Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2011-08-08

Index to Minutes – 8 August 2011 to 18 August 2011

From To Pages
8 August 2011 18 August 2011 695 - 738

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Shadow Ministry, 8 August 2011 (Mr Elferink) 695

      Authorisation to publish Report of the Children’s Commissioner regarding functions referred to in the Ombudsman’s Report “A Life Long Shadow 718

      Business Names (National Uniform Legislation) Request Bill 2011 (Serial 170) 709, 713
      Commercial Arbitration (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2011 (Serial 165) 727
      Criminal Code (Unlawful Assault Causing Death) Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 171) 716
      Criminal Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 173) 723, 727
      Dangerous Prisoners (Sexual Offenders) Bill 2011 (Serial 168) 716
      Evidence (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2011 (Serial 172) 716, 721
      Fire and Emergency Amendment (Smoke Alarms) Bill 2010 (Serial 130) 710
      Heritage Bill 2011 (Serial 169) 701, 707
      Justice (Corrections) and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 167) 701, 702, 704
      Justice and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 148) 721
      Kenbi Land Trust Bill 2011 (Serial 175) 728, 733
      Mining Management Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 162) 729, 733
      Occupational Licensing (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2010 (Serial 139) 697, 698
      Penalties Amendment (Chief Minister’s and Other Portfolios) Bill 2010 (Serial 138) 713, 715
      Penalties Amendment (Children and Families, Health and Primary Industry, Fisheries and Resources) Bill 2011 (Serial 149) 713
      Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 146) 734, 736, 737
      Sentencing Amendment (Victim Protection Orders) Bill 2011 (Serial 145) 711
      Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 2010 (Serial 140) 696
      Traffic and Other Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Serial 166) 707

      Chief Minister and Government re Pretence of support for the Territory’s live cattle industry (Mr Mills) - Negatived 709
      Indigenous expenditure failings (Mr Mills) - Negatived 699

      Deputy Speaker (Ms Walker), pursuant to Standing Order 9, to perform duties of absent Speaker (Mrs Aagaard), 16 August 2011 721

      Finn, Mr Bernard (Bernie) Thomas Christopher, MP, Legislative Council of Victoria (Mrs Aagaard) 708
      Jiliang, Mr Chen, Second Secretary of the Chinese Embassy (Mrs Aagaard) 729
      Wei, Mr Zhang, Counsellor and Consul General of the Chinese Embassy (Mrs Aagaard) 729
      Yuming, Mr Chen, His Excellency, Ambassador to Australia, Peoples Republic of China (Mrs Aagaard) 729

      Henderson, Mr, Member for Wanguri (Dr Burns) 733

      Child Care Protection under Department of Children and Families (Mrs Lambley) 704
      The arrangements surrounding the delivery of public housing in remote communities under SIHIP as compared with remote housing for government workers 725
      Tourism in the Northern Territory and the future of the industry (Mr Westra van Holthe) 718

      No. 28, Assent to proposed laws, June sittings, dated 1 July 2011 (Paper 1404) 696

      Century of North Australia (Mr Henderson) 699
      Education (Dr Burns) 724

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Adjournment extension of commencement time
      Minister for Health (Mr Vatskalis), pursuant to Standing Order 41A(iii), asked that debate be extended for 10 minutes 731
      Member for Braitling (Mr Giles) moved – That the question be now put 717
      Extension of Time
      Bohlin, Mr on motion of Mr Styles 716
      Bohlin, Mr on motion of Ms Purick 725
      Burns, Dr on motion of Mr Gunner 711, 715
      Burns, Dr on motion of Ms Scrymgour 708, 737
      Conlan, Mr on motion of Mr Elferink 710
      Conlan, Mr on motion of Mr Giles 737
      Giles, Mr on motion of Mr Elferink 711
      Hampton, Mr on motion of Mr McCarthy 727
      Henderson, Mr on motion of Mr McCarthy 728
      Knight, Mr on motion of Mr McCarthy 699
      Lambley, Ms on motion of Mr Conlan 715
      Lambley, Ms on motion of Mr Elferink 718
      Lawrie, Ms on motion of Mr Elferink 725
      McCarthy, Mr on motion of Dr Burns 715
      McCarthy, Mr on motion of Mr Knight 729
      McCarthy, Mr on motion of Ms Walker 702
      Mills, Mr on motion of Mr Conlan 728
      Scrymgour, Ms on motion of Mr Henderson 730
      Styles, Mr on motion of Mr Chandler 729
      Styles, Mr on motion of Ms Purick 717
      Styles, Mr on motion of Westra van Holthe 702
      Tollner, Mr on motion of Mr Chandler 699
      Vatskalis, Mr on motion of Mr McCarthy 699
      Vatskalis, Mr on motion of Mr Westra van Holthe 718
      Walker, Ms on motion of Dr Burns 724

