Minutes of Proceedings - 1992-11-26
Sixth Assembly First Session 17/11/1992 Parliamentary Record No. 14
Date : 26/11/1992__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
17 November 1992 26 November 1992 483-524
Mr Peter Petrides 522
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 188 Anti-Discrimination 1992 486-489P
169 Classification of Publications and Films Amendment 1992 518-519P
187 Corporations (Northern Territory) Amendment 1992 497-499P
194 Criminal Code Amendment (No. 4) 1992 505,513,518-519P
156 Criminal Records (Spent Convictions) 1992 494P
179 Cullen Bay Marina 1992 497-499P
184 Domestic Violence 1992 486,494-497P
178 Financial Transaction Reports 1992 502P
192 Firearms Act 1992 Amendment 1992 505,513
180 Health Practitioners and Allied Professionals Registration
Amendment 1992 505,513
185 Juries Amendment 1992 503P
177 Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Amendment 1992 502P
183 Justices Amendment 1992 486,494-497P
157 Juvenile Justice Amendment 1992 494P
171 Legal Aid Amendment 1992 493P
190 McArthur River Project Agreement Ratification 1992 514-517P
162 Mineral Royalty Amendment 1992 485-486P
199 Mt Todd Project Agreement Ratification 1992 505,512
155 Mutual Recognition (Northern Territory) 1992 506-508P
193 Public Sector Employment and Management 1992 517,522,523
198 Public Sector Employment and Management (Transition
and Savings) 1992 517,522,523
191 Statute Law Revision (No. 2) 1992 505,513
196 Territory Insurance Office Amendment (No. 3) 1992 505,514
182 Trustee Amendment 1992 502-503P
200 Unit Titles Amendment 1992 505,514
197 Work Health Amendment (No. 2) 1992 505,513
Chief Minister re DJFM and Dalway Pty Limited 483-485
Senator Bob Collins, Commonwealth Minister for Transport and
Communications, and former Member of the Legislative Assembly 484
Hon. Warren Snowdon, Parliamentary Secretary to the Commonwealth
Minister for Employment, Education and Training, and Territory MHR 484
Urban and Town Planning 506
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Notice withdrawn - disallowance of Amendment of the Planning
Regulations, 1991, No. 57 511
Suspension of Standing Orders -
Allow Mr Ede to move motion calling on Government Business
relating to "Fightback!" in the Northern Territory 512
Pass all Stages
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No.4) 1992 513
Take two Bills together -
Classification of Publications and Films Amendment 1992
(Serial 169) and Criminal Code Amendment (No. 4) 1992 (Serial 194) 517
Public Sector Employment and Management 1992 (Serial 193)
and Public Sector Employment and Management (Transition
and Savings) 1992 (Serial 198) 522,523
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Aboriginal Development, proposed appointment of Minister -
Note statement 521
Adopt -
Publications Committee, Eighth Report 493
Appoint -
Publications Committee, Mr Rioli 505
Censure, Chief Minister re DJFM and Dalway Pty Limited 483-485
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 1991-92 Annual Report and
Commissioner of Motor Vehicle Dealers, 1991 Annual Report -
Print 512
Crocodile Industry Development Strategy - Note statement
and paper 505,506
Examination of witnesses before parliamentary committees -
Referral to Standing Orders Committee 522
Juvenile crime, initiatives and programs - Note statement 491,492
Note paper -
Crocodile Industry Development Strategy 505,506
Small Business in the Northern Territory 522
Note statements -
Aboriginal Development, proposed appointment of Minister 521
Crocodile Industry Development Strategy 505,506
Juvenile crime, initiatives and programs 491,492
Sport, social and economic impact 506
Tourism development infrastructure 501
Print -
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 1991-92 Annual Report and
Commissioner of Motor Vehicle Dealers, 1991 Annual Report 512
Public Accounts Committee, Dalway Report, tabling requirements 514
Publications Committee -
Appoint member Mr Rioli, 24.11.92 505
Eighth Report - Adopt 493
Small Business in the Northern Territory - Note paper 522
Sport, its impact socially and economically - Note statement 506
Standing Orders Committee -
Reference - Procedures, examination of witnesses before
Parliamentary Committees 522
Tourism development infrastructure - Note statement 501
Censure of Chief Minister re DJFM and Dalway Pty Limited 483
Mr M.J. Rioli, Member for Arafura 483
Advertisement, "Our 'Big Territory Deals' are as spectacular
as the Red Centre", Ansett Australia, Herald-Sun, dated
17 November 1992 501
Annual Reports:
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 1991-92 509
Batchelor College, 1991 523
Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary Board, 1991-92 523
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 1991-92 Annual Report and
Commissioner of Motor Vehicle Dealers, 1991 Annual Report 512
Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, 1991-92 523
Darwin Port Authority, 1991-92 520
Department of Education, 1991 523
Department of Health and Community Services, 1991-92 520
Department of Industries and Development, 1991-92 523
Department of Lands and Housing, 1991-92 509
Department of Law, 1991-92 509
Department of the Legislative Assembly, 1991-92 489
Department of Mines and Energy, 1991-92 523
Department of Transport and Works, 1991-92 520
Gaming Control Commission, 1991-92 523
Jabiru Town Development Authority, 1991-92 520
Legislative Assembly Members' Superannuation Trust, 1991-92 489
Mental Health Act, 1991-92 489
Menzies School of Health Research, 1991-92 504
Museums and Art Galleries Board, 1991-92 509
National Road Transport Commission, 1991-92 509
Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park, 1991-92 509
Northern Territory Architects Board, 1991-92 523
Northern Territory Government Conditions of Service Trust,
1991-92 523
Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities
Superannuation Scheme, 1991-92 523
Northern Territory Housing Commission, 1991-92 509
Northern Territory Local Government Grants Commission,
1992-93 Federal Grants 523
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 1991-92 520
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 1991-92 489
Northern Territory Racing Commission (Incorporating the
TAB), First, 1991-92 509
Northern Territory Treasury, 1991-92 523
Office of the Arts and Cultural Affairs, 1991-92 523
Office of Local Government, 1991-92 489
Office of the Public Service Commissioner, 1991-92 523
Office of Sport, Recreation and Ethnic Affairs, 1991-92 504
Power and Water Authority, 1991-92 509
Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 1991-92 489
Road Safety Council of the Northern Territory, 1991-92 523
Strehlow Centre Board, 1991-92 523
Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory, 1991-92 509
Territory Insurance Office, 1991-92 509
Territory Loans Management Corporation, 1991-92 523
Trade Development Zone Authority, 1991-92 523
Work Health Authority and Work Health Advisory Council, 1991-92 489
Article, "Inactivation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1
by Ozone In Vitro", by Wells, Latino, Gavalchin and Poiesz,
Blood, Vol 78, No.7, dated 1 October 1991 509
Borroloola Community Government Council (Control of Dogs)
By-laws 489
Mataranka Community Government Council (Control of Dogs)
By-laws 489
Community Government Scheme:
Timber Creek 509
Yulara 489
Envelope, Copy of, C. Liddy to J.Q. Liddy, postmarked
16 October 1992 492
File note, to Hon. M. Perron, MLA, dated 5 January 1989 484
Financial Statements:
ANZ Executors and Trustee Company Limited and Subsidiaries,
Directors Report, year ended 30 September 1991 509
Austrust Limited and its controlled entity, 1991-92 489
Darwin Omnibus Service, 1991-92 509
Executor Trustee Australia Limited, 1991-92 489
Farmers' Co-operative Executors and Trustees Limited,
Seventieth Annual Report, 1990 and Seventy-second Annual
Report, 1991 509
Government Printing Office, 1991-92 509
National Australia Trustees Limited, Annual Accounts, year
ended 30 September 1991 509
"Fred Finch is a Hypocrite", Media Release, Northern Territory
Trades and Labour Council, dated 18 November 1992 500
Graphs, Comparison of - based on Budget Paper No. 3 491
Graphs and Tables (4) of Detention rates in Juvenile Corrective
Institutions in Australia 491
Hand written note to "Barry" signed by "M", undated 484
Hospital Management Boards:
Alice Springs, 1991-92 500
Gove District Hospital, 1991-92 490
Katherine Hospital, 1991-92 490
Royal Darwin, 1991-92 500
Tennant Creek Hospital, 1991-92 490
"Initiatives in Crime Control", Summary of Discussion Paper,
October 1992 492
Instrument of Determination S2131 under Section 95 of the
Planning Act, dated 8 March 1991 498
"Jobskills Program: Union Issues in Northern Territory",
issued by Community Strategies Branch, Department of
Employment, Education and Training, dated 18 November 1992 499
Law Society Public Purposes Trust Act:
Deed of Variation to the Law Society Public Purposes
Trust Fund 490
Letters -
Marie Allen, President and others, Wardaman Aboriginal
Corporation to Mr Gary Cartwright, MLA, Member for
Victoria River, dated 14 September 1992 522
Anonymous to Mr N. Bell, MLA, unsigned and undated 486
Anonymous to Mr Denis Collins, MLA, dated 13 November 1992 500
Mr R. Burns, Director, Masters Sport Project to Hon.
