Minutes of Proceedings - 1991-08-13
Sixth Assembly First Session 13/08/1991 Parliamentary Record No. 4
Date : 13/08/1991__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
13 August 1991 22 August 1991 121 - 177
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 80 Administration and Probate Amendment (De Facto
Relationships) 1991 122,137
75 Adoption of Children Amendment 1991 122,136
88 Appropriation 1991-92 149,170
93 Classification of Publications Amendment 1991 148,171
85 Corporations (Northern Territory) Amendment 1991 143,163
48 Criminal Code Amendment (No. 2) 1991 140P
29 Criminal Law (Conditional Release of Offenders)
Amendment 1991 165N*
53 Crown Lands Amendment 1991 172-174P
43 Darwin Rates Amendment 1991 140P
42 De Facto Relationships 1991 129-131P
79 De Facto Relationships (Miscellaneous
Amendments) 1991 122,137
76 Dental Amendment 1991 122,136,137
77 Dental (Consequential Amendments) 1991 122,136,137
30 Education Amendment 1991 165,166N*
90 Education Amendment (No. 2) 1991 148
33 Electoral Amendment 1991 166,167N*
87 Electoral Amendment (No. 2) 1991 122,162
94 Film Classification Act Repeal 1991 148,171
24 Heritage Conservation 1991 123-128,131-132P
59 Justices Amendment 1991 139P
60 Justices Amendment (No. 2) 1991 139P
65 Justices of the Peace 1991 138-139P
45 Juvenile Justice Amendment 1991 150-154P
78 Land and Business Agents Amendment 1991 122,137
46 Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment 1991 150-154P
86 Legal Practitioners Amendment 1991 143-163
81 Listening Devices Amendment 1991 122,137,149
62 Local Government Amendment 1991 140P
74 Local Government Amendment (No. 2) 1991 122,136,158P
47 Mining Amendment (No. 2) 1991 132P
82 Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment 1991 143,150,176P
89 Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority 1991 148,170-171
66 Oaths Amendment 1991 138-139P
73 Pastoral Leases (Rental) 1991 122,138,175P
49 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment 1991 132P
28 Planning Amendment 1991 165N*
92 Police Administration Amendment 1991 150,171,172
67 Police Administration (Tape Recording of
Interviews) Amendment 1991 163
95 Pornographic Videos (Prohibition) 1991 148,165
68 Power and Water Authority Amendment 1991 140P
61 Real Property Amendment (No. 2) 1991 140P
57 Registration Amendment 1991 138P
58 Registration (Consequential Amendments) 1991 138P
91 Supreme Court Amendment 1991 148,171
84 Trustee Amendment 1991 148,171
44 Valuation of Land Amendment 1991 123-128,131-132P
64 Valuation of Land Amendment (No. 2) 1991 140P
63 Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment 1991 140P
70 Work Health Amendment 1991 154-157P
83 Work Health Amendment (No. 2) 1991 135,145
Mr J.N. Nelson, 20 June 1991 121
Mr J.N. Nelson, 20 June 1991 121
Public Sector Debt, Ministerial statement 145
Mr Lanhupuy, 22 August 1991 170
Mr Perron, 20 August 1991 147
Education, economic mismanagement 123
Health and community services 136
No.3, Appropriation Bill 1991-92 147
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Suspension of Standing Orders -
Pass Bills through all stages -
Local Government Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991 158
Pastoral Leases (Rental) Bill 1991 175
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 1991 175
Take 2 Bills together -
Classification of Publications Amendment Bill 1991
and Film Classification Act Repeal Bill 1991 171
De Facto Relationships (Miscellaneous Amendments)
Bill 1991 and Administration and Probate Amendment
(De Facto) Relationships) Bill 1991 137
Dental Amendment Bill 1991 and Dental (Consequential
Amendments) Bill 1991 136
Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority
Bill 1991 and Education Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991 170
MOTIONS (Substantive)
ABC radio sports 147,163
Adopt - Third Report of Publications Committee 174,175
Auditor-General's Report, 1990-91
Note Paper 123,146
Print 123
Citizen initiated referendums, Constitutional
Development Committee
Note Paper 174
Print 174
Code of conduct for Ministers 143,163
Commonwealth/Territory Health Funding
Note statement 145
Condolence, Mr J.N. Nelson 121
Cuts to social services, welfare and education 147,163,164
Disability services policy
Note statement 149
Discharge Business
Public Sector Debt - Ministerial statement 145
Economic relations with Indonesia - Note statement 123
Evening meal adjournment 148,164,165
Housing strategy for the 90's - Note statement 145
Mulholland Advice, implementation of recommendations
Note statement 135,146
New Parliament House Committee - Terms of reference
Proxy members, nomination of 150
Northern Territory Law Reform Committee "Report on
Appeals from Administrative Decisions" 148,164
Note Paper
Auditor-General's Report, 1990-91 123,146
Citizen initiated referendums, Constitutional
Development Committee 174
Privileges Committee, Report on the Legislative
Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act 170
Public Accounts Committee
Report No.12 - Auditor-General's Annual Reports
1987/88 and 1988/89 167
Second Report on Actual and Contingent Liabilities of
the Northern Territory Government 167
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
Four Reports, tabled 14 February 1991
Five Reports, tabled 7 May 1991
National Report, Vol I-V, tabled 8 May 1991 162
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Sessional
Committee, Second Report 144,176
Note statement
Commonwealth/Territory Health funding 145
Disability services policy 149
Economic relations with Indonesia 123
Housing strategy for the 90's 145
Mulholland Advice, implementation of recommendations 135,146
New Parliament House Committee
Proxy members, nomination of 150
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody,
21 August 1991 162
Special Premiers Conference, Sydney, 30 July 1991 122
Trade Development Zone, future directions 135,136
Ombudsman, Acting - Extension of Term 150
Print -
Auditor-General's Report, 1990-91 123
Citizen initiated referendums, Constitutional
Development Committee 174
Privileges Committee
Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act, Report 170
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Second
Report - Sessional Committee 144
Privileges Committee - Report on the Legislative
Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act
Note 170
Print 170
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 12 - Auditor-General's Annual Reports
1987/88 and 1988/89, dated May 1991 - Note papers 167
Second Report on Actual and Contingent Liabilities
of the Northern Territory Government - Note paper 167
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
. Four Reports, tabled 14 Feb. 1991
. Five Reports, tabled 7 May 1991
. National Report, Volumes I-V tabled 8 May 1991
. Ministerial Statement, 21 August 1991
- Note Reports and statement 162
Special Premiers' Conference, Sydney, 30 July 1991
Note statement 122
Trade Development Zone, future directions - Note
statement 135,136
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Sessional
Committee, Second Report
Note paper 144,176
Print 144
Agreements and Determinations:
Police Arbitral Tribunal Determination No.2 of 1982
Determination No.T4 of 1991, dated 21 May 1991 133
Determination No.T7 of 1991, dated 18 June 1991 133
Police Arbitral Tribunal Determination No.1 of 1982
Determination No.T5 of 1991, dated 18 June 1991 133
Determination No.T6 of 1991, dated 18 June 1991 133
Annual Reports:
Auditor-General, 1990-91 123
Batchelor College, 1989 133
Education Advisory Council, 1987 133
Education Advisory Council, 1988 133
Executor Trustee Australia Limited, 1989-90 159
Jabiru Town Development Authority, 1989-90 176
National Common Police Services, 1989-90 146
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority, 1990 133
Northern Territory University, 1990 159
Parole Board, 1990 133
Territory Insurance Office, 1990-91 176
Work Health Advisory Council, Inquiry into Benefit
Levels of the NT Work Health Act 1986, dated
March 1991, Erratum 133
Budget Papers -
. Budget Speech, 1991-92 149
. Appropriation Bill, 1991-92 149
. Overview, 1991-92 149
. Detailed Estimates, 1991-92 149
. Capital Works, 1991-92 149
. The Northern Territory Economy 1991-92 149
. Comparative Analysis of Selected Taxes and Charges
in the Northern Territory and the States, dated August 1991 149
. Regional Highlights, Alice Springs, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, Darwin, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, East Arnhem, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, Katherine, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, Palmerston and Rural, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, Tennant Creek, 1991-92 149
Amendments of the Northern Territory University
(Academic Board) By-laws, dated 29 May 1991 133
Citizens' initiated referendums, Sessional Committee
on Constitutional Development 174
Community Health Services, Katherine Region, Five
Year Planning Document, November 1990 136
Facsimile to Strath Gordon from Mick O'Donnell,
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, dated 19 July 1991 146
Financial Administration and Audit Act
Direction by the Treasurer, s.13(1)(b), Transfer of
Funds Saved, dated 18 June 1991 133
Direction by the Treasurer, s.13(1)(b), Transfer of
Funds Saved, dated 28 June 1991 133
Direction by the Treasurer, s.13(1)(b), Transfer of
Funds Saved, dated 21 June 1991 133
Interim Report By The Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12, signed M.J. Martin,
Chairman, dated 2 August 1991 146
Mr B. Ede, Leader of the Opposition to Mr M. Perron,
MLA, Chief Minister, dated 25 February 1991 122
Editor "PS staff have been notified", N.T.News, dated
12 August 1991 141
Hon. R.J.L. Hawke, AC MP, Prime Minister, to Hon.
