Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Minutes of Proceedings - 1996-08-13

Seventh Assembly First Session 13/08/1996 Parliamentary Record No. 23

Date : 13/08/1996
Index to Minutes - 13 August 1996 - 22 August 1996

From To Pages
13 August 1996 22 August 1996 569 - 617

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Dated 21 June 1996 570

      Appropriation 1996-97 (Serial 166) 573, 580, 589, 596, 612
      Bail Amendment 1996 (Serial 157) 576
      Brands Amendment 1996 (Serial 172) 597, 612
      Care for the Dying Consultation 1996 (Serial 155) 607
      Criminal Code Amendment 1996 (Serial 161) 576
      Criminal Code Amendment (No. 2) (Serial 162) 594
      Grain Marketing Act Repeal 1996 (Serial 152) 575
      Justices Amendment 1996 (Serial 153) 576
      Legislative Assembly Members' Superannuation Amendment 1996 (Serial 179) 615
      Long Service Leave Amendment 1996 (Serial 178) 592, 606
      Meat Industries 1996 (Serial 175) 598
      Meat Industries 1996 (Serial 175) 612
      Mine Management Amendment 1996 (Serial 160) 616
      Mining Amendment 1996 (Serial 177) 597, 611
      Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority Amendment 1996 (Serial 163) 616
      Police Administration Amendment (No. 2) 1996 (Serial 164) 596, 612, 615
      Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment 1996 (Serial 165) 616
      Respect for Human Life 1996 (Serial 111) 606, 607
      Rights of the Terminally Ill Amendment 1996 (Serial 174) 591, 602, 603
      Sentencing Amendment 1996 (Serial 176) 591, 607
      Statute Law Revision 1996 (Serial 156) 595
      Stock (Artificial Breeding) Amendment 1996 (Serial 169) 597, 612
Stock (Control of Hormonal Growth Promotants) Amendment 1996
      (Serial 171) 597, 612
      Stock Diseases Amendment 1996 (Serial 168) 597, 611
      Stock Routes and Travelling Stock Amendment 1996 (Serial 170) 597, 612
      Summary Offences Amendment (No. 2) 1996 (Serial 167) 584, 594
      Supreme Court Amendment 1996 (Serial 151) 575
      Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment 1996 (Serial 173) 597, 611

      Chief Minister (Mr Stone) - accepting gift of travel to the Atlanta Olympics
from Telstra (Mrs Hickey) 574

      Personal Explanations by Members pursuant to Standing Order 57 (Mr Bell) 572

      Armstrong, Honourable Ian, OBE, MP, Leader of the National Party in the
New South Wales Legislative Assembly and Shadow Minister for
Rural Affairs, State Development and the Olympics 591
      Dondas, Honourable Nick, AM, Member for the Northern Territory in the
      House of Representatives 573
      Everingham, Honourable Paul, AO, former Chief Minister in this Legislative Assembly
      and former Member for the Northern Territory in the House of Representatives 573
      Howson, Honourable Peter, CMG, former Member for Casey and Minister
      in the Commonwealth Government 579
      Perron, Mr Marshall, former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory and
      former Member for Fannie Bay 570
      Schipp, Honourable Joseph, Member for Wagga Wagga and former
      Minister for Housing in the New South Wales Parliament, and Mrs Schipp 600
      Vale, Mr Roger, former Member for Braitling and former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly 609

      Mr Ah Kit 604

      Wednesday 21 August 1996 (Mr Coulter) 584

      Member for Arafura (Mr Rioli), 14 August 1996 to 15 August 1996 580

      No. 21, Recommending to the Legislative Assembly a Bill for an Act to
      authorise the issuing and expending of the public moneys of the Territory in respect
      of the year ending 30 June 1997 (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2020) 569
      No. 22, Assent to proposed laws (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2584) 583

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Contingent Notices
      Regulations 1996, No. 11, Amendments of work Health Regulations - Notice
      of motion to disallow (Mr Setter) 611
      Order of Business (Mr Coulter) 593
      Suspend Standing Orders
      Pass Bill through all stages
        Rights of the Terminally Ill Amendment Bill 1996
        (Serial 174) (Mr Poole) 602
      Take four Bills together
Stock Diseases Amendment 1996 (Serial 168); Stock (Artificial Breeding)
Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 169); Stock Routes and Travelling Stock
Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 170); Stock (Control of Hormonal Growth
Promotants) Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 171) 612

