Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1996-02-27

Seventh Assembly First Session 27/02/1996 Parliamentary Record No. 20

Date : 27/02/1996

From To Pages
20 February 1996 29 February 1996 477 -534

Bold No. 123 = Passed Bill
Bold & Italic No. 123 = Discharged Bill

    Associations Incorporation Amendment 1995 (Serial 129) 490
    Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Consequential Amendments)
    1996 (Serial 147) 525, 510
    Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration 1996 (Serial 146) 525, 510
    Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land and Sanctuary Amendment 1994 (Serial 55) 505
    Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land and Sanctuary Amendment
1996 (Serial 142) 503, 506, 514
    Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment 1995 (Serial 126) 506
    Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment 1996 (Serial 149) 524
    Criminal Code Amendment (No. 5) 1995 (Serial 123) 506
    Criminal Code Amendment (No. 6) 1995 (Serial 131) 499
    Criminal Code Amendment (No. 3) 1995 (Serial 113) 498
    Fire and Emergency (Consequential Amendments) 1996 (Serial 141) 489, 498, 514
    Fire and Emergency 1996 (Serial 140) 487,498, 514
    Gaming Control Amendment 1996 (Serial 148) 525, 510
    Juries Amendment 1996 (Serial 143) 524, 510
    Liquor Amendment 1996 (Serial 139) 513,503
    Mining Amendment 1995 (Serial 128) 490, 493
    Misuse of Drugs Amendment 1995 (Serial 124) 516
    Motor Vehicles Amendment 1996 (Serial 137) 479, 489
    Police Administration Amendment 1996 (Serial 145) 524, 510
    Respect for Human Life 1996 (Serial 111) 479
    Rights of the Terminally Ill Amendment 1995 (Serial 121) 481, 484
    Sentencing (Consequential Amendments) 1995 (Serial 134) 525, 529
    Status of Children Amendment 1995 (Serial 125) 506
    Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Amendment 1995 (Serial 136) 515
    Summary Offences Amendment (No. 3) 1995 (Serial 135) 515
    Summary Offences Amendment 1996 (Serial 144) 524, 510
    Traffic Amendment 1996 (Serial 138) 479, 489
    Trustee (Consequential Amendments) 1995 (Serial 127) 484

    Minister for Education and Training - (Mr Stirling) 495
    Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment (Mr Reed) 488

    Mining Bill, draft 529
    Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment, Draft Bill 529

    Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary Board, Members and Traditional Owners 514
    Kilgariff, Mr Bern, former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly and Senator
    for the Northern Territory 503
    Mr Marshall Perron, former Chief Minister of the Legislative Assembly 477

    Law Asia, Executive Members 520

    Mr Bell 481

    Member for Victoria River (Mr Baldwin), 29 February 1996 519

    Northern Territory Prison system, breaches of security (Ms Martin) 523

    No. 18, Assent to proposed laws (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2246) 509

MOTIONS (Procedural)
    Allow Mr Bailey to move a motion relating to an alleged breach of privilege,
    the subject of General Business, Notice No. 1 530
    Allow Mr Bell to move a motion relating to an alleged breach of the
    Commonwealth Electoral Act 531
    Leave denied Mr Bell to move a motion to call on forthwith the Respect for
    Human Life Bill 1996 (Serial 111) 480
    Leave denied Mr Stirling an extension of time to complete speech on motion
    to censure of the Minister for Education 496
    Suspend Standing Orders
    Allow Mr Bell to move a motion to call on forthwith the Respect for
    Human Life Bill 1996 (Serial 111) and pass through all stages 480
    Allow Mr Hatton to make a Ministerial Statement relating to the current
    Teachers dispute 515
    Allow Mr Stirling to move motion - Censure of Minister for Education
    and Training 495
    Pass Bills through all stages
      Cobourg Peninsula Aboriginal Land and Sanctuary Amendment Bill 1996
      (Serial 142) 514
      Fire and Emergency Bill 1996 (Serial 140) and the Fire and Emergency (Consequential
      Amendments) Bill 1996 (Serial 141) 513
    Take two Bills together
      Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 1996 (Serial 146) and the
      Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Consequential Amendments)
      Bill 1996 (Serial 147) 524
      Fire and Emergency Bill 1996 (Serial 140) and the Fire and Emergency (Consequential
      Amendments) Bill 1996 (Serial 141) 498
      Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 137) and the Traffic
      Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 138) 489
      Summary Offences Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 144) and the Police Administration
      Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 145) 524