M.B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister, dated 29 July 1991 172
D.N. Patel, Authorised Auditor for Auditor-General
to Secretary, Department of Mines and Energy, dated 31 May 1991, 146
Hon M. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister to Mr B. Ede,
Leader of the Opposition, dated 18 March 1991 122
Galarrwuy Yunupingu, AM, Chairman, Northern Land
Council, to Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister,
dated 22 August 1991 172
Mass Distance Charges, working group recommendations,
Attachment 1 123
Northern Territory Government Disability Services
Policy, prepared by the Department of Health and
Community Services, dated June 1991 149
Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Report on
Appeals from Administrative Decisions, dated June 1991 146
Northern Territory Public Sector Debt, by Northern
Territory Opposition Leader, dated August 1991 170
Plan of Management
Keep River National Park 146
Pornographic Videos (Prohibition) Bill 1991 (Serial 95)
Article, "Flesh and Blood", New Scientist
magazine, dated 5 May 1990 165
News Release, "ALP Politicians Linked to Organised
Crime Identities", Dennis Stevenson, MLA, dated 9 August 1991; 165
Speech by Mr Dennis Stevenson, MLA, pages 1313 to
1323, dated 16 April 1991, ACT Legislative Assembly 165
Speech by Mr Dennis Stevenson, MLA, pages 1683 to
1717, dated 30 April 1991, ACT Legislative Assembly 165
Privileges Committee - Report on the Legislative
Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act 170
Publications Committee, Third Report 174
Recommendations under s.103 of Crown Lands Act
Partial Revocation of Reserve No. 1677, Casuarina
Coastal Reserve 133
Revocation of Reserve No. 1015, Tennant Creek 133
Regulations 1991
No.17, Trade Measurement (Measuring Instruments)
Regulations 133
No.18, Trade Measurement (Pre-packed Articles)
Regulations 133
No.19, Trade Measurement (Weighbridges) Regulations 133
No.20, Trade Measurement (Miscellaneous) Regulations 133
No.21, Trade Measurement (Charges and Fees) Regulations 133
No.22, Amendments of Powers of Attorney Regulations 133
No.23, Amendments of Liquor Regulations 133
No.24, Amendments of Traffic Regulations 133
No.25, Amendments of Work Health Regulations 133
No.26, Amendments of the Mall By-laws Regulations 134
No.27, Amendments of Darwin (Control of Public Places) By-laws 134
No.28, Amendments of Port By-laws 134
No.29, Amendment of Local Court Rules 134
No.30, Amendment of Business Names Regulations 134
No.31, Amendments of the Financial Institutions Duty
Regulations 134
No.32, Lotteries and Gaming Regulations 134
No.33, Amendment of the Criminal Investigation (Extra-
Territorial Offences) Regulations 134
No.34, Amendments of the Marine (Examinations and
Certificates) Regulations 134
No.35, Amendments of the Marine (Safety Manning)
Regulations 134
No.36, Amendments of the Land and Business Agents
Regulations 134
No.37, Palmerston (Council Meetings and Procedures)
By-laws 134
No.38, Amendments of the Public Trustee Regulations 134
No.39, Amendments to the Criminal Law (Conditional
Release of Offenders) (Home Detention Orders)
Regulations 134
No.40, Local Government (Accounting) Regulations 134
No.41, Amendments of the Motor Vehicles (Fees and
Charges) Regulations 134
No.42, Amendment of the Motor Vehicle (Hire Car)
Regulations 134
No.43, Amendments of the Motor Vehicles (Hire Car)
Loan Security Regulations 134
Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Report on
Appeals from Administrative Decisions, dated June 1991 146
State Square Development
Computer printout, dated 12 August 1991 122
Darwin City Infrastructure, (Project No: PWD00550),
Component Breakdown, dated 13.8.91 122
Statement issued by the Criminal Law Association of
the Northern Territory, dated 17 August 1991 150
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee,
Third Report 143
Trade Development Zone expenditure, extract of statement 136
Treasury/Auditor-General Liaison Committee, List of
Meetings 146
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Sessional
Committee, Report No. 2 - Measures for Reducing
Alcohol Use and Abuse in the Northern Territory 143
055 Darwin City Council 144
056 Elliott Health Centre Team, Ms M. McLean 144
057 Mr J.J. McVey 144
058 Amity House, Darwin and District Alcohol and
Drug Dependence Foundation 144
059 Royal Adelaide Hospital, Drug and Alcohol
Resource Unit, Dr C.S.E. Wurm 144
060 Mr Daryl Guppy, Alpurrurulam Community 144
