Minutes of Proceedings - 1996-05-21
Seventh Assembly First Session 21/05/1996 Parliamentary Record No. 22
Date : 21/05/1996__________________________________________________________________________________
Index to Minutes - 14 May 1996 - 23 May 1996
From To Pages
14 May 1996 23 May 1996 535 - 599
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
Bail Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 157) 570, 585
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Consequential Amendments)
Bill 1996 (Serial 147) 546, 547
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 1996 (Serial 146) 546, 547
Care of the Dying Consultation Bill 1996 (Serial 155) 536, 561
Competition Policy Reform (Northern Territory) Bill 1996 (Serial 122) 573
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996 (Serial 162) 570, 585
Criminal Code Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 161) 570, 585
Education Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 154) 545, 563, 587, 589
Gaming Control Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 148) 566
Grain Marketing Act Repeal Bill 1996 (Serial 152) 545, 564
Juries Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 143) 546
Justices Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 153) 549, 566
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 158) 570, 586, 598
Liquor Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 139) 586, 587
Mine Management Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 160) 570, 585
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 137) 573, 578
Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority Amendment
Bill 1996 (Serial 163) 570, 585
Police Administration Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996 (Serial 164) 570, 584
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 120) 563
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 145) 546
Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 165) 570, 586
Respect for Human Life Bill 1996 (Serial 111) 556
Sentencing (Consequential Amendments) Amendment
Bill 1996 (Serial 159) 570, 586, 598
Statute Law Revision Bill 1996 (Serial 156) 570, 584
Summary Offences Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 144) 546
Supply Bill 1996-97 (Serial 150) 543, 567
Supreme Court Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 151) 549, 566
Traffic Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 138) 573, 578
Government for appropriating public money for the legal costs of
Ministers as plaintiffs in defamation actions (Mr Bell) 592
Minister for Health Services (Mr Finch) - re Health Services (Mrs Hickey) 582
Minister for Public Employment (Mr Finch) re teachers dispute (Mr Stirling) 539
Port Arthur, Tasmania, multiple shootings on Sunday 28 April 1996 (Mr Stone) 538
Northern Territory’s Water Resources (Mr Coulter) 589
Pastoral Land Board, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Coulter) 589
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1996, Draft (Mr Coulter) 589
Perron, Mr Marshall, former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory 581
Roper, Honourable Tom, former Treasurer of the Legislative Assembly, Victoria 552
Williams, Honourable John, former Member of the Legislative Council of Western Australia and Mrs Sylvia Williams 569
Mr Bell 565,597
Member for Arnhem (Mr Ah Kit), 14 May 1996 to 16 May 1996 536
Member for Greatorex (Dr Lim), 14 May 1996 to 23 May 1996 536
Constitutional Convention (Mrs Hickey) 572
Member for Macdonnell (Mr Bell), 21 May 1996, 24 hours 570
No. 19, Supply Bill 1996-97 (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2349) 535
No. 20, Assent to proposed laws (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2400) 569
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Extension of time for Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) - negatived 539
General Business, order of notices 555
Leave denied Mr Stone to move a motion relating to the Native Title Act 1994 552
Order of Business, Liquor Amendment Bill 1996 (serial 139) 573
Suspend Standing Orders
Allow Chief Minister to move a motion relating to the Native Title Act 1994 552
Allow Mr Bailey to move a motion expressing a want of confidence in
the Minister for Local Government (Mr Finch)re conflict of
interest - legal expenses 550
Allow Mr Bailey to move a motion of dissent from the Speaker's decision
not to refer alleged matter of privilege relating to Member for Casuarina's
return pursuant to section 5 of the Legislative Assembly (Register of Member's Interests) Act 542
Allow Mr Bell to move a motion of dissent from Speaker's ruling - Operation
of Standing Order 54 597
Allow Mr Bell to move a motion relating a conflict of interest of the
Minister for Local Government (Mr Manzie) 554
Suspend Standing Orders
Pass Bills through all stages
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Aboriginal Health Policy - Note Statement (Mr Finch) 565
Aboriginal Tourism Strategy, dated May 1996 - Note Paper (Mr Coulter) 593
Alleged contravention of section 21(3) of the Northern Territory
(Self-Government) Act by the Member for Sanderson
Refer matter to the Committee of Privileges (Mr Bell) 560
Australasian Police Ministers’ Council, Special Meeting, Canberra,
10 May 1996 - Note Statement (Mr Stone) 539
Censure of Government for appropriating public money for the legal costs
of Ministers as plaintiffs in defamation actions - Motion negatived (Mr Bell) 592
Censure of Minister for Public Employment (Mr Finch)
re teachers dispute - (Mr Stirling) 539
Cooperative Legislation Scheme for Censorship Classification in
Australia - Note Papers (Mr Hatton) 584
Darwin Harbour Protection - Note Statement (Mr Burke) 572
Ethnic Affairs Policy - Note Statement (Mr Stone) 594
Estimates Committee system for Parliament (Mr Bailey) 536, 563
Honesty and integrity in our Parliament and Government (Mrs Hickey) 536, 561
Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act 1982,
alleged breach by the Member for Sanderson 557
LegislativeAssembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act 1982, alleged breach of section 10 by Member for Sanderson, Mr Manzie - negatived(Mr Bell) 543
Meat Industries Bill 1996, Draft Bill - Note Paper (Mr Palmer) 545
Member for Casuarina (Mr Dondas), former, alleged contravention of the
Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act 1982 (Mr Bailey) 556
Native Title Act and pastoral leases (Mr Stone) 552
Ombudsman, Annual Report, 1994-95 - Note Paper (Mr Stone) 589
Opposition Office Holders and Shadow Responsibilities (Mrs Hickey) 537
Port Arthur, Tasmania, multiple shootings on Sunday 28 April 1996 -
Condolence (Mr Stone) 538
Report on the Implementation of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Working
Party Report, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department and
Territory Health Services, dated May 1996 - Note Paper (Mr Hatton) 593
Select Committee on Interactive Television Gaming
Report on the Impact of Broadband Communication Services on the Northern Territory’s Racing and Gaming Industry
Note Paper (Mr Baldwin) 537,566
Print (Mr Baldwin) 537
Select Committee on Violence, proposed (Mrs Hickey) 581
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development
Appoint Mr Ede (Mrs Hickey) 536
Discharge Mrs Hickey (Mrs Hickey) 536
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community -
Public Drunkenness in Central Australia, extension of time to Report by 23 May 1996 (Mr Finch) 547
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community -
Inquiry into the Nyirripi Disturbances, November 1994 - Note Report (Mr Finch) 595
Standing Orders Committee
Appoint Mr Ede (Mrs Hickey) 536
Discharge Mrs Hickey (Mrs Hickey) 536
Second Report - Adopt recommendations 596
Second and Third Reports - Note reports (Mr Coulter) 596
Sustainable Use of Wildlife - Note Statement (Mr Coulter) 571
Transport Policies - Note Statement (Mr Palmer) 584
4 die at RDH police called in, article, N T News, dated 12 August 1994
(Mr Reed) (Paper 2450) 583
8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Hong Kong, Daily Diary,
Thursday 16 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2427) 578
8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Proceedings of the Closing
