Minutes of Proceedings - 1991-10-01
Sixth Assembly First Session 01/10/1991 Parliamentary Record No. 5
Date : 01/10/1991__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
1 October 1991 10 October 1991 179 - 213
Mr A.G. Bruyn 205,206
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 88 Appropriation 1991-92 182,185-187,190-193P
93 Classification of Publications Amendment 1991 203P
100 Corporations (Northern Territory) Amendment (No.2) 1991 195,201
90 Education Amendment (No.2) 1991 203P
103 Education Amendment (No.3) 1991 195,202
94 Film Classification Act Repeal 1991 203P
98 Firearms 1991 195,201
81 Listening Devices Amendment 1991 197,198P
99 Local Court Amendment 1991 197
89 Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority 1991 203P
92 Police Administration Amendment 1991 209P
97 Stamp Duty Amendment (No.2) 1991 195,201
101 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) 1991 201,208
91 Supreme Court Amendment 1991 203P
96 Taxation (Administration) Amendment (No.2) 1991 195,201
102 Territory Insurance Office Amendment 1991 195,202
84 Trustee Amendment 1991 197,202P
83 Work Health Amendment (No.2) 1991 209-211P
Hon. D.J. Hamill, MLA, Minister for Transport and Member for Ipswich
in the Queensland Parliament 192
Mr Lanhupuy (8 October 1991) 197
Costs and Savings of School Closures 207
Services to Women 182
Trade Link with Asia 200
Mr Bell (24 hours, 1 October 1991) 181
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Suspension of Standing Orders -
Allow Mr Bailey to move motion re BCF fire extinguishers
at Darwin High School - Motion negatived 208
Take 2 Bills together -
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill (No.2) 1991 (Serial 96)
and Stamp Duty Amendment Bill (No.2)1991(Serial 97) 201
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Bruyn, Mr A.G. - Summons of 200,205,206
Committee of Privileges
Report, Channel 8, 6.30 pm News Broadcast of 1 May 1991
re Mulholland Advice -
Adopt 196,200
Print 196
Terms of reference, alteration to S.O.18 200,209
Commonwealth Disadvantaged Schools Program - Note statement 180
Ecologically sustainable development -
Note statement 189,190,209
Note paper -
Ombudsman, Annual Report, 1990-91 196
Use and Abuse of Alcohol Report No.2, Sessional
Committee on 197
Note statement -
Commonwealth Disadvantaged Schools Program 180
Ecologically sustainable development 189,190,209
Pastoral properties, purchase by Aboriginal interests 196
Waterfront reform 199,200
Ombudsman, Appointment of Mr I. Knight 203
Ombudsman, Annual Report, 1990-91 - Print 196
Pastoral properties, purchase by Aboriginal interests -
Note statement 196
Print -
Ombudsman, Annual Report, 1990-91 196
Privileges Committee Report on Channel 8, 6.30 pm
News Broadcast of 1 May 1991 196
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol,
Report No.2 - Note paper 197
Standing Orders Committee, membership -
Appoint Mr Setter 196
Discharge Mr Coulter 196
Summons, Mr A.G. Bruyn before Bar of Assembly 200
Waterfront reform - Note statement 199,200
Advertisement re sale of Muckaty Cattle Station by LMPA 196
Agreements and Determinations -
Senior Prison Officers Arbitral Determination No.3 -
Determination T1 of 1991, dated 7 August 1991 183
Determination T8 of 1991, dated 9 August 1991 183
Annual Reports -
Department of the Chief Minister, 1990-91 204
Department of Law, year ended 30 June 1991 213
Industry and Employment Training Advisory Council, 1990-91 213
Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Northern Region, 1990-91 213
Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Southern Region, 1990-91 213
Mental Health Act, 1990-91 187
Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (First), year ended 30 June 1991 213
Ombudsman, 1990-91 196
