Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2003-05-27

Index to Minutes – 27 May 2003 to 29 May 2003


From To Pages
27 May 2003 29 May 2003 373 - 388

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Appropriation Bill 2003/2004 (Serial 147) 374, 380, 383, 386, 388
      Financial Management Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 148) 375, 379
      Firearms Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 158) 375, 381
      First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 153) 375, 380
      Information Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 157) 375, 380
      Land Development Corporation Bill 2003 (Serial 155) 375, 382
      Mineral Royalty Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 152) 375, 380
      Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2001 Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 154) 375, 380
      Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 160) 375, 382
      Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 151) 375, 380
      Poisons and Dangerous Drugs Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 159) 381, 385
      Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 150) 375, 380
      Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 149) 375, 380
      Tobacco Control Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 161) 375, 382
      Trade Development Zone Act Repeal Bill 2003 (Serial 156) 375, 382

      Jugamarra, Mr Ross William, President, Julalikari Council, Tennant Creek and
      Mr Joe Gumbula from Galiwinku (Madam Speaker) 388

      No. 13, a Bill for an Act to authorise the issue and expenditure of public moneys of the
      Territory in respect of the year ending 30 June 2004 (Paper 896) (Madam Speaker) 374
      No. 14, a Bill for an Act to amend the Financial Management Act in part which provides
      for public moneys of the Territory to be expended in relation to certain Northern Territory
      Public Sector employee entitlements (Paper 897) (Madam Speaker) 373

      Alice Springs Sittings 2003 (Ms Martin) 385
      Bullying in the Workplace (Mr Stirling) 385
      CeBIT Sydney 2003 (Dr Toyne) 374
      Container deposit legislation (Dr Burns) 379
      Crime Prevention Councils, Regional (Dr Toyne) 385
      East Timorese Asylum Seekers (Mr Vatskalis) 374
      Homecoming Celebration for Territory Service Personnel (Ms Martin) 374
      Mental Health Services (Mrs Aagaard) 385
      Remand Prisoners (Dr Toyne) 379
      Statehood for the Territory in 5 years (Ms Martin) 373
      Tracy Aged Care Village complex, closure (Mrs Aagaard) 379
      Traeger Park sporting complex, $2.5m funding (Mr Ah Kit) 379

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Routine of Business re-arranged to permit Opposition response to the Budget 2003/2004 at
      11am on Wednesday 28 May 2003 (Mr Henderson) 379
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Adjournment Debate, Member for Port Darwin (Ms Carter), by leave, Member for
      Port Darwin (Ms Carter) moved for Member for Arnhem (Mr Ah Kit ) to complete
      his speech. (Deputy Speaker – Mr Bonson in the Chair) 377
      Pass Bill through all stages
        Firearms Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 158) 381
        Information Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 157) 380
        Tobacco Control Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 161) 382
      Pass eight Bills through all stages
        Appropriation Bill 2003/2004 (Serial 147), Financial Management Amendment Bill 2003
        (Serial 148), Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 149), Stamp Duty
        Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 150), Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 151),
        Mineral Royalty Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 152), First Home Owner Grant Amendment
        Bill 2003 (Serial 153), and Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2001 Amendment Bill 2003
        (Serial 154) 382
      Pass two Bills through all stages
        Land Development Corporation Bill 2003 (Serial 155) and Trade Development Zone
        Act Repeal Bill 2003 (Serial 156), 383
      Take six Bills together
        Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 149), Stamp Duty Amendment
        Bill 2003 (Serial 150), Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 151), Mineral Royalty
        Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 152), First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2003
        (Serial 153), Motor Vehicle Amendment Act 2001 Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 154) 380
      Take two Bills together
        Land Development Corporation Bill 2003 (Serial 155) and Trade Development Zone
        Act Repeal Bill 2003 (Serial 156) 382

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Appropriation Bill 2003-2004 (Serial 147) and Budget Papers 2003/2004 be referred to the
      Estimates Committee for inquiry and report 385
      Appropriation Bill 2003-2004 be referred to the Estimates Committee for inquiry and
      report (Mr Henderson) 381
      Crime Prevention Initiatives - Note statement (Dr Toyne) 374, 376
      Litchfield area plan and zoning map (Mr Wood) 386
      Litchfield Planning Concepts and Land Use Objectives – Note statement (Mr Vatskalis) 376
      Nitmiluk National Park Plan of Management and Nitmiluk National Park Summary of
      Public Representations 2002 - Note 376
      Parliamentary fixed 4-year terms for elections of the Legislative Assembly 386
      Statement of Corporate Intent 2003/2004 for the Power and Water Authority – Referred to
      Government Owned Corporations Committee - Note 387
      Stuart Highway duplication between Noonamah and Cox Peninsula Road (Mr Wood) 386
      Yugal Mangi Community Government Council, Report on dismissal - Note 383

