Minutes of Proceedings - 1996-09-17
Seventh Assembly First Session 17/09/1996 Parliamentary Record No. 25
Date : 17/09/1996__________________________________________________________________________________
7. APPROPRIATION BILL 1996-97 (Serial 166):
And the Assembly having continued to sit until 12 midnight -
Wednesday 18 September 1996 A.M.
Date : 17/09/1996
- The Assembly met at 10.00 a.m., pursuant to resolution of the Assembly, dated Thursday 22 August 1996. The Speaker, the Honourable T.R. McCarthy, took the Chair.
- The Speaker (Mr McCarthy) drew the attention of Honourable Members to the presence in the gallery of English as a Second Language students from Casuarina Secondary College and their teacher, Ms Karin Severin; and Year 9 Social Education students from Taminmin High School and their teacher, Mr Tim Whiteside.
- On behalf of Honourable Members, the Speaker extended a warm welcome to the visitors.
- The Member for Casuarina (Mr Adamson), for an on behalf of the Speaker (Mr McCarthy), presented a petition from 29 petitioners requesting that the Assembly repeal, or suspend the operation of, the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act in light of the widespread fear that the legislation has generated in Aboriginal communities (Paper 2648).
The petition was not read as it was in similar terms to petitions presented to the Assembly in the August 1996 sittings.
- The Speaker advised Members that 8TOP FM was taping Question Time for rebroadcast after 11.00 a.m. this day.
- Questions were asked of Ministers.
Paper tabled: The Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper -
- Order pursuant to the Trespass Act 1987 to Phillip Mitchell, dated December 1993 (Paper 2649).
Further questions were asked of Ministers.
Paper tabled: The Minister for Health Services (Mr Burke) laid on the Table the following Paper -
- Letter, Mr Ross Brandon, Regional Director, Central Australia to Mr Peter Toyne, Tanami Network Pty Ltd, dated 30 May 1996 (Paper 2650).
A further question was asked of a Minister.
Paper tabled: The Leader of the Opposition (Mrs Hickey), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper -
- Advertisement “Firearms - What’s Happening” - signed by Brian C. Bates, Commissioner of Police, Tennant and District Times, dated 13 September 1996 (Paper 2651).
Further questions were asked of Ministers.
7. APPROPRIATION BILL 1996-97 (Serial 166):
- The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time -
- Debate ensued.
The Treasurer (Mr Reed) laid on the Table the following Papers -
‘Territory leads decade of growth’, The Australian Financial Review, dated 14 August 1996 (Paper 2652);
‘Territory’s action budget aims to boost investment’, The Australian, dated 14 August 1996 (Paper 2653);
‘Territory economy is fastest growing’, The Northern Territory News, dated 19 August 1996 (Paper 2654);
The Weekend Australian, Liftout ‘Property’, ‘Travelling North, Tourism is driving the Territory’s biggest building boom in 20 years’, dated 10 - 11 August 1996 (Paper 2655);
Graph, Water Charges for Average Home based on Annual Consumption of 550kl, comparison with other States, undated (Paper 2656);
Graph, Health Expenditure per capita, 1995-96, comparison with other States (Paper 2657);
Graph, 10 Year Total Capital Outlays 1987 - 88 to 1996-97 (Paper 2658); and
Graph, Selected Household Taxes and Charges Average Home, Comparison with the other States, (Paper 2659).
Question - put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
In the Committee
(Chairman - Mr Setter)
(11.40 a.m.)
In the Committee
(Chairman - Mr Setter)
(11.40 a.m.)
- Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Auditor-General’s Office agreed to.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Ombudsman’s Office agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of the Chief Minister -
Ordered: That the proposed expenditure on the Activities of Ethnic Affairs and the Arts and Cultural Affairs designated within the Department of the Chief Minister be postponed and considered during the Committee deliberations of the proposed allocations of expenditure on Activities of Ministers now responsible, respectively being the Minister for Ethnic Affairs (Mr Hatton) and the Minister for the Arts and Cultural Affairs (Mr Manzie).
- Debate ensued.
Suspension of sitting: The sitting was suspended between 12.07 p.m. and 2.15 p.m.
Debate resumed.
Paper tabled: The Chief Minister (Mr Stone) laid on the Table the following Paper -
Media Release, ‘First Report of the Council on the Cost of Government’, Professor Bob Walker, Council on the Cost of Government, dated 20 June 1996 (Paper 2660).
Debate continued.
Proposed allocations specified for the expenditure on the Activities within the Department of the Legislative Assembly, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocations specified for the expenditure on the Activities within the Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocations specified for the expenditure on the Activities within the Northern Territory Treasury: Services, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocations specified for the expenditure on the Activities within the Northern Territory Treasury Corporation -
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Bailey), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper -
- Documentation of financial risk management policies, page 7, Auditor-General’s Mid Year Report 1995 (Paper 2661).
Debate continued.
Proposed allocations specified for the expenditure on the Activities within the Northern Territory Treasury: Superannuation Office, agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for the expenditure on the Activities within the Northern Territory Tourist Commission, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment -
Debate ensued.
And the Assembly having continued to sit until 12 midnight -
Wednesday 18 September 1996 A.M.
- Debate continued.
Expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Darwin Port Authority, agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Transport and Works -
Debate ensued.
Papers tabled: The Minister for Transport and Works (Mr Coulter) laid on the Table the following Papers -
- Letter, Mayor Jim Forscutt, President, Local Government Association of the Northern Territory to the Hon John Sharp, MP, Minister for Transport and Regional Development, dated 22 August 1996 (Paper 2662);
Letter, Hon Barry Coulter, MLA, Minister for Transport and Works to Mr Jim Forscutt, President, Local Government Association of the Northern Territory, dated 6 September 1996 (Paper 2663);
Letter, Hon Barry Coulter, MLA, Minister for Transport and Works to the Hon John Sharp, MP, Minister for Transport and Regional Development, dated 13 September 1996 (Paper 2664); and
Table, 1995/96 Consultancies, Summary by Discipline, Department of Transport and Works (Paper 2665).
Debate continued.
Question - put and negatived.
Debate continued.
Expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Transport and Works, agreed to.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Department of Transport and Works: Construction Agency, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Department of Transport and Works: NT Fleet, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Department of Transport and Works: Government Printing Office, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Transport and Works: NCOM, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Department of Transport and Works: Darwin: Bus Service, agreed to, after debate.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Northern Territory Railway, agreed to, after debate.
The Leader of Government Business (Mr Coulter) moved - That the Committee do report progress and seek leave to sit again.
Question - put and passed.
(4.20 a.m.)
(4.20 a.m.)
- The Speaker (Mr McCarthy) resumed the Chair; the Chairman (Mr Setter) reported accordingly; and the report was adopted.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Coulter) moved - That pursuant to Standing Order 225 -
- (1) That, unless otherwise ordered, at 10.00 a.m. on 18 September 1996 the Assembly resolve itself again into Committee for further consideration of the Appropriation Bill 1996 -97 (Serial 166); and
- (2) That this sitting of the Assembly be suspended until 10.00 a.m. on Wednesday 18 September 1996.
Question - put and passed.
- Suspension of sitting: The sitting was suspended between 4.22 a.m. on Wednesday 18 September 1996 until 10.00 a.m. this day.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016