Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1992-09-23

Sixth Assembly First Session 22/09/1992 Parliamentary Record No. 12

Date : 23/09/1992

The Assembly met at 10.00 a.m., pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker, the Honourable N.M. Dondas, took the Chair.


Mr Reed presented a petition from 690 citizens of the Northern Territory requesting the Assembly to ensure that the Rocky Ridge Nursing Home in Katherine remains operational.
Petition read.

The following notice was given:
Mr Parish: To move - That - this Assembly censure the Minister for Industries and Development for the incompetent manner in
which he handled the operation and sale of Dalway Pty Limited.

The Leader of Government Business (Mr Setter) informed the Assembly that the Government, pursuant to Standing Order 95,
accepted the notice of motion as a censure motion.
The Member for Millner (Mr Parish) thereupon moved - That this Assembly censure the Minister for Industries and Development
for the incompetent manner in which he handled the operation and sale of Dalway Pty Limited.
Debate ensued.
The Chief Minister (Mr Perron) moved - That the question be now put.
Question - That the question be now put - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. N.M. Dondas, in the Chair) -

AYES, 14 NOES, 10

Mr Coulter Mr Bailey
Mr Dondas Mr Bell
Mr Finch Mr Cartwright
Mr Hatton Mr Collins
Mr Manzie Mr Ede
Mr McCarthy Mrs Hickey
Mr Ortmann Mr Lanhupuy
Mr Palmer Mrs Padgham-Purich
Mr Perron Mr Parish
Mr Poole Mr Stirling
Mr Reed
Mr Setter
Mr Stone
Mr Vale

And so it was resolved in the affirmative.

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Wednesday 23 September 1992

Question - That the motion be agreed to - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. N.M. Dondas, in the Chair) -

AYES, 10 NOES, 14

Mr Bailey Mr Coulter
Mr Bell Mr Dondas
Mr Cartwright Mr Finch
Mr Collins Mr Hatton
Mr Ede Mr Manzie
Mrs Hickey Mr McCarthy
Mr Lanhupuy Mr Ortmann
Mrs Padgham-Purich Mr Palmer
Mr Parish Mr Perron
Mr Stirling Mr Poole
Mr Reed
Mr Setter
Mr Stone
Mr Vale

Motion negatived accordingly.
Suspension of sitting: The sitting was suspended between 11.54 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.

The following further notices were given:
Mr Manzie: To present the Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Amendment Bill 1992 (Serial 177).
Mr Manzie: To present the Financial Transaction Reports Bill 1992 (Serial 178).

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time -
Debate resumed.
Question - put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
The Assembly, according to Order, resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Bill.
In the Committee
(Chairman - Mr Poole)
(4.08 p.m.)

Clauses 1 to 4, by leave, taken together and agreed to.
Clause 5 read.
The Member for Millner (Mr Parish), by leave, moved the following amendments together -

Omit from paragraph (d) of proposed section 6(1) all words after "3 names submitted by" and insert in their stead "by the
Central Australia Tourist Association or its successor".

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Wednesday 23 September 1992

Omit from paragraph (e) of proposed section 6(1) all words after "3 names submitted by" and insert in their stead
"by the Darwin Region Tourist Association or its successor".

Omit from paragraph (f) of proposed section 6(1) all words after "3 names submitted by" and insert in their stead
"by the Katherine Region Tourist Association or its successor".

Omit from paragraph (g) of proposed section 6(1) all words after "3 names submitted by" and insert in their stead
"by the Tennant Creek Region Tourist Association or its successor".

Debate ensued.
Amendments negatived.
Clause 5 agreed to.
Clause 6 read.
Mr Parish moved the following amendment -

Omit "2 years" and insert in its stead "3 years".

Debate ensued.
Amendment negatived.
Clause 6 agreed to.
Clauses 7 to 14, by leave, taken together and agreed to.
Clause 15 read.
Mr Parish moved the following amendment -

Omit paragraph (b).

Debate ensued.
Amendment negatived.
Mr Parish moved the following further amendment -

Omit proposed subsection (1A) and insert in its stead the following:

"(1A) The Minister may appoint a person to be chief executive officer.".

Debate ensued.
Amendment negatived.
Mr Parish moved the following further amendment -

Omit from proposed subsection (1B) "the Commission after consultation with".

Debate ensued.
Mr Parish, by leave, withdrew the amendment and moved the following amendment -

Insert in proposed section 21(1B), after "consultation" the words "and agreement".

