Minutes of Proceedings - 1994-10-11
Seventh Assembly First Session 11/10/1994 Parliamentary Record No. 5
Date : 11/10/1994__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
4 October 199 13 October 1994 87 - 129
Presentation to and Message from Her Majesty the Queen 117
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 12 Domestic Violence Amendment 1994 98,99,100,101P
29 Education Amendment (No.2) 1994 102P
41 Electoral Amendment 1994 94
26 Environmental Assessment Ammendment Bill 1994 108
19 Fisheries Amendment 1994 121-126P
31 Gaming Control Amendment (No. 2) 1994* 94,114
27 Gaming Control Amendment 1994 101P
37 Lands Acquisition Amendment (No. 2) 1994 105,113
36 Marine Amendment 1994 105,113
47 Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment 1994 111,121
32 National Environment Protection Council (NorthernTerritory) 1994 111,121
34 Northern Territory Tourist Commission Amendment (No. 2) 1994 97,107,126P
33 Northern Territory University Amendment 1994 105,113
43 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment 1994 111,120
42 Plant Diseases Control Amendment 1994 111,121
28 Racing and Betting Amendment 1994 108,109,113, 114P
44 Retirement Villages 1994 111,121
40 Stamp Duty Amendment (No. 2) 1994 111,120
39 Taxation (Administration) Amendment (No. 2) 1994 111,120
45 Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment 1994 111,120
35 Traffic Amendment (No. 2) 1994 97,107
48 Traffic Amendment Act 1994 Amendment 1994 105,107, 114,115P
46 Valuation of Land Amendment 1994 111,121
38 Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment 1994 105,113
First sitting in new Parliament House
Address by His Honour the Administrator 87
Message from Her Majesty the Queen 87
Presiding Officers and Clerks from Australia and Pacific Region 87
Mr Suhardibroto, Deputy Attorney-General for Civil Law,
Republic of Indonesia 117
Mrs Braham, 4-6 October 1994 88
Mrs Braham, 11-13 October 1994 106
Recognition of Contribution by Ex-Servicewomen (Mrs Hickey) 107
Address-in-reply 117
First Sitting of the Legislative Assembly in New Parliament House 87
MOTIONS ( Procedural)
Suspend Standing Orders -
Take Two Bills together -
Stamp Duty Amendment (No. 2) 1994 (Serial 40) and
Taxation (Administration) Amendment (No. 2) 1994
(Serial 39) 120
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment 1994
(Serial 45) and Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment
1994 (Serial 43) 120
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Aged Accommodation Services - Note statement (Mr Reed) 97
Chambers Pillar Historical Reserve Plan of Management - Note paper 114
Filming in the Chamber - Permission given to ABC Television
and Channel 8 to take file footage inside the Chamber this day 91
Formal response by the Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12 - Note paper 94
General Business Day, 5 October 1994 89
Heritage Advisory Council, Annual Report, 1993-94 -
Note paper (Mr Coulter) 119
Local Road Funding - Note statement (Mr Manzie) 106
Native Title Claims in the Northern Territory - Note statement (Mr Hatton) 119
New Parliament House - Appreciation 87,88,102,107,115,126,127
Plans of Management -
Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve, dated
May 1994 - Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve, Review
of Public Submissions, dated March 1994 -
Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Corroboree Rock Conservation Reserve, dated May 1994 -
Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Corroboree Rock conservation Reserve, Review of Public
Submissions, dated March 1994 - Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, dated May 1994 - Note paper
(Mr Coulter) 118
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, Review of Public Submissions,
dated March 1994 - Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Note paper -
Chambers Pillar Historical Reserve Plan of Management 114