MOTIONS (Procedural) (cont)
      Extension of Time (cont)
      Walker, Ms on motion of Ms Scrymgour 717, 737
      Wood, Mr on motion of Mr Chandler 699, 708
      Wood, Mr on motion of Mr Elferink 722
      Wood, Mr on motion of Mr McCarthy 729
      Giles, Mr on Ms M McCarthy 735
      Member for Greatorex (Mr Conlan) moved – That the Member for Arafura (Ms Scrymgour) be no longer heard 717
      Bohlin, Mr drew attention to the state of the Assembly 737
      Giles, Mr drew attention to the state of the Assembly 737
      Routine of Business, Monday 8 August 2011 (Dr Burns) 695
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Extension of time Wood, Mr to complete speech, on motion of Mr Elferink 708

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Appoint Ombudsman and Children’s Commissioner to the Child Protection External Monitoring and Reporting Committee (Mrs Lambley) 722
      Auditor-General’s February 2011 Report to the Legislative Assembly – Note (Mr Henderson) 704
      Bagot Community development (Mr Tollner) 723
      Broadband Services to the Northern Territory (Mr Giles) 722
      Central Australian Development – Note 718
      Century of North Australia (Mr Henderson) - Note 699, 710, 715, 716
      Council of Territory Cooperation (CTC) – Reference on Animal Welfare Governance In The Northern Territory – extension of reporting period 701, 707
      Deficiencies services to Darwin rural area of youth, mental health care, aged care and sport and recreation programs (Ms Purick) 723
      Education – Note (Dr Burns) 724, 727, 728, 737
      Fire and Emergency Services Amendment Regulation 2011 (No. 29/2011), Item 2 of Table to Schedule 4 be disallowed (Mr Elferink) 734
      Indigenous expenditure failings (Mr Mills) - Negatived 699
      Law and order issues in Alice Springs, 2011/2012 (Mr Conlan) 723
      Live cattle export ban, impact on economy and people (Mrs Purick) 715, 731
      Live Cattle Export Trade failures by Gillard government (Mr Tollner) 723
      Northern Territory Government Response to 3rd Report of the Council of Territory Co-Operation, February 2011 - Note 708, 710
      Northern Territory Government Response to the Fourth Report of the CTC – “Recent Community Trips” (Paper 1477) – Note 737
      NT Government Agencies’ Internal Controls, Public Accounts Committee – Note 721
      Ombudsman, 2009/2010 – Note 724
      Preliminary Report of the Animal Welfare Governance Subcommittee of the CTC, dated August 2011 (Paper 1478) – Note 738
      Preliminary Report of the Animal Welfare Governance Subcommittee of the CTC, dated August 2011 (Paper 1478) – Print 738
      Public Information Act – Review of Public Information Referred to Auditor-General March 2011, Report to the Legislative Assembly – Note 727
      Recent Community Trips, Fourth Report of the Council of Territory Cooperation - Note 722, 724
      Rural Centre Plans, the future development model for the Litchfield Council area (Mr Wood) 723
      Short, Medium and Long term strategies to address violence in, Alice Springs (Mr Giles) 712
      Youth Suicide in the Territory (Mr Wood) 715
      Youth Suicide in the Territory, Select Committee Terms of Reference (Mr Wood) 729, 734
      Yuendumu township, family disputes (Mr Giles) 711