MOTIONS (Substantive)
    Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and
    the Government of the Northern Territory of Australia for the Capital funding, Upgrading
    and Future Maintenance of Strategic Roads on Aboriginal Lands
    within the Northern Territory, 1995 - 1998 - Note Paper (Mr Manzie) 513
    Alice Springs to Darwin Railway project, progress - Note (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 2327) 523
    Auditor-General'S Office, Mid Year Report, February 1996
    Note (Mr Stone) 522
    Print (Mr Stone) 522
    Censure of the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment (Mr Reed) 488
    Commonwealth Grants and funding levels for the Territory (Mr Reed) 503
    Federal Labors Territory track record of failure (Mr Stone) - Note Statement 489
    Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory - Note (Mr Stone) 523
    Ombudsman of the Northern Territory, Report 1994-95
    Note (Mr Stone) 522
    Print (Mr Stone) 522
    Police Administration Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1996, Draft Bill - Note
    (Mr Stone) 522
    Return, 1993, Legislative Assembly (Register of Members Interests) Act by
    former Member for Casuarina (Mr Dondas) 511
    Select Committee on Interactive Television Gaming
    Report, extension of time (Mr Baldwin) 497
    Select Committee on Interactive Television Gaming Report, extension of time
    (Mr Baldwin) 490
    Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development
    Annual Report 1994-95
      Note (Mr Hatton) 522
      Print (Mr Hatton) 522
    Standing Orders Committee
    Procedures for the Presentation and Preparation of Support Materials to
    Accompany Proposed Laws, Third Report, dated February 1996
      Note (Mr Mc Carthy) 529
      Print (Mr Mc Carthy) 529
    Raising Matters of Privilege, Second Report, dated February 1996
      Note (Mr Mc Carthy) 529
      Print (Mr Mc Carthy) 529
    Writ, Member for Sanderson, action against Nationwide News Pty Ltd,
    Don Kennedy and John Loizou , 8 November 1990, in respect of publications
    in October 1990 (Mr Bell) 511

