Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2002-02-26

Index to Minutes – 26 February 2002 to 7 March 2002

From To Pages
26 February 2002 7 March 2002 69 - 113

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

Administration and Probate Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 26) 91
Anti-Discrimination Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 28) 70, 74
Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 34) 71, 90
Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Amendment Bill 20023 (Serial 34) 111
Coroners Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 29) 96
Corporations (Financial Sector Reform Amendments) Bill 2002 (Serial 46) 92, 95
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 5) 2001 (Serial 23) 105
Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 36) 72, 81
Cullen Bay Marina Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 24) 97
First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 41) 98, 104
Interpretation Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 43) 92, 96
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2001 (Serial 31) 92
Local Government Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 44) 71, 80
Meat Industries Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 39) 98, 104
Penalties Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 42) 92, 96
Police Administration Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (Serial 32) 109
Police Administration Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 38) 81
Public Accounts and Estimates Committee Bill 2002 (Serial 45) 72, 82
Public Trustee Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 27) 91
Racing and Betting Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 35) 106, 109
Small Claims Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 40) 72, 81
Statute Law Revision Bill 2002 (Serial 47) 98, 104
Unit Titles Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2001 (Serial 25) 97
Witness Protection (Northern Territory) Bill 2002 (Serial 37) 81
Workmen’s Liens Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 33) 82, 91

Censure of Member for Goyder – Alleged misleading of the Assembly - Re Minutes of meeting with
Northern Territory Prison Officers Assoc (Mr Stirling) 75

Brown, Mr George, Lord Mayor of Darwin from 1992 until his death on 8 January 2002 69
Webb AM, Dr Ronald Campbell (Dick) Official Member of the Sixth Legislative Council from July 1958
to October 1959 - deceased 31 January 2002 70

Wednesday 27 February 2002 (Mr Stirling) 69

No. 3, assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly during the November 2001 sittings (Madam Speaker) 103

Alice Springs Convention Centre (Mr Vatskalis) 80
Alice Springs Convention Centre (Ms Martin) 95
Alice Springs Hospital (Mrs Aagaard) 70
Alice Springs to Darwin Railway, progress of work and employment opportunities (Mr Henderson) 104
Athletics Australia select Darwin as its pre departure training venue for athletes attending the
Commonwealth Games (Mr Ah Kit) 104
Capital and Minor Works Allocations (Ms Martin) 70
Chief Minister’s Women’s Study Award recipients and program (Ms Martin) 109
Community Services Ministerial Conference (Mrs Aagaard) 95
Desert Knowledge Project (Dr Toyne) 109
East Arm Wharf, Stage 2, $20m Capital Works funding for development (Ms Martin) 79
Harmony Day in the Territory (Mr Vatskalis) 90
Land clearing, salinity and soil erosion policy (Mr Vatskalis) 95
Multicultural events calendar (Mr Vatskalis) 104
NT Shelter housing program (Mr Ah Kit) 70
Office of Economic Development (Ms Martin) 103
Palmerston and Rural Area Health Services (Mrs Aagaard) 80
Parliamentary Sittings in Alice Springs, 28 and 29 April 2002 (Mr Stirling) 89
Partnership Agreements with Palmerston City Council and other regional councils (Mr Ah Kit) 90
Remote Area Telecommunications Services (Dr Toyne) 80
Special Crime Unit (Mr Stirling) 95
SportingBet Australia Pty Ltd Alice Springs Hospital (Mrs Aagaard) 70
Tambling, Mr Grant, lifetime contribution to Territory life (Mr Stirling) 109
Violence against health staff in communities and other health service workplaces (Mrs Aagaard) 89

MOTIONS (Procedural)
Extension of time – denied Mr Dunham to continue his speech relating to Health Services 76
Suspension of Standing Orders
Notice of motion to pass Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 34) 98
Pass Bill through all stages
Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 34) 111
Classification of Publications, Films and Computer Games Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 34) -
Negatived, majority not present (Dr Toyne) 88
Take two Bills together
Penalties Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 42) and Interpretation Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 43) 96
Witness Protection (Northern Territory) Bill 2002 (Serial 37) and Police Administration Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 38) 90