      Member for Arafura (Ms Scrymgour) and the Member for Drysdale (Mr Bohlin) for the period 5.30pm to 7.30pm, 17 August 2011 (Paper 1464) (Mrs Aagaard) 730
      Member for Arnhem (Ms McCarthy) and the Member for Goyder (Ms Purick) for the period 4.30pm to 6pm, 18 August 2011 (Paper 1466) (Mrs Aagaard) 733
      Member for Barkly (Mr McCarthy) and the Member for Macdonnell (Ms Anderson) for the period 6pm to 8pm, 11 August 2011 (Paper 1439) (Mrs Aagaard) 716
      Member for Blain (Mr Mills) for Member for Arafura (Ms Scrymgour) – remainder of 8 August 2011 (Paper 1408) 698
      Member for Casuarina (Mr Vatskalis) and the Member for Brennan (Mr Chandler) for the period 4pm to 7pm, 16 August 2011 (Paper 1457) (Mrs Aagaard) 724
      Member for Daly (Mr Knight) and the Member for Blain (Mr Mills) for the period 4.30pm to 8pm, 18 August 2011 (Paper 1467) (Mrs Aagaard) 733
      Member for Nightcliff (Mrs Aagaard) and the Member for Fong Lim (Mr Tollner) for the period 6pm to close of business today, 11 August 2011 (Paper 1450) (Mrs Aagaard) 718
      Member for Nightcliff (Mrs Aagaard) and the Member for Goyder (Ms Purick) for the period 10am to 2pm, 16 August 2011 (Paper 1453) (Ms Walker) 721
      Member for Stuart (Mr Hampton) and the Member for Sanderson (Mr Styles) for the period 4.30pm and 6pm, 18 August 2011 (Paper 1467) (Mrs Aagaard) 733
      Member for Wanguri (Mr Henderson) and the Member for Katherine (Mr Westra van Holthe) for the period entire sitting day, 18 August 2011 (Paper 1466) (Mrs Aagaard) 733
      Member for Wanguri (Mr Henderson) being paired with the Member for Brennan (Mr Chandler) for the period 3pm to 5pm, Thursday 11 August 2011 (Paper 1433) 708

      Advice on the Public Sector Employment and Management Act and Preference Selection – Calyton Utz, dated 24 July 2003 (Paper 1476) (Dr Burns) 736
      Alcohol Reform Program - Enough is Enough – by Northern Territory Government (Paper 1427) (Ms Lawrie) 702
      Annual Reports
      Charles Darwin University Financial Statements, 31 December 2010 (Paper 1445) 719
      Charles Darwin University, 31 December 2010 (Paper 1444) 719
      Council of Territory Co-Operation, August 2011, year ended 30 June 2011 (Paper 1456) 725
      MAC – Statement of Corporate Intent – 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2014 (Paper 1418) 700
      Northern Territory Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board for year ended 30 September 2010 (Paper 1474) 738
      Ombudsman, 2009/2010 (Dr Burns) (Paper 1458) 724
      TIO Group – Statement of Corporate Intent – 1 July 2011 to 30 June 2014 (Paper 1417) 700
      Cattle slaughter, photographs of (Paper 1434) (Mr Mills) 709
      Child Protection External Monitoring and Reporting Committee, Report following Second Meeting, May 26 - 27 July 2011, Alice Springs (Paper 1424) (Mr Vatskalis) 699
      Debutante’s Ball 2011, Katherine Times, 10 August 2011 (Paper 1465) (Mr Westra van Holthe) 731
      Drinking area, Lovegrove Drive, Alice Springs, photograph (Paper 1459) (Mr Giles) 725
      Electoral Act
      2011 Redistribution of Northern Territory Legislative Assembly Electoral Boundaries (Section 148 of the Electoral Act 2004), Volume 2 Report on the Redistribution of Divisions Supporting Documentation (Paper 1441) 719
      2011 Redistribution of Northern Territory Legislative Assembly Electoral Boundaries (Section 148-149 of the Electoral Act 2004), Report and Maps on the Redistribution of the Northern Territory into Divisions (Paper 1440) 719
      Estimates Committee & Government Owned Corporations Scrutiny Committee 2011 - Answers to Questions on Notice and Additional Information – August 2011 (Paper 1422) 700

