Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1993-05-18

Sixth Assembly First Session 18/05/1993 Parliamentary Record No. 16

Date : 18/05/1993

From To Pages

18 May 1993 27 May 1993 581-636

Appointment of Hon D.W. Manzie as Attorney-General,
effective 13 April 1993 581

Mr Ian Bruce McNeill appointed as Clerk of the Assembly
by His Honour the Administrator on 24 May 1993 601

*=Opposition Bill

Serial 216 Administration and Probate Amendment 1993 593P
212 Aerodromes 1993 585P
206 Building 1993 604-609P
236 Business Franchise Amendment 1993 602,619
223 Confirmation of Titles to Land (Request) 1993 582-585P
244 Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading 1993 602,620
220 Coroners 1993 609-613P
233 Criminal Records (Spent Convictions) Amendment 1993 602,609
239 Crown Proceedings 1993 602,619
201 Darwin Port Authority Amendment 1993 586P
219 Disability Services 1993 599P
203 Domestic Violence Amendment 1993 590,598
252 Electricity Amendment 1993 601,618
205 Financial Administration and Audit Amendment 1993 593P
235 Financial Administration and Audit Amendment (No. 2) 1993 602,619
225 Firearms Amendment 1993 590,598
242 Gaming Control 1993 615,633
211 Hospital Management Boards Amendment 1993 598P
214 Justices Amendment 1993 593-594P
231 Juvenile Justice Amendment 1993 581-592
249 Limitation Amendment 1993 602,620
228 Liquor Amendment 1993 598,633P
241 Liquor Amendment (No. 2) 1993 615,633
253 McArthur River Project Agreement Ratification Amendment 1993 631
218 Mining Amendment 1993 385P
210 Pastoral Land Amendment 1993 593P
237 Pay-roll Tax Amendment 1993 602,619
224 Police Administration Amendment 1993 590,598
230 Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment 1993 581,592
248 Prostitution Regulation Amendment 1993 602,620
195 Public Sector Employment and Management
(Consequential Amendment) 1993 620-628P
246 Racing and Betting Amendment 1993 602,618
245 Racing and Gaming Authority 1993 601,618
207 Real Property Amendment 1993 585P
217 Superannuation Guarantee (Safety Net) 1993 593P
227 Supply 1993-94 597-598,628-629P
240 Supreme Court Amendment 1993 602,619
238 Taxation (Administration) Amendment 1993 601,619
213 Tobacco Amendment 1993 599P
247 Totalizator Administration and Betting Amendment 1993 602,618
229 Traffic Amendment 1993 581,593
250 Traffic Amendment Act 1992 Amendment 1993 617
251 Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment 1993 601,618

Censure of Leader of the Opposition (Mr Ede) for proposing
the discharge of Opposition Members from service on the
Sessional Committee on the New Parliament House 590

Her Majesty the Queen's Commonwealth Day Message,
dated 8 March 1993 585

Ms Elizabeth Andrew-Oates, deceased 12 April 1993 582

Ms Elizabeth Andrew-Oates, former Member of the Northern
Territory Legislative Assembly, for Sanderson Electorate 582

Display of Maori Regalia in Foyer of Legislative Assembly,
regalia associated with the World Indigenous Peoples'
Conference on Education in Wollongong, 11 to
17 December 1993 603

Leave being granted to move motion for third reading of
Confirmation of Titles to Land (Request) Bill 1993
(Serial 223), forthwith (Mr Bell) 585

Her Excellency Dr Jara David-Moserova, Czech Ambassador,
and Mr Milan David 590
Delegation of Parliamentarians from the South Pacific on a
CPA Study Tour -
Hon. Allen Bule and Hon. Jeffrey Lahva from Vanuatu
Hon. Mataia Visesio Europa and Hon. Unasa Mesi
from Western Samoa
Hon. William Wi and Mr Dibara Yagabo from Papua New Guinea 595
Mr Tom Fink, Mayor of Anchorage, Alaska 581
Govt Officials from the Philippines studying at NT University 582
Mrs Ellnor Grassby, MLA, ACT Legislative Assembly 601
Mr Gary Humphries, MLA, ACT Legislative Assembly 601
Mr David Hunt, Parliamentary Counsel for the ACT 601
Mr B.F. Kilgariff, former Senator of the Northern Territory 617
Mr David Lamont, ACT Legislative Assembly 615
Mr Alex Lyle from Parliamentary Relations Section of the
Commonwealth Parliament 595
Hon. Norm Peterson, M.P., Speaker, South Australian House of
Assembly and Australian Regional Representative of CPA 581
Ms Helen Szuty, MLA, ACT Legislative Assembly 601
Mrs Chris Tilley, Deputy Lord Mayor of Darwin 581
Emeritus Professor Douglas Whalan, Legal Advisor to ACT
Legislative Assembly, Scrutiny of Bills and Subordinate Legislation 601
Hon. Donald Wing, Member, Legislative Council, Tasmania 617