Formal response by the Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12 94
Ombudsman, Northern Territory of Australia, Annual Report, 1993-94 112
Pirlangimpi Community Government Scheme (Mr Hatton) 118
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Setter) 119
Public Accounts Committee, Report No. 21 - Report on the
Auditor-Generals Annual Reports 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 94
Review of Final Report of the Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12 94
Note statement -
Aged Accommodation Services (Mr Reed) 97
Local Road Funding (Mr Manzie) 106
Overseas Visits to Malaysia and the United States of America
(Mr Perron) 112
Native Title Claims in the Northern Territory (Mr Hatton) 119
Poker Machines in Clubs and Hotels (Mr Coulter) 119
Ombudsman, Northern Territory of Australia, Annual Report for
1993-94 - Print paper (Mr Perron) 112
Overseas Visits to Malaysia and the United States of America
Note statement (Mr Perron) 112
Pirlangimpi Community Government Scheme - Note paper
(Mr Hatton) 118
Poker Machines in Clubs and Hotels - Note statement (Mr Coulter) 117,119
Print paper -
Ombudsman, Northern Territory of Australia, Annual Report for
1993-94 (Mr Perron) 112
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Setter) 119
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, 1993-94 -
Note Paper (Mr Setter) 119
Print Paper (Mr Setter) 119
Public Accounts Committee, Report No. 21 - Report on the Auditor-
Generals Annual Reports 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 - Note paper 94
Review of Final Report of the Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12 - Note paper 94
Select Committee on Effects of Poker Machines in Community
Venues (Mr Coulter) 127,128
Use of Speakers Gallery by Ministerial Advisers (Mr Speaker) 113
Post-Project Evaluation of the State Square Project - Referral to
Public Accounts Committee (Mr Bailey) 88,89,91,92
Resources for Northern Territory Police Force (Mr Ede) 89,93
Annual Reports
Anti-Discrimination Commission, 1993-94 (First) (Paper 223) 129
Australian Financial Institutions Commission, 1993-94 (Paper 229) 129
Centralian College, 1993 (Paper 155) 90
Department of the Chief Minister, 1993-94 (Paper 201) 116
Department of Lands, Housing and Local Government, 1993-94
(Paper 226) 129
Department of Law, 1993-94 (Paper 193) 109
Department of Mines and Energy, 1993-94 (Paper 200) 116
Director of Public Prosecutions, 1993-94 (Paper 228) 129
Education Advisory Council, 1993 (Paper 157) 90
Gove District Hospital Management Board, 1993-94 (Paper 198) 129
Northern Territory Architects Board, 1993-94 (Paper 173) 95
Northern Territory Liquor Commission, 1993-94 (Paper 222) 129
Northern Territory Open College of TAFE, 1993 (Paper 158) 90
Northern Territory Rural College, 1993 (Paper 159) 90
Northern Territory Tourist Commission, 1993-94 (Paper 224) 129
Office of Aboriginal Development, 1993-94 (Paper 225) 129
Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, 1993-94 (Paper 195) 109
Office of Courts Administration, 1993-94 (Paper 194) 109
Power and Water Authority, 1993-94 (Paper 199) 116
Uranium Mining (Environment Control) Act, 1993 (15th) (Paper 156) 90
Work Health Authority, 1993-94 (Paper 210) 116
Australias Northern Territory Advertisement - The Independent Monthly,
dated October 1994 (Mr Ede) (Paper 182) 106
Australias Northern Territory Advertisement - The Weekend Australian
Magazine, dated 1 - 2 October 1994 (Mr Ede) (Paper 181) 106
Australian Securities Commission, 1991 Annual Return of a Company,
Dreprey Pty Limited, dated 25 September 1991 (Mrs Hickey)
(Paper 203) 111
Australian Securities Commission, 1992 Annual Return of a Company,
Dreprey Pty Limited, dated 30 November 1992 (Mrs Hickey)
(Paper 204) 111
Australian Securities Commission, 1993 Annual Return of a Company,
Dreprey Pty Limited, dated 30 November 1993 (Mrs Hickey)
(Paper 205) 111
Chart , Native Title Act 1993, Non Claimant Application
