Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1997-06-17

Seventh Assembly First Session 17/06/1997 Parliamentary Record No. 34

Date : 17/06/1997
Index to Minutes - 18 June 1997 to 20 June 1997

From To Pages
18 June 1997 20 June 1997 813 - 831

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

Appropriation Bill 1997-98 (Serial 232) 815, 821, 827, 831

Mr Bell re ruling of Chairman (Mr Setter) that he had reflected on another member - motion negatived 823

Kilgariff, Mr Bern, former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and former Senator
for the Northern Territory 821
Maddill, Honourable Dr Frank, MHA, Speaker of the House of Assembly of Tasmania and
Mr Shane Donnelly, Deputy Clerk Assistant 814
Perron, Mr Marshall, former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory 821
Thooi Kem, Ms Ng and Bahruddin, Madame Norbaiyah from the Ministry of Information, Malaysia 815

Lim, Dr, Member for Greatorex, 17 June 1997 (Mr Coulter) 815

Mr Stirling, the Member for Nhulunbuy at 00.24h, 20 June 1997, for 24 hours 831

Assent o Proposed Laws, May and June 1997, Message No. 26, dated 13 June 1997 813

MOTIONS (Procedural)
Leave denied
Mr Bailey to Table a file note of the proceedings of the Public Accounts Committee 823
Mr Bailey to Table documents pertaining to proceedings of and evidence presented to the
Public Accounts which had not been authorised for publication by that Committee 823
Progress reported
That the Chairman do report progress and ask leave to sit again [Appropriation Bill 1997-98
(Serial 232)] - negatived (Mr Bell) 824
That the Committee do report progress and ask leave to sit again [Appropriation Bill 1997-98
(Serial 232)] - negatived (Mr Bailey) 825
Mr Bailey drew the Chairman’s (Mr Adamson) attention to the state of the Assembly 824, 825
Mr Bailey drew the Chairman’s (Mrs Braham) attention to the state of the Assembly 822, 823

MOTIONS (Substantive)
Appropriation Bill 1997-98 (Serial 232) - Suspend sitting for further consideration in
Committee of the Whole (Mr Coulter) 818
Appropriation Bill 1997-98 (Serial 232) - Suspend sitting for further consideration in
Committee of the Whole (Mr Stone) 826
Stolen Aboriginal Children (Mrs Hickey) 814

