markers are in place from the Commonwealth or Territory that relate to these monies?
19. What was our performance so far this year against these?
63. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Outsourcing
The NTG Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Outsourcing contract expires in 2010:
1. What operational procedures are in place in relation to ICT to ensure that all @nt.gov.au (NTG) account holders' electronic (e-mail) and voice communication information is secure from misappropriation?
2. What operational procedures are in place to identify the inappropriate distribution of information from NTG account holders through ICT, particularly as it relates to material in confidence?
3. What operational procedures are in place to identify the improper use by NTG account holders of ICT resources, particularly as it relates to accessing inappropriate content or abuse of service?
4. What security and probity checks are completed on persons within the NTG who may access the electronic and voice communication information and data of NTG account holders?
5. What security and probity checks are completed on persons working for providers of ICT services to the NT who have access to NTG account holders' electronic and voice communication information?
6. What physical controls are in place for the security of the storage and transmission of electronic and voice communication?
7. Has any person been identified distributing electronic communication acquired through the monitoring or surveillance of NTG ICT in a way that breaches the confidentiality of that communication?
8. Has any person, within NTG or ICT service provider contractor employees, been disciplined for the inappropriate access of electronic or voice communication from NTG account holders?
9. What positions (including numbers of persons, NTG or ICT provider) have access to the NTG electronic and voice communication for the purpose of implementing and monitoring security of the ICT system?
10. What, if any, additional security practices and activities are proposed for future ICT service delivery?
64. Dwelling/Housing Unit Projections 2001 to 2013
On Wednesday, 4 February 2009, the Chief Minister stated that ‘the Territory government will need to provide 1700 new dwellings of housing per year’.
Subsequently, the government announced the projected release of Bellamack, Johnston, Zuccoli and Mitchell, noting 150 blocks in 2009; 850 blocks in 2010; 670 blocks in 2011; 800 blocks in 2012 and 1300 blocks, 2013 and later.
1. What was the population increase for the Northern Territory in each calendar year from 2001 to 2008?
2. How many dwellings were constructed in the Northern Territory in each calendar year from 2001 to 2008?
3. At the end of each year, 2001 to 2008, what was the number of dwellings approved for construction but not commenced?
4. What is the projected population increase in the Northern Territory each year for the period 2009 to 2012?
5. What is the occupation density figure (number of people per unit of dwelling) used to calculate the number of additional dwellings required in the 4 February 2009 statement?
6. What variations, if any, are used in calculating the occupation density to account for differences in the type of dwelling counted or for any local or regional effect?
7. What proportion in the estimate of 1700 housing units are for stand alone (single occupancy use) dwellings?
8. What proportion of all blocks to be released in the years 2009 to 2012 are for stand alone (single occupancy use) dwellings?
9. What, if any, additional land is proposed to be released in each year 2009 to 2013 to meet the demand for 1700 housing units?
65. Indigenous Housing for the Territory: Closing the Gap Program
In regard to the Prime Ministerial statement on Closing the Gap in the Commonwealth parliament on the 26 February 2009.
1. The Prime Minister in his statement said that since the end of 2007 there are 80 new houses built or nearing completion for Indigenous people in the Territory. Please advise:
2. The Prime Minister said in his Closing the Gap speech that 4200 new houses for Indigenous people nationwide would be built. Please advise:
3. The Prime Minister also said in his Closing the Gap speech that 4800 houses would be upgraded. Please advise:
66. Contract reference D08-0562 – Alice Springs, Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek – Provision of Tenancy Sustainability and Support Program for a Period of 12 months
1. The above contract to the value of $2 201 380.00 was awarded to four different organisations. Please advise:
2. The first successful organisation listed in Tenders Online as at 25/02/09 states ‘incorporated association (under the Aboriginal Associations Act)’. What is the name of this association?
3. The fourth listed in Tenders Online as at the 25/02/09 states ‘Other Unincorporated Identity - Centrecare NT’, yet, in page 7 of the NT Government Gazette No G9 of 2009 the list states Larrakia Inc. Can you please explain the discrepancy?
4. Can you confirm who the fourth contractor is?
5 May 2009
67. Nursing Staff Numbers
For details of this question see Attachment A on following page.
WRITTEN QUESTIONS – Not Answered by 19 June 2009
16 September 2008
3. Bob Collins - Investigation and Prosecution
1. On what date or dates did -
- (a) police brief government ministers and/or staff on the investigation into Bob Collins;
- (b) police brief any other government departments or public servants in respect to the investigation into Bob Collins;
- (c) police brief Chief Minister, Paul Henderson, as Chief Minister or in any other role, regarding the Bob Collins investigation and, if these briefings occurred, who was present at these briefings?