R. Vale, Minister for Sport, Recreation and Ethnic
Affairs, dated 23 November 1992 506
Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, dated 9 October
1992, with attachment "Initiatives in Crime Control" 491
Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, dated 9 October 1992 492
Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, dated
27 October 1992 491
Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition to Hon M.A. Reed,
MLA, Minister for Correctional Services, dated 18 November 1992 492
Mr Brian Ede, Principal, School for Special Boys to
Mrs Coulter, undated 503
Ms Katherine M. Kalinowski, Research Administrator,
Medizone International Inc. to Prof. David J. Kemp,
Deputy Director, Menzies School of Health Research,
dated 13 October 1992 509
Hon. D.W. Manzie, MLA, Attorney-General to Mr N.R. Bell,
MLA, Member for Macdonnell, undated 513
Hon. Shane Stone, MLA, Minister for Education and Training
to Senator the Hon. Bob Collins, Minister Assisting the
Prime Minister for the Northern Territory, dated 24 April 1992 506
Hon. Shane Stone, MLA, Minister for Education and Training
to Senator the Hon. Bob Collins, Senator for the Northern
Territory, dated 22 May 1992 506
Memorandum, C.J. Fuller, Secretary, Department of Industries
and Development to Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Minister for
Industries and Development, dated 15 April 1988 484
Memorandum, Hon. Shane Stone, MLA to Senator Bob Collins,
dated 13 February 1992 506
Newspaper Articles -
"Damage repair move positive", by Henry Gray, Northern
Territory News, dated 14 November 1992 492
"Department looks to a rosier image", by Tony Nelson,
Northern Territory News, dated 11 November 1992 492
"Justice panel may help youths", Sunday Territorian,
dated 15 November 1992 492
"Police leaks inquiry widens" and "Glare sent warning on
Gill in February", The Age, dated 26 September 1992 489
"Progress made against vandalism", by Henry Gray,
Northern Territory News, dated 31 October 1992 492
"Vandal groups to tidy mess", Northern Territory News,
dated 28 October 1992 492
Northern Territory Crocodile Industry Strategy, dated
October 1992 505
Pacific School Games, 3-13 April 1992, Final Report 506
Pacific School Games Video, Darwin 1992, Colgate Palmolive 506
Police Administration Act:
Consent Agreement, pursuant to Section 51(b), dated
25 September 1992 490
Publications Committee, Eighth Report 493
Regulations 1992:
No. 47, Amendment of Water Supply and Sewerage Regulations 490
No. 48, Amendments of Trade Measurement (Charges and Fees)
Regulations 490
No. 49, Amendments of Small Claims Rules 490
No. 50, Public Trustee (Elections to Administer Estates)
Regulations 490
No. 51, Amendment of Architects Regulations 490
No. 52, Evidence (Order for taking of Evidence) Regulations 490
No. 53, Amendments of Crimes (Forfeiture of Proceeds)
Regulations 490
No. 54, Amendment of Building Regulations 490
No. 55, Tourist Vehicles Regulations 490
No. 56, Passenger Bus Regulations 490
No. 57, Private Hire Car Regulations 490
No. 58, Taxis Regulations 490
No. 59, Amendment of Financial Institutions Duty Regulations 490
No. 60, Commercial Passenger (Miscellaneous) Regulations 490
No. 61, Amendments of the Motor Vehicles Regulations 490
No. 62, Amendment of Police Administration (Fees) Regulations 490
No. 63, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices
Enforcement Scheme) Regulations 490
No. 64, Tobacco Regulations 490
No. 65, Amendment of the Planning Regulations 490
No. 66, Amendments of the Jabiru Town Development (Accounting)
Regulations 490
No. 67, Amendments of the Motor Accidents (Compensation) Rates
of Benefit Regulations 490
Reply form addressed to Brian Ede from Christopher Liddy 492
Impact of the Indirect Tax Aspects of the Federal Coalition's
"Fightback!" Package upon the Hotel and Motel Industries by
Ernst & Young 501
Putting General Education to Work, The Key Competencies
Report, The Australian Education Council and Ministers for
Vocational Education, Employment and Training, 1992 509
Royal Commission into Commercial Activities of Government and
other Matters, 1992, Western Australia, Extract Part 1,