    Advertisement, Who are the real victims of the Teachers Union industrial
    action? The Kids, NT News, dated 17 February 1996 (Mr Rioli) (Paper 2225) 495
    Advertisement, Northern Territory News, Who are the real victims of the Teachers Union
    industrial action?, dated 17 February 1996 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2240) 512
    Advertisement, Sunday Territorian, If you were offered a package worth $12.9 million,
    would you take it?, dated 18 February 1996 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2241) 512
    Agreement between the Government of the Commonwealth of Australia and
    the Government of the Northern Territory of Australia for the Capital funding, Upgrading
    and Future Maintenance of Strategic Roads on Aboriginal Lands
    within the Northern Territory, 1995-1998 (Mr Manzie) (Paper 2247) 513
    Alice Springs to Darwin Railway, The, A presentation from the Northern
    Territory and South Australian Governments (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2328) 522
    Annual Reports
    ANZ Executors & Trustee Company Ltd, 30 September 1994 (Paper 2340) 534
    Auditor-General, Mid Year Report, February 1996 (Mr Mc Carthy)
      (Paper 2323) 522
    Austrust Limited (& Its Controlled Entity (Executor Trustee Australia Ltd.),
    30 June 1994 (Paper 2341) 534
    I00F Australia Trustees Ltd, 30 June 1994 (Paper 2342) 534
    I00F Australia Trustees Ltd, 30 June 1995 (Paper 2343) 534
    National Australia Trustees Ltd, 30 September 1994 (Paper 2344) 534
    National Australia Trustees Ltd, 30 September 1995 (Paper 2345) 534
    National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory), 1994-95 (Paper 2330) 534
    Northern Territory Rural College, 1994 (Paper 2300) 534
    Office of Ethnic Affairs, 1994-95 (Paper 2302) 534
    Ombudsman of the Northern Territory, 1994-95 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2325) 522
    Parole of Prisoners Act, Report of the Parole Board of the Northern
    Territory, 1995 (Paper 2304) 534
    Prostitution Regulation Act, Third Report on the operation of the Act,
    9 May 1994 to
    8 May 1995 (Paper 2190) 484
    Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 1994-95 (Paper 2301) 534
    Award Restructuring Agreement, 1991, Selection from Registered Agreement
    (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2230) 496
    Booklet, Childrens Crossing Guidelines, Road Safety Council of the Northern
    Territory (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2289) 518
    Bulletin, ITG Update, Authorised by P. De Carlo, Acting Secretary, Telecommunications Section (Mr Stone) (Paper 2170) 479
    Northern Territory University (Academic Board) By-laws (Paper 2175) 485
    Northern Territory University (University Library) By-laws (Paper 2177) 485
    Northern Territory University (Vocational Education and Training Board)
      By - laws (Paper 2176) 485
    Casino Operators Agreement, between Barry Francis Coulter and Ford Dynasty
    Pty Ltd (A. C. N. 009 631 029), dated 29 January 1996 (Paper 2236) 500
    Churchill Fellow 1995, Report by Maggie Frances Rutherford, (Mr Stone)
    (Paper 2204) 484
    Circular 96/03, Michael Fong, Secretary, Department of Education to All Staff,
    dated 13 February 1996 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2227) 495
    Circular to Creditors, G. W. Nourse, Administrator of Deed of Company
    Arrangement, Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu, dated 4 December 1995 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2171) 479
    Classified Advertisement, N T News
    Traffic Light Alterations, Department of Transport and Works, dated
    31 August 1992 (Mr ) (Paper 2280) 517
    Community Government Schemes
    Alpurrurulam Community Government Scheme (Paper 2189) 485
    Darwin 2020, Territory Labor (Mr Reed) (Paper 2212) 488
    Darwin Music Development Centre, Appendix of complaints (Mr Stone)
    (Paper 2321) 521
    Darwin Music Development Centre, Photographs of the damage (Mr Stone)
    (Paper 2322) 521
    Database entry form - Personal Details (Mr Stone) (Paper 2306) 520
    Database entry shell document - Personal Details (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2316) 521
    Database entry shell document, Members Rolldata, Personal Details (Mr Ah Kit)
    (Paper 2317) 521
    Department of Correctional Services, 5 Year Plan (Mr Ede) (Paper 2332) 523
    Developer convicted of tender payments, article, TheWeekend Australian,
    dated 25 - 26 March 1995 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2219) 493
    Education Bulletin, Issue No. 3/96, Northern Territory Department of Education,
    dated 16 February 1996 (Mr Rioli) (Paper 2224) 495
    Electoral Enrolment Form, Australian Electoral Commission (Mr Ede)
    (Paper 2305) 520
