Minutes of Proceedings - 1991-04-30
Sixth Assembly First Session 30/04/1991 Parliamentary Record No. 3
Date : 30/04/1991__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
30 April 1991 9 May 1991 65 - 119
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 51 Business Franchise Amendment 1991 71,80,95P
37 Casino Licensing and Control Amendment 1991 91-94P
26 Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport 1991 100-107P
48 Criminal Code Amendment (No. 2) 1991 90,98
53 Crown Lands Amendment 1991 97,115
43 Darwin Rates Amendment 1991 79,89
42 De Facto Relationships 1991 90,98
52 Financial Institutions Duty Amendment 1991 71,80,95P
24 Heritage Conservation 1991 66,74,75
59 Justices Amendment 1991 90,99
60 Justices Amendment (No. 2) 1991 90,99
65 Justices of the Peace 1991 97,115
45 Juvenile Justice Amendment 1991 66,75
46 Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment 1991 66,75
40 Liquor Amendment 1991 91-94P
62 Local Government Amendment 1991 90,99
38 Lotteries and Gaming Amendment 1991 91-94P
25 Mining Amendment 1991 75P
47 Mining Amendment (No. 2) 1991 66,74
32 Motor Vehicles Amendment 1991 100-107P
66 Oaths Amendment 1991 97,115
50 Pay-roll Tax Amendment 1991 71,80,94P
49 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment 1991 79,89
67 Police Administration (Tape Recording of Interviews) Amendment 1991 *79
68 Power and Water Authority Amendment 1991 97,116
34 Public Service Amendment 1991 91-94P
41 Racing Commission 1991 91-94P
35 Racing and Betting Amendment 1991 91-94P
36 Racing, Gaming and Liquor Commission Act Repeal 1991 91-94P
20 Real Property Amendment 1991 76,77P
61 Real Property Amendment (No. 2) 1991 90,99
21 Real Property (Consequential Amendments) 1991 76,77P
57 Registration Amendment 1991 90,99
58 Registration (Consequential Amendments) 1991 90,99
31 Remuneration Tribunal Amendment 1991 77P
55 Stamp Duty Amendment 1991 71,80,95P
23 Statute Law Revision 1991 81-85P
22 Statute Law Revision (Registration of Instruments) 1991 81P
69 Supply 1991-92 89,116P
56 Taxation (Administration) Amendment 1991 71,80,95P
54 Territory Loans Management Corporation Amendment 1991 79,85,95P
39 Totalizator Administration and Betting Amendment 1991 91-94P
44 Valuation of Land Amendment 1991 66,74,75
64 Valuation of Land Amendment (No. 2) 1991 90,99
63 Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment 1991 90,99
70 Work Health Amendment 1991 97,115
Minister for Education, closure of schools 71-73
Minister for Education, conflict of interest 109,110
Mr C.C. Firmin, former Member of the Legislative Assembly 87
Mrs A.D. Lawrie, former Administrator of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and
former Member of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly 69
Mr R.M. Steele, former Speaker, Minister of the Crown and
Member of the Legislative Assembly 109
Mr Cartwright, 7-9 May 1991 91
Mr Lanhupuy, 2 May 1991 79
Commonwealth Day Message 1991 65
Her Majesty the Queen, Address-in-Reply 65
No. 2. Supply Bill 1991-2 (Serial 69) 87
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Suspend Standing Orders
Allow Mr Bell to move motion Censuring Minister for Education 71
Allow Mr Ede to move motion re Member for Braitling 111
Allow Mr Manzie to complete speech 69
Cognate debate, Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Reports 116
Pass seven Bills through all stages -
Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 50);
Business Franchise Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 51);
Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill 1991(Serial 52);
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 55);
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 56);
Territory Loans Management Corporation Bill 1991 (Serial 54); and
Supply Bill 1991-92 (Serial 69) 90
Take two Bills together -
Heritage Conservation Bill 1991 (Serial 24) and
Valuation of Land Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 44) 74
Take two Bills together -
Justices of the Peace Bill 1991 (Serial 65) and
Oaths Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 66) 115
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 45) and
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 46) 75
Registration Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 57) and
Registration (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1991(Serial 58) 98
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 55) and
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 56) 80
Take four Bills together -
Real Property Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991 (Serial 61);
Local Government Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 62);
Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 63); and
Valuation of Land Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991 (Serial 64) 99
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Royal Commission
National Report Vols I-V - Note paper 97
Northern Territory Reports Nos 1, 2, 5, 10 and 11 - Note paper 90,91
Censure of Minister for Education
proposed closure of schools 71,72,73
conflict of interest 109,110
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs 1989-90 and Commissioner
of Motor Vehicle Dealers 1989, Report - Print 68
Commuter RPT Services - Note statement 98
Constitutional Development Committee, Annual Report 1989-90
Note paper 112
Coronation Hill - Note statement 100
Estimates Review Committee - Note statement 68,75
Leader of Government Business, Sessional Order 66
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern Territory Investigations
Note paper 67,80,81
Publication 67
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern Territory
Investigations (Edited) - Print and Publish 77
Note paper
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Royal Commission
National Report Vols I-V 97
Northern Territory Reports Nos 1, 2, 5, 10 and 11 90,91
Constitutional Development
Annual Report 1989-90 112
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern Territory Investigations 67,80,81
Prostitution, regulation of 116
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 12 - Auditor-General's Annual Reports 1987/88 and 1988/89 97
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Sessional
Committee Annual Report, 23 November 1989-90 and Submissions 114
Water Bill 1991 114
Note statement
Commuter RPT services 98
Estimates Review Committee 68,69
Prostitution, regulation of 116
Public sector debit 74
Road use charges 114
Tourism 115
Pre- and Primary Schools, closures - Proposed censure of
Minister for Education 71-73
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs 1989-90 and Commissioner
of Motor Vehicle Dealers 1989, Report 68