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Aboriginal Land Rights (NorthernTerritory) Act 1976, reject any proposals
      to extend or remove land claim cut-off date - Note Statement (Mr Reed) 584
      Alice Springs Gaol - Proposed reference to the Public Accounts Committee (Ms Martin) 604
      Alice Springs Gaol construction
      Reference to the Public Accounts Committee for inquiry and report (Mrs Hickey) 592
      Auditor-General’s End of Financial Year Report to the Legislative Assembly
      Note paper (Mr Stone) 609
      Print (Mr Stone) 609
      Censure of Chief Minister (Mr Stone) re accepting gift of travel to the Atlanta Olympics
      from Telstra (Mrs Hickey) 574
      Centenary Olympics in Atlanta, participation of Territorians, Ms Nova Peris, Mr Ian
      Vander-Wal, Mr James Swan and Ms Kerry Dienelt (Mr Stone) 571
      Centenary Olympics in Atlanta, participation of Territorians, Ms Nova Peris, Mr Ian
      Vander-Wal, Mr James Swan and Ms Kerry Dienelt (Mr Stone) 580
      Commonwealth Government’s Budget cuts (Mrs Hickey) 591
      Commonwealth Government’s cuts to programmes and jobs in regional
      Australia (Mrs Hickey) 603
      Constitution for the Northern Territory and Addendum, Final Draft
      Note paper (Mr Hatton) 610
      Print (Mr Hatton) 610
      Criminal justice system and victims of crime - Note Statement (Mr Burke) (Paper 2598) 593
      Firearms Bill 1996, Draft - Note paper (Mr Stone) 600
      Leanyer Recreation Park Management Plan - Note paper (Mr Hatton) 601
      Mt Todd Project Agreement Ratification Act, Further Agreement between the Northern
      Territory of Australia and Pegasus Gold Australia Pty Ltd,
      dated 31 July 1996 - Note Paper (Mr Manzie) 589
      Multicultural Information Directory, 1996 - Note paper (Mr Hatton) 600
      N T Expo 96 - Note statement (Mr Hatton) 610
      Northern Territory Parks Masterplan and Executive Summary - Note paper (Mr Hatton) 611
      Northern Territory Statehood
      Note statement (Mr Stone) 610
      Public Accounts Committee, Report No. 27, Provision of School Education Services for
      Remote Aboriginal Communities in the Northern Territory
      Note paper (Mr Setter) 599
      Print (Mr Setter) 599
      Publications Committee, Seventh Report - Adopt report (Mr Setter) 599
MOTIONS (Substantive) (cont)
      Regulations 1996, No. 11, Amendments of Work Health Regulations - Notice
of motion to disallow (Mr Setter) 611
      Select Committee on Violence in the Northern Territory (Mrs Hickey) 601
      Sessional Committee on the Environment, Report, dated August 1996
      Note paper (Dr Lim) 600
      Print (Dr Lim) 600
      Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community
      Appoint Mr Burke (Mr Coulter) 571
      Discharge (Mr Finch) 571
Weed management strategy - Note statement (Mr Palmer) 594

