Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1993-10-12

Sixth Assembly First Session 12/10/1993 Parliamentary Record No. 20

Date : 12/10/1993


From To Pages
12 October 1993 14 October 1993 691-710

Ministerial Portfolios
In addition to their present portfolios:
Hon B F Coulter appointed Minister for Conservation, effective 16 September 1993 692
Hon D W Manzie appointed Minister for Transport and Works, effective 18 August 1993 692
Hon E H Poole appointed Minister for Work Health and
Territory Insurance, effective 16 September 1993 692
Hon S L Stone appointed Minister for Ethnic Affairs,
effective 16 September 1993 692

BILLS D=Discharged
*=Opposition Bill

Serial 266 Appropriation 1993-94 693-699, 703-704, 707-708P
278 Local Government Amendment 1993 693
279 Local Government (Consequential Amendments) 1993 693
276 Medical Services Amendment 1993 693

Minister for Health and Community Services re failure to
provide adequate community services for child abuse victims 691

Mr Ede, suspended on 12 October 1993 at 11.02 a.m. for 24 hours 691

Censure of Minister for Health and Community Services re
failure to provide adequate community services for child abuse victims 691

MOTIONS (Substantive)
Appropriation Bill, 1993-94 (Serial 266) reconsideration in Committee of the Whole 699,704
Committee of Privileges
Appoint Mr Ortmann 693
Discharge Mr McCarthy 693
New Parliament House Committee
Appoint Mr Manzie 693
Discharge Mr Setter 693
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community Committee
Appoint Mr Ortmann 693
Discharge Mr Setter 693

Administrative Arrangements Order Gazette No. S78, dated 1 October 1993 693
Annual Report
Listening Devices Act, 1992-93 710
Budget Papers -
Agreement, The Northern Territory of Australia and Tipperary
Developments Pty Ltd for Project Management of The State
Square Development, Darwin, Northern Territory 704
Article, "Poor Man's Plague", by Steve Dow, The Australian, dated 14 April 1993 707
Arts Grants-in-Aid paid in 1992-93 699
Asbestos monitoring and maintenance in schools 703
Bushfires Council Grants and Subsidies to Volunteer Brigades in 1992-93 698
Conditions of Contract, Articles of Agreements and
Conditions of Head Contract between Tipperary
Developments Pty Ltd and Multiplex Constructions Pty
Ltd for State Square Darwin by Ralph and Beattie, Bosworth Pty Ltd 704
Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory Park
Planning Programme, Version 12 as at 25 August 1993 698
Department of the Chief Minister, Division 11, Table of Programs and Variations 697
Department of the Chief Minister, Division 11, Table re
Office of Parliamentary Counsel Budget, 1993-94 697
Department of the Chief Minister, Division 11, Breakdown of Advisory Fees 697
Department of the Chief Minister, Division 11, Women's Advisory Council 697
Draft Plans of Management 698
Form, Department of the Chief Minister, Hospitality Reimbursement 697
Heritage Grants and Subsidies Funded through the
Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory for 1992-93 698
List of schools which are likely to, or have exceeded
Relief Teacher Days Allocations 703
Media Release, by Hon. Mike Reed, MLA, dated 13 October 1993 707
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services,
Division 16, Establishment and Actual Strengths of CIB,
CDEU, Gold Squads, Missing Persons, Stock Squad, BCI 698
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services,
Division 16, Gazetted Establishment and Actual Strength
at Alice Springs, Katherine and Tennant Creek 698
Plans of Management in Operation 698
Police, Fire and Emergency Services, Clear up rates -
Selected Offences by Region 698
Program Allocations, 1992-93 and 1993-94 for Tuberculosis,
Leprosy, HIV/AIDS, STD (Excl. HIV/AIDS) and Other 707
Specific Recurrent Purpose Payments, 1992-93; and Specific
Capital-Purpose Payments 708
Staff Allocation and Operation Budget for each Park and
Reserve under the "Park Management" Budget including
Breakdown by Budget, Parks Managed by Darwin Parks
Unit, Parks Managed by Alice Springs Regional Office
and Parks Managed by Katherine Regional Office 698
Table, Average Occupancy Rates - 1992-93 and January
to June 1993, Average Unit Occupancy - January to June 1993 708
Table - Budget 1993-94 and Actual 1992-93 for Municipal
Government, Community Government Councils; and other Local Government 703
Table, 1993-94 Budget Allocation by Cost Centre 707
Table, Factors which affected the final 1992-93 expenditure figures 707
Table, Funding Requirements for Darwin and Alice Springs for
years 1993-94 and 1994-95 708
Table, organisations receiving funding, 1992-93 and 1993-94 707
Table, Patient Assistance Travel Scheme, Actual expenditure
1992-93; Budget expenditure 1992-93 and 1993-94 708
Table, Programs that received HACC Money in 1992-93 708
Table, Visits Program, 1992-93 and 1993-94 708
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Convocation) By-laws 700
Public Sector Employment and Management By-laws 1993 700
Cartoon, "....And here, the reason why you wish to kill your husband - briefly,
it's just a formality", The Australian, dated 16 September 1993 709
Guest list, Opening of new buildings at Nungalinya College 709
Police Administration Act
Northern Territory Police Commissioned Officers'
Association, Consent Agreement, dated 18 August 1993 700
Regulations 1993
No. 23, Amendments of the Supreme Court Rules 700
No. 24, Amendment of Registration of Births, Deaths and Marriages Regulations 700
No. 25, Amendments of Registration Regulations 700
No. 26, Building Regulations 700
No. 27, Territory Insurance Office Regulations 700
No. 28, Amendments of Financial Institutions Duty Regulations 700
No. 29, Amendments of Legal Practitioners Regulations 700
No. 30, Amendment of Port By-laws 700
No. 31, Amendments of Alice Springs (Animal Control) By-laws 700
No. 32, Amendments of Alice Springs (Control of Public Places) By-laws 700
No. 33, Amendment of Legal Practitioners Regulations 706
No. 34, Trade Measurement (Charges and Fees) Regulations 700
No. 35, Amendment of Public Sector Employment and Management Regulations 700
No. 36, Amendment of Public Sector Employment and Management
(Exemption) Regulations 700
No. 37, Consumer Affairs (Product Information) Regulations 701
No. 38, Legal Practitioners Rules 701

Alleged Breach of Section 21(3) of the Northern Territory
(Self-Government) Act 1978; Member for Brennan took part
in vote for Division 60 of Appropriation Bill 1993-94
(Serial 266) whilst being party to a contract awarded by
the Government - request for referral to Committee of
Privileges by Mr Parish 704,706,709
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016