Ceremony and Dinner, Hong Kong, 17 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2414) 578
A Handbook for Migrants looking for work in the Northern Territory,
Office of Ethnic Affairs (Mr Stone) (Paper 2499) 594
A Strategy for Conservation through the Sustainable Use of Wildlife in the
Northern Territory of Australia, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the
Northern Territory - Draft (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2403) 571
A Trial Management Program for Cycads in the Northern Territory of
Australia, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory,
dated December 1995 - Draft (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2405) 571
A Trial Management Program for the Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo,
Calyptorhynchus banksii, in the Northern Territory of Australia, Parks
and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory dated December 1995 -
Draft (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2404) 571
Aboriginal Health Policy 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2398) 565
Aborigines ‘sold out’ by Keating, by Keith Scott, The Canberra Times,
dated 9 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2382) 551
Access to Information by the Legislative Council, Speech,
Hon Eric LI Ka-cheung, JP, Chairman, Public Accounts Committee,
Hong Kong Legislative Council (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2415) 578
Access to Information by the Legislature, paper by Mr Wilson Tuckey, MP,
House of Representatives (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2416) 578
AEU - NT Teachers enterprise Bargaining Agreement Proposal
(Mr Finch) (Paper 2446) 582
AEU- NT Branch, Improved Incentives and Allowances for Educators Living
and Working in Remote Localities (Mr Finch) (Paper 2448) 582
Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of
New South Wales, the State of Victoria, the State of Queensland, the
State of Western Australia, the State of South Australia, the State of
Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory of
Australia relating to a revised co-operative legislative scheme for
censorship in Australia (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2454) 584
Ah Kit threat to euthanasia, article, KatherineTimes, dated 15 May 1996
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2443) 579
ALP Policy Portfolio, as at 23 April 1996 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2352) 537
Annual Reports
ANZ Executors & Trustees Company Limited and its controlled entities,
A. C. N. 006 132 332, for the year ended 30 September 1995 (Paper 2410) 580
Austrust Limited and its controlled entity, A. C. N. 007 869 794, for the
year ended 30 June 1995 (Paper 2411) 580
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority, year
ended 31 December 1994 (Paper 2470) 599
Northern Territory Grain Marketing Board, 1994-95 (Paper 2369) 548
Beneficial Uses for Darwin Harbour Water Quality Management, Power and
Water Authority, Pamphlet (Mr Burke) (Paper 2409) 572
PM has failed us on Mabo, Aborigines 551
Cabinet rolls Keating on Mabo by Lenore Taylor, The Australian,
dated 19 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2389) 552
Certificate in Public Sector Management Course, list of names of
successful graduates (Mr Stone) (Paper 2444) 579
Combined ALP Branches Quiz Night, leaflet, November 25th 1995
(Mr Bailey) (Paper 2503) 599
Committee System, draft speech by Dr Hon Leong Che-hung, OBE, JP,
Chairman of the Legislative Council House Committee
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2434) 579
Commonwealth Response to High Court Mabo Judgement - Statement by
the Prime Minister, the Hon P. J. Keating, MP, dated 18 October 1993
(Mr Stone) (Paper 2380) 551
Costing of the AEU Proposal 15 May 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2447) 582
Deed, Northern Territory of Australia and Zapopan NL
(A. C. N. 009 628 924) and the Jawoyn Association Aboriginal Corporation,
dated 28 January 1993 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2390) 552
Draft Principles for National Model for Regulation of Interactive Home
Gambling, dated 24 April 1996 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2399) 566
Draft Terms of Reference for a Judicial Inquiry into the Payment of
Ministers’ Legal Costs (Mr Bell) (Paper 2466) 592
Eight Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, list of Attendees, Hong Kong,
13 - 18 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2412) 578
Extract from transcript of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation
Committee, dated 19 September 1995 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2465) 592
Facsimile, Mr Anthony J. H. Morris, QC, Barrister-at-Law to Anne Twomey,
Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee,
dated 7 September 1995 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2467) 592
Financial Management Act
Statement under Section 19(4) - Increase of Treasurer’s Advance,
pursuant to section 19(1), signed by the Administrator,
dated 29 February 1996 (Paper 2354) 548
Graph, NT Exports to BIMP Countries (excludes mineral fuels)
1990/91 to 1995/96, Source ABS Foreign Trade Statistics
(Mr Poole) (Paper 2462) 591
Graph, NT Exports to BIMP Countries 1993/94 to 1995/96,
Source ABS Foreign Trade Statistics (Mr Poole) (Paper 2463) 591
Graph, NT Trade with BIMP Countries, Source ABS Foreign Trade
Statistics (Mr Poole) (Paper 2464) 591
Groups laud deal but miners nervous by Tim Stevens, The Australian,
dated 20 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2379) 551
Guidelines for Classification of Computer Games (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2457) 584
Guidelines for Classification of Films and Videotapes (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2455) 584
Handwritten note from the Speaker to Mr Neil Bell, MLA (Mr Bell) (Paper 2501) 594
Health and Community Services Information Strategy - The Business Case, dated February 1995 (revised March 1995) (Mr Finch) (Paper 2401) 570
House of Commons, Public Information Office, Factsheet No. 43,
“Standing Committees” revised February 1995 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2420) 578
House of Commons, Public Information Office, Factsheet No. 6,
“The Post-1979 Departmental Select Committee Structure” revised
November 1995 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2419) 578
Keating makes Mabo history, The Australian, dated 20 October 1993
(Mr Stone) (Paper 2378) 551
Legislative Procedures in Malaysia, paper by Dr Afiffuddin Omar, Regional Representative, South East Asian Region (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2429) 579
Bailey, Mr John MLA, Member for Wanguri to Hon Fred Finch, MLA,
Minister for Public Employment, dated 2 May 1996 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2377) 550
Bell, Mr Neil, MLA, Member for Macdonnell to the Speaker, undated (Mr Bell) (Paper 2500) 594
Booth, Mr John, Vice President and General Manager, Hospital Costs
Consultants to Hon Fred Finch, MLA, Minister for Health Services,
dated 9 May 1996 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2449) 583
Finch, Hon Fred, MLA, Minister for Public Employment to Mr Chris Sharpe, President, Australian Education Union, dated 21 May 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2445) 582
Finch, Hon Fred, MLA, Minister for Public Employment to Mr John Bailey, MLA, Member for Wanguri dated 26 April 1996 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2376) 550
Ketley, Ms Harriet, solicitor, Land and Heritage Unit, Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Inc) to Solicitor for the Northern Territory, dated 20 February 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2381) 551
Shepherd, Sir Colin, MP, Chairman of the Executive Committee to delegates,
Prime Minister, dated 14 May 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2402) 571
Map, Alice Springs Native Title Claim Area (Mr Reed) (Paper 2391) 553
Meat Industries Bill 1996, draft Bill (Paper 2372) (Mr Palmer) 545
Media Release, Treasurer, Hon Mike Reed, MLA dated 7 May 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2395) 563
Memorandum, Graham Nicholson, Crown Counsel’s Chamber to David Anderson, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department, dated 7 May 1996