Mr R.W.S. Vale, 18-20 May 1993 581

Care of frail and aged Territorians 617
Major Changes in Education Policy 603

Mr Bell, suspended at 7.28 p.m. 27 May 1993 634

Message No. 8 - Assent to Proposed Laws

4 March 1993:
Mt Todd Project Agreement Ratification Act 1993
Stock (Control of Hormonal Growth Promotants) Act 1993
10 March 1993:
Medical Practitioners Registration Amendment Act 1993
18 March 1993:
Firearms Act 1992 Amendment Act 1993
Health Practitioners and Allied Practitioners
Registration Amendment Act 1993
Statute Law Revision Act 1993
Territory Insurance Office Amendment Act 1993
Work Health Amendment Act 1993
31 March 1993:
Unit Titles Amendment Act 1993
15 April 1993:
Classification of Publications and Films Amendment Act 1993
19 April 1993:
Public Sector Employment and Management Act 1993
Public Sector Employment and Management (Transition and
Savings) Act 1993
22 April 1993:
Territory Insurance Office Amendment Act (No. 2) 1993 589
Message No. 9 - relating to the Supply Bill 1993-94 (Serial 227) 595
Message No. 10 - relating to the Crown Proceedings Bill 1993 (Serial 239) 601

Discharge of Mr Rioli and Mr Cartwright from attendance on
the New Parliament House Committee 590

MOTIONS (Procedural)
Suspension of Standing Orders -
Pass Bills through all stages -
Liquor Amendment 1993 (Serial 228) 633
Supply 1993-94 (Serial 227) 598
Take two Bills together -
Crown Proceedings 1993 (Serial 239) and
Supreme Court Amendment 1993 (Serial 240); 619
Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment 1993
(Serial 230) and Juvenile Justice Amendment 1993 (Serial 231); and 592
Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment 1993 (Serial 251)
and Electricity Amendment 1993 (Serial 252) 618
Take three Bills together -
Police Administration Amendment 1993 (Serial 224),
Domestic Violence Amendment 1993 (Serial 203) and
Firearms Amendment 1993 (Serial 225); and 598
Racing and Gaming Authority 1993 (Serial 245),
Racing and Betting Amendment 1993 (Serial 246) and
Totalizator Administration and Betting Amendment 1993 (Serial 247) 618
Take four Bills together -
Financial Administration and Audit Amendment (No. 2)
1993 (Serial 235), Business Franchise Amendment 1993
(Serial 236), Pay-roll Tax Amendment 1993 (Serial 237)
and Taxation (Administration) Amendment 1993 (Serial 238) 619

MOTIONS (Substantive)
HomeNorth Housing Scheme - Note Statement 632
Juvenile Crime Workshop, 1993 - Note Paper 632
New Parliament House Committee -
Authorization to publish reports and documents presented 592,595
Discharge of Opposition Members Mr Cartwright and
Mr Rioli (Proposed) 590
Note Paper -
Juvenile Crime Workshop, 1993 - Note Paper 632
N.T. Public Sector Forward Estimates of Expenditure,
1993-94 and 1994-95 and Erratum 603,634
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Reports 634-635
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development, Annual
Report 1991-92 632
Note Statement -
HomeNorth Housing Scheme 632
Republican agenda for Australia 596,597
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 634,635
Vocational Education and Training Services 616
Water in Remote Communities 603
Youth Policy 632,633
N.T. Public Sector Forward Estimates of Expenditure,
1993-94 and 1994-95 Erratum - Note Paper 603,634
Print Paper -
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development, Annual
Report 1991-92 632
Republican agenda for Australia - Note statement 596,597
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody -
Note papers 634,635
Note statement 634,635
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development -
Annual Report, 1991-92
Note paper 632
Print 632
Sessional Committee on the New Parliament House -
Authorisation of Publication of Minutes, documents and Reports 592,595
Transcontinental Railway 616,617
Vocational education and training services -
Note statement 616
Water in Remote Communities - Note statement 603
Youth Policy - Note statement 632,633