    Extract from COGSO Newsletter School crossings (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2290) 518
    Extract from Debates, dated 20 August 1992
    Pages 5790 and 5791 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2282) 517
    Extract from Questions, dated 21 February 1996 (Mr Stirling)
    (Paper 2223) 493
    Fire and Emergency Regulations, proposed regulations (Mr Stone)
    (Paper 2248) 514
    Graph, 1994 All Schools Pupil-Teacher Ratios by level of Education (Primary
    and Secondary) by State and Territory (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2168) 479
    Henbury Avenue School, School Crossing on Trower Road, Paper (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2295) 518
    Housing shortage causes concern, Article, Jabiru Rag, dated 11 January 1996
    (Ms Martin) (Paper 2234) 497
    How to Vote card, in Greek language, for the House of Representatives and
    the Senate, Australian Labor Party (Mr Stone) (Paper 2315) 521
    Issues Survey from Leader of the Opposition ( Mr Stone) (Paper 2310) 520
    Juvenile Crime Workshop, 1995 7-8 June 1995, Katherine, Outcome
    Document (Paper 2303) 534
    Adamson, Mr Peter, MLA, Member for Casuarina re Proposed Pedestrian
    Crossing for Trower Road, undated and attached diagram (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2297) 518
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri to Mr Bob Morgan, Technical Services
    Manager, Darwin City Council, dated 23 March 1994 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2288) 517
    Bailey, Mr John, Deputy Opposition Leader, to Neighbourhood Watch
    Coordinators - Tiwi, Wanguri, Leanyer and Wagaman dated 29 January 1991
    re School Pedestrian Crossings (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2256) 516
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri (Draft) to Residents, dated
    13 August 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2274) 517
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri to Mr Eric Hurwood, dated
    1 September 1994 and attached file note (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2292) 518
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri to Mr H. A. S. McClelland,
    Secretary, Holy Spirit School Interim Board, dated 7 August 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2271) 517
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri to Mr J. Britton, Chairperson,
    Henbury Avenue School Council, dated 7 August 1992 (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2272) 517
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri to Residents dated
    13 August 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2273) 517
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri, re pedestrian crossing on
    Trower Road to residents in Gsell St, Strele Cr, Martina St, Henbury Ave
    and Trower Rd, dated 14 April 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2265) 516
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri, re Trower Road Pedestrian Lights
    to Aldermen Crean, Collins and Burke, dated 15 April 1992 (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2261) 516
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri, re Trower Road Pedestrian Lights,
    to Mr P Gardiner, Mr B Ray, Ms J Diaz, Mr J Britton, Mr B Pascoe and
    Ms R. MacGregor, dated 15 April 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2260) 516
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri, re Trower Road Pedestrian Lights,
    dated 15 April 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2264) 516
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri, re Trower Road Pedestrian Lights
    to Mr J. Bindyna and Ms C. Ford, dated 15 April 1992 (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2263) 516
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri, to Mr B. Pascoe, Chairperson, Wanguri
    School Council dated 7 August 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2270) 517
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri, to Mr D. Wormold, Town Clerk, Darwin
    City Council, dated 14 April 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2266) 516
    Bailey, Mr John, MLA, Member for Wanguri, to Residents dated
    13 August 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2275) 517
    Britton, Mr John, Chairman, Henbury Avenue School to Mr John Pudney,
    Planning and Design Engineer, Darwin City Council, dated 28 February 1995
    (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2294) 518
    Britton, Mr John, Chairperson, Henbury Avenue School Council to
    Mr John Bailey, MLA, Member for Wanguri, dated 18 May 1992 and
    attached letter from John Britton to Mr D. Wormold, Town Clerk, Darwin
    City Council, dated 18 May 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2267) 517
    Chambers, Mr B., Deputy Secretary Transport, Department of Transport and
