Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1991-11-12

Sixth Assembly First Session 12/11/1991 Parliamentary Record No. 7

Date : 12/11/1991

SITTING DAY Nos 28 - 33

From To Pages

12 November 1991 20 November 1991 215 - 269

*=Opposition Bill
Serial 80 Administration and Probate Amendment
(De Facto Relationships) 1991 218P
75 Adoption of Children Amendment 1991 217P
107 Ayers Rock Resort Corporation 1991 221,240,241
123 Bushfires Amendment 1991 262
85 Corporations (Northern Territory) Amendment 1991 260N
100 Corporations (Northern Territory) Amendment (No.2) 1991 232P
115 Criminal Code Amendment (No.3) 1991 235,247,248
117 Criminal Code Amendment (No.4) 1991 238,248,263-264P
106 Crown Lands 1991 243,263
119 Cullen Bay Marina Development 1991 251,263
79 De Facto Relationships (Miscellaneous Amendments) 1991 218P
76 Dental Amendment 1991 217P
77 Dental (Consequential Amendments) 1991 217P
103 Education Amendment (No.3) 1991 228-232P
87 Electoral Amendment (No.2) 1991 258,259N*
72 Forestry Act Repeal 1991 215,225
78 Land and Business Agents Amendment 1991 225-228P
122 Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions)
Amendment (No.2) 1991 261
86 Legal Practitioners Amendment 1991 260N
124 Legislative Assembly Members' Superannuation
Amendment 1991 262
125 Liquor Amendment (No.2) 1991 268
99 Local Court Amendment 1991 251P
121 Local Government Amendment (No.3) 1991 261
111 Mining Amendment (No.3) 1991 247,262
112 Misuse of Drugs Amendment 1991 224,241
105 Pastoral Land 1991 243,263
67 Police Administration (Tape Recording of
Interviews) Amendment 1991 259N*
113 Police Administration Amendment (No.3) 1991 224,241
95 Pornographic Videos (Prohibition) 1991 260N
114 Prostitution Regulation 1991 235,247,248
97 Stamp Duty Amendment (No.2) 1991 248-251P
101 Statute Law (Miscellaneous Amendments) 1991 251P
116 Summary Offences Amendment 1991 235,247,248
96 Taxation (Administration) Amendment (No.2) 1991 248-251P
102 Territory Insurance Office Amendment (No.2) 1991 218P
71 Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation
Amendment 1991 215,225
118 Tobacco 1991 243,262
120 Traffic Amendment 1991 261
110 Water 1991 243,262
108 Yulara Tourist Village Management Amendment 1991 221,240,241

Chief Minister and Treasurer - Sheratons and Yulara investment 235

Mr N.J. Gleeson 215

Draft Water Bill 1991 261
Road Use Charges Interstate Commission Report -
Ministerial Statement 261
Tourism - Ministerial Statement 261

Honourable Roy Degoregore, MP, Nauru 215
Mr C C Firmin, former Member of the Legislative Assembly 253
Mr Teisina Fuko, MP, Tonga 215
Mr R Hanrahan, former Member of the Legislative Assembly 267
Mrs O'Love Jacobsen, MLA, Niue 215
The Honourable Nuku, MP, Tonga 215
Mr Opili Talafasi, MLA, Niue 215

Public Educational Facilities 247

Mr Smith (24 hours) 239

MOTIONS (Procedural)
Leave refused, Mr Stone to move third reading motion 228
Suspension of Standing Orders -
Allow Mr Ede to move motion re Yulara Development -
production of documents - motion negatived 221-223
Allow Mr Bailey to move motion re reported Massacre in East Timor 236
Amend notice of motion - East Timor, reported massacre 224
Pass Bill Through all Stages
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No.4) 1991 (Serial 117) 263
Take 2 Bills together -
Ayers Rock Resort Corporation Bill 1991 (Serial 107)
and Yulara Tourist Village Management Amendment
Bill 1991 (Serial 108) 240,241
Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 112) and
Police Administration Amendment Bill (No.3) 1991 (Serial 113) 241
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment
Bill 1991 (Serial 71) and Forestry Act Repeal Bill 1991 (Serial 72) 225
Water Bill 1991 (Serial 110) and Mining Amendment
Bill (No.3) 1991 (Serial 111) 262
Take 3 Bills together -
Prostitution Regulation Bill 1991 (Serial 114);
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No.3) 1991 (Serial 115);
and Summary Offences Amendment 1991 (Serial 116) 247,248