Volume 6, pages 27.3, 27.4, and 27.5 484
Risks to Public Health and Safety associated with the practice
of Occupational Therapy, Attachment A 507
"Sex Fights Back - A rational approach to the reform of
Australia's censorship laws", Booklet 518
Small Business in the Northern Territory, by the Department of
Industries and Development 522
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee
Annual Report, First 521
Tenth Report 521
Table based on Budget Paper No. 3 491
Taxation Comparisons per Capita, Total Taxation Revenue
1990-91, Commonwealth Grants Commission 503
Video, Pacific School Games, Darwin 1992, Colgate Palmolive 506
Written Question and Answer, Mr Ede to Minister for Lands
and Housing re Territory Insurance Office 484
Mr Bailey (leave denied) 492
Mr Cartwright 521
Mr Collins 501
Mr Coulter 511
Mr Ede 492,501
Mr Reed 492,521
Mr Stone 511
Alice Radio cars, effect of legislation banning use of two-way
radios on reservation procedures (295 citizens) 483
Alice Springs Swimming Centre, heating of pool (490 signatures) 511
Nightcliff Police Station, services and security at Housing
Commission residences in Nightcliff (324 signatures) 491
Pecuniary interest statements, late filing by Minister for
Education and Training; and Treasurer, request for referral
to Committee of Privileges by Mr Ede - Not referred 519
Mr M.J. Rioli, elected 7 November 1992 483
Aboriginal Development, Ministerial portfolio 521
Crocodile Industry Development Strategy 505,506
Hansard recording system fault 521
Juvenile Crime, initiatives and programs 491,492
Sport, social and economic impact 506
Tourism development and infrastructure 501
Date : 26/11/1992
SITTING DAY Nos 56 - 61
SITTING DAY Nos 56 - 61
From To Pages
17 November 1992 26 November 1992 483-524
Mr Peter Petrides 522
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 188 Anti-Discrimination 1992 486-489P
169 Classification of Publications and Films Amendment 1992 518-519P
187 Corporations (Northern Territory) Amendment 1992 497-499P
194 Criminal Code Amendment (No. 4) 1992 505,513,518-519P
156 Criminal Records (Spent Convictions) 1992 494P
179 Cullen Bay Marina 1992 497-499P
184 Domestic Violence 1992 486,494-497P
178 Financial Transaction Reports 1992 502P
192 Firearms Act 1992 Amendment 1992 505,513
180 Health Practitioners and Allied Professionals Registration
Amendment 1992 505,513
185 Juries Amendment 1992 503P
177 Jurisdiction of Courts (Cross-vesting) Amendment 1992 502P
183 Justices Amendment 1992 486,494-497P
157 Juvenile Justice Amendment 1992 494P
171 Legal Aid Amendment 1992 493P
190 McArthur River Project Agreement Ratification 1992 514-517P
162 Mineral Royalty Amendment 1992 485-486P
199 Mt Todd Project Agreement Ratification 1992 505,512
155 Mutual Recognition (Northern Territory) 1992 506-508P
193 Public Sector Employment and Management 1992 517,522,523
198 Public Sector Employment and Management (Transition
and Savings) 1992 517,522,523
191 Statute Law Revision (No. 2) 1992 505,513
196 Territory Insurance Office Amendment (No. 3) 1992 505,514
182 Trustee Amendment 1992 502-503P
200 Unit Titles Amendment 1992 505,514
197 Work Health Amendment (No. 2) 1992 505,513
Chief Minister re DJFM and Dalway Pty Limited 483-485
Senator Bob Collins, Commonwealth Minister for Transport and
Communications, and former Member of the Legislative Assembly 484
Hon. Warren Snowdon, Parliamentary Secretary to the Commonwealth
Minister for Employment, Education and Training, and Territory MHR 484
Urban and Town Planning 506
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Notice withdrawn - disallowance of Amendment of the Planning
Regulations, 1991, No. 57 511
Suspension of Standing Orders -
Allow Mr Ede to move motion calling on Government Business
relating to "Fightback!" in the Northern Territory 512
Pass all Stages
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No.4) 1992 513
Take two Bills together -
Classification of Publications and Films Amendment 1992
(Serial 169) and Criminal Code Amendment (No. 4) 1992 (Serial 194) 517
Public Sector Employment and Management 1992 (Serial 193)
and Public Sector Employment and Management (Transition
and Savings) 1992 (Serial 198) 522,523