      Tuesday 17 June 2003 at 10am (Mr Henderson) 388

      Annual Reports
      Coburg Peninsula Sanctuary & Marine Park Board, 2001/2002 (Paper 909) 377
      Nitmiluk National Park, 2001/2002 (Paper 908) 377
      Budget Overview, 2003/2004 (Paper 898) (Mr Stirling) 375
      Budget Paper No. 1 – Budget Speech, 2003/2004 (Paper 899) (Mr Stirling) 374
      Budget Paper No. 2 – Fiscal and Economic Outlook, 2003/2004 (Paper 900) Mr Stirling) 375
      Budget Paper No. 3 – The Budget, 2003/2004 (Paper 901) (Mr Stirling) 375
      Budget Paper No. 4 – Capital Works Program, 2003/2004 (Paper 902) (Mr Stirling) 375
      Building Territory Business 2003/2004 (Paper 904) (Mr Stirling) 375
      Coroners Act
      In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendations into the Death of Maggie Peters,
      Report to the Legislative Assembly, pursuant to section 46B (Paper 911) 377
      Economy Overview May 2003 (Paper 906) (Mr Stirling) 375
      Federal Road Funding 2003/2004, by States (Paper 923) (Mr Reed) 387
      Financial Management Act
      Transfer of Excess Allocations, pursuant to section 20, signed by Treasurer,
      dated 28 May 2003 (Paper 917) 388
      Kava Budget (Paper 913) (Mr Baldwin) 383
      Allen, Mr Peter, Chairman Northern Territory Licensing Commission, to Mr Travis Morgan,
      dated 29 May 2003 re Moo Joose advertisement (Paper 920) (Mr Stirling) 387
      Auditor-General detailing minor corrections to his Report on the 2001/2002 Treasurer’s
      Annual Financial Statement presented to the Assembly on 29 April 2003
      (Paper 894) (Madam Speaker) 376
      Northern Territory Economy Overview, May 2003 (Paper 905) (Mr Stirling) 375
      Northern Territory Hand Gun Titles 2003 Open Division Match Results,
      19th May 2003 (Paper 915) (Mr Kiely) 383
      Public Service airline travel, Paul Tyrrell (Paper 919) (Mr Burke) 387
      Regional Highlights, 2003/2004 (Paper 903) (Mr Stirling) 375
      Regulations 2003
      No. 29, Amendments of Port By-Laws (Paper 916) 388
      No. 33, Amendments of Local Court Rules (Paper 910) 377
      Statement of Corporate Intent 2003/2004 and a Revised Statement of Corporate Intent
      for 2002/2003 for the Power and Water Authority (Papers 924 and 925 respectively) (Mr Stirling) 387
      Tail docking, Docked Breed List (Paper 926) (Dr Lim) 388
      White Pages, Northern Territory telephone book, extract Peter Maley, solicitor,
      telephone number (Paper 921) (Mr Henderson) 387
      Women in the Budget 2003/2004, References to [17 only and 8 are headings or footnotes]
      (Paper 918) (Ms Carney) 386
      Yellow Pages, Northern Territory telephone book, extract, advertisement for Criminal Law
      business – Withnall and Maley (Paper 922) (Mr Henderson) 387
      Yugal Mangi Community Government Council, Report on dismissal (Paper 914) (Mr Ah Kit) 383

      Law and order in Alice Springs (Paper 907) (Dr Lim) (20 petitioners) 373
      Nos. 23, 24 and 32 (Paper 912) 379
      Nos. 26 and 29 (Paper 895) 373

      Mr Elferink, pursuant to Standing Order 36, 28 May 2003 383

      Broadcast live or rebroadcast, with sound and vision, the Opposition’s Budget
      reply (Madam Speaker) 379
      Broadcast live or rebroadcast, with sound and vision, the presentation of the
      Budget 2003/2004 (Madam Speaker) 373
      Quorum of Assembly (Madam Speaker) 385
      Youth Parliament 2003 in Alice Springs, conduct of (Madam Speaker) 381

      Australian State Politics class accompanied by their lecturer Dr Bill Wilson (Madam Speaker) 375
      Clauth, Mr Allan (Madam Speaker) 383
      Lawrie, Mr John, (Snr) (Madam Speaker) 374
      St Mary’s Primary School students (Madam Speaker) 387
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016