Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 2007-10-10

      The Assembly met at 10am. The Speaker, the Honourable J. L. Aagaard, took the Chair.


      The Member for Nelson (Mr Wood), by leave, presented a petition No. 65, not conforming with Standing Orders, from 146 petitioners relating to the amalgamation of the Litchfield Shire Council (Paper 1102).
      Petition read.

      NT Export and Industry Awards: The Chief Minister (Ms Martin) reported on the Chief Minister's Export and Industry Awards and to recognise manufacturers and the improving export trade performance of Territory products.
      Mr Mills responded.

      Aboriginal Art Centres: The Minister for Arts and Museums (Ms Scrymgour) reported on Aboriginal Visual Arts and Craft development and business expansion domestically and internationally and the effects the federal intervention has had on this industry.
      Mrs Miller responded.
      Mrs Braham responded.
      Ms Scrymgour replied.

      Indigenous Economic Development: The Minister for Regional Development (Mr Vatskalis) reported on the emerging and developing indigenous tourism industry activities in East Arnhem together with marketing of these existing and developing businesses in regional centres.
      Ms Carney responded.
      Mr Vatskalis replied.

      Cruise Ship Industry: The Minister for Tourism (Mr Henderson) reported on an increase in cruise ship visitations to the Port of Darwin and the economic spin-offs to the economy.
      Mr Conlan responded.

      Ministerial Reports noted, pursuant to Standing Orders.
5. RESIDENTIAL PARKS BILL 2007 (Serial 77):
      The Member for Nelson (Mr Wood), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to regulate the relationship of residents in residential parks and park owners and for related purposes.
      Bill read a first time.
      Mr Wood moved - That the Bill be now read a second time.
      Debate ensued.
      Paper tabled: The Member for Nelson (Mr Wood) laid on the Table the following Paper -
Explanatory Statement, Residential Parks Bill 2007 (Paper 1103).

      On the motion of the Minister for Justice and Attorney-General (Mr Stirling) debate was adjourned.
      The Clerk advised, pursuant to Standing Order 107, that he had received advice the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Carney) would not be proceeding with this notice and postponing this item until the next General Business Day.

      Leave granted to the Member for Blain (Mr Mills) to withdraw the Bill.

      The Member for Blain (Mr Mills), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Act.
      Bill read a first time.
      Mr Mills moved - That the Bill be now read a second time.
      Debate ensued.
      On the motion of the Minister for Justice and Attorney-General (Mr Stirling) debate was adjourned.
9. ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILL (No. 2) 2007 (Serial 117):
      The Member for Braitling (Mrs Braham), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Electoral Act.
      Bill read a first time.
      Mrs Braham moved - That the Bill be now read a second time.
      Debate ensued.
      Paper tabled: The Member for Braitling (Mrs Braham) laid on the Table the following Paper -
Explanatory Statements, Electoral Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2007 (Serial 117) (Paper 1104).

      On the motion of the Minister for Employment, Education and Training (Mr Henderson) debate was adjourned.

      The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Carney), pursuant to notice, moved - That this parliament end its current restrictions on freedom of the media and open up its processes so as to provide unfettered public scrutiny by amending Standing Orders to allow television, radio and internet providers to record and rebroadcast all public parliamentary proceedings.
      Debate ensued.
      The Leader of Government Business (Mr Henderson) moved the following amendment -
      Omit all words after "That" and insert in their stead -
      The Assembly -

      1. Notes that after 27 years of CLP in 2001 there was no:
          (a) television access to Question Time by media;

          (b) thorough Estimates Committee process;

          (c) Freedom of Information Laws;

          (d) allocation of resources to support Independent members of the Legislative Assembly;

          (e) provision of explanatory materials in relation to legislation presented to the Legislative Assembly;

          (f) requirement for the Government to provide accurate and transparent Budget Papers;

          (g) Independent body to administer territory elections; and

      2. Notes that since 2001 this Labor Administration has:
          (a) opened up Question Time by enabling television cameras access;

          (b) introduced a thorough Estimates Committee process which is also open to the media;

          (c) introduced Freedom of Information laws;

          (d) provided resources to support Independent Members of the Legislative Assembly;

          (e) introduced the provision of explanatory materials in relation to legislation presented to the Legislative Assembly;

          (f) introduced regional sittings of the Legislative Assembly to Alice Springs;

          (g) introduced the modern Budget transparency obligations on the Government.