MOTIONS (Substantive)
Auditor-General's February 2002 Report to the Legislative Assembly – Note (Mr Stirling) 89
Auditor-General's February 2002 Report to the Legislative Assembly – Print (Mr Stirling) 89
Freedom of Information Bill, Discussion Draft - Note 106, 107
Health and Community Services Promises by Government – Note (Mr Dunham) 72, 87
Health Service Actions for 2002 – Note statement (Mrs Aagaard) 76
Indigenous education and employment initiatives – Note statement (Mr Stirling) 92, 93
Indigenous initiatives in the Mining Sector (Paper 232) (Mr Henderson) 93
Indigenous issues of violence, joblessness, health and education in Aboriginal Communities and the
community at large – Note statement (Mr Ah Kit) 111, 112
Northern Territory Police Morale – Note (Mr Burke) 71, 82
Northern Territory Tourism Industry – Note (Ms Carney) 72, 84
NT Delegation to Indonesia in January 2002 and meeting with president Megawati Soekarnoputri and
a number of senior her Ministers – Note statement (Ms Martin) 108
Ombudsman, 2000/2001 - Note (Ms Martin) 112
Ombudsman, 2000/2001 - Print (Ms Martin) 112
Public Sector Agency arrangements as a result of a reduction of government Agencies from 35 to 18 - Note (Ms Martin) 99
Recreational Anglers and Commercial Fishing – Note (Mr Baldwin) 71, 85
Telecommunications and information technologies to foster social and economic development of
remote communities (Paper 290) (Dr Toyne) 112
Territory tourism and its position in the international tourist market - Note (Mr Henderson) 100
Violence against Aboriginal women – Note (Mrs Braham) 71, 83
Vision for a stronger Territory and better opportunities for all citizens – Note statement (Ms Martin) 76