      Explanatory Statements
      Business Names (National Uniform Legislation) Request Bill 2011 (Paper 1436) 713
      Criminal Justice Legislation Amendment Bill 2011 (Paper 1461) 727
      Evidence (National Uniform Legislation) Bill 2011 (Paper 1452) 721
      Heritage Bill 2011 (Paper 1432) 707
      Kenbi Land Trust Bill 2011 (Paper 1468) 733
      Mining Management Amendment Bill 2011 (Paper 1469) (Mr Vatskalis) 733
      Family Violence and Sexual Assault Services Output 1.5 – Mensline Australia (Paper 1451) (Mr Elferink) 718
      Improving Educational Outcomes in the Northern Territory by Geoff Masters for Australian Council for Educational Research, April 2011 (Paper 1454) (Dr Burns) 723
      Joint Management Plans
      Giwining/ Flora River Nature Park, 20 June 2011 (Paper 1443) 719
      Judbarra/Gregory National Park and Gregory’s Tree Historical Reserve, June 2011 (Paper 1442) 719
      Labor Party 2008 Election Commitments – Progress Report, August 2011 (Paper 1462) (Mr Henderson) 728
      Legal Advice – In the Matter of the Penalties Amendment (Chief Minister’s and Other Portfolios) Bill and Section 12 of the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 - Michael Grant QC, 18 May 2011 (Paper 1437) (Ms Lawrie) 714
      Burns, Dr, Leader of Government Business to Speaker re nomination of Ms Scrymgour, Ms Walker and Mr Gunner to serve on the Select Committee on Youth Suicides in the NT, dated 18 August 2011 (Paper 1471) (Mrs Aagaard) 735
      Collins, Ms Priscilla, Chief Executive Officer, NAAJA to Hon Gerry McCarthy, Minister for Correctional Services re Response to the New Era in Corrections, dated 23 February 2011 (Paper 1429) (Mr McCarthy) 703
      Mills, Mr, Leader of the Opposition to Speaker, dated 18 August 2011 re nomination of Ms Purick and Mr Styles to serve on the Select Committee on Youth Suicides in the NT (Paper 1472) (Mrs Aagaard) 735
      REINT to Mr John Elferink, Member for Port Darwin re National Occupational Licensing Scheme (NOLS) (Paper 1407) (Mr Elferink) 697
      Requesting Authority To Publish A Report Pursuant To Section 278(2) of the Care And Protection Act Regarding Functions Referred To In The Ombudsman’s Report ‘A Life Long Shadow’ (Paper 1448) (Mrs Aagaard) 717
      St James’s Palace to Speaker conveying the thanks of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge for crocodile skin pens sent by the Assembly to celebrate their marriage, dated 13 July 2011 (Paper 1406) (Mrs Aagaard) 696
      Maningrida housing, Photograph (Paper 1421) (Mr Giles) 699
      Maningrida School, Photograph (Paper 1419) (Mr Giles) 699
      Manyallaluk School Photographs, Members at opening of a BER program (Paper 1455) (Dr Burns) 724
      Mapuru, 29 May 2011 (Paper 1447) (Ms Walker) 717
      Members Travel 3.15 - Interstate
      Mr Tollner - Remuneration Tribunal Determination Paragraph 3.15 – Interstate Travel to Canberra, ACT Australia and Sydney to lobby federal politicians on live cattle issues and ramifications of a carbon tax on the NT economy and interstate Directors of NT based mining companies Saturday 18 June 2011 and Friday 24 June 2011 (Paper 1425) (Ms Walker) 700
      Members Travel 4.2 - Overseas Travel to Singapore and Japan Tuesday 17 May 2011 to Thursday 26 May 2011, Member for Blain (Mr Mills) (Paper 1426) (Ms Walker) 700
      Memo – Deloitte, re Emission intensity of electricity generation to Shane Brittle, dated 5 August 2011 by Deb Chattopadhyay (Paper 1438) (Mr Henderson) 716
      Memo by Dr Gary Sinclair re Medchart Software Issue, dated 20 April 2011 (Paper 1470) (Mr Conlan) 735
      New Future Alliance – Wadeye, Houses for Rebuild (Paper 1435) (Mr Giles) 711

