Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1995-05-23

Seventh Assembly First Session 23/05/1995 Parliamentary Record No. 11

Date : 23/05/1995

INDEX TO MINUTES - 16 May - 25 May 1995



Sitting Day Nos 27-32

From To Pages
16 May 1995 25 May 1995 229 - 288

D = Discharged
N = Negatived
P = Passed
* = Opposition Bill

Serial 74 Agents Licensing Amendment 1995 241P
80 Appropriation 1995-96 244,262
79 Business Franchise Amendment 1995 285,287P
89 Consumer Credit (Northern Territory) 1995 286
87 Control of Roads Amendment 1995 285
77 Energy Resource Consumption Levy Amendment 1995 285,287P
68 Juvenile Justice Amendment 1995 241P
63 Lands Acquisition Amendment 1995 241P
66 Liquefied Petroleum Gas (Subsidy) Act Repeal 1995 241P
84 Local Government Amendment 1995 285
65 Mining Assistance Act Repeal 1995 241P
71 Motor Vehicles Amendment 1995 236
83 Northern Territory Electoral 1995 285
75 Ombudsman (Northern Territory) Amendment 1995 260, 263/4, 286/7P
76 Racing and Betting Amendment 1995 274P
44 Retirement Villages Bill 1994 247-258P
67 Rights of the Terminally Ill 1995 268-280P
69 Road Transport Charges (Northern Territory) 1995 236
70 Road Transport Reform (Vehicles and Traffic) (Northern Territory) 1995 236
85 Sentencing 1995 239,246
86 Statute Law Revision 1995 258,262
78 Stamp Duty Amendment 1995 284, 287P
81 Trade Measurement Administration Amendment 1995 232, 240
82 Trustee Amendment 1995 232, 240
61 Work Health Amendment 1995 258-260P

    Serial 9 Sentencing Bill 1994 246
    10 Sentencing (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1994 246

    COMMONWEALTH DAY MESSAGE 1995(Paper 1681) 234

        Mr Nick Dondas, former Speaker of the Assembly from 1989 to 1994 and
          Member of this House from 1974 to 1994 232
        Mr James Muirhead AC, QC former Administrator of the Northern Territory,
        and Mrs Margaret Muirhead 243
    Wednesday 24 May 1995 260

    Mr Lanhupuy, 25 May 1995 284

    No. 11, Assent to proposed Laws (Mr Speaker) (Paper 1961) 229
    No. 12, Assent to proposed Laws (Mr Speaker) (Paper 1962) 230
    No. 13, Appropriation Bill 1995-96 (Mr Speaker) (Paper 1793) 243
    No. 14, Statute Law Revision Act 1995 (Mr Speaker) (Paper 1794) 261

    MOTIONS (Procedural)
    Leave denied Mr Bell to move amendment to Rights of Terminally Ill Bill 1995 273
    Suspension of Standing Orders
    Allow Mr Bell to move motion to take Committees stages later of the
    Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 269
    Pass Bill through all stages -
    Business Franchise Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 79) 285
    Energy Resource Consumption Levy Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 77) 285
    Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 78) 284
    Take three Bills together -
    Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 78); Energy Resource
    Consumption Levy Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 77) and Business
    Franchise Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 79) 287
    Take two Bills together -
    Northern Territory Electoral Bill 1995 (Serial 83) and Local
    Government Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 84) 285
    Want of Confidence - Mr Ede to move 233
        MOTIONS (Substantive)
    “A Northern Territory Bill of Rights”, Sessional Committee on
    Constitutional Development -
    Print (Mr Hatton) 284
    Note paper (Mr Hatton) 284
    Anti-social Behaviour in Urban Areas (Mr Reed) - Note statement 239
    Commercialisation of Government Business Divisions within Department of
    Transport and Works (Mr Manzie) - Note statement 245
    Council of Australian Governments Meeting and National Surveys of Northern
    Territory Statehood (Mr Perron) - Note statement 235
        Ethnic Affairs in the Northern Territory , role of Office (Mr Stone) -
        Note statement 284
    Kakadu National Park, Planning and Management of (Mr Coulter) 245
        Pastoral Land Board, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Hatton) - Note paper 240
    Select Committee on Euthanasia -
    Note Report “The Right of the Individual or the Common Good” Vol 1 234
    Print Report “The Right of the Individual or the Common Good” Vol 1
    (Mr Poole) 235
    Print Submissions Vol 3 (Mr Poole) 234
    Sessional Committee on the Environment
    Extension of time for reporting on Mary River Wetlands reference (Dr Lim) 234
    Note Report into Mary River Wetlands (Dr Lim) 240
    Print Report into Mary River Wetlands (Dr Lim) 240
    Print submissions and transcripts, Mary River Wetlands (Dr Lim) 240
    Reference “Recent reports of oil spillage associated with mining operations
    on Groote Eylandt” - negatived (Mr Rioli) 262, 280
    Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill - draft Bill -
    Note paper (Mr Coulter) 286
    Urban Housing Strategy for Aboriginal Housing (Mr Hatton) - Note statement 235
    Want of Confidence - Leadership of Government (Mr Ede) 233