MOTIONS (Substantive)
Adopt Publications Committee, Fourth Report 267
Alcohol Policy - Note statement 224
Alteration of Order of Business 263
Alteration of Sitting Days 237
Amend Notice of Motion - East Timor, reported massacre 224
Appropriation Bill, Committee Procedures - reference to
Standing Orders Committee 254
Citizen Initiated Referendums - Note paper 260
Discharge Business, Orders of the Day
No. 2, Draft Water Bill 1991 261
No.11, Tourism - Ministerial Statement 261
No.12, Road Use Charges - Interstate Commission Report -
Ministerial Statement 261
East Timor, reported massacre 221,224,236,237
Future of Yulara and the Sheraton Hotels - Note statement 215-217
Juvenile Justice Act, Reports 1984-1990 - Note reports 253
Goods and Services Tax - motion negatived 244,256,257
Gulf Region Land Use - Note paper 246
Note paper -
Gulf Region Land Use 246
Juvenile Justice Act, Reports 1984-1990 253
Public Accounts Committee - Report on 1990 Election Costs 260
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development -
Annual Report 1990-91 260
Citizen Initiated Referendums 260
Small Business in the Northern Territory 246
Small Business in Australia 246
Note statement -
Alcohol Policy 224
Future of Yulara and the Sheraton Hotels 215-217
Territory Parks and Reserves 239
Women in Remote Areas 239,240
Print -
Public Accounts Committee -
Annual Report 1990-91 260
Biennial Conference of Public Accounts Committees,
Darwin 1991 260
Report on 1990 Election Costs 260
Public Accounts Committee -
Annual Report 1990-91 - Print 260
Biennial Conference of Public Accounts Committees,
Darwin 1991 - Print 260
Report on 1990 Election Costs - Note Report 260
Publications Committee, Fourth Report - Adopt Report 267
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development -
Annual Report 1990-91 - Note paper 261
Citizen Initiated Referendums - Note paper 260
Sessional Committee on Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the
Community - membership
Appoint Mr McCarthy 261
Discharge Mr Hatton 261
Small Business in the Northern Territory by Department of
Industries and Development - Note paper 246
Small Business in Australia - Note Paper 246
Special Adjournment 268
Standing Orders Committee - Reference, Appropriation
Bill, Committee procedures 254
State Square Project - Proposed reference to Public
Accounts Committee - Motion negatived 245,257,258
Territory Parks and Reserves - Note statement 239
Women in Remote Areas - Note statement 239,240
Yulara Development and Investnorth Papers, Order to be 221-223,243,
Tabled - Motion negatived 254-256
Yulara Sheraton Hotels, government investment 235-236

Goods and Services Tax 244
State Square Project - Reference to Public Accounts
Committee 245
Yulara Development and Investnorth Papers - Order to be 221-223,243,
Tabled 254-256

