Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2007-02-22

Index to Minutes – 13 February 2007 to 22 February 2007

From To Pages
13 February 2007 22 February 2007 329 - 358

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Shadow Ministerial Portfolio responsibility of Opposition Members, dated 13 February 2007 (Ms Carney) (Paper 757) 330

      Business Names Bill 2006 (Serial 73) 341
      Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 88) 345, 349
      Legal Profession (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2007 (Serial 89) 351, 355
      Mental Health and Related Services Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 90) 351, 355
      Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 87) 345, 349
      Professional Standards Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 83) 331
      Statute Law Revision Bill 2006 (Serial 86) 344
      Work Health Amendment Bill 2006 (Serial 85) 336

      Police numbers and resources dedicated to keeping our streets safe - Negatived (Paper 814) (Ms Carney) 352

      Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2006, disallow paragraphs 7.1 to 7.11 inclusive (Ms Martin) 344, 351

      Tollner, Mr Dave, MHR, the Member for Solomon (Mrs Aagaard) 356

      No. 15, assent to proposed laws, November/December 2006 sittings (Paper 755) (Mrs Aagaard) 329

      Australian Tourism and Brolga Awards 2006 (Mr Henderson) 343
      Backpacker Development Plan (Mr Henderson) 349
      Business Round Table, input to the Territory (Ms Martin) 335
      Childcare Subsidies and Places in the Territory (Ms Lawrie) 335
      Climate Projections for the Territory - Government Response (Ms Scrymgour) 331
      Community Cabinet, Fifth Birthday (Ms Martin) 343
      Daly River Environmental Monitoring (Ms Scrymgour) 349
      Geothermal Energy (Mr Natt) 339
      Health Expenditure since 2001 and Allied Programs (Dr Burns) 355
      Health Services and Nurse Recruitment Campaign Health (Dr Burns) 331
      Horticulture Industry Development Central Australia (Ms Martin) 339
      Illegal Foreign Fishing (Mr Stirling) 343
      Indigenous Tourism Experiences (Mr Henderson) 355
      Long Service Leave entitlements, threat by Workchoices Legislation (Mr Henderson) 335
      Low Cost Housing for Communities (Mr McAdam) 335

      Red Centre Way, Sealing (Ms Martin) 355
      Renewable Remote Power Generation Program (Mr Natt) 349
      Road Safety Measures (Ms Lawrie) 331
      Visit to Japan and Timor Sea Gas Supplies (Ms Martin) 331
      Workplace Advocate (Mr Henderson) 339
      Youth Round Table 2007 (Ms Scrymgour) 343

      Achieving Better Educational Outcomes (Mr Henderson) 357
      Challenges for the Territory in 2007, delivering the Territory lifestyle (Ms Martin) 331
      Constructing a better Territory (Ms Lawrie) 353
      Ghan derailment at Ban Ban Springs in 2006 and a level crossing safety assessment program (Ms Martin) 355
      Local Government Reform (Mr McAdam) 346
      Northern Territory Statehood, progress (Mr Stirling) 346
      Pride and hope for the future - the Territory's Aboriginal Visual Arts and Craft Industry and Northern Territory Government submission to the Senate Inquiry into Aboriginal Visual Arts and Crafts Sector (Ms Scrymgour) 337
      Research Development in the Territory's Mining, Primary Industry and Fisheries Sectors (Mr Natt) 341
      Supporting Business Research and Innovation (Mr Vatskalis) 353
      Tackling the misuse and abuse of alcohol in the Territory (Dr Burns) 337

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Extension of Time
      Dr Lim on motion of Ms Carney 346
      McCarthy on motion of Mr Knight 346
      Mr Burke on motion of Mr Bonson 340
      Mr Henderson on motion of Mr Stirling 332
      Mr Knight on motion of Mr Natt 346
      Mr McAdam on motion of Mr Warren 353
      Mr Stirling on motion of Mr Natt 336
      Mr Wood on motion of Mr Mills 346
      Mrs Miller on motion of Dr Lim 344
      Mrs Miller on motion of Mr Wood 332
      Ms Carney on motion of Mr Mills 332
      Ms Lawrie on motion of Dr Burns 336
      Ms Scrymgour on motion of Ms Lawrie 337