2. Did the now Chief Minister, then Police minister, Mr Paul Henderson, discuss or inform the then Chief Minister Ms Clare Martin of the nature of the briefings he had received regarding Bob Collins; if so, how did this discussion occur (by phone or meeting) and who was present at this meeting?
3. Did the then Chief Minister, Ms Clare Martin, contact the Police Commissioner on 9 February 2005 on the strength of a rumour she had heard about Bob Collins; if so, in respect of this information:
- (a) what investigations have been conducted to trace the source of the rumour;
- (b) what internal audits have been conducted to determine the source of how this rumour was leaked into the public domain; and
- (a) all relevant documents relating to the organisation of that briefing; and
(b) any e-mails, diary entries or notes in police files regarding that briefing?
5. If government declines to provide details on the timings and information provided at these briefings enumerated in questions 1 to 4, on what grounds are the details withheld?
6. Was there any communication between ministers’ offices and the Department of Justice regarding the Bob Collins investigations; if so, what was the substance of those communications and when did they occur; and will the government make available any documents including unofficial documents such as e-mails, notes or any other such communication pertaining to such communications?
7. Was Bob Collins’ name removed from court lists; if so, why, and what grounds did the prosecution support the suppression order sought by defence counsel in the Bob Collins investigation?
8. Did Supt Gary Smith of the Northern Territory Police (now deceased), write a letter suggesting unwarranted interference into investigations surrounding Bob Collins; if so, will the government provide a copy of that letter to the Leader of the Opposition and, if not, why not?
9. Will the Chief Minister support a judicial inquiry into the activities of Bob Collins in the Territory, including identifying any other victims and the interaction and involvement between ministers, ministerial offices and Bob Collins and associates in the time leading up to and following the announcement of an investigation into these activities?
21 October 2008
13. Community Benefit Fund – Annual Report 2006-07
Section 68B(4) of the Gaming Control Act requires that an annual report be provided to parliament regarding the operation and dissemination of the Community Benefit Fund. Essentially, the report cannot be tabled later than October in the next financial year. The 2006-07 annual report has not been submitted.
1. Why is the annual report still not available even though it is a year late?
2. Why has the requirements of the act not been adhered to?
15. Cuscal Pty Ltd - Home LoansMr ELFERINK to TREASURER
On 30 June 2007, TIO re-securitised its home loans with Cuscal Pty Ltd. As I understand, $224m worth of home loans were assigned to Cuscal Pty Ltd, which represents the whole of the TIO home loan portfolio.
1. What is known about the financial liquidity of Cuscal Pty Ltd?
2. Is Cuscal Pty Ltd currently offering any credit to TIO for the purpose of home loans?
3. If Cuscal Pty Ltd is not offering credit to TIO, is TIO currently capable of offering credit for home loans?
4. What is the current value of the portfolio held on TIO’s behalf by Cuscal Pty Ltd?
28 October 2008
16. Power and Water Corporation – Fuel Supply
1. How much diesel has the PAWC purchased to provide an alternate fuel reserve to power their installations in the event that there is a disruption to the supply of gas since 1 July 2007?
2. What was the total purchase price of the reserve diesel stock? Would you provide this detail by power station in the Alice Springs and Darwin regions?
17. Gas Supplies
Has ConocoPhillips agreed to supply the NT government with gas in the event normal supplies are disrupted? If so:
- (a) how much gas will be supplied;
- (b) how much will that gas cost the NT government; and
(c) will there be a cap on the amount of gas supplied?
19. Capital Infrastructure
1. Please provide a list of the works on the approved capital infrastructure program, including proposed tender and construction time lines.
2. Please provide a compete list of the forward capital works under consideration for approval to be added to the infrastructure program, including proposed time lines for completion.
3. Please provide a list of forward capital works that have been identified by departments as necessary for inclusion into required capital works into the future.
20. Cyclone Emergency Services
1. How many cyclone shelters are there in the greater Darwin area?
2. List the location, category and capacity of each shelter.
3. Are all the shelters considered operational? What are the requirements for the different cyclone shelter categories?
4. Are all cyclone shelters able to cope with a Category 5 cyclone and related events? What are the evacuation procedures if shelter occupants need to be relocated?