(Mr Hatton) (Paper 2392) 559
Memorandum, Graham Nicholson, Crown Counsel’s Chamber to David Anderson, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department, dated 9 May 1996
(Mr Hatton) (Paper 2393) 559
Memorandum, Ms Meredith Harrison, Solicitor for the Northern Territory to
the Attorney General, dated 14 May 1996 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2394) 560
National Classification Code (Amendment) (No. 1) (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2458) 584
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority, year
ended 31 December 1994 (Paper 2470) 599
Northern Territory Transport Direction, Department of Transport and Works
(Mr Palmer) (Paper 2452) 584
Note on the Preparatory Committee (PC), Briefing Paper by Office of Margaret Ng, Legislative Councillor, dated April 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2424) 578
Note on the Provisional LegCo (PL), Briefing Paper by Office of Margaret Ng, Legislative Councillor, dated April 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2425) 578
On Development-paper by Ingmar Egede, Inuit Circumpollar Conference,
Greenland, dated 18 January 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2407) 572
Paper on the sequence of events arising out of a matter of privilege during
the Ninth Session of the Eighth Lok Sabha by Subhash C. Kashyap,
dated August 1988 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2432) 579
Parliament and the Media, paper by Cliff Bale, Executive Committee Member,
Hong Kong Journalist’s Association (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2433) 579
Parliament and the Media, paper by Hon Kenneth Allen, MLC,
Monserrat (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2438) 579
Parliamentary Procedure for the Scrutiny of Legislation, paper by
Mr Anil Moonesinghe, MP, Deputy Speaker of Parliament,
Sri Lanka (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2435) 579
Parliamentary Procedures for the Control of Public Expenditure, paper by
Hon Ben Okorro, MP, Speaker of the National Parliament of
Papua New Guinea (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2428) 579
Parliamentary Procedures in the Control of Public Expenditure, speech by
Dr Hon Yeung Sum, Hong Kong (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2431) 579
Petroz boosts Timor Sea find, article, The Australian,
dated 21 May 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2461) 591
PM’s latest deal meets disapproval by Tim Connors, The Canberra Times,
dated 18 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2387) 551
PM faces Cabinet revolt on Mabo plan by Lenore Taylor, The Australian,
dated 16 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2384) 551
PM faces showdown on Mabo, by Lenore Taylor, The Australian,
dated 18 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2386) 551
PM secures Aboriginal consent on Mabo Bill by Keith Scott,
The Canberra Times, dated 16 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2385) 551
PM yields to secure Mabo deal by Keith Scott, The Canberra Times,
dated 19 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2388) 552
Police Administration Act
Consent Agreement pursuant to section 51(b), dated 1 May 1996 (Paper 2356) 548
Consent Agreement pursuant to section 51(b), dated 8 May 1996 (Paper 2355) 548
Printed Matter Classification Guidelines (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2456) 584
Qantas and Territory Mutual Building Society N T Government Sports
Awards 1995 (Mrs Braham) (Paper 2373) 547
Regulations 1996
No. 09, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices
Enforcement Scheme) Regulations (Paper 2357) 548
No. 10, Amendment of Crimes (Forfeiture of Proceeds)
Regulations (Paper 2358) 548
No. 11, Amendments of Work Health Regulations (Paper 2359) 548
No. 12, Amendments of Local Government (Electoral) Regulations (Paper 2360) 548
No. 13, Amendments of Summary Offences Regulations (Paper 2361) 548
No. 14, Amendment of Business Franchise Regulations (Paper 2362) 548
No. 15, Amendment of Planning Regulations (Paper 2363) 548
No. 16, Amendment of Prostitution Regulations (Paper 2364) 548
No. 17, Amendment of Heritage Conservation Regulations (Paper 2365) 548
No. 18, Amendment of Business Franchise Regulations (Paper 2366) 548
No. 19, Fire and Emergency Regulations (Paper 2367 548
No. 20, Amendments of Mining Regulations (Paper 2368) 548
Relationship Between the Legislature and Executive, speech by Hon James Tien
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2418) 578
Report on the Implementation of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Working
Party Report, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department and
Territory Health Services, dated May 1996 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2497) 593
Road Network Strategy, Draft, Department of Transport and Works
(Mr Palmer) (Paper 2453) 584
Role of the Legislature in Policy Formulation, paper by
Honourable Datuk Wong Soon Koh (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2437) 579
Role of the Legislature in Policy Formulation, speech by Hon Ronald Arculli,
Hong Kong (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2436) 579
Select Committee on Interactive Television Gaming
Report on the Impact of Broadband Communication Services on the Northern Territory’s Racing and Gaming Industry (Mr Baldwin) (Paper 2353) 537
Seminar Handbook, 8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Hong Kong,
13 to 18 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2441) 579
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community -
Inquiry into the Nyirripi Disturbances, November 1994 - Note Paper(Mr Finch) 595
Interim Report on Public Drunkenness in Central Australia (Mr Finch) 547
Report No. 7 Inquiry into Public Drunkenness in Central Australia -
November 1995, dated May 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2471) 594
Report No. 7 Inquiry into Public Drunkenness in Central Australia -
November 1995, dated May 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2471) (cont) 594
Speech by the Rt Hon Christopher Patten, Governor, at the opening of the 8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Hong Kong (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2417) 578
Staffing Update Survey, Australian Education Union, N T Branch (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2374) 549
Standing Orders Committee
Second Report - Adopt recommendations relating to privilege (Mr Coulter) 596
Support Services to Members of Parliament, paper by Mr S. N. Mishra,
Secretary-General, Lok Sabha and Honourary Secretary, India CPA Branch
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2422) 578
Support Services to Members of Parliament, Speech by Mr S. N. Mishra,
Secretary-General, Lok Sabha and Honourary Secretary, India CPA Branch
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2421) 578
The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the
People’s Republic of China, book (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2442) 579
The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, speech by
Mr Daniel R. Fung, QC, JP, Solicitor-General (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2439) 579
The Citizenship Dilemma of Hong Kong’s Ethnic Minorities, Briefing Paper
by Office of Christine Loh, Legislative Councillor, dated April 1996
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2423) 578
The Legislative Council Order, paper Wednesday 15 May 1996
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2426) 578
The Northern Territory - Aboriginal Tourism Strategy, dated May 1996
(Mr Coulter) (Paper 2468) 593
The Powers and Privileges of the Legislature, paper by
Hon Albert Busomtwi-Sam, MP, Ghana Branch (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2430) 579
The Powers and Privileges of the Legislature, paper by
Hon Albert Busomtwi-Sam, MP, Ghana Branch (Mr Kit) (Paper 2430) 579
The Powers and Privileges of the Legislature, paper by
Hon Albert Busomtwi-Sam, MP, Ghana Branch (Paper 2430); 579
Undan/Bayu LNG reserves upgraded, article, The Financial Review,
dated 22 May 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2460) 591
What would Member’s opposite have done in this dispute?
