Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1995-10-10

Seventh Assembly First Session 10/10/1995 Parliamentary Record No. 15

Date : 10/10/1995

From To Pages
10 October 1995 19 October 1995 367 - 411

      Opposition portfolio responsibilities 373
BILLS (Alphabetical)

D = Discharged
N = Negatived
P = Passed
* = Opposition Bill
      Serial 109 Abattoirs and Slaughtering Amendment 1995 401
          106 Brands Amendment Bill 1995 396
      116 Classification of Publications and Films
      Amendment 1995 399, 409
      108 Community Welfare Amendment Bill 1995 388
          94 Conservation Commission Amendment Bill 1995 382-383P
          112 Criminal Code Amendment 1995 399, 409
          107 Criminal Code Amendment (No. 2) 1995 388
          110 Criminal Code Amendment (No. 4) 1995 399,.409
          102 Gaming Control Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1995 371-373P
          101 Gaming Machine Bill 1995 371-373P
          104 Lands Acquisition Amendment (No. 2) 1995 399,.408
          114 Northern Territory Products Symbol
          Amendment 1995 402, 410P
          95 Parks and Wildlife Commission (Consequential
Amendments) 1995 382-383P
117 Poisons and Dangerous Drugs Amendment
(No. 2) 1995 399, 409
118 Private Security 1995 399, 409
          96 Racing and Betting Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1995 388P
          92 Stamp Duty Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1995 389P
          103 Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 1995 381-382P
          105 Summary Offences Amendment Bill 1995 388
      97 Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 1995 389P
      115 Trustee Amendment (No. 2) 1995 399, 409

Mr Nick Dondas, former Member and Speaker of the
legislative Assembly 391
Honourable Kevin Lyons, former Speaker, Deputy Premier
and Minister of the Tasmanian House of Assembly 399
      Mr Marshall Perron, a former Member of this Assembly
      from 1974 to 1995; and Chief Minister from 1988 to 1995 368

      Ist Armoured Regiment, presentation to Parliament (Mr Speaker) 368
      Mr Ah Kit, 12 October 1995 385
      Aboriginal Homelessness in Katherine (Ms Martin) 387
      Enterprise agreement for teachers (Mr Stirling) 401
      Power and Water Authority, asset management (Mrs Hickey) 396

      Mr J Bailey, 10 October 1995, 24 hours 368
      Mr John Leonard Ah Kit 367

      No. 16, Assent to proposed Laws (Mr Speaker) (Paper 1956) 377

      Censure of Chief Minister (Mr Stone) re use of race as
      campaign tactic in Arnhem By Election ( Mr Ede) 368
      Censure Minister for Health Services (Mr Reed) re Methadone Program 379
      Dissent from Speakers Ruling re remarks by Deputy
      Chief Minister (Mr Reed) 369
      Refer matter of alleged misleading of the Legislative Assembly by
      Mr Finch re Modular Medical Products to Committee of Privileges 395

      MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Leave denied Mr Bailey to make a selective quote of unpublished
      evidence presented to the Public Accounts Committee 408
      Leave denied Mr Bailey to move motion to have Public Accounts
      Committee reports considered separately 407
      Leave denied Mr Bailey to pass documents to the Chief Minister 408
      Leave denied Mr Bailey to present papers re Modular Medical Products 385
      Leave denied Mr Coulter to move motion re Howard Springs Forrest 387
      Suspend Standing Orders
      Allow Mr Bailey to move motion to have Public Accounts Committee
      reports considered separately 408
      MOTIONS (Procedural) (cont)
      Suspend Standing Orders
      Allow Mr Bell to move motion re Methadone Maintenance Program 378
      Allow Mr Bell to move motion re Tabling documents
      re Modular Medical Products 385
      Allow Mr Ede to move motion to censure Chief Minister 368
      Allow Mr Ede to move motion re Australian Broadcasting
      Corporation, axing of nightly current affairs program 392
      Take two Bills together
        Criminal Code Amendment (No. 2) 1995 (Serial 107) and
        Community Welfare Amendment 1995 (Serial 108) 388

      MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Censure Minister for Health and Community Services (Mr Reed)
      re Methadone Program 379
      Censure Chief Minister (Mr Stone) re use of race as campaign
      tactics in Arnhem By-Election (Mr Ede) 368
      Dissent from Speakers ruling re unparliamentary remarks by Deputy
      Chief Minister (Mr Reed) 369
      Draft Mining Act - Note statement (Mr Reed) 396
      Financial Statements for the Northern Territory Auditor-Generals
      Office for the year ended 30 June 1995 by Pannell Kerr Forster,
      Chartered Accountants - Note paper (Mr Stone) 407
      Heritage Advisory Council, Annual Report, 1993 - 94 - Note paper 396
      Horticulture Industry in the Northern Territory - Note statement
      (Mr Palmer) 386
      Howard Springs Forrest Portions 2818, 2819, 2820, 2821 and 2822,
      revocation 387
      Hydro - Geological Survey Mapping - Note statement
      (Mr Burke) (Paper 2025) 406
      Methadone Program - Note statement (Mr Finch) 371
      Menzies School of Health Research (Mr Finch) 381
      Mining Bill, draft Bill re fossicking - Note paper (Mr Reed) 396
      Northern Territory Auditor-Generals Annual Report on the Performance
      of the Office for the Year ended 1994-95
      Note Paper (Mr Reed) 406
      Print (Mr Reed) 406
      Office of Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading. Annual Report 1993-94 -
      Print 386
      Onshore Petroleum Exploration to the Northern Territory -
      Note statement (Mr Reed) 407
      Public Accounts Committee -
      Annual Report, 1994-95 -
      Note paper (Mr Setter) 407
      Print (Mr Setter) 407
      Report On The Auditor-Generals Annual Reports, 1992-93 -
      Note Paper (Mr Setter) 407
      Print (Mr Setter) 407
      Services to Territory Businesses - Note statement (Mr Poole) 400
      MOTIONS (Substantive) (cont)
      Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development
      Appoint Mr Ah Kit 374
      Sessional Committee on the Environment
      Mary River Wetlands Report 402
      Sessional Committee on Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community
      Appoint Mr Rioli 374
      Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee
      Appoint Mr Ah Kit 374
      Discharge Ms Martin 374
      Treasurers Annual Financial Statement 1994-95 -
      Note Statement (Mr Reed) 401
      Territory Insurance Office - Note statement (Mr Burke) 393
      Aboriginal Homelessness in Katherine
      Aboriginal Living Areas Working Party on the Aboriginal
        Residential Land and Accommodation Needs in Katherine,
        N T, dated 21 March 1995 (Mr Reed) (Paper 1992) 388
      Aerial photograph of the Walpiri Camp, Katherine
      (Mr Reed) (Paper 1989) 388
      Katherine Aboriginal Living Areas (Ms Martin) (Paper 1988) 387
      Pamphlet, Aboriginal People Need Town Camps
      (Mr Reed) (Paper 1991) 388
      Proposed Aboriginal Living Areas Katherine 1995 -
        A report to the Katherine Aboriginal Living Areas
        Working Party, dated 21 March 1995 388
      Statement to meeting at Jilkminggan by John Ah Kit,
      dated 18 July 1995 (Mr Reed) (Paper 1990) 388
      Annual Reports
      Anti-Discrimination Commission, 1994-95 (Paper 2042) 410
      Attorney-Generals Department, 1994-95 (Department of Law)
      (Paper 2030) 410
      Ayers Rock Resort Corporation and Controlled Entities, year
        ended 30 June 1995 (Paper 2049) 410
      Batchelor College, 1994 (Paper 2027) 410
      Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory,
      1994-95 (Paper 2010) 402
      Department of the Chief Minister, 1994-95 (Paper 2031) 410
      Department of Correctional Services, 1994-95 (Paper 2037) 410
      Department of Health and Community Services, 1994-95 (Paper 2036) 410
      Department of Lands, Housing and Local Government,
      1994-95 (Paper 2032) 410
      Department of Mines and Energy, 1994-95 (Paper 2040) 410
      Director of Public Prosecutions, 1994-95 (Paper 2007) 402
      Education Advisory Council, 1994 (Paper 1985) 389
      Financial Statements for the Northern Territory
      Auditor-Generals Office for the year ended 30 June 1995
      by Pannell Kerr Forster, Chartered Accountants
      (Mr Stone) (Paper 2046) 407
      Heritage Advisory Council, 1994-95 (Paper 2035) 410
      Listening Devices Act, pursuant to section 14, 1994-95 (Paper 1984) 389
      Mental Health Act, 1994-95 (Paper 2026) 411
      Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory,
      1994-95 (Paper 2050) 411
      Northern Territory Auditor-Generals Annual Report on the
        Performance of the Office for the Year ended 1994-95
        (Mr Reed) (Paper 2045) 406
      Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 1994-95 (Paper 2038) 411
      Northern Territory Tourist Commission, 1994-95 (Paper 1987) 389
      Northern Territory Treasury, 1994-95 (Paper 2041) 411
      Northern Territory Treasury Corporation, 1994-95 (Paper 2039) 411
      Office of Aboriginal Development, 1994-95 (Paper 2033) 411
      Office of the Arts and Cultural Affairs, 1993-94 (Paper 2043) 411
      Office of the Arts and Cultural Affairs, 1994-95 (Paper 2064) 411
      Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment,
      1994-95 (Paper 2028) 411
      Office of Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading 1993-4
        (Mr Hatton) (Paper 1982) 386
      Office of Courts Administration, 1994-95 (Paper 2034) 411
      Power and Water Authority, 1994-95 (Paper 2048) 411
      Statistical Supplement to the Treasurers Annual Financial
        Statement for the year ended 30 June 1995
        (Mr Reed) (Paper 2012) 401
      Strehlow Centre Board, 1994-95 (Paper 1986) 389
      Trade Development Zone Authority, 1994-95 (Paper 2029) 411
      Treasurers Annual financial Statement 1994-95
        (Mr Reed) (Paper 2011) 401
      Work Health Authority and Work Health Advisory
        Council, 1994-95 (Paper 2044) 411
      Article, A Southern Chief Up North The Age, dated 2 October 1995
      (Mr Stirling) (Paper 2021) 406
      Australian Broadcasting Corporation
      ABC Charter, Section 6 (Mr Stone) (Paper 1997) 392
      ABC Principles (Mr Stone) (Paper 1998) 392
      Director Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
      dated 29 September 1995.
      (Mr Stone) (Paper 1996) 392
      Letter, Hon Mike Reed, Acting Chief Minister, to Mr Brian Johns,
      Managing Director, Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
      dated 29 September 1995 (Mr Stone) (Paper 1996) 392
      Australian Broadcasting Corporation (cont)
      Letter, Senator Grant Tambling to Mr Brian Johns, Managing
      Director, Australian Broadcasting Corporation,
      dated 4 October 1995 ( Mr Stone) (Paper 1999) 392
      Australian Petroleum Fact Sheets, Department of Mines and
      Energy (Mr Reed) (Paper 2054) 407
      Casino Operators Agreement
      Agreement between Barry Francis Coulter, Minister for Racing and
        Gaming, and Diamond Leisure Pty Limited (A.C.N. 009 624 417);
      and MGM Grand Australia Pty Ltd (A.C.N. 069 214 473),
      dated 7 September 1995 (Paper 1993) 389
      Chart - 1994 Interstate Conditions Pupil/Teacher Ratios
      (Mr Finch) (Paper 2014) 401
      Country Liberal Party election promises - Womens Health Tomorrow
      (Mrs Martin) (Paper 2009) 400
      Country Liberal Party Media Release dated 5 September 1995 (Mr Ede)
      (Paper 1968) 370
      Financial Management Act
      Determination, pursuant to section 21(1), of Amounts of Allocation
        Transferred with Redistribution of Public Business
        Amongst Agencies, dated 27 August 1995 (Paper 1960) 374
      Girl Guides Association NT Inc - List of Officers (Mr Stone)
      (Paper 1994) 389
      Itinerary, Official Visit to the Republics of Greece and Cyprus
      (Mr Stone) (Paper 1970) 374
      Kenbi Land Claim Settlement Proposal and attached map
      (Mr Stone) (Paper 1995) 391
      Lands Acquisition - East Arm
      Schedule, Delivery of Notice of Proposal proposed acquisition
        at East Arm (Mr Stone) (Paper 1971) 378
      Letter, Mr Gary Swanson, Director, Property Client
        Services Branch, Department of Lands, Housing and Local
        Government to Mr D. Pearce, Director, Northern Land
        Council, dated 23 September 1994 (Paper 1972) 378
      Letter, Gary Swanson, Director, Property Client Services
        Branch, Department of Lands, Housing and Local
        Government to Mr Billy Risk, President, Larrakia
        Association Inc, dated 23 September 1994 (Paper 1973) 378
      Lands, Planning and Environment
      Extract from Parliamentary Record, Questions,
        pages 1067 to 1069, (Mr Reed) (Paper 1975) 378
      Media Release, Conservation Minister, 10 July 1995
        (Mr Reed) (Paper 1974) 378
      Opposition Press Release, Gary Cartwright, dated
      13 July 1992 (Mr Reed) (Paper 1976) 378
      Letter, Mr Barry Coulter, Member for Palmerston,
      dated 10 October 1995 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 1978) 383
      Letter, Kate Carnell, MLA, Chief Minister, Minister for Health and
      Community Care, Australian Capital Territory to
      Ms Maggie Hickey, MLA, Member for Barkly,
      dated 6 October 1995 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2020) 406
      Letter, Mr Tom Dickson, Manager, Jet Electrics Pty Ltd to
      Ozone Glass Design Pty Ltd, dated 21 December 1993
      (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2022) 406
      Letter, Mr Ede to new voters in the Electorate of Fannie Bay
      (Mr Stone) (Paper 1967) 368
      Letter, Hon Fred Finch, MLA, Minister for Health Services to
      Mr Rick Setter, MLA, Chairman, Public Accounts Committee, dated
      8 August 1995 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2061) 408
      Letter, Maggie Hickey, MLA, Deputy Leader of the Opposition
      re report on the Beijing Womens forum 1995 - A Personal
      Account, dated 10 October 1995 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2018) 405
      Letter, Hon P. J. Keating, MP, Prime Minister to
      Ms Lois ODonohoe CBE AM, Chairperson, Aboriginal and
      Torres Strait Islander Commission, undated (Mr Stone) (Paper 2024) 406
      Mary River Wetlands Task Force, Terms of Reference .Attachment B
      (Mr Reed) (Paper 2017) 402
      Memorandum, Department of Asian Relations, Trade and Industry,