5. What upgrades and/or repairs have been made to each shelter since the last Wet Season? Please provide a list by shelter and detail work required.
6. What upgrades and/or repairs are still required? If any, please provide a list by shelter and detail work required.
7. In the event of a Category 5 cyclone, what is the level of damage expected to residences across the greater Darwin area? How many houses are expected to be damaged to a point where they could not be inhabited? Which suburbs would be most affected by a Category 5 cyclone and related events?
8. How many people are expected to be temporarily displaced due to storm damage caused by a Category 5 cyclone?
9. What emergency mid- to long-term accommodation contingencies are in place to cope with a large number of displaced persons?
10. What are the mid- to long-term logistics in place to cope with a large number of displaced residents after a Category 5 cyclone? Please detail plans for food stores, potable water storage, medical treatment etcetera
11. How often do Police, Fire, and Emergency Services and other essential agencies conduct drills to prepare for a Category 5 cyclone?
12. When was the last drill undertaken? What was the assessment of the effectiveness of the emergency services and what recommendations, following this drill, have been taken up by government, and what remain unaddressed?
13. What measures are in place to provide emergency communications in the event of a cyclone? Are the communications run by NT government agencies ie police or by another agency ie ADF? If not the NT government, who provides the communications and why?
21. ENI Gas
1. What are the terms of the arrangements between the NT government and ENI Australia to supply gas to the Power and Water Corporation?
2. What price will the Territory be paying for each MMBtu of gas from the project?
3. What is the anticipated annual cost to be paid by Power and Water for the supply?
4. Is the Territory contributing to the construction of the infrastructure associated with the delivery of gas to Darwin? If so, can the commitment be detailed and what is the cost of the Territory government’s commitment?
22. Electricity Network
1. What are the terms of reference given to Mr Mervyn Davies to investigate the problems with the NT electricity network?
2. How many generators are being brought into Darwin to provide emergency/back-up power? Break down by size and type.
3. What is the total cost of transporting the generators to the Territory?
4. Are the generators leased or has the government purchased the generators? How many and what generators have been purchased? How many and what generators have been leased?
5. If purchased, how much has the government paid? Please itemise by type.
6. What are the lease arrangements for the borrowed generators? Where have they come from? How long will they be leased for? What is the cost per week to have the generators on loan?
7. Are there arrangements to ensure the security of the generators once in place? Please outline those arrangements.
8. Are there arrangements in place to guarantee the supply of diesel to the generators for the duration the generators are required? What are those arrangements?
9. What is the fuel consumption of each generator by type/size?
10. What is the cost per litre for diesel to run the generators?
11. What is the expected running time per day of each generator?
12. What are the running, servicing and refuelling arrangements for the generators?
13. What are the environmental protection measures in place for the sites that the generators will be located?
14. What is the expected carbon footprint of the generators? Are there any carbon offset plans in place? If so, what are they?
15. Are there any other major substations in the Territory that are likely to experience similar failures to those experienced at Casuarina?
16. What measures are in place if the problems experienced in Casuarina are experienced at other major substations in the Darwin region?
17. Are there any arrangements in place for generators elsewhere in the Darwin/Katherine grid to supply power back into the grid?
18. How much have measures to supplement Casuarina substation cost the NT government to date (9 Oct)?
19. What is the estimate of total costs before the Casuarina substation is back on line?
20. How is the bill for the lease, running and transportation of the generators being paid?
21. Will Power and Water customers be expected to foot the bill? If so, what percentage of the bill will be added to electricity accounts?
22. What are the expected law and order ramifications if there are further long-term blackouts? What measures are in place to mitigate any problems?
23. What are the expected public health ramifications if there are further long-term blackouts? What measures are in place to mitigate any problems?
24. Are there any compensation measures in place for residents and businesses affected by long-term blackouts?
25 November 2008
28. Tree Point Conservation Reserve
As the Tree Point Conservation Reserve on the Gunn Point Peninsula is part of NT Parks:
1. Does the department intend to repair or rebuild the fence which protects the sand dunes at Tree Point from vehicle traffic?
2. How many people have been prosecuted for driving along the foreshore within the boundary of the reserve?
3. What is the maximum fine for driving on the foreshore?
4. The department removed Poinciana trees from within the reserve over 12 months ago. The trees are starting to grow again. What:
- (a) is the department doing to stop the regrowth this year; and
(b) are the plans for future destruction of any regrowth in following years?
5. Are there any plans to station a Parks and Wildlife Ranger temporarily on weekends, or permanently at Tree Point or nearby to this area?