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Achieving Better Educational Outcomes - Note (Mr Henderson) 357
      Auditor-General's February 2007 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 352
      Auditor-General's February 2007 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Print 352
      Building the Territory's Future - An Economic Progress Report - Note 356
      Censure re police numbers and resources dedicated to keeping our streets safe - Negatived (Ms Carney) 352
      Challenges for the Territory in 2007, delivering the Territory lifestyle - Note 331, 332, 336, 337
      Commonwealth WorkChoices effect on Territorians long service leave provisions (Mr Henderson) 339, 340
      Constructing a better Territory - Note (Ms Lawrie) 353
      Disallow paragraphs 7.1 to 7.11 inclusive of the Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2006 (Ms Martin) 344, 351
      Invasive Species and Management Programs, inquiry reference, Interim Progress Report by Sessional Committee on the Environment and Sustainable Development - Note 357

MOTIONS (Substantive) (cont)
      Local Government Reform - Note (Mr McAdam) 346
      Long Service Leave entitlements and Commonwealth's WorkChoices Legislation (Mr Henderson) 336
      Members’ Telephone and Travel Expenses ─ Report pursuant to Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2006, paragraphs 5.20 and 8.8(c) - Print (Mr Henderson) 353
      Northern Territory Statehood, progress - Note (Mr Stirling) 346
      Ombudsman 2005/2006 - Note (Mr Stirling) 331
      Pride and hope for the future - the Territory's Aboriginal Visual Arts and Craft Industry and Northern Territory Government submission to the Senate Inquiry into Aboriginal Visual Arts and Crafts Sector - Note 337
      Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2006, Members of the Legislative Assembly, Members of the Executive Council and Ministers of the Territory - Note 351
      Research Development in the Territory's Mining, Primary Industry and Fisheries Sectors - Note 341
      Routine of Business in respect of the 2007 Alice Springs regional sitting of the Assembly (Mr Henderson) 344, 350
      Sessional Committee on Sport and Youth - Interim Progress Statement on Benefits of School Sport NT Programs - Note progress statement (Ms Sacilotto) 351, 352
      Substance Abuse Committee, Interim Progress Report - Note 357
      Supporting Business Research and Innovation - Note (Mr Vatskalis) 353
      Tackling the misuse and abuse of alcohol in the Territory - Note (Dr Burns) 337, 341
      Territory Tourism Moving Ahead - Note (Mr Henderson) 344, 346
      Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2006/2007 - Note (Mr Stirling) 336
      Urban Public Transport - Note (Ms Lawrie) 341

      Tuesday 17 April 2007 at 9.30am at the Alice Springs Convention Centre, or such other time and/or date as may be advised by the Speaker, pursuant to Sessional Order (Mr Henderson) 357

      Administrative Arrangements for the Provision of Office Space, Staff and Equipment to Members of the Legislative Assembly, dated 21 February 2007 (Paper 811) (Ms Martin) 351
      Casino Operator’s Agreement, Agreement between Hon. Clare Majella Martin on behalf of the Minister responsible for the Gaming Control Act, Hon. Chris Burns, Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing and Skycity Darwin PTY Limited and Skycity Australia PTY LTD, dated 19 January 2007 (Paper 772) 333
      Annual Reports
      Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 2005/2006 (Paper 762) 333
      Auditor-General's February 2007 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 815) (Mrs Aagaard) 352
      Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board, 2005/2006 (Paper 759) 333
      Community Visitor Program 2005/2006 Annual Report, Corrigendum, Replacement page 16 (Paper 771) 333
      Mental Health Review Tribunal, 2005/2006 (Paper 764) 333
      National Trust of Australia (NT), 2005/2006 (Paper 761) 333
      Nitmiluk National Park, 2005/2006 (Paper 760) 333
      Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 2005/2006 (Paper 763) 333
      Professional Standards Council Northern Territory, 2005/2006 (Paper 765) 333
      Public Trustee for the Northern Territory 2005/2006 (Paper 823) 357
      Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory of Australia, 2005/2006 (Paper 793) 338
      Brolga Awardees 2006, List of (Paper 800) (Mr Henderson) 343
      CD, City of Palmerston by Vocalyse (Paper 798) (Mr Burke) 342
      Commissioner's Briefing - Police Numbers, dated 13 February 2007, reference S2006/0066
      MIN2007/0002-15 (Paper 785) (Dr Burns) 332