    Works to Mr John Bailey, MLA, Member for Wanguri, dated 19 August 1992
    (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2279) 517
    Diaz, Mrs J. C. , Principal, Holy Spirit Primary School to Mr J. Bailey, MLA, Member for Wanguri, dated 15 February 1990 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2253) 516
    Diaz, Mrs J. C., Principal, Holy Spirit School to Mr J. Bailey, MLA, dated 8 December 1989
    (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2251) 516
    Dondas, Mr Nick, to the Hon Terence McCarthy, MLA, Speaker of the
    Legislative Assembly, dated 22 February 1996 (Speaker McCarthy)
    (Paper 2237) 500
    Ede, Mr Brian ,MLA, Leader of the Opposition, dated 15 September 1995
    (Mr Stone) (Paper 2309) 520
    Fong, Mr Michael, Secretary, Department of Education to Mr Chris Sharpe, President,
    Australian Education Union (NT Branch), dated 15 February 1996
    (Mr Stirling) (Paper 2166) 479
    Gellert, Mr Des, Electorate Officer to Mr David Wormold, Town Clerk,
    Darwin City Council, dated 22 December 1994 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2293) 518
    Greek language from the Australian Labor Party, dated 23 February 1996
    (Mr Stone) (Paper 2314) 521
    Herbert, Coral, for Staff of Casuarina Customer Service Centre to Mr Brian Ede, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, dated 1 May 1992 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2173) 480
    Manzie, Hon Daryl MLA, Minister for Transport and Works to Chairperson,
    Henbury Avenue School Council, dated 28 February 1994 (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2284) 517
    McClelland, Mr H. A. S., Secretary, Holy Spirit Interim School Board to
    Mr D. Wormold, Town Clerk, Darwin City Council, dated 12 June 1992
    (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2269) 517
    McClelland, Mr H. A. S., Secretary, Holy Spirit Interim School Board to
    Mr J. Bailey, MLA, Member for Wanguri, dated 20 March 1994 and
    attached letter H. A. S. McClelland, Secretary, Holy Spirit Interim School
    Board to Mr Bob Morgan, Technical Services Manager, Darwin City
    Council dated 20 March 1994 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2287) 517
    Moncrieff, Mr David, President, Northern Territory Council of Government
    School Organisations to School Council Chairpersons, dated
    15 February 1996 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2231) 496
    Mr Harcourt, Colin J, Executive Director, Advertising Standards Council to
    Mr Brian Ede, Leader of the Opposition, dated 27 February 1996
    (Mr Ede) (Paper 2242) 513
    Pascoe, Mr R. S. V., Council Chairperson, Wanguri Primary School Council
    to Mr David Young, Urban Planning Manager, Land Transport Branch,
    Department of Transport and Works, dated 17 August 1992 (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2277) 517
    Pascoe, Mr R. S. V., Council Chairperson, Wanguri Primary School, School
    Council to Mr George Brown, Lord Mayor, dated 17 August 1992
    (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2276) 517
    Pudney, Mr John, Planning and Design Engineer, Darwin City Council to
    Mr John Britton, Chairman, Henbury Avenue School Council,
    7 March 1995 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2298) 518
    Reed, Hon Mike, MLA, Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment to
    Mr John Ah Kit, MLA, Member for Arnhem, dated 21 February 1995
    (Mr Reed) (Paper 2213) 488
    Sharp, Mr John, MP, Shadow Minister for Transport, House of Representatives
    to Hon Barry Coulter, MLA, Treasurer, dated 22 June 1995 (Mr Coulter)
    (Paper 2329) 523
    Snowdon, Hon Warren, MHR to Mr David Norton, Chairman, Jabiru Town
    Council, dated 22 February 1996 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2235) 497
    Snowdon, Hon Warren, MHR to Mr J. E. Taylor, dated 26 February 1996 (MrStone) (Paper 2311) 520
    Snowdon, Hon Warren, MHR to Senator the Hon John Faulkner, Minister for
    Environment, Sport and Territories, dated 20 November 1995 (Mr Stone)
    (Paper 2244) 513
    Snowdon, Hon Warren, MHR, Member for the Northern Territory, dated
    16 October 1995 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2307) 520
    Snowdon, Hon Warren, MHR, Member for the Northern Territory, dated
    16 October 1995 (Paper 2307); 520
    Solien, Mr Al, Field Officer, Darwin Region, Road Safety Council of the
    Northern Territory to Principal, Henbury Avenue School, dated
    30 September 1993 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2285) 517
    Stone, Hon Shane, MLA, Member for Port Darwin to Ms Jennifer Kiss,
    dated 5 October 1995 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2313) 521
    Stone, Hon Shane, Chief Minister to Mr Geoff Nourse, Deloitte Touche