(Mr Hatton) (Paper 231) 119
Facsimile of letter, Claude Mamarika, Umbakumba Community Council Inc to
Mr David Cairns, Department of Education, dated 28 June 1994
(Mr Lanhupuy) (Paper 175) 93
Facsimile of letter, Jambana Lalara, Chairman, Anindilyakwa
Land Council to Mr Claude Mamarika, Council President,
Umbakumba Community Council Inc, dated 29 September
1994 (Mr Lanhupuy) (Paper 176) 93
Facsimile Transmission, Rod Plaister, General Manager,
Darwin Region Tourism Association to Ross Gregory,
dated 6 September 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 207) 112
Financial Statement -
Ayers Rock Resort Corporation and Controlled Entities,
1993-94 (Paper 227) 129
Heritage Advisory Council Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 221) 119
Lands Acquisition Act -
Statement of Reasons for Acquisition - East Arm pursuant to
section 44(3), dated 6 October 1994 (Paper 177) 103
Letters -
Hon. P. A. Everingham, Chief Minister for and on behalf of the
Minister for Lands and Housing to Withnall and Everingham,
undated (Mr Bailey) (Paper 211) 116
Hon S. Hatton, Minister for Lands, Housing and Local
Government to Mr J. Maley, President, Litchfield Shire
Council, dated 5 September 1994 (Mr Stirling) (Paper 209) 112
Ms Brigid Walsh, Electorate Officer, Member for Barkly to Minister for
Health and Community Services, Hon M. Reed, MLA, dated 28
September 1994 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 232) 128
Long Term Question on Notice (Mr Coulter) (Paper 183) 106
Map - Northern Territory, Road Classification and Surface
Types, Department of Transport and Works, Land Transport Division,
updated July 1994 (Mr Manzie) (Paper 188) 106
Map, Palmerston Alternative Access Road - Wishart Road
Alignment Plan, Department of Transport and Works
(Mr Manzie) (Paper 208) 112
Memorandum, Minister for Tourism from the Chairman,
N T Tourist Commission, dated 9 August 1993 (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 185) 106
National Companies and Securities Commission, 1990 Annual
Return of a Company, Dreprey Pty Limited, dated
3 December 1990 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 202) 111
Northern Territory Fishing and Boating Guide, 1994 Edition,
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (Mr Palmer)
(Paper 172) 91
Northern Territory Grants Commission, Chapter 7 -
Recommendations on Municipal Road Grants for 1993/94
(Mr Manzie) (Paper 190) 106
Northern Territory Grants Commission, Chapter 8 -
Recommendations on Non-municipal Road Grants for
1993/94 (Mr Manzie) (Paper 189) 106
Northern Territory Local Roads Network 1990, Graph
(Mr Manzie) (Paper 192) 106
Ombudsman, Northern Territory of Australia, Annual Report for
the year 1993-94 (Mr Perron) (Paper 197) 112
Open Letter from Urapuntja Health Service, Health Worker
Graduates, dated 3 August 1994 (Mr Rioli) (Paper 174) 91
Pirlangimpi Community Government Scheme (Replacement)
(Mr Hatton) (Paper 213) 118
Plans of Management -
Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve, dated
May 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 215) 118
Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve, Review
of Public Submissions, dated March 1994 (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 216) 118
Corroboree Rock Conservation Reserve, dated May 1994
(Mr Coulter) (Paper 217) 118
Corroboree Rock conservation Reserve, Review of Public
Submissions, dated March 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 218) 118
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, dated May 1994 (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 219) 118
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, Review of Public Submissions,
dated March 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 220) 119
Poster, The Debate An Alice Springs Youth initiative
sponsored by the Northern Territory Government (Mr Reed)
(Paper 233) 128
Territory Government (Paper 233).