061 Woman's Christian Temperance Union (NT) (3) 144
062 Injartnama Outstation, B. & E. Cook, 144
063 Road Safety Council of the NT 144
064 F.O.R.W.A.A.R.D. 144
065 Department of Correctional Services 144
066 Australian Medical Association (NT Branch) -
Part 2 144
067 Mr Alex Gradussov 144
068 Department of Health and Community Services 144
069 Northern Territory Hotels and Hospitality Association 144
070 Mr B.R. Ede, Leader of the Opposition 144
071 Employee Assistance Scheme 144
072 Department of Education 144
073 Mr John Grundy 144
074 Mr T. Dowling 144
075 Mr D.W. Collins, MLA 144
076 Mr D.J. Barritt, SM 144
077 Liquor Licensees Association (Southern Region) 144
078 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Commission 144
079 Working Party on Alcohol Related Issues in Katherine 144
080 Country Liberal Party, Central Council Working
Party on Alcohol 144
081 Mr Steve Sims, Curtin Springs Station 144
082 Mr Bruce Reyburn 144
083 Women's Advisory Council 144
084 HALT - Healthy Aboriginal Life Team 144
085 Mr S.E. Calder, OBE, DFC, JP 144
086 Australian Hotels Association Northern Territory Branch (Inc.) 144
Meetings Briefing - Transcripts
Meeting 3 of 5.3.91, Alcohol Workers, Angurugu,
Anglicare 15.8.91
Meeting 4 of 7.3.91, NT Employee Assistance Scheme 144
Meeting 5 of 12.3.91, Department of Education 144
Meeting 5 of 12.3.91, Department of Transport and
Works Road Safety Council of the NT and Department
of Transport and Works, Legislation and Safety 144
Meeting 6 of 13.3.91, Port Keats 144
Meeting 7 of 10.4.91, Members of the Legislative Assembly 144
Meeting 8 of 18-19.4.91, Mr D.W. Collins, MLA,
Mr D. Barritt, Mr B. Tinker 144
Meeting 10 of 9.5.91, Members of the Legislative Assembly 144
Public Meetings
PM2 of 18.4.91, Santa Teresa 145
PM1 of 13.3.91, Port Keats 145
PH1 of 20.2.91, Darwin 145
PH1 of 21.2.91, Darwin 145
Public Hearings - Transcripts
PH2 of 6.3.91, Gunbalanya 145
PH3 of 6.3.91, Jabiru 145
PH4 of 7.3.91, Minjilang 145
PH5 of 11.4.91, Elliott 145
PH6 of 12.4.91, Borroloola 145
PH7 of 23.4.91, Nguiu 145
PH8 of 23.4.91, Milikapiti 145
PH9 of 21.5.91, Daly River 145
PH10 of 28.5.91, 10.20 am, Alice Springs 145
PH10 of 28.5.91, 9.05 am, Alice Springs 145
Community Health and Educational Services, proposed cuts
(159 signatures) 169
Educational Services, cuts - 18 petitions, (total 121,143,147,
signatures 397) 161,169
Health Clinics, closure
Darwin (667 signatures) 122
Mataranka and Victoria River Downs (98 signatures) 161
Hornsby, Denis, Land Rezoning Alice Springs
Reject (675 signatures) 161
Reject (104 signatures) 169
Support (140 signatures) 135
Kava licence, Galiwinku (118 signatures) 121
Lawson, Norman James, disappearance (3227 signatures) 143
Lims Hotel, proposed flat development (1633 signatures) 169
Litchfield Park, reject proposals for hotel, motel and
lodge-type development
(318 signatures) 169
(1079 signatures) 169
Recycling facilities -
(563 signatures) 161
Alice Springs (1999 signatures) 161
School closures -
Independent review, (3844 signatures) 135
Karguru Primary (43 signatures) 161
Traeger Park Primary (4636 signatures) 121
Shire of Litchfield, Neighbourhood Watch Scheme,
(258 signatures) 135
Tiwi and Rapid Creek Primary Schools, proposed closure
(40 signatures) 169
ABC Sports Programme 157
Commonwealth/Territory health funding 145
Disability services policy 149
Economic relations with Indonesia 123
Housing strategies for the 90's 145
Mulholland Inquiry - implementation of recommendations 135
New Parliament House Committee
Proxy members, nomination 150
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 162
Special Premiers' Conference, Sydney, 30 July 1991 122
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee,
Third Report 143
Trade Development Zone, future directions 135
Date : 13/08/1991
SITTING DAY Nos 16 - 21
SITTING DAY Nos 16 - 21
From To Pages
13 August 1991 22 August 1991 121 - 177
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 80 Administration and Probate Amendment (De Facto
Relationships) 1991 122,137
75 Adoption of Children Amendment 1991 122,136
88 Appropriation 1991-92 149,170
93 Classification of Publications Amendment 1991 148,171
85 Corporations (Northern Territory) Amendment 1991 143,163
48 Criminal Code Amendment (No. 2) 1991 140P
29 Criminal Law (Conditional Release of Offenders)
Amendment 1991 165N*
53 Crown Lands Amendment 1991 172-174P
43 Darwin Rates Amendment 1991 140P
42 De Facto Relationships 1991 129-131P
79 De Facto Relationships (Miscellaneous