      Northern Territory Government Response to the Fourth Report of the CTC – “Recent Community Trips” (Paper 1477) (Dr Burns) 737
      Notes of Minister McCarthy re How is a Community Custody Order different to Home Detention Orders or a Suspended Sentence, paragraph 3.35 and 3.36 (Paper 1430) (Mr McCarthy) 703
      Notes of Minister McCarthy re How is a Community Custody Order different to Home Detention Orders or a Suspended Sentence, paragraph 3.35 to 3.37 (Paper 1428) (Mr McCarthy) 703
      Ombudsman NT
      A life long Shadow, Report of a partial investigation of the Child Protection Authority (Paper 1423) 700
      Report to the Honourable Delia Lawrie MLA Minister for Justice and to
        the Legislative Assembly, pursuant to section 64(1) of the Surveillance Devices Act 2007 (Northern Territory) for period 1 January 2011 to 30 June 2011, June 2011 (Paper 1473) 738
      Member for Arafura (Ms Scrymgour) and the Member for Drysdale (Mr Bohlin) for the period 5.30pm to 7.30pm, 17 August 2011 (Paper 1464) (Mrs Aagaard) 730
      Member for Barkly (Mr McCarthy) and the Member for Macdonnell (Ms Anderson) for the period 6pm to 8pm, 11 August 2011 (Paper 1439) (Mrs Aagaard) 716
      Member for Blain (Mr Mills) for Member for Arafura (Ms Scrymgour) – remainder of 8 August 2011 (Paper 1408) (Mrs Aagaard) 698
      Member for Casuarina (Mr Vatskalis) and the Member for Brennan (Mr Chandler) for the period 4pm to 7pm, 16 August 2011 (Paper 1457) (Mrs Aagaard) 724
      Member for Nightcliff (Mrs Aagaard) and the Member for Fong Lim (Mr Tollner) for the period 6pm to close of business today, 11 August 2011 (Paper 1450) (Mrs Aagaard) 718
      Member for Nightcliff (Mrs Aagaard) and the Member for Goyder (Ms Purick) for the period 10am to 2pm, 16 August 2011 (Paper 1453) (Ms Walker) 721
      Member for Wanguri (Mr Henderson) paired with the Member for Brennan (Mr Chandler) for the period 3pm to 5pm, 10 August 2011 (Paper 1433) 708
      Police Administration Act
      Northern Territory Police Force Consent Agreement 2011 (Paper 1420) 700
      Preliminary Report of the Animal Welfare Governance Subcommittee of the CTC, dated August 2011 (Paper 1478) (Ms Walker) 738
      Press Release, Mr Terry Mills, Leader of the Opposition re the Chief Minister wants to put Heavy Industry in our Harbour, dated 18 April 2008 (Paper 1475) (Ms Lawrie) 735
      Professional Standards Act
      Notification - Instrument amending the Australian Property Institute Valuers Limited Scheme, under section 13(1), dated 23 June 2011 (Paper 1415) 700
      Professional Standiards Act, 1994 (New south Wales)
      Professional Surveyor’s Occupational Association Scheme (Paper 1416) 700
      Regulations 2011
      No. 29, Fire and Emergency Amendment Regulations (Paper 1409) 700
      No. 30, Sale of Land (Rights and Duties of Parties) Regulations (Paper 1410) 700
      No. 31, Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Amendment Regulations (Paper 1411) 700
      No. 32, Environment Protection (Beverage Containers and Plastic Bags) Amendment Regulations (Paper 1412) 700
      No. 33, Misuse of Drugs Amendment (Synthetic Cannabinoids) Regulations (Paper 1413) 700
      Report of the Children’s Commissioner regarding functions referred to in the Ombudsman’s Report “A Life Long Shadow” (Paper 1449) (Mr Vatskalis) 718
      Robinson School Photographs, circa 1985 (Paper 1463) (Mr McCarthy) 729
      Totalisator Licensing and Regulation (Wagering) Rules, 16 February 2011 (Paper 1414) 700