(Paper 2370) (Mr Hatton) 539
Why Native Title should stand, article by Henry Reynolds,
The Weekend Australian, dated 18 - 19 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2469) 593
Mr Bailey 549
Mr Finch 550
Mr Manzie 561
Dog control in Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) (1037 petitioners) (Paper 2350) 535
Ross Park floodlights, Alice Springs (Dr Lim) (151 petitioners) (Paper 2459) 591
Sexual assault service in the Katherine Region (Mr Reed)
(493 petitioners) (Paper 2396) 565
Two kilometre law (Mr Baldwin) (81 petitioners) (Paper 2351) 536
Alleged breach of the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members' Interests)
Act 1982 by the Member for Sanderson, Mr Manzie - Request for referral to Committee of
Privileges (Mr Bell)
Opposition Members in the performance of their duties (Mr Ede) 538,540
Alleged contravention of section 21(3) of the Northern Territory
(Self-Government) Act by the Member for Sanderson
Request for referral to Committee of Privileges (Mr Bell) 540
Request denied by Speaker 559
Alleged misleading of the Assembly by the Leader of the
Opposition (Mrs Hickey) during Question Time on Tuesday 14 May 1996 -
Request for referral to Committee of Privileges (Mr Stone) 549
Request denied by Speaker 567
Alleged contravention of the Legislative Assembly (Register of
Member’s Interests) Act 1982 by the former Member for Casuarina, Mr Dondas -
Request for referral of matter to Committee of Privileges (Mr Bailey)
personal explanation submitted to him in writing -
Request that the Speaker refer the matter to the Committee
of Privileges (Mr Bell) 594
ABC Television and Channel 8, file footage 535
Aboriginal Health (Mr Finch) (Paper 2397) 565
Australasian Police Ministers’ Council, Special Meeting, Canberra,
10 May 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2371) 539
Coalition Government’s Response to the Native Title Act 1994
(Mr Stone) (Paper 2375) 551
Darwin Harbour Protection (Mr Burke) (Paper 2408) 572
Ethnic Affairs Policy (Mr Stone) (Paper 2498) 594
Sustainable Use of Wildlife (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2406) 571
Transport Policies (Mr Palmer) (Paper 2451) 584
Alawa Primary School, Years 5, 6 and 7 students and their teacher
Ms Christine Neave 581
St Johns College students and their teachers, Mr John McGarrigle and
Mr Tony Desouza 565
Wanguri Primary School, Year 7 students and their teacher Mr Malcolm Taylor 549
Date : 21/05/1996
Index to Minutes - 14 May 1996 - 23 May 1996
From To Pages
14 May 1996 23 May 1996 535 - 599
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
Bail Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 157) 570, 585
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration (Consequential Amendments)
Bill 1996 (Serial 147) 546, 547
Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill 1996 (Serial 146) 546, 547
Care of the Dying Consultation Bill 1996 (Serial 155) 536, 561
Competition Policy Reform (Northern Territory) Bill 1996 (Serial 122) 573
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996 (Serial 162) 570, 585
Criminal Code Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 161) 570, 585
Education Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 154) 545, 563, 587, 589
Gaming Control Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 148) 566
Grain Marketing Act Repeal Bill 1996 (Serial 152) 545, 564
Juries Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 143) 546
Justices Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 153) 549, 566
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 158) 570, 586, 598
Liquor Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 139) 586, 587
Mine Management Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 160) 570, 585
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 137) 573, 578
Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority Amendment
Bill 1996 (Serial 163) 570, 585
Police Administration Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1996 (Serial 164) 570, 584
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1995 (Serial 120) 563
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 145) 546
Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 165) 570, 586
Respect for Human Life Bill 1996 (Serial 111) 556
Sentencing (Consequential Amendments) Amendment
Bill 1996 (Serial 159) 570, 586, 598
Statute Law Revision Bill 1996 (Serial 156) 570, 584
Summary Offences Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 144) 546
Supply Bill 1996-97 (Serial 150) 543, 567
Supreme Court Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 151) 549, 566
Traffic Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 138) 573, 578
Government for appropriating public money for the legal costs of
Ministers as plaintiffs in defamation actions (Mr Bell) 592
Minister for Health Services (Mr Finch) - re Health Services (Mrs Hickey) 582
Minister for Public Employment (Mr Finch) re teachers dispute (Mr Stirling) 539
Port Arthur, Tasmania, multiple shootings on Sunday 28 April 1996 (Mr Stone) 538
Northern Territory’s Water Resources (Mr Coulter) 589
Pastoral Land Board, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Coulter) 589
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1996, Draft (Mr Coulter) 589
Perron, Mr Marshall, former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory 581
Roper, Honourable Tom, former Treasurer of the Legislative Assembly, Victoria 552
Williams, Honourable John, former Member of the Legislative Council of Western Australia and Mrs Sylvia Williams 569
Mr Bell 565,597
Member for Arnhem (Mr Ah Kit), 14 May 1996 to 16 May 1996 536
Member for Greatorex (Dr Lim), 14 May 1996 to 23 May 1996 536
Constitutional Convention (Mrs Hickey) 572
Member for Macdonnell (Mr Bell), 21 May 1996, 24 hours 570
No. 19, Supply Bill 1996-97 (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2349) 535
No. 20, Assent to proposed laws (Mr Speaker) (Paper 2400) 569
MOTIONS (Procedural)
Extension of time for Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) - negatived 539
General Business, order of notices 555
Leave denied Mr Stone to move a motion relating to the Native Title Act 1994 552
Order of Business, Liquor Amendment Bill 1996 (serial 139) 573
Suspend Standing Orders
Allow Chief Minister to move a motion relating to the Native Title Act 1994 552
Allow Mr Bailey to move a motion expressing a want of confidence in
the Minister for Local Government (Mr Finch)re conflict of
interest - legal expenses 550
Allow Mr Bailey to move a motion of dissent from the Speaker's decision
not to refer alleged matter of privilege relating to Member for Casuarina's
return pursuant to section 5 of the Legislative Assembly (Register of Member's Interests) Act 542
Allow Mr Bell to move a motion of dissent from Speaker's ruling - Operation
of Standing Order 54 597
Allow Mr Bell to move a motion relating a conflict of interest of the
Minister for Local Government (Mr Manzie) 554
Suspend Standing Orders