Briefing Note - Operation Stereo 207
Budget Figures for Advertising, Publications, External
Publications Purchased, Videos, Promotional Activities,
Publicity Activities, for the Tourist Bureaux 192
Casino Licensing and Control Act -
Deed, pursuant to Section 3, dated 5 September 1991 183
Comments by Treasury on 'Public Sector Debt' paper tabled in
Northern Territory Legislative Assembly on 22 August 1991
Leader of the Opposition, dated October 1991 179
Committee of Privileges -
Report on 6.30 pm News Item, Channel 8 of 1 May 1991 196
Consultant Listing - Information and Office Systems, Land
Planning and Development and Staff Training, Development
and Work Health and Safety 192
Debt Servicing, Extract: Supplementary Budget Information,
State Budget 1991-92 Budget Paper No.4, Queensland Government 179
Department of Health and Community Services, Northern Territory
Report by Cresap, dated 20 September 1991 185
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, Attachment A,
Other Services 191
Executive Intelligence Review - Volume 17, No.21Supplement,
dated 30 May 1990 212
Financial Statements -
Treasurer's Annual Financial Statements, year ended 30 June 1991 213
Implications of Increasing Road Transport Charges for the
Northern Territory - Report by Barry Burgan, The Centre
for South Australian Economic Studies, dated March 1991 212
'It's Corny Copia' No.6, Commonwealth Programs N.T. Secretariat 180
Joint Press Release, 'Snowdon and Collins Welcome Funding
for Victoria Highway and call for Apology from Finch and
Galton' by Warren Snowdon MHR and Senator Bob Collins,
dated 4 March 1990
Legislative Assembly Briefing Note - Northern Territory Police,
Fire and Emergency Services, Topic: Paul Michael Kanaris,
dated 1 October 1991 207
Letters -
Ava to Mr Green, dated 18 June 1991 198
Mr N R Bell, MLA to Hon. John Dawkins, MP, Minister for
Employment, Education and Training, dated 22 February 1991 180
Mr N R Bell, MLA to Hon. S. Stone, MLA, Minister for Education,
Employment and Training, dated 22 February 1991 180
Hon. Bob Brown, Minister for Land Transport to Hon. F A Finch, MLA,
Minister for Transport and Works, dated 27 August 1991 189
Mr G Cartwright, Member for Victoria River to Hon. Max Ortmann,
Minister for Lands and Housing, dated 24 July 1991 212
Hon. B Coulter, Deputy Chief Minister to Mr E Nakao, Minister for
International Trade and Industry, dated 2 August 1991 212
Mr B Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition to Hon. Marshall Perron,
MLA, Chief Minister, dated 10 September 1991 193
Mr B Ede, Leader of the Opposition to Hon. Shane Stone, MLA,
Minister for Education, dated 20 September 1991 207
Hon. M Reed, Minister for Conservation to Mr John Bailey, MLA,
Member for Wanguri, dated 22 April 1991 206
Hon. M Reed, Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries
to Mr Gary Cartwright, Member for Victoria River, dated
3 September 1991 212
Mr Brendan Sheehan, Senior Advisor, Office of the Minister
for Employment, Education and Training to Mr N R Bell,
MLA, dated 28 May 1991 180
Hon. S Stone, Minister for Education to Mr Rod Hass,
Chairman, Tiwi School Council, dated 12 September 1991 207
Hon. S Stone, Minister for Education to Mr Rod Hass, Chairman,
Tiwi School Council, dated 25 September 1991 207
Hon. S Stone, Minister for Education to Dr David Mearns,
Council Chairperson, Rapid Creek School, dated
12 September 1991 207
Hon. R W S Vale, MLA, Minister for Sport, Recreation, Ethnic
Affairs and Local Government to Mrs Leslie Oldfield, Mayor
of Alice Springs, dated 11 July 1991 179
Mr R T Wheaton, Director, Rural Land Branch, Department
of Lands and Housing to Mr D. Loveridge, LMPA Project
Marketing Services, dated 9 March 1991 196
Managing State Finance, page 139 - the New South Wales