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern Territory
Investigations (Edited) 77
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 12 On the Auditor-General's Annual Reports
1987/88 and 1988/89, dated May 1991 97
Remuneration Tribunal Reports 1991
Determination No. 1 of 1991, Ministers and Members of the
Northern Territory Legislative Assembly 68,76
Recommendation No. 1 of 1991, Judges of the Northern
Territory Supreme Court 68,76
Recommendation No. 2 of 1991, Magistrates of
Northern Territory 68,76
Prostitution, regulation of - Note statement and papers 116
Public sector debt - Note statement 74
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 12, Auditor-General's Annual Reports 1987/88 and 1988/89
Note paper 97
Print 97
Publication - Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern
Territory Investigations 67
Publications Committee, Second Report - Adopt 118
Remuneration Tribunal Reports 1991
Report and Determination No. 1 of 1991 - Ministers and
Members of the Legislative Assembly, dated 25 April 1991
Report and Recommendation No. 1 of 1991 - Judges of the
Northern Territory Supreme Court, dated 25 April 1991
Report and Recommendation No. 2 of 1991 - Magistrates of
the Northern Territory, dated 25 April 1991
- Print 68,76
Road use charges - Note statement 114
School closures by Minister for Education - proposed censure 71-73
Tourism - Note statement 115
Uranium mining 87
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Committee
Annual Report 23 November 1989-90 and submissions
Note papers 112-114
Water Bill 1991, Draft - Note 114
Censure Minister for Education, conflict of interest 109,110
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Royal Commission - N.T.
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of Jambajimba, (NT/1) 90
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of Jabanardi
(at Ti Tree), (NT/2) 90
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of the Man who
Died at Katherine on 21 November 1984, (NT/5) 90
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of the Man who
Died at the Royal Darwin Hospital on 2 April 1987, (NT/10) 90
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of Burralangi, (NT/11) 90
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Royal Commission, National
Report Vols I-V 97
Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Re: The Jawoyn-Katherine
Area Land Claim, Transcript of Proceedings at UDP Falls 29/8/83 100
Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Re: The Jawoyn-Katherine
Area Land Claim, Transcript of Proceedings at Wolfram Hill 30/8/83 100
Actuarial Review, Northern Territory Government and Public
Authorities Superannuation Scheme, as at 30 June 1989 85
Agreements and Determinations
Police Arbitral Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 1982,
Consent Agreement, dated 26 November 1990 69
Prison Officers Arbitral Determination No. 10 -
Determination T.12 of 1990, dated 13 December 1990 69
Senior Prison Officers Arbitral Determination No. 3 -
Determination T.11 of 1990, dated 26 November 1990 69
Alice Springs Post, Number 5, April 1991 107
Annual Reports
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs 1989-90 and Commissioner
Motor Vehicle Dealers 1989 68
Constitutional Development Committee, Annual Report 1989-90 112
Credit Unions and Building Societies, 1989-90 70
Department of Health and Community Services, 1989-90 96
Department of Health and Community Services, 1989-90 Addendum 96
Museum and Art Galleries Board, 1989-90 70
National Crime Authority, 1987-88 70
National Crime Authority, 1988-89 70
National Crime Authority, 1989-90 70
Northern Territory Grain Marketing Board, 1989-90 119
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 1989-90 119
Northern Territory Rural College, 1989 119
Office of Youth, Sport, Recreation and Ethnic Affairs, 1989-90 119
Article "If Only More Women Stayed at Home", by
B.A. Santamaria, Weekend Australian, dated 4-5 May 1991 118
Australian Labor Party Review of its Uranium Policy by CRA
Limited, Denison Australia Pty Ltd, Pancontinental Mining
Limited and Western Mining Corporation, dated March 1991 88
Australia's Northern Territory Holiday Planner, 1991-92 page 14 118
Barrie Dye, comment,Ad News, Trade Newspaper for
Advertising Industry, dated 9 March 1990 118
Casino Taxation as at 30/6/1990, Table G9 109
Community Government Scheme
Lajamanu 107
Department of Education Bulletin, No. 10, dated November 1985 72
Financial Administration and Audit Act
Direction by Administrator, s.13(1)(a), dated 28 March 1991 85
Direction by Treasurer, s.13(1)(a), dated 10 April 1991 85
Increase of Treasurer's Advance, s.15(1), dated 28 March 1991 85
Financial data of Northern Territory Account, Parliamentary
Library, Canberra
Attachment A, General Purpose Payments 68
Attachment B, Specific Purpose Payments 68
Attachment C, Global Borrowing Limits 68
Attachment D, Total Approved Funding 68
Attachment E, Population 68
Form A, Return of details of gifts received 110
Form FAD02, Returns to be submitted by the agent of a
political party, Australian Electoral Commission, dated 6 July 1990 110
Greg Desmond, comment, Ad News, Trade Newspaper for
Advertising Industry, dated 9 March 1990 118
Heritage Conservation Regulations, Draft 75
Historical Company Extract, CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd,
dated 1 May 1991 109
Historical Company Extract, Carpentaria Pty Ltd, dated 1 May 1991 110
Hospital Management Board
Gove District Hospital, 1989-90 70
"If Only More Women Stayed at Home", by B.A. Santamaria,
Weekend Australian, dated 4-5 May 1991 118
Input/Output Analysis of Possible Effects of Alternate
Budgetary Restraint Measures 69
Inquiry into Benefit Levels of the N.T. Work Health Act 1986,
Work Health Advisory Council, dated March 1991 115
Mr N.R. Bell, MLA to Hon. Shane Stone, MLA, Minister for
Education, dated 18 April 1991 72
Hon. R. Free, MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the PM to
Speaker, dated 19 March 1991 - Reply to resolution,
Australia's involvement in Gulf 66
Mr E.M. Isaacson, Auditor-General to Hon. B. Coulter, MLA,
Treasurer, dated 3 April 1991 85
Mr Peter G. Kidman, Executive Director, Country Liberal
Party to the Business Community, dated 15 April 1991 69
Hon. M. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister to Hon. R.J.L. Hawke,
AC, MP, Prime Minister, dated 20 April 1990 71
Her Majesty the Queen to Speaker - Reply to Address-in-Reply 65
Mr Shane L. Stone, Agent of N.T. CLP to Australian Electoral
Commission, dated 6 July 1990 110
Millner Primary School Council, Circular 72
Mulholland Inquiry -
Letter, Mr P. Conran, Secretary, Department of Law to Hon.