    Sessional Committee on the Environment -
    Reference “Recent reports of oil spillage associated with mining
          operations on Groote Eylandt” - negatived 262
    Want of Confidence in Government - Leadership of Government (Mr Ede) 233
      A Northern Territory Bill of Rights” by Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development (Mr Hatton)(Paper 1820) 284
      Aboriginal Urban Housing -
          Discussion Paper, Northern Territory Urban Housing Strategy for Aboriginal
          People, Department of Lands, Housing and Local Government
            (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1702) 235
          Brochure, Summary of Discussion Paper, Northern Territory Urban
          Housing Strategy for Aboriginal People, Department of Lands,
          Housing and Local Government (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1660) 236
          Your Guide to the NT Urban Housing Strategy for Aboriginal People,
          Discussion Paper, Department of Lands, Housing and Local
          Government (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1661) 236
      Annual Reports
          Northern Territory Grain Marketing Board, 1993-94 (Paper 1664) 236
          Northern Territory University, 1994 (Paper 1824) 288
          Pastoral Land Board, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Hatton)
          (Paper 1662) 240
          Australian Electoral Commission, Annual Return by the Agent of Registered
          Political Party, Australian Labor Party, dated 16 November 1994
          (Mr Coulter)(Paper 1826) 283
          Budget Papers -
          No. 1, 1995-96 - Budget Speech and Appropriation Bill (Mr Coulter)
          (Paper 1768) 244
          No. 2, 1995-96 - The Budget (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1769) 244
          No. 3, 1995-96 - Sources of Funds (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1770) 244
          No. 4, 1995-96 - Public Sector Assets and Liabilities (Mr Coulter)
          (Paper 1771) 244
          No. 5, 1995-96 - Issues in Public Finance (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1772) 244
          No. 6, 1995-96 - Northern Territory Economy (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1773) 244
          Guide through the Budget Papers, May 1995 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1767) 244
          1995-96, Budget and Proposed Capital Works, Regional Highlights, Darwin
          (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1775) 244
          1995-96, Budget and Proposed Capital Works, Regional Highlights,
          Palmerston and Rural (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1778) 244
          1995-96, Budget and Proposed Capital Works, Regional Highlights,
          Katherine (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1771) 244
          1995-96, Budget and Proposed Capital Works, Regional Highlights, Arnhem
          and Tiwi Islands (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1776) 244
          1995-96, Budget and Proposed Capital Works, Regional Highlights, Tennant
          Creek (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1779) 244
          1995-96, Budget and Proposed Capital Works, Regional Highlights, Alice
          Springs, (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1774) 244
          1995-96, Women in the Budget, May 1995 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1780) 244
          Communique, Council of Australian Governments Meeting, dated 11 April 1995
          (Mr Perron) (Paper 1683) 235
      Community Government Scheme
      Cox Peninsula Community Government Scheme (Paper 1677) 236
          Crown Lands Act
          Revocation of Reserves Nos 1614, 1604, 1584 and 1481, Cape
          Hotham/Marrakai Area, pursuant to section 76(7) (Paper 509) 236
          Affidavit of Carol J. Gill, PhD, Cause No. 94-6467-TC in the United States
          District Court for the District of Oregon, dated 11 June 1994
          (Paper 1819) 269
          Form, Certified Copy of an Entry in the Register of Deaths (Dr Lim)
          (Paper 1710) 235
          Form, Medical Certificate of Cause of Death - Form A (Dr Lim) (Paper 1711) 235
          Interim Report, Summary of Findings, Poll of Public Opinion, Northern
          Territory, prepared for Dr Chris Wake, Coalition against Euthanasia, by
          Mrs Ann Bentley, Market Research Services, dated 17 May 1995
            (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1816) 269
          Submission to Select Committee on Euthanasia, Legislative Assembly of the
          Northern Territory, by Dr Brian Pollard, FANZCA, Grad Cert Bioeth,
          dated 13 March 1995 (Paper 1817) 269
          “Velcro on the slippery slope: the role of psychiatry in active
          voluntary euthanasia” by Christopher Ryan (Paper 1818) 269
          Financial Management Act
          Statement under section 19(4) - Increase of Treasurer’s Advance, signed by
          the Administrator, dated 30 March 1995 (Paper 1678) 236
          Gaming Control Act
          Agreement between the Northern Territory of Australia and Morris
          International Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 060 767 928), dated 31 January 1995
          (Paper 1679) 236
          Graph, Debt Finance and Own-Source Revenue (Proportion of Total Sources
          of Funds), 1985/86 - 1995/96 (Mr Setter) (Paper 1802) 263
          Graph, Gross Interest Payments to Total Revenue 1994/95 (est) (Mr Setter)
          (Paper 1803) 263
          Graph, Litchfield/Kakadu Visitation v Entry Fees (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1703) 233
          Graph, Net Debt to Gross State Product, 1987 - 1995 (est) (Mr Setter)
          (Paper 1805) 263
          Graph, Net Interest to Net Revenue 1994/95 (Mr Setter) (Paper 1800) 263
          Graph, Northern Territory Construction and Building Expenditure,
          excluding R&M, 1990-91 to 1995-96 (Mr Manzie) (Paper 1799) 263
          Graph, Northern Territory Gross and Net Debt, 1986 - 1995, (Mr Setter)
          (Paper 1804) 263
          Graph, Own-Source Revenue to Total Revenue, 1985/86 - 1995/96 (Mr Setter)
          (Paper 1801) 263
          Kakadu National Park, Planning -
          Graph, Litchfield/Kakadu Visitation v Entry Fees, 1989 to 1994
            (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1784) 245
          Kit, Invitation to Comment Kit, Kakadu National Owners, Australian
          Native Conservation Agency (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1786) 245
          “Different view of Rock” Comment by John Loizou, Sunday Territorian,
          dated 30 October 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1788) 246
          Maintaining the Balance - Territory Labor’s Environment Strategy