Tuesday 14 May 2002 112

Aboriginal Mining and Enterprise Taskforce 2000/01 (Paper 233) (Mr Henderson) 93
Agenda of Ministerial meeting with Northern Territory Prison Officers Association, dated 23 January 2002
(Paper 170) (Mr Maley) 73
Transcript of interviews; Monday 4 March 2002 6.30pm Channel 8 99
Annual Reports
Actuarial Review of the Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities Superannuation Scheme
as at 30 June 2001 (Paper 195) 76
Arts and Museums, 2000/2001 (Paper 240) 101
Auditor-General's February 2002 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 228) (Madam Speaker) 89
Menzies School of Health Research, 2000/2001 (Paper 199) 76
National Environment Protection Council, 2000/2001 (Paper 267) 108
Northern Territory Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board, 2000/2001 (Paper 270) 108
Northern Territory Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board, 2000/2001 (Paper 271) 108
Northern Territory Police Supplementary Benefit Scheme, Auditor-General’s Report to the Trustees,
year ended 30 June 2001 (Paper 208) 88
Office of Courts Administration, 2000/2001 (Paper 194) 76
Strehlow Research Centre, 2000/2001 (Paper 239) 101
Territory Insurance Office Financial Report, 2000/2001, Auditor-General’s Report to the Treasurer (Paper 292) 94
Territory Insurance Office, 2000/2001 (Paper 206) 88
The Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory, 2000/2001 (Paper 193) 76
Article, Brother and sister on top of the class, The Australian by Ebru Yaman, Schools Education,
dated Monday 4 March 2002 (Paper 260) (Mr McAdam) 100
Article, Prison guard reveals call – Northern Territory News, dated 28 February 2002 (Paper 231) (Mr Burke) 92
Article, stabbed woman snubs charges, Northern Territory News, dated 21 January 2002 (Paper 216) (Ms Carter) 84
Article, Territory 2 honoured, Northern Territory News, dated 5 March 2002 (Paper 261) (Mr McAdam) 100
Bullying in the Public Sector (Paper 248) (Mr Reed) 99
Calendar of Multicultural Events 2002 by Office of Ethnic Affairs (Paper 207) 88
Calendar of Multicultural Events 2002, Office of Ethnic Affairs (Paper 263) (Mr Vatskalis) 104
Casino Operator's Agreement
Ford Dynasty Pty Ltd - Letter to Mr Peter Bridge, Managing Director, Lasseters Hotel Casino
from the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing, Hon. S J Stirling, Re
Taxation rates, dated 18 December 2001 (Paper 191) 76
Child Slavery, Brothel owners and businessmen are exploiting the desperation of Asia’s poorest families,
buying their children for sex and servitude, Time Magazine, 4 February 2002, - (Paper 266) (Mr Elferink) 105
Coroners Act
Office of the Coroner, Report to the Attorney-General, re Inquest into the death of Johno Johnson Wurramarrba,
[2001] NTMC 84, pursuant to Section 27 of the Coroners Act, dated 12 October 2001 (Paper 268) 108
Discover the other oz (Paper 242) (Mr Henderson) 98
Explanatory Memorandums
First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill (Serial 41) (Paper 265) 104
Exploring the Territory - A Guide for Self Drive Travellers 2002/2003 (Paper 258) Mr Henderson) 100
Extract – Note on privilege (Paper 205) (Dr Lim) 80
Extract from Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report 2001, Part 1 Public Account, Agency Budget Estimates,
Paper No. 2 – Gross Outlays by Output (Paper 171) (Mr Stirling) 73
Extract, Australian Bureau of Statistics – National Income Expenditure and Product, December Quarter 2001
(Paper 281) (Ms Martin) 111
Extract, from Hansard of 26 and 27 September 2001 – Valedictory, Senator Grant Tambling (Paper 286) (Mrs Braham) 113
Financial Management Act
Determination of Amounts of Allocation Transferred on Redistribution of Public Business Amongst Agencies,
pursuant to section 21(1) of the Financial Management Act, signed Treasurer, dated 7 December 2001
(Paper 280) 113
Determination of Variation of Allocation to activity – Northern Territory Treasury Corporation,
pursuant to section 23(1) and (2), signed Treasurer, dated 7 December 2001 (Paper 187) 76