Experience by Don Nicholls 185
Media Releases -
Hon. Bob Brown, Minister for Land Transport and Shipping
Support - National Highway System Upgrading, dated
16 December 1989 189
Darwin Remains Most Expensive City for Electricity by
Mr Paul Harvey, Senior Analyst, N.U.S. International
Pty Ltd, dated June 1991 182
Federal Road Funding Unrelated to N.T.'s Opposition to
Heavy Vehicle Reforms, Hon. Bob Brown, Minister for Land
Transport, dated 26 August 1991 189
Government Responds to Recommendations on Remote Transport
by Warren Snowdon MHR, dated 6 September 1991 212
$100 Million Victoria Highway Upgrading gets Under Way
by Hon. Bob Brown, Minister for Land Transport,
dated 17 March 1991 189
Strategy for Rural and Remote Heavy Vehicle Charging Announced
by Warren Snowdon MHR, dated 26 April 1991 212
Three Major Rail Proposals by Office of EPAC, dated
29 August 1991 212
Memorandum of Advice Re: Security over Aboriginal Land, by
A R Castan, Aickin Chambers, dated 4 May 1984 196
Memorandum, Acting Commissioner of Police to Chief Minister,
dated 8 October 1991 207
Memorandum, Hon. M A Reed, MLA, Minister responsible for
Museums to Acting Director, Museums and Art Galleries;
and Chairman, Museums and Art Galleries Board of the Northern
Territory, re Travel Approval - Interstate and
Overseas, dated 31 July 1991 180
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy in the
Northern Territory, Department of Education 190
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy - The
Northern Territory Operational Plan -1990-1992 Triennium 190
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy - The
Northern Territory Strategic Plan, 1990-1992 Triennium 190
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy -
The Northern Territory Strategic and Operational Plans
1990-1992 Triennium Performance Indicators, Attachment B 191
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy -
Operational Plan 1990 Progress Report, Attachment A 191
Newspaper Articles -
Concern about implications of DOA Pit closure, Katherine
Times, dated 9 October 1991 212
"Leibler Brothers slam 'bizarre' NT claims", The Australian
Jewish News, Sydney Edition, dated 6 September 1991 182
'NT Speaker won't censure MLA over anti-Jewish comments',
The Australian Jewish News, Sydney Edition,
dated 13 September 1991 182
Northern Territory Government Response Papers to the Working
Groups' Draft Reports on Ecologically Sustainable Development -
Energy Production
Energy Use
Forest Use
dated 20 September 1991 190
Northern Territory Local Government Grants Commission 1990,
Report on Distribution of Funds Under the Commonwealth's
Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1986 192
Northern Territory Office of Local Government 1990
Grant Programs 192
Northern Territory Public Sector Debt by Northern Territory
Opposition Leader, dated August 1991 179
Overseas Travel Undertaken -
Schedule from 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1991 186
Schedule from 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1991, Amended 189
Petitions, B.C.F. fire extinguishers at Darwin High School (2) 203,204
Plan of Management -
Casuarina Coastal Reserve 204
Position Chart, Administration Division (as at 30/9/91) Attachment B 191
Position Chart, Executive (as at 30/9/91) Attachment A 191
Privileges Committee, Report on Channel 8, 6.30 pm News Item
of 1 May 1991, relating to the Mulholland Advice 196
Purchasing and Accounts - Administrative Procedures signed
G J Spring, Secretary 191
Regulations 1991 -
No.44, Amendments of Water Supply and Sewerage Regulations 183
No.45, Amendment of Public Holidays Regulations 183
No.46, Amendments of Local Court (Small Claims Fees) Rules 183
No.47, Amendments of Darwin Rates Regulations 183