Pass Bills through all stages
- Education Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 154) 587
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 158) and the
Sentencing (Consequential Amendments) Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 159) 598
Supply Bill 1996 - 97 (Serial 150) 543
- Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 158) and the Sentencing (Consequential Amendments) Amendment Bill 1996 (Serial 159) 585
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Aboriginal Health Policy - Note Statement (Mr Finch) 565
Aboriginal Tourism Strategy, dated May 1996 - Note Paper (Mr Coulter) 593
Alleged contravention of section 21(3) of the Northern Territory
(Self-Government) Act by the Member for Sanderson
Refer matter to the Committee of Privileges (Mr Bell) 560
Australasian Police Ministers’ Council, Special Meeting, Canberra,
10 May 1996 - Note Statement (Mr Stone) 539
Censure of Government for appropriating public money for the legal costs
of Ministers as plaintiffs in defamation actions - Motion negatived (Mr Bell) 592
Censure of Minister for Public Employment (Mr Finch)
re teachers dispute - (Mr Stirling) 539
Cooperative Legislation Scheme for Censorship Classification in
Australia - Note Papers (Mr Hatton) 584
Darwin Harbour Protection - Note Statement (Mr Burke) 572
Ethnic Affairs Policy - Note Statement (Mr Stone) 594
Estimates Committee system for Parliament (Mr Bailey) 536, 563
Honesty and integrity in our Parliament and Government (Mrs Hickey) 536, 561
Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act 1982,
alleged breach by the Member for Sanderson 557
LegislativeAssembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act 1982, alleged breach of section 10 by Member for Sanderson, Mr Manzie - negatived(Mr Bell) 543
Meat Industries Bill 1996, Draft Bill - Note Paper (Mr Palmer) 545
Member for Casuarina (Mr Dondas), former, alleged contravention of the
Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests) Act 1982 (Mr Bailey) 556
Native Title Act and pastoral leases (Mr Stone) 552
Ombudsman, Annual Report, 1994-95 - Note Paper (Mr Stone) 589
Opposition Office Holders and Shadow Responsibilities (Mrs Hickey) 537
Port Arthur, Tasmania, multiple shootings on Sunday 28 April 1996 -
Condolence (Mr Stone) 538
Report on the Implementation of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Working
Party Report, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department and
Territory Health Services, dated May 1996 - Note Paper (Mr Hatton) 593
Select Committee on Interactive Television Gaming
Report on the Impact of Broadband Communication Services on the Northern Territory’s Racing and Gaming Industry
Note Paper (Mr Baldwin) 537,566
Print (Mr Baldwin) 537
Select Committee on Violence, proposed (Mrs Hickey) 581
Sessional Committee on Constitutional Development
Appoint Mr Ede (Mrs Hickey) 536
Discharge Mrs Hickey (Mrs Hickey) 536
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community -
Public Drunkenness in Central Australia, extension of time to Report by 23 May 1996 (Mr Finch) 547
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community -
Inquiry into the Nyirripi Disturbances, November 1994 - Note Report (Mr Finch) 595
Standing Orders Committee
Appoint Mr Ede (Mrs Hickey) 536
Discharge Mrs Hickey (Mrs Hickey) 536
Second Report - Adopt recommendations 596
Second and Third Reports - Note reports (Mr Coulter) 596
Sustainable Use of Wildlife - Note Statement (Mr Coulter) 571
Transport Policies - Note Statement (Mr Palmer) 584
4 die at RDH police called in, article, N T News, dated 12 August 1994
(Mr Reed) (Paper 2450) 583
8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Hong Kong, Daily Diary,
Thursday 16 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2427) 578
8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Proceedings of the Closing
Ceremony and Dinner, Hong Kong, 17 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2414) 578
A Handbook for Migrants looking for work in the Northern Territory,
Office of Ethnic Affairs (Mr Stone) (Paper 2499) 594
A Strategy for Conservation through the Sustainable Use of Wildlife in the
Northern Territory of Australia, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the
Northern Territory - Draft (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2403) 571
A Trial Management Program for Cycads in the Northern Territory of
Australia, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory,
dated December 1995 - Draft (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2405) 571
A Trial Management Program for the Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo,
Calyptorhynchus banksii, in the Northern Territory of Australia, Parks
and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory dated December 1995 -
Draft (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2404) 571
Aboriginal Health Policy 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2398) 565
Aborigines ‘sold out’ by Keating, by Keith Scott, The Canberra Times,
dated 9 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2382) 551
Access to Information by the Legislative Council, Speech,
Hon Eric LI Ka-cheung, JP, Chairman, Public Accounts Committee,
Hong Kong Legislative Council (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2415) 578
Access to Information by the Legislature, paper by Mr Wilson Tuckey, MP,
House of Representatives (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2416) 578
AEU - NT Teachers enterprise Bargaining Agreement Proposal
(Mr Finch) (Paper 2446) 582
AEU- NT Branch, Improved Incentives and Allowances for Educators Living
and Working in Remote Localities (Mr Finch) (Paper 2448) 582
Agreement between the Commonwealth of Australia, the State of
New South Wales, the State of Victoria, the State of Queensland, the
State of Western Australia, the State of South Australia, the State of
Tasmania, the Australian Capital Territory and the Northern Territory of
Australia relating to a revised co-operative legislative scheme for
censorship in Australia (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2454) 584
Ah Kit threat to euthanasia, article, KatherineTimes, dated 15 May 1996
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2443) 579
ALP Policy Portfolio, as at 23 April 1996 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2352) 537
Annual Reports
ANZ Executors & Trustees Company Limited and its controlled entities,
A. C. N. 006 132 332, for the year ended 30 September 1995 (Paper 2410) 580
Austrust Limited and its controlled entity, A. C. N. 007 869 794, for the
year ended 30 June 1995 (Paper 2411) 580
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority, year
ended 31 December 1994 (Paper 2470) 599
Northern Territory Grain Marketing Board, 1994-95 (Paper 2369) 548
Beneficial Uses for Darwin Harbour Water Quality Management, Power and
Water Authority, Pamphlet (Mr Burke) (Paper 2409) 572
PM has failed us on Mabo, Aborigines 551