      ABTA Distributions for Land Councils Administration Expenses,
      subsection 64(1) and 64(7), distributions from 1987-88 to 1992-93
      (Mr Reed) (Paper 2586) 588
      Administrative Arrangements Order, Gazette No. S17, dated 21 June 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2504) 571
      Alice Springs Gaol and Labour Prison, Prisoner Management Costs/Operational Expenses -
      Table - from 1990-91 to 1995-96 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2627) 605
      Annual Reports
      Centralian College, 1995 (First Report) (Paper 2635) 617
      National Road Trauma Advisory Council, 1994-95 (Paper 2522) 576
      Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority, 1995 (Paper 2632) 617
      Northern Territory Rural College, 1995 (Paper 2633) 617
      Northern Territory University, 1995 (Paper 2631) 617
      Auditor-General’s End of Financial Year Report to the Legislative Assembly
      (Mr McCarthy) (Paper 2637) 609
      Boss gets boot over assault, The W. A. Construction Worker - Winter 1996
      (Mr Stone) (Paper 2605) 598
      Budget and Capital Works, 1996-97-Regional Highlights - Alice Springs (Mr Reed) (Paper 2519) 573
      Budget and Capital Works, 1996-97-Regional Highlights - Arnhem and Tiwi Islands
      (Mr Reed) (Paper 2517) 573
      Budget and Capital Works, 1996-97-Regional Highlights - Darwin (Mr Reed) (Paper 2514) 573
      Budget and Capital Works, 1996-97-Regional Highlights - Katherine (Mr Reed) (Paper 2516) 573
      Budget and Capital Works, 1996-97-Regional Highlights - Palmerston and Rural
      (Mr Reed) (Paper 2515) 573
      Budget and Capital Works, 1996-97-Regional Highlights - Tennant Creek (Mr Reed) (Paper 2518) 573
      Budget Paper No. 1, 1996-97-Budget Speech and Appropriation Bill (Mr Reed) (Paper 2507) 573
      Budget Paper No. 2, 1996-97-The Budget, Part I (Mr Reed) (Paper 2508) 573
      Budget Paper No. 2, 1996-97-The Budget, Part II (Mr Reed) (Paper 2509) 573
      Budget Paper No. 3, 1996-97-Sources of Funds (Mr Reed) (Paper 2510) 573
      Budget Paper No. 4, 1996-97-Capital Works Program (Mr Reed) (Paper 2511) 573
      Budget Paper No. 5, 1996-97-Issues in Public Finance (Mr Reed) (Paper 2512) 573
      Budget Paper No. 6, 1996-97-Northern Territory Economy (Mr Reed) (Paper 2513) 573
      Business Names Extract - Northern Territory - Territory Surgical Supplies,
      Office of Business Affairs (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2595) 593
      Business Names Extract, Office of Business Affairs, Territory Surgical Supplies
      (Mr Poole) (Paper 2612) 598
      Canada could help us beat alcohol problems, Katherine Times, dated
      17 January 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2578) 581
      Commonwealth Financial Relations with Other Levels of Government, 1996-97,
      Budget Paper No. 3 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2619) 603
      Constitution for the Northern Territory and Addendum, Final Draft
      (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2638) 610
      Crown Lands Act
      Revocation of Reserve No. 1301, pursuant to section 76(5), Adelaide River,
      dated 18 July 1996 (Paper 2523) 577
      Evidence Act1995, No. 2 of 1995 of the C\Wealth (Mr Bell) (Paper 2599) 593
      Financial Accounts for the year ended 30th June 1995, Nalisi Pty Limited,
      A.C.N. 002 173 177 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2634) 609
      Financial Management Act
      Approval of Additional Allocation, pursuant to section 22(1), Department
      of the Legislative Assembly, dated 26 June 1996 (Paper 2539) 577
      Approval of Additional Allocations, pursuant to section 22(1), Northern Territory
      Employment and Training Authority; Power and Water Authority,
        Aboriginal Essential Services; Department of Correctional Services,
        dated 30 June 1996 (Paper 2541) 577
      Approval of Additional Allocations, pursuant to section 22(1), Office of the Director
      of Public Prosecutions, dated 26 June 1996 (Paper 2542) 577
      Determination, pursuant to section 22(2), signed by the Chief Minister
      acting for and on behalf of the Treasurer, Various Agencies, dated
      30 June 1996 (Paper 2540) 577
      Direction by Chief Minister acting for and on behalf of the Treasurer,
      pursuant to section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocation, Centralian College,
      dated 30 June 1996 (Paper 2532) 577
      Direction by Chief Minister acting for and on behalf of the Treasurer,
      pursuant to section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocation, Department
      of Transport and Works (NCOM), dated 28 June 1996 (Paper 2538) 577
      Direction by Chief Minister acting for and on behalf of the Treasurer,
      pursuant to section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocation, Parks and Wildlife
      Commission of the Northern Territory, dated 30 June 1996 (Paper 2535) 577
      Direction by Chief Minister acting for and on behalf of the Treasurer, pursuant to
      section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocations, Department of Education,
      dated 30 June 1996 (Paper 2534) 577
      Direction by Chief Minister acting for and on behalf of the Treasurer, pursuant to
      section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocations, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s
      Department, dated 30 June 1996 (Paper 2536) 577
      Direction by Chief Minister acting for and on behalf of the Treasurer,
      pursuant to section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocations, Northern Territory
      Employment and Training Authority, dated 30 June 1996 (Paper 2537) 577
      Direction by Chief Minister acting for and on behalf of the Treasurer,
      pursuant to section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocations, Power and Water