A Study of the Health and Welfare Needs of Women living in
Remote Areas of the Northern Territory, by Diane J. Clark,
BSc, MSc, dated August 1991 239
Agreements and Determinations -
Prisons (Arbitral Tribunal) Act - Senior Prison
Officers Arbitral Determination No.3 - Determination
T.10 of 1991, dated 11 November 1991 252
Annual Reports -
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 1990-91 252
Darwin Port Authority, 1990-91 268
Department of Correctional Services, 1990-91 264
Department of Education, Education Advisory Council
Report and Technical and Further Education Advisory
Council 1990 268
Department of Industries and Development, 1990-91 268
Department of Lands and Housing, 1990-91 264
Department of the Legislative Assembly, 1990-91 268
Department of Mines and Energy, 1990-91 264
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, 1990-91 268
Department of Transport and Works (Thirteenth), 1990-91 264
Legislative Assembly Members' Superannuation Trust, 1990-91 242
Listening Devices Act, 1990-91 252
Menzies School of Health Research, 1990-91 264
Menzies School of Health Research, Corrigendum, page 78,
to 1990-91 Report 264
Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities
Superannuation Scheme, 1990-91 268
Northern Territory Government Conditions of Service
Trust, 1990-91 268
Northern Territory Housing Commission, 1990-91 265
Northern Territory Loans Management Corporation, 1990-91 268
Northern Territory Local Government Grants Commission,
Federal Grants 1990-91 268
Northern Territory Local Government Grants Commission,
Financial Statements, 1990-91 269
Northern Territory Totalizator Administration Board, 1990-91 269
Northern Territory Treasury, 1990-91 265
Power and Water Authority, 1990-91 265
Racing, Gaming and Liquor Commission, 1990-91 252
Strehlow Centre Board, 1990-91 269
Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory, 1990-91 252
Trade Development Zone, 1990-91 269
Work Health Authority and Work Health Advisory Council, 1990-91 269
By-laws -
Amendment of Public Service (Terms and Conditions of
Service) By-laws 252
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Academic
Board) By-laws 218
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Degrees and
Other Awards) By-laws 218
Community Government Scheme -
Daguragu 252
Financial Statement -
Government Printing Office, 1990-91 265
Gulf Region Land Use and Development Study 1991 by the
Department of Lands and Housing 246
Hospital Management Boards -
Alice Springs, 1990-91 219
Gove District, 1990-91 219
Katherine, 1990-91 219
Royal Darwin, 1990-91 269
Tennant Creek, 1990-91 219
Juvenile Justice Act, Annual Reports 1984 to 1990 inclusive 253
Letters -
Ian Johnson, Branch Manager, Alexander Stenhouse Australia
to Ms Sue Kroemer, COGSO, dated 10 October 1991 228
Peter Lewis, Chairman, Dripstone High School Council to
Mr Angus Henry, Chairman Steering Committee, Department
of Education, dated 10 October 1991 228
Graeme Marshall, Chief Executive Officer, Local Government
to Mr Thomas Stevens, President, Tangentyere Council Inc.,
dated 6 November 1991 264
K. Murphy, for Regional Manager South, Power and Water
Authority to the Secretary, Northern Territory Planning
Authority, dated 4 December 1989 241
Hon. R. Vale, MLA, Minister for Sport, Recreation, Ethnic
Affairs and Local Government to Mr Neil Bell, MLA, Member
for Macdonnell, dated 9 November 1991 241
"Living with Alcohol in the Northern Territory - Executive
Summary" 224
"Living with Alcohol in the Northern Territory - Highlights" 224
Media Release by the Chief Minister, the Hon. Marshall Perron,
MLA, dated 8 November 1991 224
Northern Territory Planning Authority, Alice Springs and
Planning Area 8, dated 12 September 1989 218
Northern Territory Planning Authority, Alice Springs and
Planning Area 8, dated 14 May 1991 218
Northern Territory Planning Authority, Alice Springs and
Planning Area 8, dated 9 July 1991 218
O.L.S.H. School, Wadeye, School Magazine, 1991 264
Pornographic Videos (Prohibition) Bill 1991 -
"The White-Collar Connection", speech by Denis Stevenson,
Member of the ACT Legislative Assembly, dated 30 April 1991 260
"Video Cassette Licensing Agreement between Sienna Pty Ltd
and VCX Incorporated, signed by Tom Gajic and Norman
Arno, dated 1 October 1985 260
Ombudsman (Northern Territory) Act -
Appointment by Administrator of Ian Victor Knight as
Ombudsman, dated 14 October 1991 219
Port Darwin Electorate Times - newsletter of the Hon.
Shane L. Stone, MLA, Member for Port Darwin - Build-up
edition, 1991 233
Progress Report No.2 by Working Party considering Public
Accounts Committee Report No.12 253
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, year ended
30 June 1991, Report No.13, dated October 1991 260
Public Accounts Committee, Report on the Biennial Conference
of Public Accounts Committees, Darwin - May 1991, Report
No.15, dated November 1991 260
Public Accounts Committee, Report on 1990 Election Costs 260
Publications Committee, Fourth Report 267
Realising the Potential of Yulara, Business Plan, Prepared for
Investnorth Management Pty Ltd by the Collins Hill Group Pty
Ltd, dated October 1991 216
Regulations 1991 -
No.52, Amendments of Justices Regulations 219
No.53, Heritage Conservation Regulations 219
No.54, Territory Wildlife Park Management Committee
Regulations 219
No.55, Amendments of Public Health (Medical and Dental
Inspection of School Children) Regulations 219
Report on Small Business in the Northern Territory, Department
of Industries and Development, dated October 1991 246
Report to the Under Treasurer - Financial Assessment of the
Proposed Yulara Tourist Development, dated 4 March 1982 236
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development, Annual
Report 1990-91 261
Small Business in Australia - First Annual Report, Department
of Industry, Technology and Commerce 246
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee, Fifth
Report 267
Summary Report on the Investnorth Group of Companies for
the Chief Minister, Northern Territory Government, by
BT Corporate Finance Limited, dated September 1991 216
"Tourism - is it the right business for me?", published by the
Department of Industries and Development and N.T. Tourism
Industry Training Council, dated October 1991 245
Transcript of interview between John Bailey, MLA and Clare Martin,
ABC Radio 8DDD Morning Programme, 14 November 1991 268

Mr Bell 224,247,254
Mr Reed 254

Kargaru Primary School, closure (90 signatures) 235

Alcohol Policy 224
Future of Yulara and the Sheraton Hotels 215-217
Gulf Region Land Use 246
Juvenile Justice Act, Annual Reports 1984 to 1990 253
Progress Report No.2 by Working Party considering Public
Accounts Committee Report No.12 253
Small Business in the Northern Territory 246
Territory Parks and Reserves 239
Women in Remote Areas 239

Chief Minister 238
Minister for Correctional Services 253,254
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016