Cabinet rolls Keating on Mabo by Lenore Taylor, The Australian,
dated 19 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2389) 552
Certificate in Public Sector Management Course, list of names of
successful graduates (Mr Stone) (Paper 2444) 579
Combined ALP Branches Quiz Night, leaflet, November 25th 1995
(Mr Bailey) (Paper 2503) 599
Committee System, draft speech by Dr Hon Leong Che-hung, OBE, JP,
Chairman of the Legislative Council House Committee
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2434) 579
Commonwealth Response to High Court Mabo Judgement - Statement by
the Prime Minister, the Hon P. J. Keating, MP, dated 18 October 1993
(Mr Stone) (Paper 2380) 551
Costing of the AEU Proposal 15 May 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2447) 582
Deed, Northern Territory of Australia and Zapopan NL
(A. C. N. 009 628 924) and the Jawoyn Association Aboriginal Corporation,
dated 28 January 1993 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 2390) 552
Draft Principles for National Model for Regulation of Interactive Home
Gambling, dated 24 April 1996 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2399) 566
Draft Terms of Reference for a Judicial Inquiry into the Payment of
Ministers’ Legal Costs (Mr Bell) (Paper 2466) 592
Eight Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, list of Attendees, Hong Kong,
13 - 18 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2412) 578
Extract from transcript of the Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation
Committee, dated 19 September 1995 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2465) 592
Facsimile, Mr Anthony J. H. Morris, QC, Barrister-at-Law to Anne Twomey,
Senate Legal and Constitutional Legislation Committee,
dated 7 September 1995 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2467) 592
Financial Management Act
Statement under Section 19(4) - Increase of Treasurer’s Advance,
pursuant to section 19(1), signed by the Administrator,
dated 29 February 1996 (Paper 2354) 548
Graph, NT Exports to BIMP Countries (excludes mineral fuels)
1990/91 to 1995/96, Source ABS Foreign Trade Statistics
(Mr Poole) (Paper 2462) 591
Graph, NT Exports to BIMP Countries 1993/94 to 1995/96,
Source ABS Foreign Trade Statistics (Mr Poole) (Paper 2463) 591
Graph, NT Trade with BIMP Countries, Source ABS Foreign Trade
Statistics (Mr Poole) (Paper 2464) 591
Groups laud deal but miners nervous by Tim Stevens, The Australian,
dated 20 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2379) 551
Guidelines for Classification of Computer Games (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2457) 584
Guidelines for Classification of Films and Videotapes (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2455) 584
Handwritten note from the Speaker to Mr Neil Bell, MLA (Mr Bell) (Paper 2501) 594
Health and Community Services Information Strategy - The Business Case, dated February 1995 (revised March 1995) (Mr Finch) (Paper 2401) 570
House of Commons, Public Information Office, Factsheet No. 43,
“Standing Committees” revised February 1995 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2420) 578
House of Commons, Public Information Office, Factsheet No. 6,
“The Post-1979 Departmental Select Committee Structure” revised
November 1995 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2419) 578
Keating makes Mabo history, The Australian, dated 20 October 1993
(Mr Stone) (Paper 2378) 551
Legislative Procedures in Malaysia, paper by Dr Afiffuddin Omar, Regional Representative, South East Asian Region (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2429) 579
Bailey, Mr John MLA, Member for Wanguri to Hon Fred Finch, MLA,
Minister for Public Employment, dated 2 May 1996 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2377) 550
Bell, Mr Neil, MLA, Member for Macdonnell to the Speaker, undated (Mr Bell) (Paper 2500) 594
Booth, Mr John, Vice President and General Manager, Hospital Costs
Consultants to Hon Fred Finch, MLA, Minister for Health Services,
dated 9 May 1996 (Mr Bell) (Paper 2449) 583
Finch, Hon Fred, MLA, Minister for Public Employment to Mr Chris Sharpe, President, Australian Education Union, dated 21 May 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2445) 582
Finch, Hon Fred, MLA, Minister for Public Employment to Mr John Bailey, MLA, Member for Wanguri dated 26 April 1996 (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2376) 550
Ketley, Ms Harriet, solicitor, Land and Heritage Unit, Aboriginal Legal Service of Western Australia (Inc) to Solicitor for the Northern Territory, dated 20 February 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2381) 551
Shepherd, Sir Colin, MP, Chairman of the Executive Committee to delegates,
- 8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, dated 17 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2413) 578
Prime Minister, dated 14 May 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2402) 571
Map, Alice Springs Native Title Claim Area (Mr Reed) (Paper 2391) 553
Meat Industries Bill 1996, draft Bill (Paper 2372) (Mr Palmer) 545
Media Release, Treasurer, Hon Mike Reed, MLA dated 7 May 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2395) 563
Memorandum, Graham Nicholson, Crown Counsel’s Chamber to David Anderson, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department, dated 7 May 1996
(Mr Hatton) (Paper 2392) 559
Memorandum, Graham Nicholson, Crown Counsel’s Chamber to David Anderson, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department, dated 9 May 1996
(Mr Hatton) (Paper 2393) 559
Memorandum, Ms Meredith Harrison, Solicitor for the Northern Territory to
the Attorney General, dated 14 May 1996 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2394) 560
National Classification Code (Amendment) (No. 1) (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2458) 584
Northern Territory Fisheries Joint Authority, year
ended 31 December 1994 (Paper 2470) 599
Northern Territory Transport Direction, Department of Transport and Works
(Mr Palmer) (Paper 2452) 584
Note on the Preparatory Committee (PC), Briefing Paper by Office of Margaret Ng, Legislative Councillor, dated April 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2424) 578
Note on the Provisional LegCo (PL), Briefing Paper by Office of Margaret Ng, Legislative Councillor, dated April 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2425) 578
On Development-paper by Ingmar Egede, Inuit Circumpollar Conference,
Greenland, dated 18 January 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2407) 572
Paper on the sequence of events arising out of a matter of privilege during
the Ninth Session of the Eighth Lok Sabha by Subhash C. Kashyap,
dated August 1988 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2432) 579
Parliament and the Media, paper by Cliff Bale, Executive Committee Member,
Hong Kong Journalist’s Association (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2433) 579
Parliament and the Media, paper by Hon Kenneth Allen, MLC,