      Authority, Aboriginal Essential Services, dated 30 June 1996 (Paper 2533) 577
      Direction by the Administrator, pursuant to section 20(1)(a), Transfer of
      Excess Allocations , Various Agencies, dated 31 May 1996 (Paper 2530) 577
      Direction by the Administrator, pursuant to section 20(1)(a), Transfer of
      Excess Allocations, Territory Health Services, dated 28 June 1996 (Paper 2528) 577
      Direction by the Administrator, pursuant to section 20(1)(a), Transfer of
      Excess Allocations, Various Agencies, dated 28 June 1996 (Paper 2529) 577
      Direction by the Administrator, pursuant to section 20(1)(a), Transfer of
      Excess Allocations, Various Agencies, dated 31 May 1996 (Paper 2531) 577
      Direction by Treasurer, pursuant to section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocation,
      Department of Transport and Works, dated 20 June 1996 (Paper 2527) 577
      Direction by Treasurer, pursuant to section 20(1)(b), Transfer of Excess Allocation,
      Northern Territory Housing Commission (Housing), dated
      4 June 1996 (Paper 2525) 577
      Variation of Allocation to Activity, pursuant to section 23(1) and 23(2), Northern Territory
      Police, Fire and Emergency Services, dated
      30 June 1996 (Paper 2545) 578
      Variation of Allocation to Activity, pursuant to section 23(1), Department
      of Transport and Works, Construction Agency, dated 26 June 1996 (Paper 2547) 577
      Variation of Allocation to Activity, pursuant to section 23(1), Department
      of Transport and Works, N T Fleet, Department of Transport and Works, NCOM,
      dated 26 June 1996 (Paper 2543) 578
      Variation of Allocation to Activity, pursuant to section 23(1), Power and
      Water Authority, Commercial Services and Power and Water Authority, Water
      Resources, dated 26 June 1996 (Paper 2548) 578
      Variation of Allocation to Activity, pursuant to section 23(1), Power
      and Water Authority, Commercial Services, dated 30 June 1996
      (Paper 2546) 578
      Variation of Allocations to Activities, pursuant to section 23(1),
      Department of Transport and Works, N T Fleet and Department
      of Transport and Works, NCOM, dated 30 June 1996 (Paper 2544) 578
      Variation of Allocations to Activities, pursuant to section 23(1),
      Department of Transport and Works, N T Fleet, dated 5 June 1996 (Paper 2526) 577
      Firearms Bill 1996, Draft (Mr Stone) (Paper 2614) 600
      Firearms Price List, dated March 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2615) 600
      Govt sneaks in fee rises Bailey, Northern Territory News, Article, dated 8 July 1996
      (Mr Stone) (Papers 2628 and 2629) 609
      Graph, Capital Works, 1989-90 to 1996-97(Mr Bailey) (Paper 2575) 580
      Graph, Education - Gross Outlays, 1991-92 to 1996-97, Source
      N T Treasury (Mr Finch) (Paper 2582) 584
      Graph, S.64(1) and 64(7) Payments to Land Councils (Mr Reed) (Paper 2588) 588
      Guide through the Budget Papers (Mr Reed) (Paper 2506) 573
      House prices up in Darwin, Palmerston, Northern Territory News, dated
      17 August 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2621) 603
      Information Bulletin No. 1 - Government Extends Offer to Individual
      Teachers and AEU, David Hawkes, Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment,
      dated 13 August 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2571) 579
      Information Bulletin No. 2, David Hawkes, Office of the Commissioner
      for Public Employment, dated 13 August 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2572) 579
      Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996, Draft (Mr Burke) (Paper 2597) 593
      Land Council Administrative Expenses, Increases, compared with CPI
      and running cost budgets (Mr Reed) (Paper 2587) 588
      Leanyer Recreation Park Management Plan (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2617) 601
      Areyonga Community Inc re Areyonga Housing Situation, dated 19 August 1996,
      note from (Mr Bell) (Paper 2602) 596
      Beazley, Mr Kim C., MP, Federal Leader of the Opposition to Ms Maggie Hickey, MLA,
      Leader of the Opposition, dated 22 July 1996
      (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2644) 610
      Bell, Mr Neil, MLA to Hon Mike Reed, MLA, Minister for Planning,
      dated 31 July 1996 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2570) 576
      Brooks, Mr Norm, Manager, Industrial Relations, Northern Territory
      Police to Mr Maxwell J. Hill, Executive Officer, Northern Territory Police Association Inc,
      dated 20 August 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2645) 612
      Coutts, Mr Noel, Superintendent, Alice Springs West, Department of
      Education to Zo Morgan, Head Teacher, Areyonga School, dated
      17 June 1996 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2604) 596
      Donald, Ngoi Ngoi, President and Zo Morgan, Head Teacher to the
      Areyonga Community Council, dated 19 August 1996
      (Mr Bell) (Paper 2603) 596
      Hickey, Mrs Maggie, MLA, Leader of the Opposition to Hon J. Howard, MP, Prime Minister,
      dated 17 May 1996 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2642) 610
      Howard, Hon J., MP, Prime Minister to Ms Maggie Hickey, MLA,
      Leader of the Opposition, dated 29 July 1996 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2643) 610
      McNeill, Mr Ian, Clerk of the Legislative Assembly to Mr John Ah Kit, MLA, Member
      for Arnhem, dated 14 August 1996 and attachment ‘Expenses incurred by Mr Ah Kit,
      CPA Seminar, Hong Kong’
      (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2574) 579
      Perron, Hon Marshall, MLA, Chief Minister dated 30 May 1994 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2581) 584
      Reed, Hon Mike, MLA, Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment, to Ms T. Pratt,