No.48, Amendments of the Mining Regulations 183
No.49, Amendments of the Real Property Regulations 183
No.50, Amendments of the Special Purposes Leases Regulations 183
No.51, Amendments of Crown Lands Regulations 183
Speech, Race and Electoral Strategy in the Northern Territory
by Neil Bell, Member for Macdonnell, dated September 1991 203
Staff Composition by Designation - Corporate Management,
Attachment C 191
Standard Devolution Package, Report of the Devolution Steering
Committee, dated October 1991 190
Statutory Declaration by Anita Williams, dated 8 October 1991 199
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee,
Fourth Report 199
Table of Short Courses for 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 191
Three Major Rail Proposals - Report, papers presented to
EPAC by Mr Alan Castleman, Hon. Marshall Perron, MLA,
Dr D G Williams and Mr Roger Beale, dated August 1991 212
Tourist Commission's allocation for workers compensation
premiums - Table 192
Mr Vale 179
Perron 189
Educational Services, cuts to -
(25 signatures) 179
(49 signatures) 199
(80 signatures) 199
(48 signatures) 206
(58 signatures) 206
Hornsby, Denis, Land Rezoning Alice Springs, Reject
(74 signatures) 199
Litchfield Park, reject proposals for hotel, motel and lodge
developments (254 signatures) 179
Mud Tank Zircon Field, prevent mining and declare the area a
fossicking reserve (518 signatures) 195
Nightcliff Community Health Centre (1444 signatures) 179
Recycling facility, Alice Springs (168 signatures) 195
Channel 8, 6.30 pm News Item Broadcast on 1 May 1991 re
Mulholland Advice - Report adopted 200
Commonwealth Disadvantaged Schools Programme 180
Cresap Management Consultants Report, Health and Community
Services Review 185
Ecologically sustainable development 189
Pastoral properties, purchase by Aboriginal Interests 196
Waterfront Reform 199,200
Mr A G Bruyn before Bar of Assembly 200
Date : 01/10/1991
SITTING DAY Nos 22 - 27
SITTING DAY Nos 22 - 27
From To Pages
1 October 1991 10 October 1991 179 - 213
Mr A.G. Bruyn 205,206
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 88 Appropriation 1991-92 182,185-187,190-193P
93 Classification of Publications Amendment 1991 203P
100 Corporations (Northern Territory) Amendment (No.2) 1991 195,201
90 Education Amendment (No.2) 1991 203P
103 Education Amendment (No.3) 1991 195,202
94 Film Classification Act Repeal 1991 203P
98 Firearms 1991 195,201
81 Listening Devices Amendment 1991 197,198P
99 Local Court Amendment 1991 197
89 Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority 1991 203P
92 Police Administration Amendment 1991 209P
97 Stamp Duty Amendment (No.2) 1991 195,201
101 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) 1991 201,208
91 Supreme Court Amendment 1991 203P
96 Taxation (Administration) Amendment (No.2) 1991 195,201
102 Territory Insurance Office Amendment 1991 195,202
84 Trustee Amendment 1991 197,202P
83 Work Health Amendment (No.2) 1991 209-211P
Hon. D.J. Hamill, MLA, Minister for Transport and Member for Ipswich
in the Queensland Parliament 192
Mr Lanhupuy (8 October 1991) 197
Costs and Savings of School Closures 207
Services to Women 182
Trade Link with Asia 200
Mr Bell (24 hours, 1 October 1991) 181
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Suspension of Standing Orders -
Allow Mr Bailey to move motion re BCF fire extinguishers
at Darwin High School - Motion negatived 208
Take 2 Bills together -
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill (No.2) 1991 (Serial 96)
and Stamp Duty Amendment Bill (No.2)1991(Serial 97) 201
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Bruyn, Mr A.G. - Summons of 200,205,206
Committee of Privileges
Report, Channel 8, 6.30 pm News Broadcast of 1 May 1991