Monserrat (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2438) 579
Parliamentary Procedure for the Scrutiny of Legislation, paper by
Mr Anil Moonesinghe, MP, Deputy Speaker of Parliament,
Sri Lanka (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2435) 579
Parliamentary Procedures for the Control of Public Expenditure, paper by
Hon Ben Okorro, MP, Speaker of the National Parliament of
Papua New Guinea (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2428) 579
Parliamentary Procedures in the Control of Public Expenditure, speech by
Dr Hon Yeung Sum, Hong Kong (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2431) 579
Petroz boosts Timor Sea find, article, The Australian,
dated 21 May 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2461) 591
PM’s latest deal meets disapproval by Tim Connors, The Canberra Times,
dated 18 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2387) 551
PM faces Cabinet revolt on Mabo plan by Lenore Taylor, The Australian,
dated 16 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2384) 551
PM faces showdown on Mabo, by Lenore Taylor, The Australian,
dated 18 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2386) 551
PM secures Aboriginal consent on Mabo Bill by Keith Scott,
The Canberra Times, dated 16 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2385) 551
PM yields to secure Mabo deal by Keith Scott, The Canberra Times,
dated 19 October 1993 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2388) 552
Police Administration Act
Consent Agreement pursuant to section 51(b), dated 1 May 1996 (Paper 2356) 548
Consent Agreement pursuant to section 51(b), dated 8 May 1996 (Paper 2355) 548
Printed Matter Classification Guidelines (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2456) 584
Qantas and Territory Mutual Building Society N T Government Sports
Awards 1995 (Mrs Braham) (Paper 2373) 547
Regulations 1996
No. 09, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices
Enforcement Scheme) Regulations (Paper 2357) 548
No. 10, Amendment of Crimes (Forfeiture of Proceeds)
Regulations (Paper 2358) 548
No. 11, Amendments of Work Health Regulations (Paper 2359) 548
No. 12, Amendments of Local Government (Electoral) Regulations (Paper 2360) 548
No. 13, Amendments of Summary Offences Regulations (Paper 2361) 548
No. 14, Amendment of Business Franchise Regulations (Paper 2362) 548
No. 15, Amendment of Planning Regulations (Paper 2363) 548
No. 16, Amendment of Prostitution Regulations (Paper 2364) 548
No. 17, Amendment of Heritage Conservation Regulations (Paper 2365) 548
No. 18, Amendment of Business Franchise Regulations (Paper 2366) 548
No. 19, Fire and Emergency Regulations (Paper 2367 548
No. 20, Amendments of Mining Regulations (Paper 2368) 548
Relationship Between the Legislature and Executive, speech by Hon James Tien
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2418) 578
Report on the Implementation of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act, Working
Party Report, Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department and
Territory Health Services, dated May 1996 (Mr Hatton) (Paper 2497) 593
Road Network Strategy, Draft, Department of Transport and Works
(Mr Palmer) (Paper 2453) 584
Role of the Legislature in Policy Formulation, paper by
Honourable Datuk Wong Soon Koh (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2437) 579
Role of the Legislature in Policy Formulation, speech by Hon Ronald Arculli,
Hong Kong (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2436) 579
Select Committee on Interactive Television Gaming
Report on the Impact of Broadband Communication Services on the Northern Territory’s Racing and Gaming Industry (Mr Baldwin) (Paper 2353) 537
Seminar Handbook, 8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Hong Kong,
13 to 18 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2441) 579
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community -
Inquiry into the Nyirripi Disturbances, November 1994 - Note Paper(Mr Finch) 595
Interim Report on Public Drunkenness in Central Australia (Mr Finch) 547
Report No. 7 Inquiry into Public Drunkenness in Central Australia -
November 1995, dated May 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2471) 594
- Oral Evidence, 15 May 1996, Darwin, Northern Territory Liquor
- Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Alice Springs People’s Action
Group, Mr J Tubbenhauer, Convenor, Ms E Williams, A/Co-ordinator
(Mr Finch) (Paper 2476) 594
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Alice Springs
Sobering-Up Shelter (DASA), Mr J Spink, Manager
(Mr Finch) (Paper 2473) 594
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Alice Springs
Social Issues Working Group, Mr K Lechleitner, Aboriginal
Liaison Officer (Mr Finch) (Paper 2477) 595
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Alice Springs Town Council,
Mr A McNeill, Mayor, Mr A McGill, Town Clerk, Mr P Carr, Director
Statutory Service (Mr Finch) (Paper 2475) 594
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Central Land Council,
Ms E Wanatjura, Project Officer (Mr Finch) (Paper 2480) 595
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Fregon Community,
Ms N Kantjujuni (Mr Finch) (Paper 2482) 595
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Liquor Licensees Association,
Mr G Curnow, President, NT Hotels And Hospitality Association,
Mr D Koch, Representative (Mr Finch) (Paper 2472) 594
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara
Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council, Ms M Kavanagh, Co-ordinator,
Ms W Woods, Vice Chairwoman, Ms M Anderson, Project Officer,
Ms T Colin, Project Officer (Mr Finch) (Paper 2479) 595
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Pitjantjatjara Council,
Ms R Morley, Solicitor (Mr Finch) (Paper 2481) 595
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Tangentyere Council Inc.,
Mr G Shaw, OAM, General Manager, Mr M Bowden, Manager,
Community Services Tangentyere Night Patrol, Ms R Forrester,
Co-ordinator (Mr Finch) (Paper 2478) 595
Oral Evidence, 3 April 1996, Alice Springs, Tyeweretye Clubs Inc.,
Mr B Ferguson, Manager (Mr Finch) (Paper 2474) 594
Oral Evidence, 4 April 1996, Alice Springs, Northern Territory Police,
Mr G Charlwood, Assistant Commissioner (Mr Finch) (Paper 2483) 595
Submission 156, date received 27.3.96, Alice Springs Sobering-up
- Submission 157, date received 28.2.96, Northern Territory Police
(Mr Finch) (Paper 2486) 595
Submission 158, date received 26.3.96, Alice Springs Social
- Submission 159, date received 3.4.96, Public Health Association
of Australia (Mr Finch) (Paper 2488) 595
Report No. 7 Inquiry into Public Drunkenness in Central Australia -
November 1995, dated May 1996 (Mr Finch) (Paper 2471) (cont) 594
- Submission 160, date received 3.4.96, Alice Springs Sobering-up
- Submission 161, date received 3.4.96, Alice Springs Social Issues
Working Group (Mr Finch) (Paper 2490) 595
Submission 162, date received 3.4.96, Tangentyere Council Inc.