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Aboriginal Development, proposed appointment of Minister -
Note statement 521
Adopt -
Publications Committee, Eighth Report 493
Appoint -
Publications Committee, Mr Rioli 505
Censure, Chief Minister re DJFM and Dalway Pty Limited 483-485
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 1991-92 Annual Report and
Commissioner of Motor Vehicle Dealers, 1991 Annual Report -
Print 512
Crocodile Industry Development Strategy - Note statement
and paper 505,506
Examination of witnesses before parliamentary committees -
Referral to Standing Orders Committee 522
Juvenile crime, initiatives and programs - Note statement 491,492
Note paper -
Crocodile Industry Development Strategy 505,506
Small Business in the Northern Territory 522
Note statements -
Aboriginal Development, proposed appointment of Minister 521
Crocodile Industry Development Strategy 505,506
Juvenile crime, initiatives and programs 491,492
Sport, social and economic impact 506
Tourism development infrastructure 501
Print -
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 1991-92 Annual Report and
Commissioner of Motor Vehicle Dealers, 1991 Annual Report 512
Public Accounts Committee, Dalway Report, tabling requirements 514
Publications Committee -
Appoint member Mr Rioli, 24.11.92 505
Eighth Report - Adopt 493
Small Business in the Northern Territory - Note paper 522
Sport, its impact socially and economically - Note statement 506
Standing Orders Committee -
Reference - Procedures, examination of witnesses before
Parliamentary Committees 522
Tourism development infrastructure - Note statement 501
Censure of Chief Minister re DJFM and Dalway Pty Limited 483
Mr M.J. Rioli, Member for Arafura 483
Advertisement, "Our 'Big Territory Deals' are as spectacular
as the Red Centre", Ansett Australia, Herald-Sun, dated
17 November 1992 501
Annual Reports:
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 1991-92 509
Batchelor College, 1991 523
Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary Board, 1991-92 523
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 1991-92 Annual Report and
Commissioner of Motor Vehicle Dealers, 1991 Annual Report 512
Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, 1991-92 523
Darwin Port Authority, 1991-92 520
Department of Education, 1991 523
Department of Health and Community Services, 1991-92 520
Department of Industries and Development, 1991-92 523
Department of Lands and Housing, 1991-92 509
Department of Law, 1991-92 509
Department of the Legislative Assembly, 1991-92 489
Department of Mines and Energy, 1991-92 523
Department of Transport and Works, 1991-92 520
Gaming Control Commission, 1991-92 523
Jabiru Town Development Authority, 1991-92 520
Legislative Assembly Members' Superannuation Trust, 1991-92 489
Mental Health Act, 1991-92 489
Menzies School of Health Research, 1991-92 504
Museums and Art Galleries Board, 1991-92 509
National Road Transport Commission, 1991-92 509
Nitmiluk (Katherine Gorge) National Park, 1991-92 509
Northern Territory Architects Board, 1991-92 523
Northern Territory Government Conditions of Service Trust,
1991-92 523
Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities
Superannuation Scheme, 1991-92 523
Northern Territory Housing Commission, 1991-92 509
Northern Territory Local Government Grants Commission,
1992-93 Federal Grants 523
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 1991-92 520
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 1991-92 489
Northern Territory Racing Commission (Incorporating the
TAB), First, 1991-92 509
Northern Territory Treasury, 1991-92 523
Office of the Arts and Cultural Affairs, 1991-92 523
Office of Local Government, 1991-92 489
Office of the Public Service Commissioner, 1991-92 523
Office of Sport, Recreation and Ethnic Affairs, 1991-92 504
Power and Water Authority, 1991-92 509
Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 1991-92 489
Road Safety Council of the Northern Territory, 1991-92 523
Strehlow Centre Board, 1991-92 523
Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory, 1991-92 509
Territory Insurance Office, 1991-92 509