      dated 29 July 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2591) 590
      Stone, Hon Shane L. MLA, Chief Minister to Mr W. Frank Blount, Chief Executive Officer,
      Telstra, dated 18 July 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2521) 574
      Map, Community Living Areas - 27 May 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2589) 588
      Meals - Alice Springs Gaol (including NASCC) - Table - from 1992 to 1996 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2626) 605
      Media Release, Mike Reed, MLA, Member for Katherine, dated
      16 January 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2579) 581
      Milikapiti Community Government Scheme Amendment (Paper 2592) 596
      Ministerial Travel and Hospitality Expenditure 1994-95, Summary by
      Ministerial Portfolio Responsibilities, Appendix 12 - extract from
      Annual Report of the Department of the Chief Minister, 1994-95
      (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2577) 580
      Mt Todd Project Agreement Ratification Act
      Further Agreement between the Northern Territory of Australia and Pegasus Gold Australia
      Pty Ltd, dated 31 July 1996 (Mr Manzie) (Paper 2590) 589
      Multicultural Information Directory 1996 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2618) 600
      Northern Territory Australia’s best kept secret, Building Owner and Manager, dated July 1996
      (Mr Reed) (Paper 2624) 603
      Northern Territory Government Position on Aboriginal Land Claims, 1976 - August 1996
      (Mr Palmer) (Paper 2585) 587
      Northern Territory Parks Masterplan and Executive Summary, Draft
      (Paper 2640 and Paper 2641) 611
      Northern Territory Weeds Management Strategy 1996 - 2005 (Mr Palmer) (Paper 2601) 594
      Parliamentary Study tour - Peter Adamson, MLA - Itinerary, 23 June 1996 to
      11 July 1996 (Mr Adamson) (Paper 2647) 617
      Police Administration Act
      Consent Agreement pursuant to section 51(a), dated
      26 July 1996 (Paper 2524) 578
      Public Accounts Committee, Report No. 27, Report of the Provision of
      School Education Services for Remote Aboriginal Communities in the
      Northern Territory (Mr Setter) (Paper 2611) 599
      Reed defends trip - Hotel cost justified, extract from the Katherine Times,
      dated 31 July 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2573) 579
      Regulations 1996
      No. 21, Palmerston (Private Swimming Pool) By-laws (Paper 2549) 578
      No. 22, Amendment of Justices Regulations (Paper 2550) 578
      No. 23, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices Enforcement Scheme)
      Regulations (Paper 2551) 578
      No. 24, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices Enforcement Scheme)
      Regulations (Paper 2552) 578
      No. 25, Amendments of Gaming Machine Regulations (Paper 2553) 578
      No. 26, Amendment of Education (Board of Studies) Regulations
      (Paper 2554) 578
      No. 27, Amendment of Supreme Court Rules (Paper 2555) 578
      No. 28, Sentencing Regulations (Paper 2556) 578
      No. 29, Status of Children Regulations (Paper 2557) 578
      No. 30, Amendments of Motor Vehicles (Fees and Charges) Regulations (Paper 2558) 578
      No. 31, Amendment of Prisons (Correctional Services) Regulations (Paper 2559) 578
      No. 32, Prisons (Correctional Services) (Home Detention Orders)
      Regulations (Paper 2560) 578
      No. 33, Prisons (Correctional Services) (Community Service Orders) Regulations (Paper 2561) 578
      No. 34, Rights of the Terminally Ill Regulations (Paper 2562) 578
      No. 35, Amendment of Legal Practitioners Regulations (Paper 2563) 578
      No. 36, Amendment of Legal Practitioners Rules (Paper 2564) 578
      No. 37, Northern Territory Electoral Regulations (Paper 2565) 578
      No. 38, Amendment of Work Health Regulations (Paper 2566) 578
      No. 39, Amendment of Prisoners (Interstate Transfer) Regulations
      (Paper 2567) 578
      No. 40, Amendment of Fisheries Regulations (Paper 2568) 578
      No. 41, Amendment of Planning Regulations (Paper 2569) 578
      Remuneration Tribunal Determination
      Magistrates of the Northern Territory, Report and Recommendation No. 1
      of 1996 (Paper 2636) 617
      Sentencing Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996, Draft (Mr Burke) (Paper 2596) 593
      Sessional Committee on the Environment, Report, dated August 1996
      (Dr Lim) (Paper 2613) 600
      Seventh Report of the Publications Committee (Mr Setter) (Paper 2610) 598
      Statement of Expenses of Ministers of the Crown (Queensland) for the period
      1 July 1994 to 30 June 1995 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2576) 580
      Territory action Budget aims to boost investment, The Australian, dated
      14 August 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2623) 603
      Territory economy is fastest growing, Northern Territory News, dated
      19 August 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2620) 603
      Territory leads decade of growth, The Australian Financial Review, dated
      14 August 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2622) 603
      The Need to Know, Information Technology and the Information Needs
      of the Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly by
      Mark Doubleday, March 1996 (Dr Lim) (Paper 2646) 616
      Transcript of conversation allegedly referring to information provided to
      Mr Nick Dondas’ campaign team during the 1996 Federal Election
      campaign (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2580) 584
      Travelling North Weekend Australian, Property Magazine, dated
      10 11 August 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2625) 604
      Women in the Budget, 1996-97 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2505) 573