      Shadow Ministry of the Opposition (Paper 1405) (Mr Elferink) 696
      Shepherdson College, Galliwinku January 2011 – built under the BER Project, multi-purpose hall, Photograph (Paper 1446) (Ms Walker) 717
      Subordinate Legislation and Publications Committee
      First Report of Ministerial Correspondence on Subordinate Legislation, December 2008 to July 2011 (Paper 1479) 738

      Member for Araluen (Mrs Lambley) made a personal explanation in regard to her debate made on 8 August 2011 during the adjournment debate concerning the Growing Them Strong, Together, Child Protection External Monitoring Report 701

      Bus route, previously 300/301 from Alice Springs Hospital be reinstated, Petition No. 54 (Paper 1431) (Mrs Lambley) (60 petitioners) 707
      Amalgamation of Dundee and Marrakai into a new Shire, Petition No. 50 (Paper 1460) 727

      Elferink, Mr, drew attention to the state of the Assembly 710
      Giles, Mr drew attention to the state of the Assembly 716

      New seating arrangements for Opposition Members in the Chamber, 8 August 2011 (Mrs Aagaard) 696

      Anula Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Lewis and Ms Lees (Mrs Aagaard) 696
      Bakewell Primary School Year 6 students accompanied by Mr Williams and Ms Nunn (Mrs Aagaard) 733
      Casuarina Senior College – German exchange students accompanied by Ms Paula Simeone (Ms Walker) 698
      Dodd, Mr Dion, Chair of Youth Round Table and Ms Lauren Moss a former Chair of the Youth Round Table (Mrs Aagaard) 729
      Driver Primary School Year 4/5/6 students accompanied by Miss Turner, Miss Tsirbas and Mrs Harmsen (Mrs Aagaard) 727
      Essington School students accompanied by Miss Dumesny, Miss Morvant and Mr Connor (Mrs Aagaard) 734
      Essington School Year 6 students accompanied by Mrs Dearden, Mr Connor and Mrs Materazzo (Mrs Aagaard) 734
      Holy Family Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Julie Andrews (Mrs Aagaard) 701
      Palmerston Senior College, Japanese Exchange students from Aridagawa accompanied by Ms Carroll, Mrs Davies and Ms Kawai (Mrs Aagaard) 728
      Parap Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Miss Temira Wallis and Mr Brian Hyke (Mrs Aagaard) 708
      Parap Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Gayle Cann (Mrs Aagaard) 697
      Taminmin College Japanese exchange students accompanied by Ms MacLean (Ms Walker) 721
      Taminmin College Year 11 students accompanied by Miss Ngaire Smith (Mrs Aagaard) 708

      Wagaman Primary School Year 2/3 students accompanied by Mrs Chadbourne and Mrs Putica (Mrs Aagaard) 715
      Wagaman Primary School Year 2/3 students accompanied by Mrs Lisa McLean (Mrs Aagaard) 713
      Wagaman Primary School Year 3/4 students accompanied by Ms Ramsey, Ms Hetherington and Ms King (Ms Walker) 721
      Wagaman Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Mr Renner and Mr Kingham (Mrs Aagaard) 707
      Wagaman Primary School Year 5/6 students accompanied by Ms Lisa McLean (Mrs Aagaard) 701
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016