Amendments) 1991 122,137
76 Dental Amendment 1991 122,136,137
77 Dental (Consequential Amendments) 1991 122,136,137
30 Education Amendment 1991 165,166N*
90 Education Amendment (No. 2) 1991 148
33 Electoral Amendment 1991 166,167N*
87 Electoral Amendment (No. 2) 1991 122,162
94 Film Classification Act Repeal 1991 148,171
24 Heritage Conservation 1991 123-128,131-132P
59 Justices Amendment 1991 139P
60 Justices Amendment (No. 2) 1991 139P
65 Justices of the Peace 1991 138-139P
45 Juvenile Justice Amendment 1991 150-154P
78 Land and Business Agents Amendment 1991 122,137
46 Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment 1991 150-154P
86 Legal Practitioners Amendment 1991 143-163
81 Listening Devices Amendment 1991 122,137,149
62 Local Government Amendment 1991 140P
74 Local Government Amendment (No. 2) 1991 122,136,158P
47 Mining Amendment (No. 2) 1991 132P
82 Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment 1991 143,150,176P
89 Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority 1991 148,170-171
66 Oaths Amendment 1991 138-139P
73 Pastoral Leases (Rental) 1991 122,138,175P
49 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment 1991 132P
28 Planning Amendment 1991 165N*
92 Police Administration Amendment 1991 150,171,172
67 Police Administration (Tape Recording of
Interviews) Amendment 1991 163
95 Pornographic Videos (Prohibition) 1991 148,165
68 Power and Water Authority Amendment 1991 140P
61 Real Property Amendment (No. 2) 1991 140P
57 Registration Amendment 1991 138P
58 Registration (Consequential Amendments) 1991 138P
91 Supreme Court Amendment 1991 148,171
84 Trustee Amendment 1991 148,171
44 Valuation of Land Amendment 1991 123-128,131-132P
64 Valuation of Land Amendment (No. 2) 1991 140P
63 Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment 1991 140P
70 Work Health Amendment 1991 154-157P
83 Work Health Amendment (No. 2) 1991 135,145
Mr J.N. Nelson, 20 June 1991 121
Mr J.N. Nelson, 20 June 1991 121
Public Sector Debt, Ministerial statement 145
Mr Lanhupuy, 22 August 1991 170
Mr Perron, 20 August 1991 147
Education, economic mismanagement 123
Health and community services 136
No.3, Appropriation Bill 1991-92 147
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Suspension of Standing Orders -
Pass Bills through all stages -
Local Government Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991 158
Pastoral Leases (Rental) Bill 1991 175
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 1991 175
Take 2 Bills together -
Classification of Publications Amendment Bill 1991
and Film Classification Act Repeal Bill 1991 171
De Facto Relationships (Miscellaneous Amendments)
Bill 1991 and Administration and Probate Amendment
(De Facto) Relationships) Bill 1991 137
Dental Amendment Bill 1991 and Dental (Consequential
Amendments) Bill 1991 136
Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority
Bill 1991 and Education Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1991 170
MOTIONS (Substantive)
ABC radio sports 147,163
Adopt - Third Report of Publications Committee 174,175
Auditor-General's Report, 1990-91
Note Paper 123,146
Print 123
Citizen initiated referendums, Constitutional
Development Committee
Note Paper 174
Print 174
Code of conduct for Ministers 143,163
Commonwealth/Territory Health Funding
Note statement 145
Condolence, Mr J.N. Nelson 121
Cuts to social services, welfare and education 147,163,164
Disability services policy
Note statement 149
Discharge Business
Public Sector Debt - Ministerial statement 145
Economic relations with Indonesia - Note statement 123
Evening meal adjournment 148,164,165
Housing strategy for the 90's - Note statement 145
Mulholland Advice, implementation of recommendations
Note statement 135,146
New Parliament House Committee - Terms of reference
Proxy members, nomination of 150
Northern Territory Law Reform Committee "Report on
Appeals from Administrative Decisions" 148,164
Note Paper
Auditor-General's Report, 1990-91 123,146
Citizen initiated referendums, Constitutional
Development Committee 174
Privileges Committee, Report on the Legislative
Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act 170
Public Accounts Committee
Report No.12 - Auditor-General's Annual Reports
1987/88 and 1988/89 167
Second Report on Actual and Contingent Liabilities of
the Northern Territory Government 167
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
Four Reports, tabled 14 February 1991
Five Reports, tabled 7 May 1991