    Tohmatsu, dated 27 December 1995 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2220) 493
    Walsh, Mr T. V. , Senior Sergeant, Traffic Coordinator, Northern Territory
    Police Force to Mr J. Bailey, MLA, dated February 1991 (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2255) 516
    Willis, Mr Peter, Secretary, Henbury Avenue School to Mr Bob Morgan,
    Manager, Technical Services, Darwin City Council, dated 21 March 1994
    (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2286) 517
    Wormold, Mr D. K., Chief Executive Officer/Town Clerk to Mr Des Gellert, Electorate
    Officer, Office of John Bailey, MLA, dated 3 January 1995
    (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2299) 518
    Wormold, Mr D. K., Town Clerk/Chief Executive Officer, Darwin City
    Council to Mr John Bailey, MLA, Member for Wanguri, dated 13 May 1994
    (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2291) 518
    Wormold, Mr Dave, Town Clerk, Darwin City Council to Mr John Bailey, MLA,
    Member for Wanguri, dated 18 May 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2268) 517
    Letter to the Editor, N. T News, Astonished reaction , signed by Graham Watson,
    Cox Peninsula, dated 18 October 1995 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2209) 487
    List of questions and answers (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2232) 496
    Media Release
    Hon Daryl Manzie, MLA, Minister for Transport and Works 517
    Memorandum, D. J. Cairns, Deputy Secretary, Schools Policy and Operations
    North to Superintendents, Operations North re Regional Councils of Principals,
    Week beginning 19 February 1996, dated 19 February 1996 (Mr Stirling)
    (Paper 2207) 487
    Memorandum, Jose A. da Silva, Accident Records Clerk to Frances McKenna,
    Statistical Unit, Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, dated
    29 February 1996 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2338) 531
    Memorandum, Michael Fong, Secretary, Department of Education to All
    Teaching Staff re Direction as to Teaching Duties and Responsibilities,
    dated 19 February 1996 (Mr Stirling) (Paper 2208) 487
    Minutes of meeting, Holy Spirit Primary School, Parents and Friends
    Association, dated 3 April 1990 ( Mr Bailey) (Paper 2254) 516
    Minutes of meeting, Holy Spirit School Parents and Friends Association, dated
    5 December 1989 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2252) 516
    Minutes of meeting, Wanguri School Council, dated 16 April 1992 (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2262) 516
    Mobile Polling Schedules ex Katherine (Mr Stone) (Paper 2312) 520
    Leanyer School newsletter Leanyer Links(Mr Bailey) (Paper 2258) 516
    Newsletter "Local Issues", School crossings for Tiwi students (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2278) 517
    Newsletter, Local Issues, Pedestrian Safety on Trower Road (Mr Bailey)
    (Paper 2259) 516
    Northern Territory Community Questionnaire (Mr Stone) (Paper 2308) 520
    Northern Territory News, article Children from closed school at risk Parish,
    dated 31 January 1992 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2281) 517
    Overseas Parliamentary Study Leave, Report pursuant to Clause 7.1(d) of
    the Remuneration Tribunal Determination, No. 1 of 1995 (Mr Baldwin)
    (Paper 2239) 500
    Parliament contractor facing ruin, article, SundayTerritorian, dated
    12 March 1995 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2218) 493
    Parliamentary Record Debates, Extract from page 4216, dated 22 June 1995
    (Mr Ede) (Paper 2334) 523
    Parliamentary Record Debates, extract of page 7124, dated Wednesday
    30 August 1989 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2250) 516
    Parliamentary Record No. 15, Extract from, Ministerial Statement, Police
    Investigation into Allegations of corruption in the Prison System, dated
    24 February 1993 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2336) 523
    Parliamentary Record No. 25, Extract from Ministerial Statement Significant Developments
    and Achievements in Northern Territory Correctional Services,
    dated 2 March 1994 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2335) 523
    Pedestrian crossing on Trower Road, Casuarina, Report by Juliet Beard, Crossing
    Supervisor, dated 28 March 1995 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2296) 518
    Petition, Tanami Road, upgrade (Mr Ede) (Paper 2337) 531
    Police Administration Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1996, draft Bill (Mr Stone)
    (Paper 2326) 522
    Press Release by Opposition Leader, Ede demands 000 Service Remain in
    Darwin, dated 30 March 1992 (Mr Ede) (Paper 2172) 479
    Press release, Closing the door on Youth - What is the real reason ?, by
    Clare Martin, MLA, Member for Fannie Bay, dated 15 December 1995