Direction – Transfer of excess allocations between activities, pursuant to section 20(1)(a), signed Administrator,
dated 12 December 2001 (Paper 189) 77
Statement under section 19(4), Increase in Treasurer’s Advance, pursuant to section 19(1), signed Administrator,
dated 12 December 2001 (Paper 190) 77
Variation of Allocation to activity, Department of the Chief Minister, pursuant to section 23(1), signed Treasurer,
dated 5 February 2002 (Paper 188) 77
Financial Statements
Determination of Amounts of Allocation Transferred on Redistribution of Public Business Amongst Agencies,
pursuant to section 21(1) of the Financial Management Act, signed Treasurer, dated 7 December 2001
(Paper 280) 113
Menzies School of Health Research, 2000/2001 (Paper 192) 77
Territory Insurance Office Financial Report, 2000/2001, Auditor-General’s Report to the Treasurer (Paper 292) 94
Integrated Development of Timor Sea Gas – The National Interest Case, a submission by the Northern Territory
Government to the Commonwealth Government, dated February 2002 (Paper 282) (Ms Martin) 111
Land Clearing Guidelines, Broadacre Developments Linear Developments and Subdivisions, dated February 2002
by Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment. (Paper 241) (Mr Vatskalis) 95
Lecture notes by Noel Pearson, 25 October 2001, delivered at the University of Sydney as part of the
Dr Charles Perkins Memorial Oration – entitled, on the human right to misery, mass incarceration
and early death (Paper 217) (Mr Elferink) 84
Baldwin, Mr Tim MLA to Director of Fisheries, dated 24 December 2001 re Country Liberal Party,
Parliamentary Wing submission to Discussion Paper on the proposed closure of the McArthur River
System to commercial barramundi fishing (Paper 221)( Mr Henderson) 86
Collins, Ms Trish, WEL Convenor, Women’s Electoral Lobby Australia (Inc) to Chief Minister re NT Business
Women’s consultative Council and Gender Mainstreaming (Paper 279) (Ms Carney) 109
Hawkes, Mr D J to Hon S Stirling, Minister for Employment, Education and Training re matter raised by
Mr John Valentin (Paper 211) (Mr Stirling) 82
unknown to Leader of the Opposition (Mr Burke), dated 7 February 2002 (Paper 237) (Mr Dunham) 93
Vatskalis, Hon Kon to Mr Richard Barcham, Town Clerk, dated 27 February 2002 re funding for airstrip at Gulin Gulin
and Weemol Community Council Aboriginal Corporation (Paper 236) (Mr Dunham) 93
Wheaton, Lyall to Mr Denis Burke, Leader of the Opposition, dated 4 March 2002 re - viability of HPA Incorporated
(Paper 283) (Ms Carter) 111
List of ministerial staff, former Burke government, Northern Territory Government Directory (Paper 245) (Mr Burke)) 98
List of ministerial staff, Martin government, Northern Territory Government Directory (Paper 244) (Mr Burke) 98
List of Submissions received as at 7 March 2002 - Information Bill (Paper 277) (Dr Toyne) 107
Major Work Fact Sheet – Summary 5 February 2002 of capital works in Darwin and Alice Springs
(Paper 212) (Mr Vatskalis) 81
Map of exploration licence applications by Rio Tinto Exploration Pty Ltd and subsidiary companies in the
Northern Land Council Region (Paper 234) (Mr Henderson) 93
Map of the Territory, sixty two new exploration licences approved for grant by Paul Henderson 31 October 2001
(Paper 235) (Mr Henderson) 93
Map, AustralAsia Railway Construction Progress (Paper 264) (Mr Henderson) 104
McArthur River System, proposal to close to commercial barramundi fishing Submission by Mr Tim Baldwin, Shadow
Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries on behalf of the Country Liberal Party (Paper 222) (Mr Henderson) 86
Media release, Commissioner responds to Police Budget Comments, dated 30 January 2002 by Denise Hurley, Media Liaison
(Paper 210) (Mr Stirling) 82
Memo, Mr R D Moore, Commissioner, Northern Territory Correctional Services, to CEO, Justice Department,
dated 26 February 2002 re matters raised in the Legislative Assembly Question time 26 February 2002
(Paper 173) (Mr Stirling) 75