N.M. Dondas, MLA, Speaker, dated 29 April 1991 66
Letter, Hon. N.M. Dondas, MLA, Speaker to Mr T. Pauling,
Solicitor-General, dated 29 April 1991 67
Letter, Mr Tom Pauling, QC, Solicitor-General to Hon.
N.M. Dondas, MLA, Speaker, dated 1 May 1991 77
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice re: Northern Territory
Investigations by Mr Robert Mulholland QC and Ms Roslyn Atkinson 67
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice re: Northern Territory
Investigations (Edited) 77
"My Choice" comment by Ray Beatty, Ad News, Trade Newspaper
for Advertising Industry, dated 9 March 1990 118
Nakara School -
Asset: Estimate Summary by Dept of Transport and Works 74
Forward Planning Maintenance Estimate by Department of
Transport and Works 74
Northern Territory Financial Transactions of State Government
Table 36 68
Northern Territory Government Estimates Review, dated
23 April 1991 68
Northern Territory Government Financial Transactions 68
Northern Territory Public Sector Debt, Treasury, dated April 1991 74
Public Accounts Committee -
Report No. 12 on the Auditor-General's Annual Reports
1987/88 and 1988/89, dated May 1991 97
Public Sector Debt and Graphs 74
Publications Committee
Second Report 116,117
Racing Act 1976 No. 104 of South Australia, page 526 91
Regulations 1991
No. 4, Amendments of Brands Regulations 70
No. 5, Building Regulations 70
No. 6, Amendment of the Racing and Betting Regulations 70
No. 7, Evidence Regulations 70
No. 8, Amendments of Water Supply and Sewerage Regulations 70
No. 9, Amendment of the Justices (Territory Infringement
Enforcement Scheme) Regulations 70
No. 10, Amendment of Unit Titles Regulations 70
No. 11, Amendments of Fish and Fisheries Regulations 70
No. 12, Amendment of Greyhound Racing Rules 70
No. 13, Darwin (Private Swimming Pool) Amendment (No. 2) By-laws 70
No. 14, Darwin (Public Libraries) By-laws 70
No. 15, Amendment of Darwin (Control of Public Places) By-laws 70
No. 16, Amendment of the Registration of Births, Deaths
and Marriages 70
Remuneration Tribunal Reports 1991 -
Report and Determination No. 1 of 1991 - Ministers and
Members of the Legislative Assembly, dated 25 April 1991 67
Report and Recommendation No. 1 of 1991 - Judges of the
Northern Territory Supreme Court, dated 25 April 1991 67
Report and Recommendation No. 2 of 1991 - Magistrates of
the Northern Territory, dated 25 April 1991 68
Report of the Uranium Policy Review Committee of the
National Executive of the Australian Labor Party, dated 10 April 1991 88
Report on the Use of Government School Facilities,
Ministerial Task Force, dated April 1991 72
Sessional Committee on Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the
Community - Annual Report, 23 November 1989-90 112
Submissions, Transcripts and Records -
001 Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Minister for Police, Fire and
Emergency Services 112
002 Hon. F.A. Finch, MLA, Minister for Racing, Gaming and
Liquor Commission 112
003 Hon. S.P. Hatton, MLA, Minister for Health and
Community Services 112
004 Office of Local Government - Regional Director on
behalf of Imanpa Community 112
005 Ms Sandra Bach 112
006 NT Confederation of Industry and Commerce, Nhulunbuy
Region 112
007 Dr F. Piscioneri 112
008 Women's Christian Temperance Union (1) 112
009 Wulaign Association Inc. 112
010 Mr Jack Hunt 112
011 Ms Janet Durling 112
012 Katherine Alcohol and Drug Association (1) 112
013 Department of Youth, Sport, Recreation and Ethnic Affairs 112
014 Katherine Town Council 112
015 Holyoake, Alice Springs (1) 112
016 CAAPS - Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services 112
017 Australian Hotels Association NT Branch (Inc.) 112
018 Dr Charles Butcher 112
019 Ms Gail Philip (1) 112
020 Dr Patrick Bolton 112
021 Mr A.J. Hosking 112
022 Kalano Community Association (1) 112
023 ANSTI - A New Start Towards Independence 112
024 Australian Medical Association NT Branch (1) 112
025 Salvation Army, Katherine 112
026 Menzies School of Health Research 113
027 Department of Health and Community Services, Alice
Springs Region 113
028 Liquor Licensees Association, Southern Region 113
029 Holyoake, Alice Springs (2) 113