Could you give a breakdown of capital and maintenance expenditure projects carried out on the Tree Point Reserve over the last five years?
1. The 2007-08 annual report recorded the police attrition rate as 9.28% not including dismissals, retirement or deaths. What is the attrition rate if separation due to dismissals, retirement and death are included?
2. What was the reason that there were 6739 less police hours recorded under the Road Safety output group in the 2007-08 year than originally estimated?
NT Police (FTE) Establishments
As of 14 Nov 2008 please provide a complete list of:
1. What was the NT Police establishment (FTE) broken down by rank, command, division and section for the whole of the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services?
2. Personnel actually committed to those positions by rank and gender and actual location?
3. The number of positions that are vacant and length of time those positions have been vacant?
4. How many vacancies there are within the NT Police Force?
5. The location of those vacancies, what position each of those vacancies are, and how long each position has been vacant?
NT Police Staffing
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many police officers (not including those who were dismissed, retired, died or were recruits) left the police force? Would you please break this down under the following categories - fully sworn officer, commissioned officer, auxiliary officer, ACPO.
2. For each of the above categories would you please break them down by rank, gender, position assigned to at time of separation, average length of time in the service and top five reasons for separation.
3. How many police officers left the police force due to dismissal, retirement or death?
4. For each category above (3) please break down by rank, gender, position assigned to at time of separation, average length of time in the service and top five reasons for separation.
5. How many recruits began recruit training, and please categorise by gender?
6. How many recruits did not complete the recruit training course? Please list these for each recruit intake and by gender.
Officer Secondments
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many NT police officers have been seconded to the Emergency Response? Where were those police officers drawn from and what was their primary role prior to becoming part of the Emergency Response?
2. How many NT police officers have been seconded to the AFP? Where were those police officers drawn from and what was their primary role prior to becoming part of the AFP?
3. How many AFP officers have been seconded to the NT Police Force?
4. How many sick leave days were taken by NT Police officers?
5. What was the total amount of compensation paid to NT police officers? Please categorise by psychological, physical or psychological and physical category or other.
Interpreter Services
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many hours of interpreter services were used? Please categorise by region and language.
Discipline Matters
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many members of the police force have been under internal investigation?
2. How many members of the NT Police Force have been suspended for disciplinary reasons?
3. How many members were dismissed from the service due to disciplinary reasons? Please itemise and categorise these cases.
Drink Driving
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many breath testing stations operated in the NT? Please include details of location, hours of operation, number of police officers involved, number of drivers tested, number of drivers recording low BAC readings, number of drivers recording mid BAC readings, number of drivers recording high range readings, number of drivers who recorded positive readings and were driving under a zero blood alcohol conditions, number of drivers who refused to provide a breath sample, and number of drivers who failed to submit to a blood test.
2. How many RBTs were conducted as part of an officer’s routine duties? Please include details of location, number of drivers recording low BAC readings, number of drivers recording mid BAC readings, number of drivers recording high range readings, number of drivers who recorded positive readings and were driving under a zero blood alcohol conditions, number of drivers who refused to provide a breath sample, and number of drivers who failed to submit to a blood test.
3. What is the servicing schedule to ensure the accuracy of the Drager Alcotest 7110?
Drink and Drug Driving
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many fatalities have had drugs other than alcohol as a contributing factor? What drugs were involved in each accident?
2. How many serious accidents have had drugs other than alcohol as a contributing factor? What drugs were involved in each accident?
3. How many drivers have been tested under the ‘drug driving laws’ since they were introduced? Detail the location, type of test (blood or saliva), time of day each of those drivers were tested, and if they were tested for drugs as a result of an accident.
4. How many of the drivers tested under the ‘drug driving laws’ tested positive? How many of those that tested positive were convicted as a result of those tests? In each instance of a positive test what drugs were identified?
Traffic Accidents
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many accidents (non-fatal) were contributed in part or whole to alcohol?
2. Please list all those accidents by actual location, time of day, day of the week, and all contributing factors for each accident.
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. What were the locations and hours of operation for each speed camera throughout the Territory?
Traffic Infringements
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. How many drivers have been issued infringement notices for driving without a seatbelt?