Territory Loans Management Corporation, 1991-92 523
Trade Development Zone Authority, 1991-92 523
Work Health Authority and Work Health Advisory Council, 1991-92 489
Article, "Inactivation of Human Immunodeficiency Virus Type 1
by Ozone In Vitro", by Wells, Latino, Gavalchin and Poiesz,
Blood, Vol 78, No.7, dated 1 October 1991 509
Borroloola Community Government Council (Control of Dogs)
By-laws 489
Mataranka Community Government Council (Control of Dogs)
By-laws 489
Community Government Scheme:
Timber Creek 509
Yulara 489
Envelope, Copy of, C. Liddy to J.Q. Liddy, postmarked
16 October 1992 492
File note, to Hon. M. Perron, MLA, dated 5 January 1989 484
Financial Statements:
ANZ Executors and Trustee Company Limited and Subsidiaries,
Directors Report, year ended 30 September 1991 509
Austrust Limited and its controlled entity, 1991-92 489
Darwin Omnibus Service, 1991-92 509
Executor Trustee Australia Limited, 1991-92 489
Farmers' Co-operative Executors and Trustees Limited,
Seventieth Annual Report, 1990 and Seventy-second Annual
Report, 1991 509
Government Printing Office, 1991-92 509
National Australia Trustees Limited, Annual Accounts, year
ended 30 September 1991 509
"Fred Finch is a Hypocrite", Media Release, Northern Territory
Trades and Labour Council, dated 18 November 1992 500
Graphs, Comparison of - based on Budget Paper No. 3 491
Graphs and Tables (4) of Detention rates in Juvenile Corrective
Institutions in Australia 491
Hand written note to "Barry" signed by "M", undated 484
Hospital Management Boards:
Alice Springs, 1991-92 500
Gove District Hospital, 1991-92 490
Katherine Hospital, 1991-92 490
Royal Darwin, 1991-92 500
Tennant Creek Hospital, 1991-92 490
"Initiatives in Crime Control", Summary of Discussion Paper,
October 1992 492
Instrument of Determination S2131 under Section 95 of the
Planning Act, dated 8 March 1991 498
"Jobskills Program: Union Issues in Northern Territory",
issued by Community Strategies Branch, Department of
Employment, Education and Training, dated 18 November 1992 499
Law Society Public Purposes Trust Act:
Deed of Variation to the Law Society Public Purposes
Trust Fund 490
Letters -
Marie Allen, President and others, Wardaman Aboriginal
Corporation to Mr Gary Cartwright, MLA, Member for
Victoria River, dated 14 September 1992 522
Anonymous to Mr N. Bell, MLA, unsigned and undated 486
Anonymous to Mr Denis Collins, MLA, dated 13 November 1992 500
Mr R. Burns, Director, Masters Sport Project to Hon.
R. Vale, Minister for Sport, Recreation and Ethnic
Affairs, dated 23 November 1992 506
Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, dated 9 October
1992, with attachment "Initiatives in Crime Control" 491
Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, dated 9 October 1992 492
Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, dated
27 October 1992 491
Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition to Hon M.A. Reed,
MLA, Minister for Correctional Services, dated 18 November 1992 492
Mr Brian Ede, Principal, School for Special Boys to
Mrs Coulter, undated 503
Ms Katherine M. Kalinowski, Research Administrator,
Medizone International Inc. to Prof. David J. Kemp,
Deputy Director, Menzies School of Health Research,
dated 13 October 1992 509
Hon. D.W. Manzie, MLA, Attorney-General to Mr N.R. Bell,
MLA, Member for Macdonnell, undated 513
Hon. Shane Stone, MLA, Minister for Education and Training
to Senator the Hon. Bob Collins, Minister Assisting the
Prime Minister for the Northern Territory, dated 24 April 1992 506
Hon. Shane Stone, MLA, Minister for Education and Training
to Senator the Hon. Bob Collins, Senator for the Northern
Territory, dated 22 May 1992 506
Memorandum, C.J. Fuller, Secretary, Department of Industries
and Development to Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Minister for
Industries and Development, dated 15 April 1988 484
Memorandum, Hon. Shane Stone, MLA to Senator Bob Collins,
dated 13 February 1992 506
Newspaper Articles -
"Damage repair move positive", by Henry Gray, Northern
Territory News, dated 14 November 1992 492
"Department looks to a rosier image", by Tony Nelson,