National Report, Vol I-V, tabled 8 May 1991 162
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Sessional
Committee, Second Report 144,176
Note statement
Commonwealth/Territory Health funding 145
Disability services policy 149
Economic relations with Indonesia 123
Housing strategy for the 90's 145
Mulholland Advice, implementation of recommendations 135,146
New Parliament House Committee
Proxy members, nomination of 150
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody,
21 August 1991 162
Special Premiers Conference, Sydney, 30 July 1991 122
Trade Development Zone, future directions 135,136
Ombudsman, Acting - Extension of Term 150
Print -
Auditor-General's Report, 1990-91 123
Citizen initiated referendums, Constitutional
Development Committee 174
Privileges Committee
Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act, Report 170
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Second
Report - Sessional Committee 144
Privileges Committee - Report on the Legislative
Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act
Note 170
Print 170
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 12 - Auditor-General's Annual Reports
1987/88 and 1988/89, dated May 1991 - Note papers 167
Second Report on Actual and Contingent Liabilities
of the Northern Territory Government - Note paper 167
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody
. Four Reports, tabled 14 Feb. 1991
. Five Reports, tabled 7 May 1991
. National Report, Volumes I-V tabled 8 May 1991
. Ministerial Statement, 21 August 1991
- Note Reports and statement 162
Special Premiers' Conference, Sydney, 30 July 1991
Note statement 122
Trade Development Zone, future directions - Note
statement 135,136
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Sessional
Committee, Second Report
Note paper 144,176
Print 144
Agreements and Determinations:
Police Arbitral Tribunal Determination No.2 of 1982
Determination No.T4 of 1991, dated 21 May 1991 133
Determination No.T7 of 1991, dated 18 June 1991 133
Police Arbitral Tribunal Determination No.1 of 1982
Determination No.T5 of 1991, dated 18 June 1991 133
Determination No.T6 of 1991, dated 18 June 1991 133
Annual Reports:
Auditor-General, 1990-91 123
Batchelor College, 1989 133
Education Advisory Council, 1987 133
Education Advisory Council, 1988 133
Executor Trustee Australia Limited, 1989-90 159
Jabiru Town Development Authority, 1989-90 176
National Common Police Services, 1989-90 146
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority, 1990 133
Northern Territory University, 1990 159
Parole Board, 1990 133
Territory Insurance Office, 1990-91 176
Work Health Advisory Council, Inquiry into Benefit
Levels of the NT Work Health Act 1986, dated
March 1991, Erratum 133
Budget Papers -
. Budget Speech, 1991-92 149
. Appropriation Bill, 1991-92 149
. Overview, 1991-92 149
. Detailed Estimates, 1991-92 149
. Capital Works, 1991-92 149
. The Northern Territory Economy 1991-92 149
. Comparative Analysis of Selected Taxes and Charges
in the Northern Territory and the States, dated August 1991 149
. Regional Highlights, Alice Springs, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, Darwin, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, East Arnhem, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, Katherine, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, Palmerston and Rural, 1991-92 149
. Regional Highlights, Tennant Creek, 1991-92 149
Amendments of the Northern Territory University
(Academic Board) By-laws, dated 29 May 1991 133
Citizens' initiated referendums, Sessional Committee
on Constitutional Development 174
Community Health Services, Katherine Region, Five
Year Planning Document, November 1990 136
Facsimile to Strath Gordon from Mick O'Donnell,
Australian Broadcasting Corporation, dated 19 July 1991 146
Financial Administration and Audit Act
Direction by the Treasurer, s.13(1)(b), Transfer of
Funds Saved, dated 18 June 1991 133
Direction by the Treasurer, s.13(1)(b), Transfer of
Funds Saved, dated 28 June 1991 133
Direction by the Treasurer, s.13(1)(b), Transfer of
Funds Saved, dated 21 June 1991 133
Interim Report By The Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12, signed M.J. Martin,
Chairman, dated 2 August 1991 146
Mr B. Ede, Leader of the Opposition to Mr M. Perron,
MLA, Chief Minister, dated 25 February 1991 122
Editor "PS staff have been notified", N.T.News, dated
12 August 1991 141
Hon. R.J.L. Hawke, AC MP, Prime Minister, to Hon.