030 Drug and Alcohol Services Association, Alice Springs 113
031 Alice Springs Town Council 113
032 Ms Robyn Lesley 113
033 Katherine Alcohol and Drug Association (2) 113
034 Kalano Community Association (2) 113
035 Ms June Tapp 113
036 Katherine Alcohol Action Group 113
037 Ms Lee Cataldi 113
038 Ms Mary Laughren 113
039 Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Southern Region 113
040 Anyinginyi Congress Aboriginal Association 113
041 Uniting Church Welfare Service, Tennant Creek 113
042 Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association 113
043 Mr Murabuda Wurramarrba, Groote Eylandt Representative,
East Arnhem Substance Abuse Advisory Committee 113
044 Mr B.J. Van der Zon, Chairman, Nhulunbuy Town Board Inc. 113
045 East Arnhem Substance Abuse Group 113
046 International Reform Alliance 113
047 Anglican Church - Bishop C. Wood; Uniting Church -
Rev. A. Williams 113
048 Prof. W. Hall and Dr E. Chalmers 113
049 Women's Christian Temperance Union (2) 113
050 Tangentyere Council Inc. 113
051 Pitjantjatjara Council Inc. 113
052 Mr D.W. Collins, MLA, Member for Sadadeen 113
053 Mr Lloyd Forgarty, Timber Creek Hotel 113
054 Ms Gail Philip (2) 113
Transcripts of Briefing Meetings:
Racing, Gaming and Liquor Commission 113
Department of Health and Community Services 113
Police Force of the Northern Territory 113
Ministers' Fraternal 113
Transcripts of Evidence from Public Hearings:
PH1 of 30. 5.90, Alice Springs
- Department of Health and Community Services,
Southern Region 113
- Tangentyere Council Inc. 113
- Liquor Licensees Association, Southern Region 113
- Holyoake, Alice Springs 113
- Drug and Alcohol Services Association 113
- Alice Springs Town Council 113
- Office of Local Government 113
- Mr R. Langford 113
- Ms R. Lesley 113
PH2 of 31. 5.90, Imanpa 113
PH3 of 1. 6.90, Papunya 113
PH4 of 21. 6.90, Katherine 113
- Katherine Drug and Alcohol Association 113
- Ms J. Tapp 113
- Mabunji Resource Centre 113
- Kalano Community Association Inc. 113
- His Worship the Mayor of Katherine, Mr J. Forscutt 113
- Katherine Alcohol Action Group 113
- Salvation Army 113
PH5 of 11. 7.90, Tennant Creek 114
- Anyinginyi Congress Aboriginal Corporation 114
- Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association 114
- Julalikari Aboriginal Council 114
- Barkly Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Group 114
- Mr I.L. Tuxworth, MLA 114
PH6 of 23. 7.90, Alyangula 114
- Mr D. Cuthbertson 114
- Mr W. Paull 114
- Senior Serjeant S. Bradley 114
- Dr T. Burt 114
- Ms W. Wylie 114
PH7 of 24. 7.90, Nhulunbuy 114
- Mr B. Van der Zon 114
- Ms L. Edwards 114
- Mr D. Stewart 114
- Ms S. Stirling 114
- Mr A. Macmichael 114
- East Arnhem Drug Advisory Group 114
- Serjeant N. Pulford 114
- Mental Health Services, Department of Health and
Community Services 114
Records of Public Meetings:
PM1 of 12. 7.90, Ngalpa Ngalpa Camp, Tennant Creek 114
PM2 of 23. 7.90, Angurugu 114
PM3 of 24. 7.90, Yirrkala 114
PM4 of 10. 9.90, Yarralin 114
PM5 of 10. 9.90, Bulla 114
PM6 of 11. 9.90, Lajamanu 114
PM7 of 11. 9.90, Daguragu 114
Some Issues Associated with the Northern Territory's Draft
Prostitution Regulation Bill, by Neil Bell, MLA, dated April 1991 81
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee, Second Report 114
Supplementary Submission to the Australian Labor Party Review
Committee on Uranium Policy, John Kerin, Minister for
Primary Industries and Energy, undated 88
P. Van Oosterzee and Roger Vale, Reasons for Judgement
No. 105 of 1988, dated 14 February 1991 111
Water Bill 1991, Draft 114
Mr Bell (3) 79,81
Mr Collins 73
Mr Coulter 112
Mr Ede 112
Mr Hatton 111
Airport access road (714 signatures) 65
Bus service on Sundays (596 signatures) 65
Bus service, University Avenue, Palmerston (210 signatures) 87
Capital punishment (97 signatures) 65
Cullen Bay development (186 signatures) 97
Mataranka Health Clinic, closure (1050 signatures) 109
Nhulunbuy, Conservation Commission Office, closure (114 signatures) 97
School closures -
(828 signatures) 71
(1899 signatures) 71
(371 signatures) 109
Tiwi Primary School, closure (363 signatures) 71
Channel NTD 8 News Broadcast of 1 May 1991 at 6.30 p.m.