      3. Notes that in recent times technological capacities have improved to enable new functions to be introduced including the streaming of Hansard on the internet.

      4. Requests the Standing Orders Committee to examine and report to the Assembly whether adjustments should be made to the Legislative Assembly Standing Orders to take into account -
          (a) the modern capabilities available to the Parliament;

          (b) the technological capacities of the infrastructure in the Territory Parliament; and

          (c) the efficient functioning of the Legislative Assembly.

          (d) appropriate guidelines in which the broadcast or rebroadcast of parliamentary proceedings is to operate;

          (e) the current and future capacity of the network to enable an expanded distribution of sound and vision broadcast to media outlets;

          (f) the financial and other arrangements required to facilitate any extended broadcast of proceedings of the Assembly; and

          (g) review of the current broadcast and rebroadcast of Assembly proceedings.

      Debate continued.
      Debate suspended.

      Suspension of sittings: The Sittings of the Assembly was suspended between 12.03pm and 2pm.
      2.03pm Mr Mills to Ms Martin.
      2.06pm Mr Burke to Mr Stirling.
      2.09pm Mr Mills to Ms Martin.
      2.12pm Ms Sacilotto to Ms Martin.
      2.16pm Mr Mills to Ms Martin.
      2.18pm Ms McCarthy to Dr Burns.
      Paper tabled: Dr Burns laid on the Table the following Paper -
Letter, Dr Burns to Hon Mal Brough MP re alcohol and pornography, Australian Government initiatives, dated 5 October 2007 (Paper 1105).

      2.22pm Mrs Braham to Ms Martin.
      2.25pm Mr Mills to Ms Martin.
      2.26pm Mr Hampton to Mr Henderson.
      2.32pm Mr Mills to Ms Martin.
      2.37pm Mr Warren to Ms Lawrie.
      2.39pm Mr Wood to Mr McAdam.
      2.44pm Ms Carney to Mr Henderson.
      2.47pm Ms Sacilotto to Mr Vatskalis.
      2.51pm Mr Conlan to Ms Martin.
      Papers tabled: The Member for Greatorex (Mr Conlan), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper -
Letters, Graham Phelps, Executive Director, Territory Parks and Wildlife to Patrick Henri Boost re Tour Operator Permits to operate as a Tour Operator in Territory Parks, dated 16 March 2007 (Paper 1106).

      2.53pm Mrs Braham to Ms Martin.
      2.56pm Mr Knight to Ms Martin.
      3.01pm Mrs Miller to Ms Martin.

      The Leader of Government Business (Mr Henderson) asked that further questions be placed on the Written Question Paper.
      The following notices was given -
      Mr Stirling: To present the Superannuation Law Reform Bill 2007 (Serial 118).
      The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the motion moved by the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Carney) -

      That this parliament end its current restrictions on freedom of the media and open up its processes so as to provide unfettered public scrutiny by amending Standing Orders to allow television, radio and internet providers to record and rebroadcast all public parliamentary proceedings.

      And the amendment moved by the Leader of Government Business (Mr Henderson) to -

      Omit all words after "That" and insert in their stead -
      The Assembly -

      1. Notes that after 27 years of CLP in 2001 there was no:
          (a) television access to Question Time by media;

          (b) thorough Estimates Committee process;

          (c) Freedom of Information Laws;

          (d) allocation of resources to support Independent members of the Legislative Assembly;

          (e) provision of explanatory materials in relation to legislation presented to the Legislative Assembly;

          (f) requirement for the Government to provide accurate and transparent Budget Papers;

          (g) Independent body to administer territory elections; and

      2. Notes that since 2001 this Labor Administration has:
          (a) opened up Question Time by enabling television cameras access;

          (b) introduced a thorough Estimates Committee process which is also open to the media;

          (c) introduced Freedom of Information laws;

          (d) provided resources to support Independent Members of the Legislative Assembly;

          (e) introduced the provision of explanatory materials in relation to legislation presented to the Legislative Assembly;

          (f) introduced regional sittings of the Legislative Assembly to Alice Springs;

          (g) introduced the modern Budget transparency obligations on the Government.

      3. Notes that in recent times technological capacities have improved to enable new functions to be introduced including the streaming of Hansard on the internet.

