Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1993-11-23

Sixth Assembly First Session 23/11/1993 Parliamentary Record No. 22

Date : 23/11/1993

The Assembly met at 10.00 a.m., pursuant to resolution of the Assembly, dated 21 October 1993.
The Speaker, the Honourable N.M. Dondas, took the Chair.


The following notices were given:

Mr Ede: To move - That this Assembly:

(1) recognises the efforts of the Territory's pioneers of economic development;

(2) acknowledges the difficulties under which they have had to operate; and

(3) calls for positive policy initiatives to develop the vast potential of
the Territory's primary industries, thereby providing the Territory with a
sustainable base for rapid growth in light industrial and service industries.

Mr Bell: To move - That this Assembly expresses its concern at the government's
failure to respond meaningfully to the Territory community's concern about the operation of the
criminal justice system and its protection of the victims of sexual abuse, notably and
predominantly the women of the Territory.

Mr Cartwright: To move - That this Assembly calls for positive policy initiatives to -

(1) increase the level of home ownership by Territorians; and

(2) provide high quality and efficient public housing services for those
with special needs or unable to afford private housing.

Questions were asked of Ministers.
Paper tabled: The Treasurer (Mr Coulter) laid on the Table the following Paper -

Report, "A Financial Analysis: Northern Territory" by SBC Dominguez Barry, dated 23 September 1993.

Further questions were asked of Ministers.
Supplementary answer - Papers tabled: The Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries (Mr Reed) laid on the Table
the following Papers in answer to a question asked earlier this day -

Letter, John van Bourden, Land Management Branch, ATSIC to the Director, Northern Land Council, dated 31 March 1992;
Letter, Ken Warriner, President, Northern Territory Cattlemen's Association Inc. to the Hon.
Robert Tickner, MP, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, dated 5 November 1993;
Letter, John Paterson, Acting Director, Northern Land Council to Hon. Robert Tickner, MP, Minister for Aboriginal
and Torres Strait Islander Affairs, dated 28 October 1993; and
Letter, Hon. Robert Tickner, MP, Minister for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs to Mr Galarrwuy Yunupingu, AM,
Chairman, Northern Land Council, dated 13 April 1993.

Supplementary answer: The Minister for Mines and Energy (Mr Stone) gave a supplementary answer correcting
information provided to a question asked by the Member for Goyder (Mr McCarthy) this day.

The Chief Minister (Mr Perron) made a statement relating to the Commonwealth Government's proposed Native Title Bill
(Mabo) and its likely effect on the Northern Territory.
Mr Perron moved - That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Leader of the Opposition (Mr Ede), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper -

Summary of Mineral Legislation in all State and Territory Jurisdictions.

Debate continued.

Suspension of sitting: The sitting was suspended between 11.58 a.m. and 2.00 p.m.

Debate resumed.
Question - put and passed.

The Leader of Government Business (Mr Setter) on behalf of the Chief Minister (Mr Perron) and pursuant to Standing
Order 93, advised the Assembly that Wednesday 1 December 1993 would be the next day on which General Business would
take precedence of Government Business.

The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a
second time -
Debate resumed.
Question - put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
Leave granted for a motion for the third reading of the Bill to be moved forthwith.
On the motion of the Minister for Conservation (Mr Coulter) the Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed

The Leader of Government Business (Mr Setter) moved - That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Debate ensued.
Papers tabled: The Member for Barkly (Mrs Hickey), by leave, laid on the Table the following Papers -

Report, Review of Junior Medical Officer Selection Process, Royal Darwin Hospital, Office of
the Commissioner for Public Employment, dated October 1993;
Agreement - AMA Review, dated 18 October 1993 between the Northern Territory of Australia
(Department of Health and Community Services); Dr Philip Nitschke; Australian Medical Association
(Northern Territory Branch); and Dr Peter Arnold (The Reviewer");
Paper - Independent AMA Review of Dispute at the Royal Darwin Hospital, Part A - Terms of
Reference 1 - 6 and 8;
Notice to All Staff, Royal Darwin Hospital - AMA Review by Dr P Arnold, signed by Phil Temple,
Acting Secretary, Department of Health and Community Services, dated 2 November 1993 ;
Letter, Rod Brown, Lynton Stephens and Philip Nitschke to The President, AMA (NT Branch), dated 19 November 1993;
Letter, Peter Arnold to the Acting Secretary, Department of Health and Community Services, dated
4 November 1993; and
Page 3, Royal Darwin Hospital Bulletin.

Question - put and passed.
The Assembly adjourned at 7.55 p.m. until tomorrow at 10.00 a.m.

The following Papers were deemed to have been presented on Tuesday 23 November 1993:

Annual Reports:
Australian Financial Institutions Commission, 1992-93
National Road Transport Commission, 1992-93
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 1992-93
Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions, 1992-93
Office of Sport, Recreation and Ethnic Affairs, 1992-93
Financial Administration and Audit Act:
Direction of the Administrator pursuant to section 13(1)(a), Transfer of Funds Saved, dated 1 November 1993

Police Administration Act:
Police Arbitral Tribunal Determination No. T11 of 1991, Consent Agreement pursuant to section 51(b), dated 19 October 1993

Regulations 1993:
No. 39, Amendments of the Building Regulations
No. 40, Cullen Bay Marina Regulations
No. 41, Amendment of the Supreme Court Regulations
No. 42, Amendments of the Legal Practitioners Rules.


All Members attended the sitting.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016