      Coroners Act
      In the matter of the Coroner’s Finding and Recommendation into the Death of Ms Wendy Walangitj Garmu, pursuant to section 46(b), dated 7 February 2007 (Paper 794) 342
      In the matter of the Coroner’s Findings and Recommendations into the Death of Ms Jodie Palipuaminni, pursuant to section 46(b), dated 7 February 2007 (Paper 784) 333
      Crown Lands Act
      Tennant Creek Town Council, Revocation of Reserve No.1072 over Lot 76, Noble Park, Reserve No.1073 over Lot 341 Schmidt Park (Paper 758) 333
      Explanatory Statements
      Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 88) (Paper 810) (Mr Stirling) 349
      Legal Profession (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2007 (Paper 819) 355
      Mental Health and Related Services Amendment Bill 2007 (Paper 820) 355
      Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2007 (Serial 87) (Paper 809) (Mr Stirling) 349
      Graph, Nurse Separations and Commencements (2006) (Paper 805) (Dr Burns) 346
      Graph, Nurses FTE on payroll June 2003 to February 2007 (Paper 804) (Dr Burns) 346
      Graph, Staffing Trends by Classification, Territory Health Services Report 1998/1999 page 11 (Paper 802) (Dr Burns) 345
      Guide to Cross Border Worker's Compensation Provisions by NTWorkSafe (Paper 788) (Mr Henderson) 336
      Hospital Management Boards
      Alice Springs Hospital Management Board, 2005/2006 (Paper 767) 333
      Gove District Hospital Management Board, 2005/2006 (Paper 770) 333
      Katherine Hospital Management Board, 2005/2006 (Paper 769) 333
      Royal Darwin Hospital Management Board, 2005/2006 (Paper 766) 333
      Tennant Creek Hospital Management Board, 2005/2006 (Paper 768) 333
      Bus routes and timetabling at the Palmerston Bus Exchange (Paper 795) (Mrs Miller) 341
      Joint Communication from the Minister for Statehood and Shadow Minister for Statehood to Hon Philip Ruddock, Attorney-General, dated 6 February 2007 (Paper 806) (Mr Stirling) 346
      Lloyd, Hon Jim, MP, Minister for Local Government, Territories and Roads to Dr Burns Minister for Infrastructure and Transport, dated 31 August 2006 re Tiger Brennan Drive funding (Paper 796) (Mrs Miller) 341
      Martin, Ms, Chief Minister to Speaker, Hon J L Aagaard MLA, dated 20 February 2007 re Annual Schedule of payments for MLA satellite and mobile phones (Paper 816) 353
      Members’ Telephone and Travel Expenses ─ Report pursuant to Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2006, paragraphs 5.20 and 8.8(c) (Paper 817) (Mrs Aagaard) 353
      Memorandum of Advice, Australian Workplace Agreements under the Workplace Relations Act (CTH) and Long Service Leave, dated 1 February 2007 by Tom Pauling QC (Paper 787) (Mr Henderson) 335
      Ministerial Report, Minerals and Energy China Market Strategy, Feb 2007 (Paper 797) (Mr Natt) 342
      Northern Territory Nursing Workload Review 2005 - Nursing in Western Australia, by Di Mantell (Paper 789) (Dr Lim) 337
      NT Wildlife Threatened Species List, NRETA (Paper 813) (Ms Scrymgour) 352
      Pay Slip of a nurse, 19hrs, DCIS MyHR, dated 22 February 2007 (Paper 824) (Dr Lim) 356
      Pay Slip of a nurse, DCIS MyHR, 16hrs, dated 22 February 2007 (Paper 826) (Dr Lim) 356
      Pay Slip of a nurse, DCIS MyHR, 21hrs, dated 22 February 2007 (Paper 825) (Dr Lim) 356
      Regulations 2006
      No. 41, Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) (Paper 773) 333
      No. 42, Fines and Penalties (Recovery) Amendment (Weeds Management) (Paper 774) 333
      No. 43, Fines and Penalties (Recovery) Amendment (Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation) (Paper 775) 333
      No. 44, Gaming Machine Amendment (Paper 776) 333
      No. 45, Planning Amendment (Third Party Appeals) (Paper 777) 333
      No. 46, Traffic Amendment (Loose Bulk Loads) (Paper 778) 333