          (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1785) 245
          Letter, Hon P. A. E. Everingham, MLA, Chief Minister to Mr Gerard Blitner,
          Chairman, Northern Land Council, dated 11 May 1981 (Mr Rioli)
          (Paper 1787) 246
          Letter, Senator John Faulkner, Minister for the Environment, Sport and
          Territories to Ms Sharon Mulholland, General Manager, Northern
          Territory Tourist Commission, dated 4 January 1995 (Mr Coulter)
          (Paper 1791) 245
          Letter, Hon S. P. Hatton, MLA, Minister for Aboriginal Development to
          Mr N. Bell, MLA, Member for Macdonnell, dated 24 February 1993
          (Mr Rioli) (Paper 1792) 246
          Letter, Sharon Mulholland, Managing Director, Northern Territory Tourist
          Commission to Dr A. J. Press, Executive Director, Australian Nature
          Conservation Agency, dated 17 November 1994
            (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1789) 245
          Letter, Sharon Mulholland, Managing Director, Northern Territory Tourist
          Commission to Mr Brian Barruwei, Chairman, Kakadu National Park,
          dated 28 November 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1790) 245
          Letter, Dr E. Borst-Eilers, the Minister of Health, Welfare and Sport,
          The Netherlands, dated 24 May 1995 (Mr Poole)(Paper 1825) 283
          Letter, Hon P. J. Keating, MP, to Hon M. B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister,
          dated 25 July 1994 (Mr Perron) (Paper 1704) 232
          Letter, Hon P. J. Keating, MP, Prime Minister, to Hon M. B. Perron, MLA,
          Chief Minister, dated 13 February 1995 (Mr Perron) (Paper 1706) 232
          Letter, Hon M. B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister, to Hon P. J. Keating, MP,
          Prime Minister, dated 25 October 1993 (Mr Perron) (Paper 1705) 232
          Letter, Hon M. B. Perron, MLA, to Hon P. J. Keating, MLA, Prime Minister,
          dated 27 July 1994 (Mr Perron) (Paper 1709) 232
          Letter, Hon M. B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister, to Hon P. J. Keating, MP,
          Prime Minister, dated 21 February 1995 (Mr Perron) (Paper 1707) 232
          Letter, Hon M. B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister to Hon P. J. Keating, MP,
          Prime Minister, dated 27 April 1995 (Paper 1708) and the following attachments-
          Letter, John Clarke, Acting Chief Executive Officer to National Native Title
          Tribunal, dated 11 July 1994; Letter, Patricia Lane, Registrar, National
          Native Title Tribunal, to Mr John Clarke, Office of Traditional Land Use,
          dated 29 July 1994; Letter, Mr John Clarke, Acting Chief Executive
          Officer, to Registrar of National Native Claims, dated 4 August 1994;
          Letter, Patricia Lane, Registrar, National Native Title Tribunal, to
          Mr John Clarke, Acting Chief Executive Officer, Office of Traditional
          Land Use, dated 24 August 1994 ; Letter, Mr John Clarke, Acting Chief
          Executive Officer, to Registrar of National Native Claims, National Native
          Title Tribunal, dated 22 August 1994; Letter, Allan Padger, Case Manager,
          National Native Title Tribunal, to Mr J. Clarke, Acting Chief Executive
          Officer, Office of Traditional Land Use, dated 23 August 1994; and Letter,
          Kim Guthrie, Acting Manager, Land Claims Mapping Unit (WALIS), to
          National Native Title Tribunal, dated 21 February 1995.
          (Mr Perron) (Paper 1708) 232
          Map, Lake Amadeus Land Claim (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1714) 239
          Northern Territory Statehood Study, Main Findings, dated March 1995
          (Paper 1687) 235
          Ombudsman (Northern Territory) Act
          Appointment of Peter Allen Lyle Boyce to hold Office of Ombudsman for
          period 27 March 1995 to 26 March 2000 (inclusive) by the Administrator,
          pursuant to section 4(3), dated 24 March 1995 (Paper 1680) 237
          Plan of Management
          Elsey National Park (Paper 1798) 265
          Elsey National Park, Summary of Public Representations (Paper 1797) 265
          Qualitative Assessment: Community Attitude towards Northern Territory
          Statehood (Mr Perron) (Paper 1686) 235
      Regulations 1995
          No. 5, Amendment of Racing and Betting Regulations (Paper 1665) 237
          No. 6, Amendment of Anti-Discrimination Regulations (Paper 1666) 237
          No. 7, Gaming Control (Commission Procedures) Regulations (Paper 1667) 237
          No. 8, Gaming Control (Gaming Machines) Regulations (Paper 1668) 237
          No. 9, Gaming Control (Licensing) Regulations (Paper 1669) 237
          No. 10, Financial Management Regulations (Paper 1670) 237
          No. 11, Amendments of Domestic Violence Regulations (Paper 1671) 237
          No. 12, Amendment to the Housing Assistance Schemes Regulations
          (Paper 1672) 237
          No. 13, Amendments of Domestic Violence Regulations (Paper 1673) 237
          No. 14, Procurement Regulations (Paper 1674) 237
          No. 15, Amendment of Misuse of Drugs Regulations (Paper 1675) 237
          No. 16, Amendments of Mine Management Regulations (Paper 1676) 237
          Remuneration Tribunal
          Report and Recommendation No. 1 of 1995, Magistrates of the
        Northern Territory (Paper 1823) 288
          Select Committee on Euthanasia -
          “The Right of the Individual or the Common Good?”, Volume One, Report
          of the Inquiry by the Select Committee on Euthanasia, May 1995
          (Dr Lim)(Paper 510) 234
          Written Submissions – Volume Three–
            Part A: 001 to 304 (Dr Lim) (Paper 1637) 234
            Part B: 305 to 664 (Dr Lim) (Paper 1638) 234
            Part C: 665 to 915 (Dr Lim) (Paper 1639) 234
            Part D: 916 to 1126 (Dr Lim) (Paper 1640) 234
          Sessional Committee on the Environment -
          Report Into Mary River System (Dr Lim) (Paper 1766) 240
          Submissions (Dr Lim) (Papers 1717-1734) 240
          Transcripts of evidence taken .(Dr Lim) (Papers 1735-1765) 240
          “Strong Support for Northern Territory Statehood throughout Australia”,
          Newspoll, dated 2 April 1995 (Mr Perron) (Paper 1684) 235
          “Territorians Favour Statehood”, Newspoll, dated 7 April 1995 (Mr Perron)
          (Paper 1685) 235
          Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill - draft Bill -
          (Mr Coulter) (Paper 1821) 286
          “The Impact of Implementing the Hilmer Report on the National and State
          Economies” by John R. Madden, Centre for Regional Economic Analysis,
          The University of Tasmania, dated 21 March 1995 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1712) 235
      Mr Bell 268
      Mr Ede 240