(Mr Finch) (Paper 2491) 595
Submission 163, date received 3.4.96, Alice Springs Town
Council (Mr Finch) (Paper 2492) 595
Submission 164, date received 3.4.96, Northern Territory Liquor
Commission (Mr Finch) (Paper 2493) 595
Submission 165, date received 24.4.96, Northern Territory
Police (Mr Finch) (Paper 2494) 595
Submission 167, date received 15.5.96, Northern Territory Liquor
Commission (Mr Finch) (Paper 2495) 595
Submission 167, date received 15.5.96, Northern Territory Liquor
Commission (Mr Finch) (Paper 2496) 595
Submission 168, date received 15.5.96, Northern Territory Liquor
Commission (Mr Finch) (Paper 2496) 595
Speech by the Rt Hon Christopher Patten, Governor, at the opening of the 8th Commonwealth Parliamentary Seminar, Hong Kong (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2417) 578
Staffing Update Survey, Australian Education Union, N T Branch (Mr Bailey) (Paper 2374) 549
Standing Orders Committee
Second Report - Adopt recommendations relating to privilege (Mr Coulter) 596
Support Services to Members of Parliament, paper by Mr S. N. Mishra,
Secretary-General, Lok Sabha and Honourary Secretary, India CPA Branch
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2422) 578
Support Services to Members of Parliament, Speech by Mr S. N. Mishra,
Secretary-General, Lok Sabha and Honourary Secretary, India CPA Branch
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2421) 578
The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the
People’s Republic of China, book (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2442) 579
The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, speech by
Mr Daniel R. Fung, QC, JP, Solicitor-General (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2439) 579
The Citizenship Dilemma of Hong Kong’s Ethnic Minorities, Briefing Paper
by Office of Christine Loh, Legislative Councillor, dated April 1996
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2423) 578
The Legislative Council Order, paper Wednesday 15 May 1996
(Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2426) 578
The Northern Territory - Aboriginal Tourism Strategy, dated May 1996
(Mr Coulter) (Paper 2468) 593
The Powers and Privileges of the Legislature, paper by
Hon Albert Busomtwi-Sam, MP, Ghana Branch (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2430) 579
The Powers and Privileges of the Legislature, paper by
Hon Albert Busomtwi-Sam, MP, Ghana Branch (Mr Kit) (Paper 2430) 579
The Powers and Privileges of the Legislature, paper by
Hon Albert Busomtwi-Sam, MP, Ghana Branch (Paper 2430); 579
Undan/Bayu LNG reserves upgraded, article, The Financial Review,
dated 22 May 1996 (Mr Reed) (Paper 2460) 591
What would Member’s opposite have done in this dispute?
(Paper 2370) (Mr Hatton) 539
Why Native Title should stand, article by Henry Reynolds,
The Weekend Australian, dated 18 - 19 May 1996 (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 2469) 593
Mr Bailey 549
Mr Finch 550
Mr Manzie 561
Dog control in Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) (1037 petitioners) (Paper 2350) 535
Ross Park floodlights, Alice Springs (Dr Lim) (151 petitioners) (Paper 2459) 591
Sexual assault service in the Katherine Region (Mr Reed)
(493 petitioners) (Paper 2396) 565
Two kilometre law (Mr Baldwin) (81 petitioners) (Paper 2351) 536
Alleged breach of the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members' Interests)
Act 1982 by the Member for Sanderson, Mr Manzie - Request for referral to Committee of
Privileges (Mr Bell)
- Decision by Speaker not to refer matter 541
Opposition Members in the performance of their duties (Mr Ede) 538,540
Alleged contravention of section 21(3) of the Northern Territory
(Self-Government) Act by the Member for Sanderson
Request for referral to Committee of Privileges (Mr Bell) 540
Request denied by Speaker 559
Alleged misleading of the Assembly by the Leader of the
Opposition (Mrs Hickey) during Question Time on Tuesday 14 May 1996 -
Request for referral to Committee of Privileges (Mr Stone) 549
Request denied by Speaker 567
Alleged contravention of the Legislative Assembly (Register of
Member’s Interests) Act 1982 by the former Member for Casuarina, Mr Dondas -
Request for referral of matter to Committee of Privileges (Mr Bailey)
- Request denied by Speaker 541
personal explanation submitted to him in writing -
Request that the Speaker refer the matter to the Committee
of Privileges (Mr Bell) 594
ABC Television and Channel 8, file footage 535
Aboriginal Health (Mr Finch) (Paper 2397) 565
Australasian Police Ministers’ Council, Special Meeting, Canberra,
10 May 1996 (Mr Stone) (Paper 2371) 539
Coalition Government’s Response to the Native Title Act 1994
(Mr Stone) (Paper 2375) 551
Darwin Harbour Protection (Mr Burke) (Paper 2408) 572
Ethnic Affairs Policy (Mr Stone) (Paper 2498) 594
Sustainable Use of Wildlife (Mr Coulter) (Paper 2406) 571
Transport Policies (Mr Palmer) (Paper 2451) 584
Alawa Primary School, Years 5, 6 and 7 students and their teacher
Ms Christine Neave 581
St Johns College students and their teachers, Mr John McGarrigle and
Mr Tony Desouza 565
Wanguri Primary School, Year 7 students and their teacher Mr Malcolm Taylor 549
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016