Northern Territory News, dated 11 November 1992 492
"Justice panel may help youths", Sunday Territorian,
dated 15 November 1992 492
"Police leaks inquiry widens" and "Glare sent warning on
Gill in February", The Age, dated 26 September 1992 489
"Progress made against vandalism", by Henry Gray,
Northern Territory News, dated 31 October 1992 492
"Vandal groups to tidy mess", Northern Territory News,
dated 28 October 1992 492
Northern Territory Crocodile Industry Strategy, dated
October 1992 505
Pacific School Games, 3-13 April 1992, Final Report 506
Pacific School Games Video, Darwin 1992, Colgate Palmolive 506
Police Administration Act:
Consent Agreement, pursuant to Section 51(b), dated
25 September 1992 490
Publications Committee, Eighth Report 493
Regulations 1992:
No. 47, Amendment of Water Supply and Sewerage Regulations 490
No. 48, Amendments of Trade Measurement (Charges and Fees)
Regulations 490
No. 49, Amendments of Small Claims Rules 490
No. 50, Public Trustee (Elections to Administer Estates)
Regulations 490
No. 51, Amendment of Architects Regulations 490
No. 52, Evidence (Order for taking of Evidence) Regulations 490
No. 53, Amendments of Crimes (Forfeiture of Proceeds)
Regulations 490
No. 54, Amendment of Building Regulations 490
No. 55, Tourist Vehicles Regulations 490
No. 56, Passenger Bus Regulations 490
No. 57, Private Hire Car Regulations 490
No. 58, Taxis Regulations 490
No. 59, Amendment of Financial Institutions Duty Regulations 490
No. 60, Commercial Passenger (Miscellaneous) Regulations 490
No. 61, Amendments of the Motor Vehicles Regulations 490
No. 62, Amendment of Police Administration (Fees) Regulations 490
No. 63, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices
Enforcement Scheme) Regulations 490
No. 64, Tobacco Regulations 490
No. 65, Amendment of the Planning Regulations 490
No. 66, Amendments of the Jabiru Town Development (Accounting)
Regulations 490
No. 67, Amendments of the Motor Accidents (Compensation) Rates
of Benefit Regulations 490
Reply form addressed to Brian Ede from Christopher Liddy 492
Impact of the Indirect Tax Aspects of the Federal Coalition's
"Fightback!" Package upon the Hotel and Motel Industries by
Ernst & Young 501
Putting General Education to Work, The Key Competencies
Report, The Australian Education Council and Ministers for
Vocational Education, Employment and Training, 1992 509
Royal Commission into Commercial Activities of Government and
other Matters, 1992, Western Australia, Extract Part 1,
Volume 6, pages 27.3, 27.4, and 27.5 484
Risks to Public Health and Safety associated with the practice
of Occupational Therapy, Attachment A 507
"Sex Fights Back - A rational approach to the reform of
Australia's censorship laws", Booklet 518
Small Business in the Northern Territory, by the Department of
Industries and Development 522
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee
Annual Report, First 521
Tenth Report 521
Table based on Budget Paper No. 3 491
Taxation Comparisons per Capita, Total Taxation Revenue
1990-91, Commonwealth Grants Commission 503
Video, Pacific School Games, Darwin 1992, Colgate Palmolive 506
Written Question and Answer, Mr Ede to Minister for Lands
and Housing re Territory Insurance Office 484
Mr Bailey (leave denied) 492
Mr Cartwright 521
Mr Collins 501
Mr Coulter 511
Mr Ede 492,501
Mr Reed 492,521
Mr Stone 511
Alice Radio cars, effect of legislation banning use of two-way
radios on reservation procedures (295 citizens) 483
Alice Springs Swimming Centre, heating of pool (490 signatures) 511
Nightcliff Police Station, services and security at Housing
Commission residences in Nightcliff (324 signatures) 491
Pecuniary interest statements, late filing by Minister for
Education and Training; and Treasurer, request for referral
to Committee of Privileges by Mr Ede - Not referred 519
Mr M.J. Rioli, elected 7 November 1992 483
Aboriginal Development, Ministerial portfolio 521
Crocodile Industry Development Strategy 505,506
Hansard recording system fault 521
Juvenile Crime, initiatives and programs 491,492
Sport, social and economic impact 506
Tourism development and infrastructure 501
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016