      Chairman, Procurement Review Board to Minister re Certificates
      of Exemption, dated 18 October 1995 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2058) 408
      Memorandum, Department of Mines and Energy, Secretary to Principal
      Registrar re: Certificate of Exemption, dated 17 November 1994,
      signed 18 November 1994 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2056) 408
      Mining Bill, Draft in relation to fossicking (Mr Reed) (Paper 2004) 396
      Modular Medical Products
      Public Account Committee - Briefing by Department of Education on
        Auditor-Generals Annual Report 1992/93,
        (Mr Bailey) (Paper 1979) 385
      Public Account Committee -Personal Explanation, Mr Finch,
        Seventh Assembly First Session, dated 22 August 1995,
          Parliamentary Record No. 14 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 1980) 385
      Morning Program, 8DDD, transcript of interview,
      Wednesday 30 August 1995, between Mr Fred McCue and
      Chief Minister. (Mr Ede) (Paper 1968) 370
      Morning Program, 8DDD, transcript of interview,
      Thursday 31 August 1995, between Mr Fred McCue and
      Senator Bob Collins (Mr Ede) (Paper 1968) 370
      Morning Program, 8DDD, transcript of interview,
      Thursday 31 August 1995 between Mr Fred McCue and
      Mr Shane Stone (Mr Ede) (Paper 1968) 370
      National Native Title Tribunal, Media Release, dated
      10 October 1995 (Mr Stone) (Paper 1981) 386
      Oil and Gas in Australias Northern Territory, Department of Mines
      and Energy (Mr Reed) (Paper 2052) 407
      Pamphlet, Wetland Management in the Northern Territory, Land
      Resource Conservation Branch, Department of Lands, Planning
      and Environment (Mr Reed) (Paper 2016) 402
      Petroleum Basin Studies in Australias Northern Territory,
      Department of Mines and Energy (Mr Reed) (Paper 2055) 407
      Petroleum Prospects and Leads of Australias Northern Territory,
      Department of Mines and Energy (Mr Reed) (Paper 2051) 407
      Petroleum Tenements, Offshore and Onshore, February 1995,
      Department of Mines and Energy (Mr Reed) (Paper 2053) 407
      Police Administration Act
      Determination No. T1 of 1995, (Amendment of Police Arbitral
        Tribunal Determination No. T11 of 1991),
        dated 21 September 1995 (Paper 1959) 374
      Poster, Mining Accident and Injury Summary 1994/95, Northern
      Territory Department of Mines and Energy (Mr Reed) (Paper 2006) 400
      Poster, Tropical Wetlands, Wise Use & Management, Department of
      Lands, Planning and Environment(Mr Reed) (Paper 2015) 402
      Press Release, Brian Ede, Leader of the Opposition, 30 August 1995,
      (Mr Ede) (Paper 1968) 370
      Proforma, Certificate of Exemption from Public Quotations issued by
      Accountable Officer or his Delegate (Mr Finch) (Paper 2057) 408
      Public Accounts Committee, alleged dissenting report
      Letter, Mr Brian Ede, Leader of the Opposition to the Speaker of the
        Northern Territory Legislative Assembly, dated 16 October 1995
        (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2000) 394
      Letter, Hon Terry McCarthy, MLA, Speaker of the Northern
      Territory Legislative Assembly to Mr J. Baker, ABC
      Television News, dated 12 October 1995
      (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2002); 394
      Letter, Hon Terry McCarthy, MLA to Mr Brian Ede, MLA,
        Leader of the Opposition, dated 16 October 1995
        (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2003) 394
      Letter, Prakash Mirchandani, Head of TV News Services,
        ABC TV to the Speaker of the Northern Territory
        Legislative Assembly, dated 13 October 1995 (Paper 2001) 394
      Public Accounts Committee Annual Report for the Year ended
      30 June 1995, Report No. 23,, dated October 1995
      (Mr Setter) (Paper 2059) 407
      Public Accounts Committee Report on the Auditor-Generals Annual
      Report, 1992-93, Report No. 24, dated October 1995
      (Mr Setter) (Paper 2060) 407
      Regulations, 1995
      No. 29, Amendments to Cullen Bay Marina Regulations (Paper 1961) 374
      No. 30, Amendments to Real Property (Unit Titles) Regulations
      (Paper 1962) 374
      No. 31, Amendments of Powers of Attorney Regulations (Paper 1963) 374
      No. 32, Amendments of Local Court (Adoption of Children)
      Rules (Paper 1964) 374
      No. 33, Amendments of Housing Assistance Schemes
      Regulations (Paper 1965) 374
      No. 34, Amendments of Building Regulations (Paper 1966) 374
      Quote No. O. G. 0713-R1 to Meldrum Burrows, Attention
      Mr Robert Drewes, dated 5 August 1993 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2023) 406
      Situation Report, Kardu Numida (OLSH) Health Service,
      dated 18 October 1995 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2019) 405
      Teacher Salary Comparison - Salaries as at 10 October 1995
      (Mr Manzie) (Paper 2013) 401
      Daly Road sealing (664 petitioners) (Mr Baldwin) (Paper 1958) 367
      Enterprise bargaining agreement between the Commissioner
      of Public Employment and NT Branch of the Australian
      Education Union (1037 petitioners) (Mr Stirling) 399