M.B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister, dated 29 July 1991 172
D.N. Patel, Authorised Auditor for Auditor-General
to Secretary, Department of Mines and Energy, dated 31 May 1991, 146
Hon M. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister to Mr B. Ede,
Leader of the Opposition, dated 18 March 1991 122
Galarrwuy Yunupingu, AM, Chairman, Northern Land
Council, to Hon. M.B. Perron, MLA, Chief Minister,
dated 22 August 1991 172
Mass Distance Charges, working group recommendations,
Attachment 1 123
Northern Territory Government Disability Services
Policy, prepared by the Department of Health and
Community Services, dated June 1991 149
Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Report on
Appeals from Administrative Decisions, dated June 1991 146
Northern Territory Public Sector Debt, by Northern
Territory Opposition Leader, dated August 1991 170
Plan of Management
Keep River National Park 146
Pornographic Videos (Prohibition) Bill 1991 (Serial 95)
Article, "Flesh and Blood", New Scientist
magazine, dated 5 May 1990 165
News Release, "ALP Politicians Linked to Organised
Crime Identities", Dennis Stevenson, MLA, dated 9 August 1991; 165
Speech by Mr Dennis Stevenson, MLA, pages 1313 to
1323, dated 16 April 1991, ACT Legislative Assembly 165
Speech by Mr Dennis Stevenson, MLA, pages 1683 to
1717, dated 30 April 1991, ACT Legislative Assembly 165
Privileges Committee - Report on the Legislative
Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act 170
Publications Committee, Third Report 174
Recommendations under s.103 of Crown Lands Act
Partial Revocation of Reserve No. 1677, Casuarina
Coastal Reserve 133
Revocation of Reserve No. 1015, Tennant Creek 133
Regulations 1991
No.17, Trade Measurement (Measuring Instruments)
Regulations 133
No.18, Trade Measurement (Pre-packed Articles)
Regulations 133
No.19, Trade Measurement (Weighbridges) Regulations 133
No.20, Trade Measurement (Miscellaneous) Regulations 133
No.21, Trade Measurement (Charges and Fees) Regulations 133
No.22, Amendments of Powers of Attorney Regulations 133
No.23, Amendments of Liquor Regulations 133
No.24, Amendments of Traffic Regulations 133
No.25, Amendments of Work Health Regulations 133
No.26, Amendments of the Mall By-laws Regulations 134
No.27, Amendments of Darwin (Control of Public Places) By-laws 134
No.28, Amendments of Port By-laws 134
No.29, Amendment of Local Court Rules 134
No.30, Amendment of Business Names Regulations 134
No.31, Amendments of the Financial Institutions Duty
Regulations 134
No.32, Lotteries and Gaming Regulations 134
No.33, Amendment of the Criminal Investigation (Extra-
Territorial Offences) Regulations 134
No.34, Amendments of the Marine (Examinations and
Certificates) Regulations 134
No.35, Amendments of the Marine (Safety Manning)
Regulations 134
No.36, Amendments of the Land and Business Agents
Regulations 134
No.37, Palmerston (Council Meetings and Procedures)
By-laws 134
No.38, Amendments of the Public Trustee Regulations 134
No.39, Amendments to the Criminal Law (Conditional
Release of Offenders) (Home Detention Orders)
Regulations 134
No.40, Local Government (Accounting) Regulations 134
No.41, Amendments of the Motor Vehicles (Fees and
Charges) Regulations 134
No.42, Amendment of the Motor Vehicle (Hire Car)
Regulations 134
No.43, Amendments of the Motor Vehicles (Hire Car)
Loan Security Regulations 134
Northern Territory Law Reform Committee, Report on
Appeals from Administrative Decisions, dated June 1991 146
State Square Development
Computer printout, dated 12 August 1991 122
Darwin City Infrastructure, (Project No: PWD00550),
Component Breakdown, dated 13.8.91 122
Statement issued by the Criminal Law Association of
the Northern Territory, dated 17 August 1991 150
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee,
Third Report 143
Trade Development Zone expenditure, extract of statement 136
Treasury/Auditor-General Liaison Committee, List of
Meetings 146
Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community, Sessional
Committee, Report No. 2 - Measures for Reducing
Alcohol Use and Abuse in the Northern Territory 143