      4. Requests the Standing Orders Committee to examine and report to the Assembly whether adjustments should be made to the Legislative Assembly Standing Orders to take into account -
          (a) the modern capabilities available to the Parliament;

          (b) the technological capacities of the infrastructure in the Territory Parliament;

          (c) the efficient functioning of the Legislative Assembly;

          (d) appropriate guidelines in which the broadcast or rebroadcast of parliamentary proceedings is to operate;

          (e) the current and future capacity of the network to enable an expanded distribution of sound and vision broadcast to media outlets;

          (f) the financial and other arrangements required to facilitate any extended broadcast of proceedings of the Assembly; and

          (g) review of the current broadcast and rebroadcast of Assembly proceedings.

      Debate resumed.
      Extension of time: On the motion of the Member for Greatorex (Mr Conlan) the Member for Katherine (Mrs Miller) was granted an extension of time, pursuant to Standing Order 77.
      Debate continued.
      The Member for Katherine (Mrs Miller) moved the following amendment to the amendment moved by Mr Henderson -

      Omit all words after "The Assembly" and insert in their stead -

      Requests the Standing Orders Committee report on:
          (a) what, if any, adjustments are needed to the physical infrastructure, above and beyond, the current building upgrade to provide video and / or audio recording of all public proceedings of the Territory Parliament and its committees;

          (b) what, if any, costs would be involved in providing such access set out above;

          (c) what, if any, effect this would have on the effective functioning of the Legislative Assembly and its committees;

          (d) the guidelines in operation in parliaments in other jurisdictions that have full broadcasting / recording access;

          (e) recommendations in respect to implementation of full media recording, broadcasting or rebroadcasting, including further internet facilities; and

          (f) this reference no later than February 2008 parliamentary sittings.

      Debate ensued.
      Question - That the amendment moved by Mrs Miller to the amendment moved by Mr Henderson, be agreed to - put and negatived.
      Question - That the amendment moved by Mr Henderson to the motion moved by Ms Carney, be agreed to - put and passed.
      Motion, as amended, agreed to.
      The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Carney), pursuant to notice, moved - That the Assembly -

      1. Condemns the Martin Labor Government for its failure to address rising rates of personal crime across the Territory.

      2. Calls on the Chief Minister, in her role as Police Minister, without delay, to:
          (a) bring and keep the Northern Territory Police Force at establishment;

          (b) outline her plans to reduce the attrition rate in the NT Police force;

          (c) increase the number of police vehicles in each sector across Darwin, Palmerston and the major centres by at least one per sector;

          (d) provide 20 police to Alice Springs over and above establishment numbers; and

          (e) inform Territorians whether 200 extra police have been added ‘to the beat’ and, if not, why not, and detail exactly how many of the promised 200 extra police are actually ‘on the beat’.

      Debate ensued.
      Question - put and negatived.

      The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Carney), pursuant to notice, moved - That this Assembly:

        (a) establishes a Regulation Relief Review Advisory Committee (Advisory Committee) subordinate to the Legal and Constitutional Affairs standing committee;
        (b) endorses the following terms of reference for the Regulation Relief Review advisory Committee:
          (i) to review all laws and regulations that impact on business in the Territory, including procurement practices and other process requirements of the Northern Territory Government, and

          (ii) recommend removal and reform of these regulations and processes;
        (c) agrees to the membership of the committee to be made up of a chair person nominated by the Leader of Government Business, a deputy chair person to be nominated by the Leader of Opposition, 2 members nominated by business associations (made up of a representative from the Business Council, REINT, Chamber of Commerce, Cattlemans’ Association, Trucking Association, Construction Association, The MTAA: the HIA and any other organisation, agreed to by the Chair and Deputy Chair), of the Northern Territory; a consumer advocate agreed to by the Chair and Deputy Chair of the committee and the Northern Territory Ombudsman;
        (d) in establishing the Advisory Committee does so subject to the Speaker tabling in the Assembly for its adoption a determination authorising the operational structure levels and terms and conditions of payment of meeting/sitting fees and travel allowances paid to Regulation Relief Review Advisory Committee members in similar terms to that of the Statehood Steering committee; and
        (e) requires the Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee to report to the Assembly, no later than 30 June 2008, including in its report any and all recommendations of the Regulation Relief Review Committee.