Northern Territory Government Reform Agenda, Achievements and Significant Dates from 18 April to 18 February 2002 -
List of kept promises of the Labor Government since coming to power on 18 August 2001
(Paper 284) (Ms Martin) 112
NTPS Numbers and Redundancies for the period January 2001 to January 2002 by Forced Redundancy and
Voluntary Redundancy categories under the former and previous governments (Paper 256) (Mr Stirling) 100
Ombudsman, 2000/2001 (Paper 290) (Ms Martin) 112
Open letter to all public servants by Ms Martin, dated 28 November 2001 – mini-budget (Paper 254) (Mr Burke) 100
Parliamentary Sitting Dates 2002 (Mr Stirling) 109
Photograph Ms Martin signing pledge to public sector workers 2001 election campaign (Paper 249) (Mr Burke) 99
Photograph of Docker River Road (Paper 273) (Mr Elferink) 107
Photograph of Fox Road, Katherine (Paper 274) (Mr Baldwin) 107
Photographs of Roper Highway (Paper 272) (Mr Reed) 107
Photographs of tourism posters, London (Paper 243) (Mr Henderson) 98
Press release - Maley caught misleading parliament, dated 26 February 2002 by Minister for
Community Development (Paper 196) (Mr Ah Kit) 75
Press release, Jane Aagaard MLA re ambulance service to commence in Humpty Doo, dated 27 February 2002
(Paper 276) (Mr Mills) 107
Press release, We’re fighting for Better Recreational Fishing in the Adelaide River – Labor supports the
removal of commercial fishing from the Adelaide River by Bob Hare, candidate for Nelson and Alan Smith,
candidate for Goyder (Paper 224) (Mr Maley) 86
Regulations 2001
No. 46, Commercial and Private Agents Licensing Regulations (Paper 175) 77
No. 47, Amendment of Motor Vehicles Regulations (Paper 176) 77
No. 48, Amendment of Motor Vehicles (Fees and Charges) Regulations (Paper 177) 77
No. 49, Amendments of Fisheries Regulations (Paper 178) 77
No. 50, Mining Management Regulations (Paper 179) 77
No. 51, Amendment of Mining Regulations (Paper 180) 77
No. 52, Amendment of Pay-roll Tax Regulations (Paper 181) 77
No. 53, Amendments of Waste Management and Pollution Control (Administration) Regulations (Paper 182) 77
No. 54, Fines and Penalties (Recovery) Regulations (Paper 183) 77
No. 55, Amendments of Small Claims Rules (Paper 184) 77
Regulations 2002
No. 02, Amendment of Water Regulations (Paper 185) 77
No. 03, Small Claims Regulations (Paper 186) 77
Remuneration Tribunal Determination
Report on interstate travel undertaken by Dr Burns (Paper 238) 94
Report on Study Tour – Melbourne and Hobart, December 2001 by Ms D Lawrie, December 2001
(Paper 259) (Ms Lawrie) 100
Review of the Northern Territory Tobacco Act, Discussion Paper 2002 by Department of Health and Community Services
(Paper 275) (Mrs Aagaard) 107
Short Biography Hon Grant Tambling, 1 December 2001 (Paper 289) (Mrs Braham) 113
Speaking Notes Darwin Press Club 11 October 2001 for Senator Grant Tambling CLP Senator for the Northern Territory
(retiring) (Paper 287) (Mrs Braham) 113
Submission by the Ombudsman for the Northern Territory Mr Peter Boyce in regard to the proposed Information Bill
(Paper 269) (Mr Burke) 106
Tambling Report, Farewell Edition 2001 (Paper 288) (Mrs Braham) 113
Transcript of interview, ABC Morning Program - Ms Martin with Mr Fred McCue re Northern Territory Economy
on Tuesday 27 November 2001 (Paper 251) (Mr Burke) 99
Transcript of interview, between Mr Maley and ABC Radio reporter Fred McCue re issue of transfer of prisoners
within Territory Gaols (Paper 229) (Mr Maley) 89
Transcript of interview, Ms Martin with Drive Time - Julia Christensen, 8DDD ABC Darwin re Public Service
Restructure, 13 November 2002 (Paper 252) (Mr Burke) 99
Transcript of interview, Ms Martin with reporter, Sky Channel, Sunday 23 February 2002 (Paper 253) (Mr Burke) 99
Transcript of interview, Ms Martin/Mr Reed/Ms Vamourie with Ms Julia Christensen 8DDD ABC Darwin - Drive Time,
re mini-budget, dated 27 November 2001 (Paper 255) (Mr Burke) 100
Transcript of radio interview, 8DDD FM Tuesday 26 February 2002 re transfer of Asian and Caucasian prisoners
(Paper 174) (Mr Ah Kit) 75