2. How many drivers have been issued infringement notices for driving while talking on a mobile phone?
3. How many traffic infringement notices were issued for each of those cameras?
Protective Custody, Police Horses
and Police Dogs
and Police Dogs
In the 12 months from November 2007:
1. List the number of people taken into protective custody for each police station within the Territory.
2. List the dates, locations, hours of operation and events that have required the use of police horses.
3. List the dates, locations, hours of operation and events that have required the use of police dogs.
28 April 2009
45. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Treasury Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
46. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Business Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
47. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Chief Minister’s Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
49. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Health Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
50. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Justice Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
51. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Local Government Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
52. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Natural Resources, Environment and Heritage Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
53. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Arts and Museums Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
54. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Sport and Recreation Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
56. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Planning and Lands Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
57. Advertising/Information Campaigns – Infrastructure Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
58. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
59. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Regional Development Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
60. Advertising/Information Campaigns - Housing Portfolio
For the years 2007, 2008 and 2009:
1. What advertising or information campaigns have been undertaken by the ministerial portfolio? Please provide the name of each campaign and which companies were engaged to undertake the work.
2. What was the cost of each of these campaigns?
3. Please advise the months in which the expenditure occurred, the medium that was used for the campaign (TV, leaflet, radio) and the amount spent on each medium.
4. What market or other research was undertaken ahead of each campaign; who conducted it; at what cost; and when was it undertaken?
61. Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants Revenue in 2007-08 and 2008-09
According to the 2007-08 Annual Report, the Department of Employment, Education and Training received $146.6m in Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants revenue in 2007-08.
1. What programs are covered by the Specific Purpose Grants?
2. What is the purpose of each of these programs?
3. What is the funding allocation to each of these programs from the Commonwealth and from the Northern Territory?
4. Please itemise how much was spent on each of these programs in 2007-08 and how much remains to be spent.
5. What guidelines, operating practices and reporting have been developed in conjunction with the Commonwealth to expend the received funds?
6. What performance indicators or markers are in place from the Commonwealth or Territory that relate to these monies?
7. What was our performance against these performance indicators or markers in 2007-08?
8. Was any payment returned to the Commonwealth or carried over from 2007-08 to 2008-09?
9. If payments were returned or carried over, in what areas and how much were they?
10. What is the budgeted amount of Commonwealth Specific Purpose Grants to be received in 2008-09 by the Department of Employment, Education and Training?
11. What programs are covered by the 2008-09 budgeted Specific Purpose Grants?
12. What is the allocation to each of these programs for 2008-09?
13. How much of this allocation has been spent by 1 March 2009?
14. What guidelines, operating practices and reporting have been developed in conjunction with the Commonwealth to expend the received funds?
15. Is the department expecting to expend all the funding allocated?
16. If not, in what areas will funding expenditure not be met?
17. Are there any areas within Education, Employment and Training where Commonwealth funding has been provided for either in 2007-08 or 2008-09 where monies have not been allocated to specific purposes?
18. What performance indicators or markers are in place from the Commonwealth or Territory that relate to these monies?
19. What was our performance so far this year against these?
63. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Outsourcing
The NTG Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Outsourcing contract expires in 2010:
1. What operational procedures are in place in relation to ICT to ensure that all @nt.gov.au (NTG) account holders' electronic (e-mail) and voice communication information is secure from misappropriation?
2. What operational procedures are in place to identify the inappropriate distribution of information from NTG account holders through ICT, particularly as it relates to material in confidence?
3. What operational procedures are in place to identify the improper use by NTG account holders of ICT resources, particularly as it relates to accessing inappropriate content or abuse of service?
4. What security and probity checks are completed on persons within the NTG who may access the electronic and voice communication information and data of NTG account holders?
5. What security and probity checks are completed on persons working for providers of ICT services to the NT who have access to NTG account holders' electronic and voice communication information?
6. What physical controls are in place for the security of the storage and transmission of electronic and voice communication?
7. Has any person been identified distributing electronic communication acquired through the monitoring or surveillance of NTG ICT in a way that breaches the confidentiality of that communication?
8. Has any person, within NTG or ICT service provider contractor employees, been disciplined for the inappropriate access of electronic or voice communication from NTG account holders?
9. What positions (including numbers of persons, NTG or ICT provider) have access to the NTG electronic and voice communication for the purpose of implementing and monitoring security of the ICT system?
10. What, if any, additional security practices and activities are proposed for future ICT service delivery?
64. Dwelling/Housing Unit Projections 2001 to 2013
On Wednesday, 4 February 2009, the Chief Minister stated that ‘the Territory government will need to provide 1700 new dwellings of housing per year’.
Subsequently, the government announced the projected release of Bellamack, Johnston, Zuccoli and Mitchell, noting 150 blocks in 2009; 850 blocks in 2010; 670 blocks in 2011; 800 blocks in 2012 and 1300 blocks, 2013 and later.