Achievements of NCOM (Paper 3271) (Mr Coulter) 817
Additional Information on the Marketing and Promotion Budget (Paper 3270) (Mr Coulter) 817
Advertisement, Suburban, “A statement on Statehood by the Leader of the Opposition” (Mrs Hickey),
dated 10 April 1997 (Paper 3263) (Mr Stone) 815
Advertisement, The Glenti Magazine1996, “Maggie Hickey Leader of the Opposition”, page 8
(Paper 3262) (Mr Stone) 816
Advertisement, The Glenti Magazine1997, “Maggie Hickey Leader of the Opposition”, page 15
(Paper 3261) (Mr Stone) 816
Advertisement, The Glenti Magazine 1997, “Shane Stone, Chief Minister”, page 14
(Paper 3264) (Mrs Hickey) 816
Program for Public Relations in Community Education; Water Management; Electrical Safety;
Wet Weather Information; PAWA in Aboriginal Communities; Media Advertising;
Resource Conservation (Alice Springs); Internal Communications; and Sponsorship,
Power and Water Authority (Paper 3297) (Mr Manzie) 828
Annual Reports
Centralian College 1996 (Paper 3265) 818
Northern Territory Rural College 1996 (Paper 3293) 831
Public Trustee for the Northern Territory 1995-96 (Paper 3253) 818
Article, Empty beds in Darwin, Weekend Australian, June 14-15 1997 (Paper 3268) (Mr Reed) 817
Article, The two-track Economy, Business Review Weekly, 16 June 1997 (Paper 3269) (Mr Reed) 817
Attachment A, TNNT Budget 1995/96 - 1997/98 (Paper 3284) (Mr Finch) 827
Attachment B, Audit Trail of TNNT Budget 1996/97 - 1998/99 (Paper 3285) (Mr Finch) 827
Attachment C, Details of Internal Transfers and Re-allocations (Paper 3286) (Mr Finch) 827
Attachment D, TNNT 1996/97 Expenditure (Paper 3287) (Mr Finch) 827
Attachment E, NTETA - Activities of the Training Network’s Operations (Paper 3288) (Mr Finch) 827
Capital Works/Minor Works (Roads) 1996/97 (Paper 3273) (Mr Coulter) 817
Cartoon - T.H.S. Public Relations (Paper 3281) (Mr Bell) 825
Department of Transport and Works, “Key Directions for Information Technology”
(Paper 3272) (Mr Coulter) 817
Expenditure on Promotional Entertainment - Openings to June 1997 (Paper 3299) (Mr Manzie) 829
Extract, “Labour Market” (Paper 3267) (Mr Reed) 816
Facsimile list of Questions asked by the Member for Stuart (Mr Toyne), dated 09.30h,
16 June 1997 (Paper 3290) (Mr Finch) 827
Financial Management Act
Direction to Transfer Excess Allocation, dated 29 May 1997 (Paper 3295) 831
Increase of Treasurer’s Advance, dated 29 May 1997 (Paper 3294) 831
Student Numbers - Higher Education and VET; Reduction in Overseas Numbers;
Reductions in Faculty Areas; Total Attrition and Voluntary Early Retirement 827
Information Paper, Simple Wire Earth Return System (SWER) by Power and Water Authority
(Paper 3296) (Mr Manzie) 828
Information Services Strategic Plan, Batchelor College (Paper 3292) (Mr Finch) 828
Lemon Award in Bad Budgeting and Even Worse Debating, 1997 (Paper 3302) (Mrs Hickey) 830
Map - Tanami Road - Selected Forming and Gravelling between Papunya and Lajamanu
(Paper 3274) (Mr Coulter) 817
NT Department of Education - Mobile School Facilities List (Paper 3291) (Mr Finch) 827
Plan of Marrara Sports Complex (Paper 3277) (Mr Hatton) 822
Press release by the Hon D. Manzie, “NT Gas Strategy Report”, dated 27 February 1997
(Paper 3265) (Mr Reed) 816
Regulations 1997
No. 14, Amendment of Criminal Records (Spent Convictions) Regulations (Paper 3254) 818
No. 15, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices Enforcement Scheme) Regulations
(Paper 3255) 818
No. 16, Amendments of Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Regulations (Paper 3256) 818
No. 17, Amendment of Racing and Betting Regulations (Paper 3257) 818
No. 18, Amendment of Police Administration Regulations (Paper 3258) 818
No. 19, Amendments of Housing Assistance Schemes Regulations (Paper 3259) 819
No. 20, Amendments of Coburg Peninsula Aboriginal Land and Sanctuary (Entry and Camping)
By-Laws (Paper 3260) 819
Response by Minister for Power and Water Authority (Mr Manzie) to question by Member for
Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) relating to Consultancies of Power and Water Authority
(Paper 3298) (Mr Manzie) 829
Schedule of details of travel undertaken in 1996-97, Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
(Paper 3276) (Mr Burke) 823
Schedule of Exhibitions 1996-97 (Paper 3300) (Mr Manzie) 829
Schedule of Interpreter Expenses for the period 13 January 1997 to 12 June 1997 (Paper 3278) (Mr Burke) 823
Schedule of Overseas Travel details for Darwin staff period 1 July 1996 to 12 June 1997,
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (Paper 3301) (Mr Palmer) 829
Schedule of permanent and casual staff resignations at Royal Darwin Hospital by category
of employees 1996-97 (Paper 3279) (Mr Burke) 825

Planning Act, new (Ms Martin) (664 petitioners) (Paper 3250) 814
Speed cameras in police cars (Mr Coulter) (2565 petitioners) (Paper 3251) 814
Traffic control devices, proposed installation of, at the intersection of Secrett and
McMillan Roads (Mr Bailey) (289 petitioners) (Paper 3252) 814

Dripstone High School Year 9 students and their teacher Ms Iolanthe Sutton 821
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016