Affidavit, Case of Harris v Muirhead, in the Supreme Court
of the State of Queensland, No 509 of 1993, signed by
Mr D.W. Collins, dated 27 April 1993 600
Annual Reports
Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities
Superannuation Scheme, Actuarial Review as at 30 June 1992 594
N.T. Public Sector Forward Estimates of Expenditure,
1993-94 and 1994-95 with Erratum 603
Parole Board, year ended 31 December 1992 636
Article - "Honorary degree for 'Flynn of the Frontier'",
Intuition, dated 21 May 1993 635
Asian Ports to Australia Table, Distances and Steaming Times 616
Brochure, "We're building a new port here to save you time
and money everywhere" 616
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Academic
Dress) By-laws 587
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Degrees and
Other Awards) By-laws 587
Chronological Medical Ozone References, An abbreviated list,
with a Concentration on Successful AIDS Research, by Ed McCabe 613
Commonwealth Day Message, dated 8 March 1993 585
Community Consultation, New Youth Policy, Department of
Health and Community Services 633
Community Government Scheme
Anmatjere 614
Coroners Bill, Speaking Notes for Committee Stage Amendment 613
Document, On Appeal from the Judgment of His Honour,
Mr Justice Moinahan, between Harris and Commonwealth Bank
of Australia, Plaintiffs and Muirhead and Muirhead,
Defendants, dated 28 April 1993 600
Financial Administration and Audit Act:
Direction by the Administrator, pursuant to section 13(1)(a),
dated 29 April 1993 587
Direction by the Treasurer, pursuant to section 13(1)(b),
dated 29 April 1993 587
Financial Statement
Ayers Rock Resort Controlled Entities, 1991-92 636
Irrevocable Authority, signed by Dennis William Hart, dated
15 July 1992 602
Juvenile Crime Workshop, 1993 632
Katherine Hospital Staff, "7. Hospital Manager's Budget
Report" (Extract of Minutes), Signed by Rebecca Sharpe,
Minute Secretary 615
Leaflet - "N.T. Pensioner Concession Scheme", Department of
Health and Community Services 617
Letters -
(Open Letter), "A Matter of Deep Concern to Every Decent
Person" from Denis Collins, MLA, Member for Greatorex,
dated 29 April 1993 600
Mr David Anderson, Solicitor for the Northern Territory to
Mr Peter Conran, Secretary, Department of the Chief
Minister, dated 17 May 1993; and Attachments:
Affidavit No.72 of 1991 (9123304) between K.M. Finnane
and M.H. Ortmann and Northern Territory Planning
Authority, sworn 23 October 1992
Northern Territory Planning Authority, Alice Springs -
Planning Area 8, Item 3, dated 12.9.1989
Planning Area 8, Item 3, dated 14.5.1991. PA91/0235
Planning Area 8, Item 11, dated 9.7.1991 PA91/235
Extract of N.T. Parliamentary Record, dated 12.11.91, pages 2941-2947 597
Gary Cartwright, MLA to The Clerk, Legislative Assembly,
dated 27 May 1993 632
C.K. Castine, for Regional Director, Department of Aboriginal
Affairs to the Managing Director, Australian Agricultural
Co. Ltd, dated 3 September 1981 635
Mr Denis Collins, MLA, to the Hon. W. Merton, MP, Minister
for Justice, dated 14 April 1993 586
Mr D.W. Collins, MLA, to Mr David Murray, Chief Executive
Officer, Commonwealth Bank of Australia, dated 29 April 1993 600
Mr Denis Collins, MLA to Mr Paul Rizzo, Chief General
Manager, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and others, dated 5 May 1993 600
Hon. N.M. Dondas, Speaker to Mr B.R. Ede, MLA, Leader of
the Opposition, dated 16 September 1991 591
Mr Brian Ede, Leader of the Opposition to Hon. N.M. Dondas,
Speaker, dated 9 September 1991 591
Mr Brian Ede, Leader of the Opposition to Hon. P J Keating,
MP, Prime Minister, dated 16 February 1993 616
Mr Cliff Emerson, Executive Director, Northern Territory
Cattlemen's Association Inc. to Hon. D. Manzie, MLA,
Minister for Lands and Housing, dated 19 June 1989 635
Mr R.P. Galton, Project Officer, Department of Transport
and Works to Mr John Tobin, Chief Executive Officer,
Office of the Leader of the Opposition, dated 3 September 1991 591