Mr Ah Kit 391
      Mr Bell 370, 374, 400
      Mr Ede 402
      Mr Finch 380
      Mrs Hickey 400,405
      Mr Stone 405

Alleged misleading of the Assembly by Member for Leanyer
        (Mr Finch) re Modular Medical Products matters,
        request for referral to Committee of privileges (Mr Bailey) 385
      Decision by Speaker not to refer above matter to Committee
        of Privileges 394
      Refer alleged misleading of the Assembly by Mr Finch -
        Modular Medical Products to Committee of privileges,
        motion (Mr Bailey) 395
      Alleged provision of purported dissenting report by Opposition
      Members of the Public Accounts Committee to ABC
      Television journalist, request for referral to Committee
      of privileges (Mr Stone) 389
      Decision by Speaker not to refer matter to Committee of
      Privileges 393

      Dissent re unparliamentary remarks by Deputy Chief Minister (Mr Reed) 369
Draft Mining Act (Mr Reed) (Paper 2004) 396
      File footage by Channel 8, Australian Broadcasting Corporation and
      NT News (Mr McCarthy) 367
      Guidon of 1st Armoured Regiment, presentation to parliament 368
      Horticulture Industry in the Northern Territory (Mr Palmer)
      (Paper 1983) 386
      Hydro-Geological Survey Mapping (Mr Burke) (Paper 2025) 406
      Methadone Program (Mr Finch) (Paper 1969) 371
      Menzies School of Health Research (Mr Finch) (Paper 1977) 381
      Mining Bill, Draft re fossicking (Mr Reed) 396
      Onshore Petroleum Exploration to the Northern Territory
      (Mr Reed) (Paper 2047) 407
      Opposition portfolio responsibilities (Mr Ede) 373
      Services to Territory Businesses (Mr Poole) (Paper 2008) 400
      Treasurers Annual Financial Statement 1994-95 (Mr Reed) 401
      Territory Insurance Office (Mr Burke) (Paper 2005) 393
      Batchelor College Community-based Access Program, students 405
Kormilda College Year 9 students 391
      Leanyer Primary School Year 6/7 students 385
      Moil Primary School, students, Years 5,6 and 7 405
      Northern Territory University, Faculty of Aboriginal and
      Islander Studies, students 399
      Northern Territory University, Faculty of Foundation Studies, students 378
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016