re Mulholland Advice -
Adopt 196,200
Print 196
Terms of reference, alteration to S.O.18 200,209
Commonwealth Disadvantaged Schools Program - Note statement 180
Ecologically sustainable development -
Note statement 189,190,209
Note paper -
Ombudsman, Annual Report, 1990-91 196
Use and Abuse of Alcohol Report No.2, Sessional
Committee on 197
Note statement -
Commonwealth Disadvantaged Schools Program 180
Ecologically sustainable development 189,190,209
Pastoral properties, purchase by Aboriginal interests 196
Waterfront reform 199,200
Ombudsman, Appointment of Mr I. Knight 203
Ombudsman, Annual Report, 1990-91 - Print 196
Pastoral properties, purchase by Aboriginal interests -
Note statement 196
Print -
Ombudsman, Annual Report, 1990-91 196
Privileges Committee Report on Channel 8, 6.30 pm
News Broadcast of 1 May 1991 196
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol,
Report No.2 - Note paper 197
Standing Orders Committee, membership -
Appoint Mr Setter 196
Discharge Mr Coulter 196
Summons, Mr A.G. Bruyn before Bar of Assembly 200
Waterfront reform - Note statement 199,200
Advertisement re sale of Muckaty Cattle Station by LMPA 196
Agreements and Determinations -
Senior Prison Officers Arbitral Determination No.3 -
Determination T1 of 1991, dated 7 August 1991 183
Determination T8 of 1991, dated 9 August 1991 183
Annual Reports -
Department of the Chief Minister, 1990-91 204
Department of Law, year ended 30 June 1991 213
Industry and Employment Training Advisory Council, 1990-91 213
Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Northern Region, 1990-91 213
Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Southern Region, 1990-91 213
Mental Health Act, 1990-91 187
Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (First), year ended 30 June 1991 213
Ombudsman, 1990-91 196
Briefing Note - Operation Stereo 207
Budget Figures for Advertising, Publications, External
Publications Purchased, Videos, Promotional Activities,
Publicity Activities, for the Tourist Bureaux 192
Casino Licensing and Control Act -
Deed, pursuant to Section 3, dated 5 September 1991 183
Comments by Treasury on 'Public Sector Debt' paper tabled in
Northern Territory Legislative Assembly on 22 August 1991
Leader of the Opposition, dated October 1991 179
Committee of Privileges -
Report on 6.30 pm News Item, Channel 8 of 1 May 1991 196
Consultant Listing - Information and Office Systems, Land
Planning and Development and Staff Training, Development
and Work Health and Safety 192
Debt Servicing, Extract: Supplementary Budget Information,
State Budget 1991-92 Budget Paper No.4, Queensland Government 179
Department of Health and Community Services, Northern Territory
Report by Cresap, dated 20 September 1991 185
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, Attachment A,
Other Services 191
Executive Intelligence Review - Volume 17, No.21Supplement,
dated 30 May 1990 212
Financial Statements -
Treasurer's Annual Financial Statements, year ended 30 June 1991 213
Implications of Increasing Road Transport Charges for the
Northern Territory - Report by Barry Burgan, The Centre
for South Australian Economic Studies, dated March 1991 212
'It's Corny Copia' No.6, Commonwealth Programs N.T. Secretariat 180
Joint Press Release, 'Snowdon and Collins Welcome Funding
for Victoria Highway and call for Apology from Finch and
Galton' by Warren Snowdon MHR and Senator Bob Collins,
dated 4 March 1990
Legislative Assembly Briefing Note - Northern Territory Police,
Fire and Emergency Services, Topic: Paul Michael Kanaris,
dated 1 October 1991 207
Letters -
Ava to Mr Green, dated 18 June 1991 198
Mr N R Bell, MLA to Hon. John Dawkins, MP, Minister for
Employment, Education and Training, dated 22 February 1991 180