          Acquire Lots 4582 and 4591, Aralia Street, Nightcliff, to preserve the original
          rainforest on that land and create a park to be maintained by the Darwin City
          Council (1861 signatures) (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1690) 231
          Alice Springs Hospital Chaplain, Funding (1142 petitioners) (Dr Lim)
          (Paper 1696) 231
          Channel 10 Television Service to Tennant Creek residents
          (632 petitioners) (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 1782) 243
          Palliative care specialists and hospices funding for the terminally ill in
          the Northern Territory (25 petitioners) (Mr Adamson) (Paper 1697) 231
          Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 1995 - No
          (25 petitioners) (Dr Lim) (Paper 1695) 231
          (34 petitioners) (Mr Adamson) (Paper 1699) 232
          (68 petitioners) (Mr Rioli) (Paper 1700) 232
          (896 petitioners) (Mr Adamson) (Paper 1806) 267
          Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 1995 - No, and Implement best
          practice palliative care facilities in the Northern Territory
          (28 signatures)(Dr Lim)(Paper 1694) 231
          (112 signatures) (Mr Burke) (Paper 1693) 231
          (33 signatures) (Mr Stirling) (Paper 1689) 231
          (21 petitioners) (Mrs Braham) (Paper 1716) 239
          (36 petitioners) (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 1783) 243
          (100 petitioners) (Mr Adamson) (Paper 1698 231
          (55 petitioners) (Mr Adamson) (Paper 1796) 261
          (263 petitioners) (Mr Adamson) (Paper 1807) 267
          (714 petitioners) (Mr Adamson) (Paper 1808) 267
          (61 petitioners) (Mr Baldwin) (Paper 1809) 267
          (303 petitioners) (Dr Lim) (Paper 1810) 267
          (123 petitioners) (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 1811) 268
          (320 petitioners) (Mr Stone) (Paper 1813) 268
          (26 petitioners) (Mr Stone) (Paper 1814) 268
          (11) petitioners (Mr Stone) (Paper 1815) 268
          Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 1995 Refer to a Select Committee
          (32 petitioners) (Mr Mitchell) (Paper 1701) 232
          Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill 1995 - Yes
          (2238 signatures) (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (Paper 1688) 231
          Stuart Park Shops antisocial behaviour (124 petitioners) (Mr Stone)
          (Paper 1812) 268
          Swimming Pool and Spa Fencing (3039 petitioners) (Mr Stone)
          (Paper 1795) 261
          Ward system of local government in Alice Springs
          (58 petitioners) (Mrs Braham) (Paper 1715) 239
          Alleged misleading of the Assembly by the Minister for Education and
          Training - request for referral to Committee of Privileges (Mr Bailey) 283
          Chief Minister (Mr Perron) and Member for Fannie Bay, notification of 267