Amendment agreed to.
Clause 15, as amended, agreed to.
Remainder of the Bill, by leave, taken as a whole and agreed to.
Bill, as amended, agreed to.
Bill to be reported with an amendment. (4.48 p.m.)

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Wednesday 23 September 1992

The Speaker (Mr Dondas) resumed the Chair; the Chairman (Mr Poole) reported that the Committee had considered the Bill and had agreed to the same with an amendment; and the report was adopted.
On the motion of the Minister for Tourism (Mr Vale) the Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed law.

8. APPROPRIATION BILL 1992-93 (Serial 163):
The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time -
Debate resumed.
Question - put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
The Assembly, according to Order, resolved itself into Committee of the Whole for the consideration of the Bill.
In the Committee
(Chairman - Mr Poole)
(5.20 p.m.)

In accordance with Standing Order 188, the Committee first considered Schedule 2.
Question - That Schedule 2 be considered division by division -
Debate ensued.
Question - put and passed.
Ordered - That Schedule 2 be considered division by division.
Schedule 2 -
Appropriation for Division 14 -
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Chief Minister (Mr Perron) laid on the Table the following Paper -

. Answer to Service-wide Question 1 - Number of Staff at EO1 and Equivalent and Above.

Debate continued.
Paper tabled: Mr Perron laid on the Table the following Paper -

. Amounts spent on Travel Allowance.

Debate continued.
Paper tabled: Mr Perron laid on the Table the following Paper -

. Answer to Service-wide Question 4 - Cars Home Garaged.

Debate continued.
Paper tabled: Mr Perron laid on the Table the following Paper -

. Answer to Service-wide Question 5 - Fringe Benefits Tax.

Debate continued.
Papers tabled: Mr Perron laid on the Table the following Papers -

. Number of Work Health Claims;
. Number of Work Health Claims Settled 1991-92;

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Wednesday 23/Thursday 24 September 1992 AM

. Number of Work Health Claims on Stress Related Grounds 1991-92; and
. Number of Employees on Work Health Benefits Terminated in 1991-92.

Debate ensued.
Appropriation for Division 14 agreed to.
Appropriation for Division 15 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 11 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 10 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 50 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 16 -
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: Mr Perron laid on the Table the following Paper -

. Staffing establishment and actual numbers of Police on duty.

Appropriation for Division 16 agreed to.
Appropriation for Division 25 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 26 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 24 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 21 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 29 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 45 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 56 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 59 agreed to, after debate.
Appropriation for Division 55 -
Debate ensued.
And the Assembly having continued to sit until 12 midnight - THURSDAY 24 SEPTEMBER 1992, A.M.

Debate continued.
The Leader of Government Business (Mr Setter) moved - That the Chairman do report progress and ask leave to sit again.
Question - put and passed.
The Speaker (Mr Dondas) resumed the Chair; the Chairman (Mr Poole) reported accordingly; and the report was adopted.

The Leader of Government Business (Mr Setter), pursuant to Standing Order 225, moved -

(1) That at 10.00 a.m. this day, the Assembly resolve itself again into Committee for further consideration of the Appropriation
Bill 1992-93 (Serial 163); and

(2) That this sitting of the Assembly be suspended till 10.00 a.m. this day.

The Leader of the Opposition (Mr Ede), by leave, moved the following amendments together -

Omit from paragraph (1) "10.00 a.m.", and insert "11.00 a.m."; and

MINUTES OF PROCEEDINGS - Wednesday 23/Thursday 24 September 1992 AM

At the end of the motion add the following new paragraph -

"(3) At 10.00 a.m. the Assembly proceed with its ordinary routine of Business until the completion of questions.".

Question - That the amendments be agreed to - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. N.M. Dondas, in the Chair) -

AYES, 8 NOES, 14

Mr Bailey Mr Coulter
Mr Bell Mr Dondas
Mr Cartwright Mr Finch
Mr Collins Mr Hatton
Mr Ede Mr Manzie
Mrs Hickey Mr McCarthy
Mr Parish Mr Ortmann
Mr Stirling Mr Palmer
Mr Perron
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
Mr Setter
Mr Stone
Mr Vale

Amendments negatived accordingly.
Debate resumed.
Question - put and passed.
Suspension of sitting: The sitting was suspended between 12.27 a.m. and 10.00 a.m. this day.

Last updated: 04 Aug 2016