    (Mr Stone) (Paper 2319) 521
    Press Release, Commonwealth support for Catholic Schools
    Election Promises, National Catholic Education Commission, dated
    23 February 1996 (Stirling) (Paper 2243) 513
    Press release, Darwins young musicians deserve a Happy Christmas by
    Clare Martin, MLA, Member for Fannie Bay, dated 20 December 1995
    (Mr Stone) (Paper 2320) 521
    Press release, Darwin Music Development Centre Closure - An Explanation
    Owed, by Clare Martin, MLA, Member for Fannie Bay, dated
    12 December 1995 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2318) 521
    Press Release, Good News for Jabiru, Australian Labor Party, dated
    12 February 1996 (Ms Martin) (Paper 2233) 497
    Press Release, - Measures Table - Labors 1996 Federal Election Campaign
    Launch (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2238) 500
    Press Release, by Clare Martin, MLA, Member for Fannie Bay, dated
    5 February 1996 (Ms Martin) (Paper 2249) 516
    Regulations 1995
    No. 39, Amendment of Gaming Control (Gaming Machines) Regulations
    (Paper 2178) 485
    No. 40, Gaming Machine Regulations (Paper 2179) 485
    No. 41, Amendments of Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Regulations
    (Paper 2180) 485
    Regulations 1996
    No. 1, Associations Incorporation (Accountability) Regulations (Paper 2181) 485
    No. 2, Amendment of Local Government (Accounting) Regulations
    (Paper 2182) 485
    No. 3, Public Health (Cervical Cytology Register) Regulations (Paper 2183) 485
    No. 4, Amendments of Work Health (Occupational Health and Safety)
    Regulations (Paper 2184) 485
    No. 5, Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading (Tow Truck Operators Code of
    Practice) Regulations (Paper 2185) 485
    No. 6, Amendment of Summary Offences Regulations (Paper 2186) 485
    No. 7, Private Security (Crowd Controllers) Regulations (Paper 2187) 485
    No. 8, Amendments of Alice Springs (Animal Control) By-laws (Paper 2188) 485
    Report by Bell, Mr N. R. , MLA, Member for Macdonnell pursuant to
    Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 1995, Overseas Travel
    (Paper 2346) 534
    School Based Policing Newsletter by Constable Pauline Vicary, dated
    13 February 1991 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2257) 516
    Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development
    Annual Report 1994-95 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2324) 522
    Snowdon lashes education flaws, extract from CentralianAdvocate article,
    page 7, dated 16 February 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2216) 489
    Standing Orders Committee
    Procedures for the Presentation and Preparation of Support Materials to
    Accompany Proposed Laws, Third Report, dated February 1996
    (Mr Mc Carthy) (Paper 2339) 529
    Raising Matters of Privilege, Second Report of the Standing Orders Committee,
    dated February 1996 (Paper 2331) 529
    Statutory Declaration signed by Clare Martin, dated 21 February 1996
    (Mr Stirling) (Paper 2222) 493
    Statutory Declaration signed by Syd Stirling, dated 21 February 1996
    (Mr Stirling) (Paper 2221) 493
    Stormwater - Keep it Clean (Mr Reed) (Paper 2214) 488
    Strategy for Waste Management and Pollution Control in the Northern Territory, Department
    of Lands, Planning and Environment, dated September 1995
    (Mr Reed) (Paper 2210) 488
    Table 20, Student/Teacher staff (FTE) (a) Ratios by level of Education - Category
    of School (and Non-Government Affiliation), 1994 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2174) 479
    Table, extract from an Australian Labor Party document (Mr Stone)
    (Paper 2245) 513
    Table, Teacher Salary Comparison - Projected as at 31 December 1996, prepared
    by HRM Branch, 13 February 1996 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2167) 479
    Teacher Salary Comparison - Projected as at 31 December 1996, Table, prepared
    by HRM Branch, dated 20 February 1996
    (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2228) 496
    Teacher Salary Comparison - Projected as at 31 December 1997, Table,
    prepared by HRM Branch, dated 20 February 1996
    (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2229) 496
    Telstra, Serving Locally Thinking Globally, Liberal and National Parties Policy,
    1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2169) 479
    Territory Labor. Policies for Growth. Jobs. Security. Darwin 2020, Territory
    Labors Strategy for Urban Darwin (Mr Reed) (Paper 2211) 488
    Transcript of Interview, Fred McCue/Daryl Manzie, Fred McCue/Clare Martin,
    Jail Break - Escapees at Large, Morning Program, 8DDD, 12 December 1995
    (Mr Ede) (Paper 2333) 523
    VET Provision outside Darwin and Alice Springs (Mr Stirling) (Paper 2217) 489