      Antisocial Behaviour in Urban Areas (Mr Reed) (Paper 1713) 239
          Broadcast and Televising of Budget Speech. (Mr McCarthy) 243
      Commercialisation of Government Business Division within the Department of
      Transport and Works (Mr Manzie) (Paper 1781) 245
      Council of Australian Governments Meeting and National Surveys of Northern
      Territory Statehood (Mr Perron) (Paper 1682) 235
          Ethnic Affairs in the Northern Territory , role of Office (Mr Stone) (Paper 1822) 284
      Urban Housing Strategy for Aboriginal Housing (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1663) 235

      Bathurst Island, adult students 267
      Darwin High School, Year 9 Social Education students 267
      Darwin High School, Year 12 English as Second Language students and their
          teacher, Ms Mary Noble 233
          Essington school students and teachers Ms Fiona Shanahan and Ms Cheryl
          Pridham 261
          Joy Anderson Centre, members 239, 243
          Katherine senior citizens 261
          Ms Leanne Manski, NT Public Speaking Champion 232
          Millner Primary School, Year 7 students and their teacher Mrs Marilyn Barter 239
          Millner Primary School, Year 7 students and their teacher Ms Caroline Booth 283
          Nakara Primary School students from Year 7A and &B and their teachers
          Maria Albion and Ron Bibby 243
          Palmerston Christian School, Years 5,6 and 7 and teacher Mr Terry Mills 283
          Mrs Cherry Perron 232, 243
          Probus and Rotary Club members 239, 267
          Mr Phil Purich, former Member of the Legislative Council 283
          Xavier Community Education Centre, Bathurst Island students and their
          teachers Mr Rex Davies, Ms Alison Last, Mr Victor Punguatji and Mr Rex
          Mukwankumi 261
      Yuendumu Community Education Centre and Assistant Principal,
          Mr Ed Williams 284

      Leadership of Government (Mr Ede) 233
      Last updated: 04 Aug 2016