re: Mulholland Advice - Referred to Committee of Privileges 79
Expunge words uttered by Mr Bell during debate on Mulholland Inquiry 81
Estimates Review Committee 68
Commuter RPT Services 98
Leader of Government Business - Appointment of Mr R A Setter 66
Mulholland Inquiry -
Advice Re: Northern Territory Investigations 66
Advice Re: Northern Territory Investigations (Edited) 77
Public Sector Debt 74
Road use charges 114
Tourism 115
Uranium mining 87
Date : 30/04/1991
SITTING DAY Nos 10 - 15
SITTING DAY Nos 10 - 15
From To Pages
30 April 1991 9 May 1991 65 - 119
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 51 Business Franchise Amendment 1991 71,80,95P
37 Casino Licensing and Control Amendment 1991 91-94P
26 Commercial Passenger (Road) Transport 1991 100-107P
48 Criminal Code Amendment (No. 2) 1991 90,98
53 Crown Lands Amendment 1991 97,115
43 Darwin Rates Amendment 1991 79,89
42 De Facto Relationships 1991 90,98
52 Financial Institutions Duty Amendment 1991 71,80,95P
24 Heritage Conservation 1991 66,74,75
59 Justices Amendment 1991 90,99
60 Justices Amendment (No. 2) 1991 90,99
65 Justices of the Peace 1991 97,115
45 Juvenile Justice Amendment 1991 66,75
46 Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment 1991 66,75
40 Liquor Amendment 1991 91-94P
62 Local Government Amendment 1991 90,99
38 Lotteries and Gaming Amendment 1991 91-94P
25 Mining Amendment 1991 75P
47 Mining Amendment (No. 2) 1991 66,74
32 Motor Vehicles Amendment 1991 100-107P
66 Oaths Amendment 1991 97,115
50 Pay-roll Tax Amendment 1991 71,80,94P
49 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment 1991 79,89
67 Police Administration (Tape Recording of Interviews) Amendment 1991 *79
68 Power and Water Authority Amendment 1991 97,116
34 Public Service Amendment 1991 91-94P
41 Racing Commission 1991 91-94P
35 Racing and Betting Amendment 1991 91-94P
36 Racing, Gaming and Liquor Commission Act Repeal 1991 91-94P
20 Real Property Amendment 1991 76,77P
61 Real Property Amendment (No. 2) 1991 90,99
21 Real Property (Consequential Amendments) 1991 76,77P
57 Registration Amendment 1991 90,99
58 Registration (Consequential Amendments) 1991 90,99
31 Remuneration Tribunal Amendment 1991 77P
55 Stamp Duty Amendment 1991 71,80,95P
23 Statute Law Revision 1991 81-85P
22 Statute Law Revision (Registration of Instruments) 1991 81P
69 Supply 1991-92 89,116P
56 Taxation (Administration) Amendment 1991 71,80,95P
54 Territory Loans Management Corporation Amendment 1991 79,85,95P
39 Totalizator Administration and Betting Amendment 1991 91-94P
44 Valuation of Land Amendment 1991 66,74,75
64 Valuation of Land Amendment (No. 2) 1991 90,99
63 Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment 1991 90,99
70 Work Health Amendment 1991 97,115
Minister for Education, closure of schools 71-73
Minister for Education, conflict of interest 109,110
Mr C.C. Firmin, former Member of the Legislative Assembly 87
Mrs A.D. Lawrie, former Administrator of the Cocos (Keeling) Islands and
former Member of the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly 69
Mr R.M. Steele, former Speaker, Minister of the Crown and
Member of the Legislative Assembly 109
Mr Cartwright, 7-9 May 1991 91
Mr Lanhupuy, 2 May 1991 79
Commonwealth Day Message 1991 65
Her Majesty the Queen, Address-in-Reply 65
No. 2. Supply Bill 1991-2 (Serial 69) 87
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Suspend Standing Orders
Allow Mr Bell to move motion Censuring Minister for Education 71
Allow Mr Ede to move motion re Member for Braitling 111
Allow Mr Manzie to complete speech 69
Cognate debate, Aboriginal Deaths in Custody Reports 116
Pass seven Bills through all stages -
Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 50);
Business Franchise Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 51);
Financial Institutions Duty Amendment Bill 1991(Serial 52);
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 55);
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 56);
Territory Loans Management Corporation Bill 1991 (Serial 54); and
Supply Bill 1991-92 (Serial 69) 90
Take two Bills together -
Heritage Conservation Bill 1991 (Serial 24) and
Valuation of Land Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 44) 74
Take two Bills together -
Justices of the Peace Bill 1991 (Serial 65) and
Oaths Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 66) 115
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 45) and
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 46) 75
Registration Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 57) and
Registration (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1991(Serial 58) 98
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 55) and
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 56) 80
Take four Bills together -
Real Property Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991 (Serial 61);
Local Government Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 62);
Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment Bill 1991 (Serial 63); and
Valuation of Land Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991 (Serial 64) 99
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Royal Commission
National Report Vols I-V - Note paper 97
Northern Territory Reports Nos 1, 2, 5, 10 and 11 - Note paper 90,91
Censure of Minister for Education
proposed closure of schools 71,72,73
conflict of interest 109,110
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs 1989-90 and Commissioner
of Motor Vehicle Dealers 1989, Report - Print 68
Commuter RPT Services - Note statement 98
Constitutional Development Committee, Annual Report 1989-90
Note paper 112
Coronation Hill - Note statement 100
Estimates Review Committee - Note statement 68,75
Leader of Government Business, Sessional Order 66
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern Territory Investigations
Note paper 67,80,81
Publication 67
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern Territory
Investigations (Edited) - Print and Publish 77
Note paper
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Royal Commission
National Report Vols I-V 97
Northern Territory Reports Nos 1, 2, 5, 10 and 11 90,91
Constitutional Development
Annual Report 1989-90 112
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern Territory Investigations 67,80,81
Prostitution, regulation of 116
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 12 - Auditor-General's Annual Reports 1987/88 and 1988/89 97
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Sessional
Committee Annual Report, 23 November 1989-90 and Submissions 114
Water Bill 1991 114
Note statement
Commuter RPT services 98
Estimates Review Committee 68,69
Prostitution, regulation of 116
Public sector debit 74
Road use charges 114
Tourism 115