    Mr Bell 506
    Mr Ede 479

    Crocodile culling measures (Mr Reed) (1267 petitioners) 510
    Howard Springs Forest (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (160 petitioners) (Paper 2205) 487
    Sexual offenders, lenient sentences (Dr Lim) (4754 Petitioners) (Paper 2191) 477
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (1163 Petitioners) (Paper 2192) 477
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (153 petitioners) (Paper 2203) 477
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (246 petitioners) (Paper 2199) 478
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (355 petitioners) (Paper 2195) 478
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (364 petitioners) (Paper 2200) 478
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (469 petitioners) (Paper 2194) 478
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (607 petitioners) (Paper 2201) 478
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (636 petitioners) (Paper 2193) 477
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (657 petitioners) (Paper 2197) 478
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (672 petitioners) (Paper 2196) 478
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (738 petitioners) (Paper 2202) 478
    Two km drinking law (Mrs Padgham-Purich) (834 petitioners) (Paper 2198) 478
    Two km law and drinking areas (Mr Finch) (871 petitioners) (Paper 2206) 487

    Alleged breach of the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members Interests) Act
    1982 by the Member for Sanderson, Mr Manzie - Request for referral to
    Committee of Privileges (Mr Bell) 530
    Pecuniary interest return for 1993 completed by the former Member for
    Casuarina, Mr Dondas (Mr Bailey) 521

    Inadmissible amendment proposed by the Member for Macdonnell (Standing
    Order 189) 482

    Alice Springs to Darwin Railway project, (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2327) 522
    Federal Labors Territory track record of failure (Mr Stone) (Paper 2215) 489
    File footage by ABC Television and Channel 8 503
    Housing problems in Jabiru (Mr Manzie) (Paper 2226) 497
    Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory (Mr Stone) (Paper 2347) 523
    Return made by the former Member for Casuarina, Mr Dondas, pursuant to the
    Legislative Assembly (Register of Members Interests) Act 500

    Adult Migrant Education Centre students and their lecturer Mr Peter McGuire 520
    Batchelor Area School ,Year 7 students and their teacher Mr Brenton Pedler 520
    Graduate trainees, Department of Transport and Works and the Power and
    Water Authority's Graduate Trainee Programme 520
    Gray Primary School, Year 7 students and their teacher Ms Sue Trimble 495
    Hamon, Mr Grant, Station Commander, Northern Territory Fire Service 503
    Holy Spirit Primary School, Year 7 students and their teachers Mr Jamie Wilks
    and Ms Carmel Reidy 509
    Larrakeyah Primary School students, Year 6 and 7, and their teachers
    Ms Trudy Proctor, Mr Steve Morrison and Ms Pam Dempster 487
    Larrakeyah Primary School, Year 5/6 students and their teacher
    Ms Shayne OHalloran. 520
    Manunda Terrace Primary School students from Year 6/7 and their teachers
    Ms Jeannie Bennett and Ms Jane Boustead 503
    Northern Territory University students from the ELICOS Unit and their lecturers,
    Ms Jan Schneider and Ms Annette Burke 503
    Northern Territory University students, Associate Diploma in Library Practice
    and their lecturer, Ms Christine Hart 520
    Nungalinya College students, Certificate in Community Organising, and their
    Course Co-ordinator, Ms Ellen Gapany 477
    Sacred Heart Primary School students, Year 7, and their teachers
    Bernadette Logan and Craig Simpson 477
    St Johns College students, Year 11 Legal Studies, and their teacher
    Mr Stephen Meara 495
    Wulagi Primary School, Year 6/7 students and their teacher
    Ms Margaret McPherson 509
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016