      Regulations 2006 (cont)
      No. 47, Traffic Amendment (Paper 779) 333
      No. 48, Weeds Management (Paper 780) 333
      No. 49, Primary Industry, Fisheries and Mines Legislation Amendment (Revenue Units) (Paper 781) 333
      No. 50, Supreme Court Amendment (Freezing and Search) Rules (Paper 782) 333
      No. 51, Supreme Court Amendment (Subpoenas) Rules (No. 2) (Paper 783) 333
      Regulations 2007
      No. 1, Territory Wildlife Amendment (Infringement Notices) (Paper 790) 338
      No. 2, Building Amendment (Exemption from Inspection) (Paper 791) 338
      No. 3, Biological Resources (Paper 792) 338
      Report to the Legislative Assembly, pursuant to paragraphs 5.20 and 8.8(c) of the Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 1 2006, Annual Schedule containing Government payments for each Member for Satellite and Mobile Telephones and Annual schedule of Member Travel at Government expense, for year 2006 – Addendum relating to the Member for Nhulunbuy (Paper 827) 358
      Royal Darwin Hospital data of nursing staff overtime working hours, pay 13to 16 of 2005/2006 (Paper 803) (Dr Burns) 345
      State Outlook, HIA Northern Territory Outlook, December Quarter 2006 (Paper 801) (Mr Stirling) 345
      Statements of Corporate Intent
      MAC Business, 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2009 (Paper 822) 358
      TIO Group, 1 July 2006 to 30 June 2009 (Paper 821) 358
      Tiwi heroes put smile on grim island's face, dated 9 February 2007, web article (Paper 807) (Ms Scrymgour) 347
      Yuendumu Community Government Council, Circumstances giving rise to the dismissal of, pursuant to section 264(A)(3) (Paper 818) 353

      Dr Lim made a personal explanation in response to an article in the Northern Territory News, dated 15 February 2007, which alluded to an error he had miscalculated in announcing that an increase in expenditure of Department of Health staff salaries over the last 6 years 340

      Closed Circuit Television monitoring be implemented in Todd Mall and adjacent areas, Alice Springs, petition No. 52 (Paper 786) (Dr Lim) (22 petitioners) 335
      Numbered 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 49, 50 and 51 relating to respectively, the sale and use of fireworks by private individuals on Territory Day; Police station for Plaza at Karama; after hours bulk-billing services at Farrar Medical Centre, Palmerston; Closure of Farrar Medical Centre; after hours bulk-billing services at Farrar Medical Centre; Lot 5994 (Little Mindil) Open Space zoning; (CCTV) monitoring in Todd Mall Alice Springs; Dundee Beach electrification of Stage 1A 331
      No. 43 relating to abortion provision of the Medical Services Act, assented to 23 November 2006. (Paper 799) 343
      Vehicle access through and parking on the front boundary of Berry Springs Service Station, No. 53, not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 808) (Mr Wood) (588 petitioners) 349

      Ms Carney called 15 February 2007 341

      Charles Darwin University TAFE Certificate III students in General Education for adults accompanied by Ms Lorraine Sushames (Mrs Aagaard) 329
      Chinese Community members to witness the performance of Chung Wah Chinese Lions performing in the Chamber celebration of Chinese New Year (Mrs Aagaard) 329

      Kenbi Dancers led by Mr Richard Koolpinyah Barnes and organised by Mr Kelvin Costello and thanked them for their performance in the Chamber earlier this day (Mrs Aagaard) 329
      Parliament House Public Tour Programme Visitors (Mrs Aagaard) 332
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016