Mr N R Bell, MLA to Hon. S. Stone, MLA, Minister for Education,
Employment and Training, dated 22 February 1991 180
Hon. Bob Brown, Minister for Land Transport to Hon. F A Finch, MLA,
Minister for Transport and Works, dated 27 August 1991 189
Mr G Cartwright, Member for Victoria River to Hon. Max Ortmann,
Minister for Lands and Housing, dated 24 July 1991 212
Hon. B Coulter, Deputy Chief Minister to Mr E Nakao, Minister for
International Trade and Industry, dated 2 August 1991 212
Mr B Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition to Hon. Marshall Perron,
MLA, Chief Minister, dated 10 September 1991 193
Mr B Ede, Leader of the Opposition to Hon. Shane Stone, MLA,
Minister for Education, dated 20 September 1991 207
Hon. M Reed, Minister for Conservation to Mr John Bailey, MLA,
Member for Wanguri, dated 22 April 1991 206
Hon. M Reed, Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries
to Mr Gary Cartwright, Member for Victoria River, dated
3 September 1991 212
Mr Brendan Sheehan, Senior Advisor, Office of the Minister
for Employment, Education and Training to Mr N R Bell,
MLA, dated 28 May 1991 180
Hon. S Stone, Minister for Education to Mr Rod Hass,
Chairman, Tiwi School Council, dated 12 September 1991 207
Hon. S Stone, Minister for Education to Mr Rod Hass, Chairman,
Tiwi School Council, dated 25 September 1991 207
Hon. S Stone, Minister for Education to Dr David Mearns,
Council Chairperson, Rapid Creek School, dated
12 September 1991 207
Hon. R W S Vale, MLA, Minister for Sport, Recreation, Ethnic
Affairs and Local Government to Mrs Leslie Oldfield, Mayor
of Alice Springs, dated 11 July 1991 179
Mr R T Wheaton, Director, Rural Land Branch, Department
of Lands and Housing to Mr D. Loveridge, LMPA Project
Marketing Services, dated 9 March 1991 196
Managing State Finance, page 139 - the New South Wales
Experience by Don Nicholls 185
Media Releases -
Hon. Bob Brown, Minister for Land Transport and Shipping
Support - National Highway System Upgrading, dated
16 December 1989 189
Darwin Remains Most Expensive City for Electricity by
Mr Paul Harvey, Senior Analyst, N.U.S. International
Pty Ltd, dated June 1991 182
Federal Road Funding Unrelated to N.T.'s Opposition to
Heavy Vehicle Reforms, Hon. Bob Brown, Minister for Land
Transport, dated 26 August 1991 189
Government Responds to Recommendations on Remote Transport
by Warren Snowdon MHR, dated 6 September 1991 212
$100 Million Victoria Highway Upgrading gets Under Way
by Hon. Bob Brown, Minister for Land Transport,
dated 17 March 1991 189
Strategy for Rural and Remote Heavy Vehicle Charging Announced
by Warren Snowdon MHR, dated 26 April 1991 212
Three Major Rail Proposals by Office of EPAC, dated
29 August 1991 212
Memorandum of Advice Re: Security over Aboriginal Land, by
A R Castan, Aickin Chambers, dated 4 May 1984 196
Memorandum, Acting Commissioner of Police to Chief Minister,
dated 8 October 1991 207
Memorandum, Hon. M A Reed, MLA, Minister responsible for
Museums to Acting Director, Museums and Art Galleries;
and Chairman, Museums and Art Galleries Board of the Northern
Territory, re Travel Approval - Interstate and
Overseas, dated 31 July 1991 180
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy in the
Northern Territory, Department of Education 190
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy - The
Northern Territory Operational Plan -1990-1992 Triennium 190
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy - The
Northern Territory Strategic Plan, 1990-1992 Triennium 190
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy -
The Northern Territory Strategic and Operational Plans
1990-1992 Triennium Performance Indicators, Attachment B 191
National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Education Policy -