      Mr Burke 571

      Northern Territory teachers' dispute with the Government (Mr Bell) (427 petitioners) (Paper 2594) 591
      Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, repeal or to suspend its operation, in light
      of the strong negative reaction to its implementation within certain
      Aboriginal communities (Mr Stirling) (18 petitioners) (Paper 2593) 591
      Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, repeal, request by Ramingining, Gapuwiak, Galiwinku and
      Milingimbi communities (Mr Ah-Kit) (232 petitioners) (Paper 2606) 597
      Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill, repeal (Mr Baldwin) (6 petitioners)
      (Paper 2609) 597
      Rights of the Terminally Ill Bill, repeal, Daly River community (Mr Baldwin) (Paper 2608) 597
      Tanami Road upgrading to the Yuendumu, Yuelamu, Napperby and Nyirripi communities
      (397 petitioners) (Paper 2607) 597

      Alleged Speaker’s Constraint On Members’ Making Personal Explanations
      Decision by Speaker not to refer the matter to Committee of Privileges 572

      Member for Stuart (Mr Ede), midnight of Friday, 23 August 1996 600

      Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976, reject any
      proposals to extend or remove land claim cut-off date (Mr Reed) 584
      Budget Speech broadcast by NTD Channel 8 and ABC Television, and
      8TOP FM Radio (Mr McCarthy) 569
      Conduct of Members during Question Time (Mr McCarthy) 592
      Criminal justice system and victims of crime (Mr Burke) (Paper 2598) 593
      Leanyer Recreation Park Management Plan (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2616) 601
      Members’ overseas travel details (Mr McCarthy) 579
      Mt Todd Project Agreement Ratification Act
      Further Agreement between the Northern Territory of Australia and
      Pegasus Gold Australia Pty Ltd, dated 31 July 1996 (Mr Manzie) 589
      N T Expo 96 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2630) 610
      Northern Territory Statehood (Mr Stone) (Paper 2639) 610
      Regulations 1996, No. 34, Rights of the Terminally Ill Regulations (Mr Setter) 611
      Weed management strategy (Mr Palmer) (Paper 2600) 594

      Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies Faculty, Associate Diploma of Human
      Services students, Northern Territory University and their lecturer
      Mr Lester Thompson 579
      Casuarina Secondary College, adult English as a Second Language
      students and lecturer, Mrs Marian Visentin 609
      Casuarina Secondary College, Year 11 Legal Studies students and
      their teacher Mr Peter Tibbets 591
      Casuarina Secondary College, Year 11 Politics students and their
      teacher, Mr Graham Parker 597
      Local Government Officers from the Philippines 597
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016