1. What was the population increase for the Northern Territory in each calendar year from 2001 to 2008?
2. How many dwellings were constructed in the Northern Territory in each calendar year from 2001 to 2008?
3. At the end of each year, 2001 to 2008, what was the number of dwellings approved for construction but not commenced?
4. What is the projected population increase in the Northern Territory each year for the period 2009 to 2012?
5. What is the occupation density figure (number of people per unit of dwelling) used to calculate the number of additional dwellings required in the 4 February 2009 statement?
6. What variations, if any, are used in calculating the occupation density to account for differences in the type of dwelling counted or for any local or regional effect?
7. What proportion in the estimate of 1700 housing units are for stand alone (single occupancy use) dwellings?
8. What proportion of all blocks to be released in the years 2009 to 2012 are for stand alone (single occupancy use) dwellings?
9. What, if any, additional land is proposed to be released in each year 2009 to 2013 to meet the demand for 1700 housing units?
65. Indigenous Housing for the Territory: Closing the Gap Program
In regard to the Prime Ministerial statement on Closing the Gap in the Commonwealth parliament on the 26 February 2009.
1. The Prime Minister in his statement said that since the end of 2007 there are 80 new houses built or nearing completion for Indigenous people in the Territory. Please advise:
- (a) in what locations these houses have been built;
- (b) how many have been built in each location;
- (c) what was the cost of each of these dwellings; and
- (d) were these houses new or were they refitting/renovating existing homes.
2. The Prime Minister said in his Closing the Gap speech that 4200 new houses for Indigenous people nationwide would be built. Please advise:
- (a) how many of these new houses will be built in the Northern Territory;
(b) in what locations will they be built (please specify each community);
- (c) what are the numbers to be built in each location;
- (d) in what time frame will these houses be completed, ie, how many will be completed in financial years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 etcetera;
- (e) what is the budgeted cost for each of the houses;
- (f) what is the population of each of these communities;
(g) how many houses are already in these communities; and
- (h) is the Territory government providing any additional funding to this housing?
3. The Prime Minister also said in his Closing the Gap speech that 4800 houses would be upgraded. Please advise:
- (a) how many of these will be in the Territory;
- (b) in what locations will upgrades take place (please specify each community);
- (c) how many upgrades will take place in each location;
- (d) in what time frame will these house upgrades take place; ie, how many will be completed in financial years 2009-10, 2010-11, 2011-12 etcetera;
- (e) what is the budgeted cost for each of the house upgrades; and
- (f) what is the percentage of total housing stock in these individual communities that is being upgraded?
66. Contract reference D08-0562 – Alice Springs, Darwin, Katherine, Tennant Creek – Provision of Tenancy Sustainability and Support Program for a Period of 12 months
1. The above contract to the value of $2 201 380.00 was awarded to four different organisations. Please advise:
- (a) the amount per individual contractor; and
- (b) what is the scope of work for each contractor?
2. The first successful organisation listed in Tenders Online as at 25/02/09 states ‘incorporated association (under the Aboriginal Associations Act)’. What is the name of this association?
3. The fourth listed in Tenders Online as at the 25/02/09 states ‘Other Unincorporated Identity - Centrecare NT’, yet, in page 7 of the NT Government Gazette No G9 of 2009 the list states Larrakia Inc. Can you please explain the discrepancy?
4. Can you confirm who the fourth contractor is?
5 May 2009
67. Nursing Staff Numbers
For details of this question see Attachment A on following page.
WRITTEN QUESTIONS – Not Answered by 19 June 2009
- DHF - NURSING STAFF – FTE Based on DHF Payroll reports
HOSPITAL | CURRENT FTE (Pay 19 2009) | CURRENT AGENCY FTE (Pay 19 2009) | Target FTE | FULL YEAR AVERAGE FTE (not including Agency FTE) | FTE - SAME PAY LAST YEAR |
RDH | |||||
ASH | |||||
KDH | |||||
TCH | |||||
GDH | |||||
Other | |||||
- History of FTE
HOSPITAL | Pay 19 2005 | Pay 19 2006 | Pay 19 2007 | Pay 19 2008 | Pay 19 2009 | TURNOVER for year to 31 March 2008 | STABILITY for year to 31st March 2008 |
RDH | |||||||
ASH | |||||||
KDH | |||||||
TCH | |||||||
GDH | |||||||
Other | |||||||
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016