Mr J.L.P. Griffith, Chief Executive Officer, Australian Agricultural
Company Limited to Mr R.J. Wright, Aboriginal Land Branch,
Department of Lands and Housing, dated 27 May 1988 635
Ms Meredith Harrison, Solicitor for the Northern Territory
to Mr Lex Silvester, Mildrens, Barristers and Solicitors, dated 28 April 1993 602
HomeNorth Sales Scheme, Application to Purchase, signed
by P.J. Murphy, A/Area Manager, Palmerston, Northern
Territory Housing Commission, dated 1992 632
Hornsby Estate, List of correspondence, Proposed Rezoning
and Subdivision, N.T. Portions 1924 and 1994 596
Mr Brian Josephs, Chairman, Dripstone High School Council to
the President, NT COGSO, dated 25 May 1993 604
Hon. P.J. Keating, MP, Prime Minister to Hon. M.B. Perron,
MLA, Chief Minister, dated 25 May 1993 631
Hon. P.J. Keating, MP, Prime Minister to Hon. M.B. Perron,
MLA, Chief Minister, dated 26 May 1993 631
Hon. Wayne Merton, MP, Minister for Justice, to Mr D. Collins,
MLA, dated 12 May 1993 586
Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister to Hon. P.J. Keating,
MP, Prime Minister, dated 20 May 1993 631
Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister to Hon. Frank Walker,
QC, MP, dated 26 May 1993 631
Ms Jennifer Pitcher, A/Program Director, Aged and Disability
Services, Department of Health and Community Services to
Mrs B. Balke, Darwin Pensioners and Senior Citizens Assoc.,
dated May 1993 596
A.H. Silvester, Mildrens, Barristers and Solicitors to
Ms Meredith Harrison, Solicitor for the Northern Territory, dated 15 July 1992 602
Mr Wilfred V. Taylor to Mr John Hannaford,
Attorney-General, dated 10 March 1993 586
Mr Wilfred V. Taylor to Mr John Hannaford,
Attorney-General, dated 15 March 1993 586
Mr Wilfred V. Taylor to Mr Denis Collins, MLA, dated 20 April 1993 586
Mr Wilfred V. Taylor to the Hon. W. Merton, MP, Minister
for Justice, dated 23 April 1993 586
Mr John Tobin, Chief Executive Officer, Office of the
Leader of the Opposition to Mr R.P. Galton, Project
Officer, Department of Transport and Works, dated 4 September 1991 591
Hon. Frank Walker, QC, MP, Special Minister of State to
Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister, dated 26 May 1993 631
Mr R. Wright, Aboriginal Land Branch to Mr R.T. Schmidt,
Managing Director, Australian Agricultural Company Limited,
dated 24 November 1987 635
Mabo decision, reference to Constitutional Development Committee 582
Memorandum, Hospital Manager to All Staff, Katherine Hospital -
"Cost Containment at Katherine Hospital until end of financial
year", dated 19 March 1993 617
Memorandum, O.I.C. Medical Records Department of Health and
Community Services to A/Medical Superintendent, Katherine
Hospital, Reference 92/109, dated 22 March 1993 615
New Parliament House Plans:
Floor Plan, Leader of the Opposition's Office, New Parliament
House, dated 27 May 1992 590
Floor Plan, Proposed Layout for Leader of the Opposition,
Level 4, Parliament House SK.04D 591
Floor Plan, Proposed Layout for the Leader of the Opposition,
SK.04F, dated 9 September 1991 591
Floor plans (2) of the Office of the Leader of the
Opposition, dated September 1991 591
Plan, Level 4, Opposition Leader, Research Officer, TIP/24;
SK2.91 590
Plan, Level 4, Press Secretary, Conference Room, TIP/24;
SK2.98 590
Plan, Level 5 and 4, Typical Ministerial Officers, TIP/24;
SK2.87 591
Plan, Level 5 and 4, Typical Utility Room, TIP/24; SK2.89 591
Plan, Typical AV/Mini Bar Unit, TIP/24; SK2.95 591
Whitegoods Schedule, Level 4, facsimile from Supply and
Tender Board, dated 5 May 1993 600
Newspaper articles -
"Double golden glory for Hongkong Swimmers" by T.M.K. Samat,
The Standard, dated 27 April 1993 635
"Hongkong the leader in the rush for games gold", by
Deen Nawaz, The Standard, dated 28 April 1993 635
"If a republic's the answer, what's the question?" by
Leonie Kramer, The Australian, dated 16 April 1993 597
"NIH Meets Former AIDS Patients who Successfully Used
Ozone Therapy", by Ed McCabe 613
Northern Territory Youth Policy Review, Information for