Operational Plan 1990 Progress Report, Attachment A 191
Newspaper Articles -
Concern about implications of DOA Pit closure, Katherine
Times, dated 9 October 1991 212
"Leibler Brothers slam 'bizarre' NT claims", The Australian
Jewish News, Sydney Edition, dated 6 September 1991 182
'NT Speaker won't censure MLA over anti-Jewish comments',
The Australian Jewish News, Sydney Edition,
dated 13 September 1991 182
Northern Territory Government Response Papers to the Working
Groups' Draft Reports on Ecologically Sustainable Development -
Energy Production
Energy Use
Forest Use
dated 20 September 1991 190
Northern Territory Local Government Grants Commission 1990,
Report on Distribution of Funds Under the Commonwealth's
Local Government (Financial Assistance) Act 1986 192
Northern Territory Office of Local Government 1990
Grant Programs 192
Northern Territory Public Sector Debt by Northern Territory
Opposition Leader, dated August 1991 179
Overseas Travel Undertaken -
Schedule from 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1991 186
Schedule from 1 July 1990 to 30 June 1991, Amended 189
Petitions, B.C.F. fire extinguishers at Darwin High School (2) 203,204
Plan of Management -
Casuarina Coastal Reserve 204
Position Chart, Administration Division (as at 30/9/91) Attachment B 191
Position Chart, Executive (as at 30/9/91) Attachment A 191
Privileges Committee, Report on Channel 8, 6.30 pm News Item
of 1 May 1991, relating to the Mulholland Advice 196
Purchasing and Accounts - Administrative Procedures signed
G J Spring, Secretary 191
Regulations 1991 -
No.44, Amendments of Water Supply and Sewerage Regulations 183
No.45, Amendment of Public Holidays Regulations 183
No.46, Amendments of Local Court (Small Claims Fees) Rules 183
No.47, Amendments of Darwin Rates Regulations 183
No.48, Amendments of the Mining Regulations 183
No.49, Amendments of the Real Property Regulations 183
No.50, Amendments of the Special Purposes Leases Regulations 183
No.51, Amendments of Crown Lands Regulations 183
Speech, Race and Electoral Strategy in the Northern Territory
by Neil Bell, Member for Macdonnell, dated September 1991 203
Staff Composition by Designation - Corporate Management,
Attachment C 191
Standard Devolution Package, Report of the Devolution Steering
Committee, dated October 1991 190
Statutory Declaration by Anita Williams, dated 8 October 1991 199
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee,
Fourth Report 199
Table of Short Courses for 1988, 1989, 1990 and 1991 191
Three Major Rail Proposals - Report, papers presented to
EPAC by Mr Alan Castleman, Hon. Marshall Perron, MLA,
Dr D G Williams and Mr Roger Beale, dated August 1991 212
Tourist Commission's allocation for workers compensation
premiums - Table 192
Mr Vale 179
Perron 189
Educational Services, cuts to -
(25 signatures) 179
(49 signatures) 199
(80 signatures) 199
(48 signatures) 206
(58 signatures) 206
Hornsby, Denis, Land Rezoning Alice Springs, Reject
(74 signatures) 199
Litchfield Park, reject proposals for hotel, motel and lodge
developments (254 signatures) 179
Mud Tank Zircon Field, prevent mining and declare the area a
fossicking reserve (518 signatures) 195
Nightcliff Community Health Centre (1444 signatures) 179
Recycling facility, Alice Springs (168 signatures) 195
Channel 8, 6.30 pm News Item Broadcast on 1 May 1991 re
Mulholland Advice - Report adopted 200
Commonwealth Disadvantaged Schools Programme 180
Cresap Management Consultants Report, Health and Community
Services Review 185
Ecologically sustainable development 189
Pastoral properties, purchase by Aboriginal Interests 196
Waterfront Reform 199,200
Mr A G Bruyn before Bar of Assembly 200
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016