Maley, Mr, pursuant to Standing Order 57, made an explanation of comments he made during debate censuring him
yesterday (27 February 2002) in reference to his comments reported in an interview on ABC Radio on 27 February 2002 89

Cawood Court unit complex in Alice Springs and the previous development plans for the site to proceed,
presented by leave, number 10 (Paper 169) (Ms Carney) (80 petitioners) 69
Palmerston 24 hour GP service, by leave, not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 201)
(Mr Burke) (1116 petitioners) 79
Palmerston 24 hour emergency medical service be retained (Paper 202) (Mr Wood) (3908 petitioners) 79
Power poles on Leonino Road and Reedbeds Road be relocated to their correct alignment, petition No. 13
(Paper 227) (Mr Maley) (307 petitioners) 89
No. 5 - relating to education dispute with teachers, quality of education 79
Nos. 2, 4, 7, and 9 (Papers 165, 166, 167 and 168 respectively) 69

Refer comments by Public Accounts Committee Chairman Dr Burns to Committee of Privileges (Dr Lim) 73
Refer comments by Public Accounts Committee Chairman Dr Burns to Committee of Privileges (Dr Lim) - Negatived 80

Mr Elferink drew attention of the Assembly to the lack of a quorum 100

Absolute majority of the whole number of Members required to suspend Standing Orders (306), motion negatived
to pass the Classification of Publications, Publications and Films Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 34) 88

Chung Wah Society Lion Dance Troupe performance in Chamber, 27 February 2002 (Madam Speaker) 70
Conduct of members (Madam Speaker) 98
Health Service Actions for 2002 (Paper 198) (Mrs Aagaard) 76
Indigenous education and employment initiatives (Paper 230) (Mr Stirling) 92
Indigenous initiatives in the Mining Sector (Paper 232) (Mr Henderson) 93
Indigenous issues of violence, joblessness, health and education in Aboriginal Communities and the community at large
(Paper 291) (Mr Ah Kit) 111
Notices, giving of - 26 February 2002 (Madam speaker) 69
NT Delegation to Indonesia in January 2002 and meeting with president Megawati Soekarnoputri and a number
of senior her Ministers (Paper 278) (Ms Martin) 108
Public Sector Agency arrangements as a result of a reduction of government Agencies from 35 to 18.
(Paper 247) (Ms Martin) 99
Telecommunications and information technologies to foster social and economic development of remote communities
(Paper 290) (Dr Toyne) 112
Territory tourism and its position in the international tourist market. (Paper 257) (Mr Henderson) 100
Vision for a stronger Territory and better opportunities for all citizens (Paper 197) (Ms Martin) 76

Adelaide River Primary School students accompanied by their teacher Ms Samantha Willcox (Madam Speaker) 105
Alawa Primary School students, Year 5, 6 and 7, and their teacher Ms Christine Meave (Madam Speaker) 106
Brown, Mrs Noreen and family members, friends and Darwin City Council colleagues of the late Mr George Brown. 69
Casuarina Senior College Year 11 students accompanied by their teacher Mr Bill Gammon (Madam Speaker) 98
Darwin High School Year 10/11 students accompanied by their teachers Ms Sara Weylen and Ms Jeanine Matheson
(Madam Speaker) 95
Kormilda College Year 12 students accompanied by their teacher Ms Pamela Wallace (Madam Speaker) 80
Marrara Christian School Year 9 students accompanied by their teachers Mr Wilf Lahring, Ms Christina McCormak
and Mr Petero Vereakula (Madam Speaker) 92
Marrara Christian School, Year 9 students accompanied by their teacher Petero Vereakula (Madam Speaker) 109
St Johns College Year 11 Legal Studies students accompanied by their teacher Ms Angela Hollis (Madam Speaker) 103
Stuart Park Primary School Year 6/7 students accompanied by their teachers Ms Sylvia Sisamanis, Mr Scott Clode
and Ms Christina Parker (Madam Speaker) 79

Deputy Chairmen of Committees, Dr Burns, Mr Kiely, Ms Lawrie, Mr Elferink, Mr Maley, Mr Mills
and Dr Lim (Madam Speaker) 79
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016