Workers in Remote Communities, Department of Health and
Community Services, May 1993 633
Northern Territory Youth Policy Review, Issues/Discussions Paper 633
Notice of Appeal in the Supreme Court of New South Wales,
Sydney Registry, CA.40223, Anthony Thomas Rigg and
Dorothy Ann Rigg, Appellants! Commonwealth Bank of
Australia, Respondent 613
"N.T. Pensioner Concession Scheme", (Leaflet), Department of
Health and Community Services 617
N.T. Public Sector Forward Estimates of Expenditure, 1993-94
and 1994-95 with Erratum 603
Plans of Management
Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve, October 1992,
Attachment A 614
Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve, Public Presentations,
Attachment B 614
Devils Marbles Conservation Reserve - Consideration of
Public Comments, October 1992, Attachment C 614
Kuyunba Conservation Reserve, May 1993, Attachment A 614
Kuyunba Conservation Reserve - Review of Public
Submissions, May 1993, Attachment B 614
Press release - "HomeFund Early Warning Signs Shouldn't be
Ignored", by Maggie Hickey, MLA, dated 21 April 1993 632
Reference to Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development
regarding the Mabo decision 582
Regulations 1993
No. 4, Stock (Control of Hormonal Growth Promotants) Regulations 587
No. 5, Amendments of Classification of Publications and
Films Regulations 587
No. 6, Amendments of Traffic Regulations 587
No. 7, Amendment of Motor Vehicle Dealers Regulations 587
Report under section 59, Planning Act, Draft Planning
Instrument AS 252, by Mr J.M. Robertson, Chairman,
Northern Territory Planning Authority, dated 30 July 1991
including the following attachments -
Explanatory Document, AS 252 lodged by Acer Vaughn on
behalf of Mr Dennis Hornsby 596
List of correspondence, Proposed Rezoning and Subdivision
N.T. Portions 1924 and 1994, Hornsby Estate 596
Mr Roy Mitchell, Chief Executive/Town Clerk to Chairman,
N.T. Planning Authority, dated 18 June 1991 596
Submission, Alice Springs Town Council re Draft Planning
Instrument AS 252 to N.T. Planning Authority, dated June 1991 596
"Representing Macdonnell" by Neil Bell, MLA - Handout 629
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development -
Annual Report, 1991-92 632
Reference, Mabo land title 582
Statement by John Tobin regarding comments made by
Grant Heaslip, President of the Cattlemen's Association
which allegedly defamed Mr Tobin 615
Sublease - Between the Gulf Cattle Company Pty Limited and
Jarnba-Gadarlandji Aboriginal Corporation, dated
24 September 1982 635
"Suara Nyamuk" by the students of Indonesian at the Northern
Territory University, dated May 1993 635
Submission by the Defendants, unsigned and undated 600
Table, Distances and Steaming Times - Asian Ports to Australia 616
Whitegoods Schedule, Level 4, facsimile from Supply and
Tender Board, dated 5 May 1993 600
Writ, in the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory of
Australia, No.74 of 1993 (9309367) between Mark Joseph
Trahair, Plaintiff, and Dennis William Hart, First
Defendant; and Robert Lionel Treherne, Second Defendant;
and the Northern Territory of Australia, Third Defendant 602
Xanana Gusmao, Excerpts, (Defence Plea), dated 21 May 1993 629
Youth Policy of the Northern Territory, Youth, Sport,
Recreation and Ethnic Affairs Division, published February 1984 633

Mr Bailey 603,631
Mr Bell 597,602
Mr Hatton 615
Mr Ortmann 597
Mr Stirling 582

Request for referral of matter to Committee of Privileges re:
Alleged misleading the Assembly, Minister for Transport and
Works (Mr Ortmann) re Hornsby Subdivision, Alice Springs -
Matter referred to Speaker for consideration 596
Declined by Speaker 599

HomeNorth Housing Scheme 632
Republican agenda 596,597
Sessional Committee on the New Parliament House, Authorisation
of publication of Minutes, documents and Reports 592,595
Vocational education and training services 616
Water in Remote Communities 603
Youth Policy 632,633
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016