Pre- and Primary Schools, closures - Proposed censure of
Minister for Education 71-73
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs 1989-90 and Commissioner
of Motor Vehicle Dealers 1989, Report 68
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern Territory
Investigations (Edited) 77
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 12 On the Auditor-General's Annual Reports
1987/88 and 1988/89, dated May 1991 97
Remuneration Tribunal Reports 1991
Determination No. 1 of 1991, Ministers and Members of the
Northern Territory Legislative Assembly 68,76
Recommendation No. 1 of 1991, Judges of the Northern
Territory Supreme Court 68,76
Recommendation No. 2 of 1991, Magistrates of
Northern Territory 68,76
Prostitution, regulation of - Note statement and papers 116
Public sector debt - Note statement 74
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 12, Auditor-General's Annual Reports 1987/88 and 1988/89
Note paper 97
Print 97
Publication - Mulholland Inquiry, Advice Re: Northern
Territory Investigations 67
Publications Committee, Second Report - Adopt 118
Remuneration Tribunal Reports 1991
Report and Determination No. 1 of 1991 - Ministers and
Members of the Legislative Assembly, dated 25 April 1991
Report and Recommendation No. 1 of 1991 - Judges of the
Northern Territory Supreme Court, dated 25 April 1991
Report and Recommendation No. 2 of 1991 - Magistrates of
the Northern Territory, dated 25 April 1991
- Print 68,76
Road use charges - Note statement 114
School closures by Minister for Education - proposed censure 71-73
Tourism - Note statement 115
Uranium mining 87
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Committee
Annual Report 23 November 1989-90 and submissions
Note papers 112-114
Water Bill 1991, Draft - Note 114
Censure Minister for Education, conflict of interest 109,110
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Royal Commission - N.T.
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of Jambajimba, (NT/1) 90
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of Jabanardi
(at Ti Tree), (NT/2) 90
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of the Man who
Died at Katherine on 21 November 1984, (NT/5) 90
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of the Man who
Died at the Royal Darwin Hospital on 2 April 1987, (NT/10) 90
Report of the Inquiry into the Death of Burralangi, (NT/11) 90
Aboriginal Deaths in Custody, Royal Commission, National
Report Vols I-V 97
Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Re: The Jawoyn-Katherine
Area Land Claim, Transcript of Proceedings at UDP Falls 29/8/83 100
Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Re: The Jawoyn-Katherine
Area Land Claim, Transcript of Proceedings at Wolfram Hill 30/8/83 100
Actuarial Review, Northern Territory Government and Public
Authorities Superannuation Scheme, as at 30 June 1989 85
Agreements and Determinations
Police Arbitral Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 1982,
Consent Agreement, dated 26 November 1990 69
Prison Officers Arbitral Determination No. 10 -
Determination T.12 of 1990, dated 13 December 1990 69
Senior Prison Officers Arbitral Determination No. 3 -
Determination T.11 of 1990, dated 26 November 1990 69
Alice Springs Post, Number 5, April 1991 107
Annual Reports
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs 1989-90 and Commissioner
Motor Vehicle Dealers 1989 68
Constitutional Development Committee, Annual Report 1989-90 112
Credit Unions and Building Societies, 1989-90 70
Department of Health and Community Services, 1989-90 96
Department of Health and Community Services, 1989-90 Addendum 96
Museum and Art Galleries Board, 1989-90 70
National Crime Authority, 1987-88 70
National Crime Authority, 1988-89 70
National Crime Authority, 1989-90 70
Northern Territory Grain Marketing Board, 1989-90 119
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 1989-90 119
Northern Territory Rural College, 1989 119
Office of Youth, Sport, Recreation and Ethnic Affairs, 1989-90 119
Article "If Only More Women Stayed at Home", by
B.A. Santamaria, Weekend Australian, dated 4-5 May 1991 118
Australian Labor Party Review of its Uranium Policy by CRA
Limited, Denison Australia Pty Ltd, Pancontinental Mining
Limited and Western Mining Corporation, dated March 1991 88
Australia's Northern Territory Holiday Planner, 1991-92 page 14 118
Barrie Dye, comment,Ad News, Trade Newspaper for
Advertising Industry, dated 9 March 1990 118
Casino Taxation as at 30/6/1990, Table G9 109
Community Government Scheme
Lajamanu 107
Department of Education Bulletin, No. 10, dated November 1985 72
Financial Administration and Audit Act
Direction by Administrator, s.13(1)(a), dated 28 March 1991 85
Direction by Treasurer, s.13(1)(a), dated 10 April 1991 85
Increase of Treasurer's Advance, s.15(1), dated 28 March 1991 85
Financial data of Northern Territory Account, Parliamentary
Library, Canberra
Attachment A, General Purpose Payments 68
Attachment B, Specific Purpose Payments 68
Attachment C, Global Borrowing Limits 68
Attachment D, Total Approved Funding 68
Attachment E, Population 68
Form A, Return of details of gifts received 110
Form FAD02, Returns to be submitted by the agent of a
political party, Australian Electoral Commission, dated 6 July 1990 110
Greg Desmond, comment, Ad News, Trade Newspaper for
Advertising Industry, dated 9 March 1990 118
Heritage Conservation Regulations, Draft 75
Historical Company Extract, CLP Gifts and Legacies Pty Ltd,
dated 1 May 1991 109
Historical Company Extract, Carpentaria Pty Ltd, dated 1 May 1991 110
Hospital Management Board
Gove District Hospital, 1989-90 70
"If Only More Women Stayed at Home", by B.A. Santamaria,
Weekend Australian, dated 4-5 May 1991 118
Input/Output Analysis of Possible Effects of Alternate
Budgetary Restraint Measures 69
Inquiry into Benefit Levels of the N.T. Work Health Act 1986,
Work Health Advisory Council, dated March 1991 115
Mr N.R. Bell, MLA to Hon. Shane Stone, MLA, Minister for
Education, dated 18 April 1991 72
Hon. R. Free, MP, Parliamentary Secretary to the PM to
Speaker, dated 19 March 1991 - Reply to resolution,
Australia's involvement in Gulf 66
Mr E.M. Isaacson, Auditor-General to Hon. B. Coulter, MLA,
Treasurer, dated 3 April 1991 85
Mr Peter G. Kidman, Executive Director, Country Liberal
Party to the Business Community, dated 15 April 1991 69
Hon. M. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister to Hon. R.J.L. Hawke,
AC, MP, Prime Minister, dated 20 April 1990 71
Her Majesty the Queen to Speaker - Reply to Address-in-Reply 65
Mr Shane L. Stone, Agent of N.T. CLP to Australian Electoral
Commission, dated 6 July 1990 110
Millner Primary School Council, Circular 72
Mulholland Inquiry -
Letter, Mr P. Conran, Secretary, Department of Law to Hon.