      Debate ensued.
      The Minister for Justice and Attorney-General (Mr Stirling) moved the following amendment -
      Omit all words after "That" and insert in their stead -
      The Assembly:
        1. Notes the strong engagement established between the Martin Labor Government and business community in the Territory, through regular consultation with industry groups, and:
            (a) Northern Territory Business Council Forums with the Business Minister;

            (b) Business Round Table meetings with the Chief Minister;

            (c) Business sector breakfasts with the Treasurer; and
            (d) Land Industry Forums with the Planning Minister.
        2. Notes the Labor Government has implemented, under COAG National Competition Policy commitments, strict review processes to reduce or remove inefficient business compliance regulation.

        3. Requests a reference be provided to the Public Accounts Committee to examine and report to the Assembly on business concerns about any unnecessary regulatory burdens, while ensuring the cost of establishing a large, specialist subcommittee is not incurred by Territory taxpayers.

      Debate continued.
      Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put and passed.
      Question - That the motion, as amended, be agreed to - put and passed.

      The Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Mills), pursuant to notice, moved -
          That this Assembly establish a Board of Inquiry to determine if there are any further victims of sexual crimes allegedly committed by Bob Collins, and that such Board of Inquiry be headed by a former judge of a supreme court or person of a similar repute and stature.

      Debate ensued.
      Question - put and negatived.
      The Member for Nelson (Mr Wood), pursuant to notice, moved -
      That this Assembly:
          (a) states that it has no confidence in the NT Government because of the amateurish manner that it has tried to carry out Local Government Reform; and

          (b) requests the government stop the Local Government Reform process now, start again, slow down, involve the community from the beginning, have a flexible timetable and get it right.

      Debate ensued.
      Extension of time: On the motion of the Member for Greatorex (Mr Conlan) the Member for Nelson (Mr Wood) was granted an extension of time, pursuant to Standing Order 77.
      Debate continued.
      Extension of time: On the motion of the Member for Drysdale (Mr Natt) the Member for Barkly (Mr McAdam) was granted an extension of time, pursuant to Standing Order 77.
      Debate continued.
      Question - put and negatived.
      The Member for Nelson (Mr Wood), pursuant to notice, moved -
      That this Assembly:
          (a) recognises that the government has a responsibility to ensure purchasers of land or housing have the right to protection through vendor disclosure; and

          (b) calls on the government to introduce legislation before the end of this year, as promised in May 2007, that will establish vendor disclosure for Territory land or housing purchasers.

      Debate ensued.
      Question - put and negatived.
      The Member for Nelson (Mr Wood), pursuant to notice, moved -
      That this Assembly:
          (a) rejects the Minister for Planning and Lands' decision to remove Middle Arm Peninsula from the Litchfield Development Consent Authority;

          (b) opposes the autocratic system where the minister will be the sole authority for planning decisions for this area;

          (c) supports the democratic principle of an independent development consent authority where concerned citizens can be involved through public meetings; and

          (d) calls on the minister to reverse the decision and reinstate Middle Arm Peninsula under the Litchfield Development Consent Authority.

      Debate ensued.
      Question - That the motion be agreed to - put.
      The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. J. L Aagaard, in the Chair) -

      AYES, 5 NOES, 16

      Ms Carney Ms Anderson
      Mr Conlan Mr Bonson
      Mrs Miller Mr Burke
      Mr Mills Dr Burns
      Mr Wood Mr Hampton
      Mr Henderson
      Mr Knight
      Ms Lawrie
      Ms Martin
      Mr McAdam
      Ms McCarthy
      Mr Natt
      Ms Sacilotto
      Mr Stirling
      Mr Vatskalis
      Mr Warren

      Motion negatived accordingly.

20. ELECTORAL AMENDMENT BILL 2006 (Serial 76):
      The Member for Nelson (Mr Wood) on behalf of and at the request of the Member for Braitling (Mrs Braham) moved - That discussion on the motion be postponed until next General Business Day.
      Question - put and passed.

      The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time -
      Debate resumed.
      Question - put and negatived.
      The Chief Minister (Ms Martin) moved - That the Assembly do now adjourn.
      Debate ensued.
      Question - put and passed.
      And the Assembly adjourned at 10.20pm until tomorrow at 10am.

      The following Papers were deemed to have been presented on Wednesday 10 October 2007 -

      Annual Report
      Daly River Management Advisory Committee (DRMAC) 2006/2007 (Paper 1107)
      All Members attended the sitting.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016