055 Darwin City Council 144
056 Elliott Health Centre Team, Ms M. McLean 144
057 Mr J.J. McVey 144
058 Amity House, Darwin and District Alcohol and
Drug Dependence Foundation 144
059 Royal Adelaide Hospital, Drug and Alcohol
Resource Unit, Dr C.S.E. Wurm 144
060 Mr Daryl Guppy, Alpurrurulam Community 144
061 Woman's Christian Temperance Union (NT) (3) 144
062 Injartnama Outstation, B. & E. Cook, 144
063 Road Safety Council of the NT 144
064 F.O.R.W.A.A.R.D. 144
065 Department of Correctional Services 144
066 Australian Medical Association (NT Branch) -
Part 2 144
067 Mr Alex Gradussov 144
068 Department of Health and Community Services 144
069 Northern Territory Hotels and Hospitality Association 144
070 Mr B.R. Ede, Leader of the Opposition 144
071 Employee Assistance Scheme 144
072 Department of Education 144
073 Mr John Grundy 144
074 Mr T. Dowling 144
075 Mr D.W. Collins, MLA 144
076 Mr D.J. Barritt, SM 144
077 Liquor Licensees Association (Southern Region) 144
078 Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Commission 144
079 Working Party on Alcohol Related Issues in Katherine 144
080 Country Liberal Party, Central Council Working
Party on Alcohol 144
081 Mr Steve Sims, Curtin Springs Station 144
082 Mr Bruce Reyburn 144
083 Women's Advisory Council 144
084 HALT - Healthy Aboriginal Life Team 144
085 Mr S.E. Calder, OBE, DFC, JP 144
086 Australian Hotels Association Northern Territory Branch (Inc.) 144
Meetings Briefing - Transcripts
Meeting 3 of 5.3.91, Alcohol Workers, Angurugu,
Anglicare 15.8.91
Meeting 4 of 7.3.91, NT Employee Assistance Scheme 144
Meeting 5 of 12.3.91, Department of Education 144
Meeting 5 of 12.3.91, Department of Transport and
Works Road Safety Council of the NT and Department
of Transport and Works, Legislation and Safety 144
Meeting 6 of 13.3.91, Port Keats 144
Meeting 7 of 10.4.91, Members of the Legislative Assembly 144
Meeting 8 of 18-19.4.91, Mr D.W. Collins, MLA,
Mr D. Barritt, Mr B. Tinker 144
Meeting 10 of 9.5.91, Members of the Legislative Assembly 144
Public Meetings
PM2 of 18.4.91, Santa Teresa 145
PM1 of 13.3.91, Port Keats 145
PH1 of 20.2.91, Darwin 145
PH1 of 21.2.91, Darwin 145
Public Hearings - Transcripts
PH2 of 6.3.91, Gunbalanya 145
PH3 of 6.3.91, Jabiru 145
PH4 of 7.3.91, Minjilang 145
PH5 of 11.4.91, Elliott 145
PH6 of 12.4.91, Borroloola 145
PH7 of 23.4.91, Nguiu 145
PH8 of 23.4.91, Milikapiti 145
PH9 of 21.5.91, Daly River 145
PH10 of 28.5.91, 10.20 am, Alice Springs 145
PH10 of 28.5.91, 9.05 am, Alice Springs 145
Community Health and Educational Services, proposed cuts
(159 signatures) 169
Educational Services, cuts - 18 petitions, (total 121,143,147,
signatures 397) 161,169
Health Clinics, closure
Darwin (667 signatures) 122
Mataranka and Victoria River Downs (98 signatures) 161
Hornsby, Denis, Land Rezoning Alice Springs
Reject (675 signatures) 161
Reject (104 signatures) 169
Support (140 signatures) 135
Kava licence, Galiwinku (118 signatures) 121
Lawson, Norman James, disappearance (3227 signatures) 143
Lims Hotel, proposed flat development (1633 signatures) 169
Litchfield Park, reject proposals for hotel, motel and
lodge-type development
(318 signatures) 169
(1079 signatures) 169
Recycling facilities -
(563 signatures) 161
Alice Springs (1999 signatures) 161
School closures -
Independent review, (3844 signatures) 135
Karguru Primary (43 signatures) 161
Traeger Park Primary (4636 signatures) 121
Shire of Litchfield, Neighbourhood Watch Scheme,
(258 signatures) 135
Tiwi and Rapid Creek Primary Schools, proposed closure
(40 signatures) 169
ABC Sports Programme 157
Commonwealth/Territory health funding 145
Disability services policy 149
Economic relations with Indonesia 123
Housing strategies for the 90's 145
Mulholland Inquiry - implementation of recommendations 135
New Parliament House Committee
Proxy members, nomination 150
Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody 162
Special Premiers' Conference, Sydney, 30 July 1991 122
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee,
Third Report 143
Trade Development Zone, future directions 135
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016