N.M. Dondas, MLA, Speaker, dated 29 April 1991 66
Letter, Hon. N.M. Dondas, MLA, Speaker to Mr T. Pauling,
Solicitor-General, dated 29 April 1991 67
Letter, Mr Tom Pauling, QC, Solicitor-General to Hon.
N.M. Dondas, MLA, Speaker, dated 1 May 1991 77
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice re: Northern Territory
Investigations by Mr Robert Mulholland QC and Ms Roslyn Atkinson 67
Mulholland Inquiry, Advice re: Northern Territory
Investigations (Edited) 77
"My Choice" comment by Ray Beatty, Ad News, Trade Newspaper
for Advertising Industry, dated 9 March 1990 118
Nakara School -
Asset: Estimate Summary by Dept of Transport and Works 74
Forward Planning Maintenance Estimate by Department of
Transport and Works 74
Northern Territory Financial Transactions of State Government
Table 36 68
Northern Territory Government Estimates Review, dated
23 April 1991 68
Northern Territory Government Financial Transactions 68
Northern Territory Public Sector Debt, Treasury, dated April 1991 74
Public Accounts Committee -
Report No. 12 on the Auditor-General's Annual Reports
1987/88 and 1988/89, dated May 1991 97
Public Sector Debt and Graphs 74
Publications Committee
Second Report 116,117
Racing Act 1976 No. 104 of South Australia, page 526 91
Regulations 1991
No. 4, Amendments of Brands Regulations 70
No. 5, Building Regulations 70
No. 6, Amendment of the Racing and Betting Regulations 70
No. 7, Evidence Regulations 70
No. 8, Amendments of Water Supply and Sewerage Regulations 70
No. 9, Amendment of the Justices (Territory Infringement
Enforcement Scheme) Regulations 70
No. 10, Amendment of Unit Titles Regulations 70
No. 11, Amendments of Fish and Fisheries Regulations 70
No. 12, Amendment of Greyhound Racing Rules 70
No. 13, Darwin (Private Swimming Pool) Amendment (No. 2) By-laws 70
No. 14, Darwin (Public Libraries) By-laws 70
No. 15, Amendment of Darwin (Control of Public Places) By-laws 70
No. 16, Amendment of the Registration of Births, Deaths
and Marriages 70
Remuneration Tribunal Reports 1991 -
Report and Determination No. 1 of 1991 - Ministers and
Members of the Legislative Assembly, dated 25 April 1991 67
Report and Recommendation No. 1 of 1991 - Judges of the
Northern Territory Supreme Court, dated 25 April 1991 67
Report and Recommendation No. 2 of 1991 - Magistrates of
the Northern Territory, dated 25 April 1991 68
Report of the Uranium Policy Review Committee of the
National Executive of the Australian Labor Party, dated 10 April 1991 88
Report on the Use of Government School Facilities,
Ministerial Task Force, dated April 1991 72
Sessional Committee on Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the
Community - Annual Report, 23 November 1989-90 112
Submissions, Transcripts and Records -
001 Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Minister for Police, Fire and
Emergency Services 112
002 Hon. F.A. Finch, MLA, Minister for Racing, Gaming and
Liquor Commission 112
003 Hon. S.P. Hatton, MLA, Minister for Health and
Community Services 112
004 Office of Local Government - Regional Director on
behalf of Imanpa Community 112
005 Ms Sandra Bach 112
006 NT Confederation of Industry and Commerce, Nhulunbuy
Region 112
007 Dr F. Piscioneri 112
008 Women's Christian Temperance Union (1) 112
009 Wulaign Association Inc. 112
010 Mr Jack Hunt 112
011 Ms Janet Durling 112
012 Katherine Alcohol and Drug Association (1) 112
013 Department of Youth, Sport, Recreation and Ethnic Affairs 112
014 Katherine Town Council 112
015 Holyoake, Alice Springs (1) 112
016 CAAPS - Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services 112
017 Australian Hotels Association NT Branch (Inc.) 112
018 Dr Charles Butcher 112
019 Ms Gail Philip (1) 112
020 Dr Patrick Bolton 112
021 Mr A.J. Hosking 112
022 Kalano Community Association (1) 112
023 ANSTI - A New Start Towards Independence 112
024 Australian Medical Association NT Branch (1) 112
025 Salvation Army, Katherine 112
026 Menzies School of Health Research 113
027 Department of Health and Community Services, Alice
Springs Region 113
028 Liquor Licensees Association, Southern Region 113
029 Holyoake, Alice Springs (2) 113
030 Drug and Alcohol Services Association, Alice Springs 113
031 Alice Springs Town Council 113
032 Ms Robyn Lesley 113
033 Katherine Alcohol and Drug Association (2) 113
034 Kalano Community Association (2) 113
035 Ms June Tapp 113
036 Katherine Alcohol Action Group 113
037 Ms Lee Cataldi 113
038 Ms Mary Laughren 113
039 Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Southern Region 113
040 Anyinginyi Congress Aboriginal Association 113
041 Uniting Church Welfare Service, Tennant Creek 113
042 Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association 113
043 Mr Murabuda Wurramarrba, Groote Eylandt Representative,
East Arnhem Substance Abuse Advisory Committee 113
044 Mr B.J. Van der Zon, Chairman, Nhulunbuy Town Board Inc. 113
045 East Arnhem Substance Abuse Group 113
046 International Reform Alliance 113
047 Anglican Church - Bishop C. Wood; Uniting Church -
Rev. A. Williams 113
048 Prof. W. Hall and Dr E. Chalmers 113
049 Women's Christian Temperance Union (2) 113
050 Tangentyere Council Inc. 113
051 Pitjantjatjara Council Inc. 113
052 Mr D.W. Collins, MLA, Member for Sadadeen 113
053 Mr Lloyd Forgarty, Timber Creek Hotel 113
054 Ms Gail Philip (2) 113
Transcripts of Briefing Meetings:
Racing, Gaming and Liquor Commission 113
Department of Health and Community Services 113
Police Force of the Northern Territory 113
Ministers' Fraternal 113
Transcripts of Evidence from Public Hearings:
PH1 of 30. 5.90, Alice Springs
- Department of Health and Community Services,
Southern Region 113
- Tangentyere Council Inc. 113
- Liquor Licensees Association, Southern Region 113
- Holyoake, Alice Springs 113
- Drug and Alcohol Services Association 113
- Alice Springs Town Council 113
- Office of Local Government 113
- Mr R. Langford 113
- Ms R. Lesley 113
PH2 of 31. 5.90, Imanpa 113
PH3 of 1. 6.90, Papunya 113
PH4 of 21. 6.90, Katherine 113
- Katherine Drug and Alcohol Association 113
- Ms J. Tapp 113
- Mabunji Resource Centre 113
- Kalano Community Association Inc. 113
- His Worship the Mayor of Katherine, Mr J. Forscutt 113
- Katherine Alcohol Action Group 113
- Salvation Army 113
PH5 of 11. 7.90, Tennant Creek 114
- Anyinginyi Congress Aboriginal Corporation 114
- Central Australian Rural Practitioners Association 114
- Julalikari Aboriginal Council 114
- Barkly Regional Alcohol and Drug Abuse Advisory Group 114
- Mr I.L. Tuxworth, MLA 114
PH6 of 23. 7.90, Alyangula 114
- Mr D. Cuthbertson 114
- Mr W. Paull 114
- Senior Serjeant S. Bradley 114
- Dr T. Burt 114
- Ms W. Wylie 114
PH7 of 24. 7.90, Nhulunbuy 114
- Mr B. Van der Zon 114
- Ms L. Edwards 114
- Mr D. Stewart 114
- Ms S. Stirling 114
- Mr A. Macmichael 114
- East Arnhem Drug Advisory Group 114
- Serjeant N. Pulford 114
- Mental Health Services, Department of Health and
Community Services 114
Records of Public Meetings:
PM1 of 12. 7.90, Ngalpa Ngalpa Camp, Tennant Creek 114
PM2 of 23. 7.90, Angurugu 114
PM3 of 24. 7.90, Yirrkala 114
PM4 of 10. 9.90, Yarralin 114
PM5 of 10. 9.90, Bulla 114
PM6 of 11. 9.90, Lajamanu 114
PM7 of 11. 9.90, Daguragu 114
Some Issues Associated with the Northern Territory's Draft
Prostitution Regulation Bill, by Neil Bell, MLA, dated April 1991 81
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee, Second Report 114
Supplementary Submission to the Australian Labor Party Review
Committee on Uranium Policy, John Kerin, Minister for
Primary Industries and Energy, undated 88
P. Van Oosterzee and Roger Vale, Reasons for Judgement
No. 105 of 1988, dated 14 February 1991 111
Water Bill 1991, Draft 114
Mr Bell (3) 79,81
Mr Collins 73
Mr Coulter 112
Mr Ede 112
Mr Hatton 111
Airport access road (714 signatures) 65
Bus service on Sundays (596 signatures) 65
Bus service, University Avenue, Palmerston (210 signatures) 87
Capital punishment (97 signatures) 65
Cullen Bay development (186 signatures) 97
Mataranka Health Clinic, closure (1050 signatures) 109
Nhulunbuy, Conservation Commission Office, closure (114 signatures) 97
School closures -
(828 signatures) 71
(1899 signatures) 71
(371 signatures) 109
Tiwi Primary School, closure (363 signatures) 71
Channel NTD 8 News Broadcast of 1 May 1991 at 6.30 p.m.
re: Mulholland Advice - Referred to Committee of Privileges 79
Expunge words uttered by Mr Bell during debate on Mulholland Inquiry 81
Estimates Review Committee 68
Commuter RPT Services 98
Leader of Government Business - Appointment of Mr R A Setter 66
Mulholland Inquiry -
Advice Re: Northern Territory Investigations 66
Advice Re: Northern Territory Investigations (Edited) 77
Public Sector Debt 74
Road use charges 114
Tourism 115
Uranium mining 87
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016