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Setter)
(Paper 212) 119
Regulations 1994 -
No. 26, Prisons (Correctional Services) (Paper 160) 90
No. 27, Amendments of the Stock Diseases (Paper 161) 90
No. 28, Amendments of the Traffic (Paper 162) 90
No. 29, Amendment of Registration (Paper 163) 90
No. 30, Amendments of Real Property (Paper 164) 90
No. 31, Amendments of Local Court Rules (Paper 230) 129
No. 32, Petroleum (Paper 165) 90
No. 33, Trade Measurement (Charges and Fees) (Paper 166) 90
No. 34, Amendments of Motor Vehicles (Fees and Charges)
(Paper 167) 90
No. 35, Amendments of Stock (Control of Hormonal Growth
Promotants) (Paper 168) 90
No. 36, Marine (Hire-and-Drive Vessel) (Paper 169) 90
No. 37, Amendments of Mining (Paper 170) 90
Amendments of Flora River Local Management Committee
Regulations (Paper 171) 90
Story boards (4) to develop advertising for the Northern
Territory Tourist Commission (Mr Coulter) (Paper 206) 112
Table, Local roads Funding/Expenditure 1991 - 1994 (Mr Manzie)
(Paper 191) 106
Transcript, Seventh Assembly First Session 04/10/94
Parliamentary Record No 4 - Question: Tourist Commission
Advertising Tenders (Mr Coulter) (Paper 187) 106
Written Question - Mr Bell to the Minister for Tourism re
Tourism Industry Advertising (Mr Coulter) (Paper 184) 106
Written Question No. 71 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 186) 106
Mr Bell 118
Mr Perron 106
Mr Bailey 108,114
Mr Coulter 108
Sodomy Legislation (38 petitioners) (Mr Setter) (Paper 180) 105
Aged Accommodation Services (Mr Reed) (Paper 178) 97
Filming by ABC Television and Channel 8 - file footage
(Mr McCarthy) 91
Local Road Funding (Mr Manzie) (Paper 179) 106
Native Title Claims in the Northern Territory (Mr Hatton)
(Paper 232) 119
Overseas Visits to Malaysia and the United States of America
(Mr Perron) (Paper 196) 112
Poker Machines in Clubs and Hotels (Mr Coulter) (Paper 214) 119
Use of Speakers Gallery by Ministerial Advisers (Mr Speaker) 112
Electorate officers of the Members of the Legislative Assembly 97
Members of the Filipiniana Senior Citizens Association 117
Nhulunbuy High School basketball teams 117
Presiding Officers and Clerks of Australia and Pacific Region 87
Students from -
Centre for Aboriginal and Islander Studies and their lecturer
Sue Stanton 111
Certificate in Administrative Studies unit at ITAFE at the
Northern Territory University and the Course
Coordinator, Mrs Shirlie Richardson 97
Driver Primary School, Year 6/7 and their teacher
Ms Judith Evans 111
Leanyer Primary School, Year 6/7 and their teacher
Mrs Helen Pearce 105
Wanguri Primary School, Grade 7 and their teacher,
Mr Malcolm Taylor 117
Date : 11/10/1994
SITTING DAY Nos 10 - 14
SITTING DAY Nos 10 - 14
From To Pages
4 October 199 13 October 1994 87 - 129
Presentation to and Message from Her Majesty the Queen 117
*=Opposition Bill
Serial 12 Domestic Violence Amendment 1994 98,99,100,101P
29 Education Amendment (No.2) 1994 102P
41 Electoral Amendment 1994 94
26 Environmental Assessment Ammendment Bill 1994 108
19 Fisheries Amendment 1994 121-126P
31 Gaming Control Amendment (No. 2) 1994* 94,114
27 Gaming Control Amendment 1994 101P
37 Lands Acquisition Amendment (No. 2) 1994 105,113
36 Marine Amendment 1994 105,113
47 Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment 1994 111,121
32 National Environment Protection Council (NorthernTerritory) 1994 111,121
34 Northern Territory Tourist Commission Amendment (No. 2) 1994 97,107,126P
33 Northern Territory University Amendment 1994 105,113
43 Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment 1994 111,120
42 Plant Diseases Control Amendment 1994 111,121
28 Racing and Betting Amendment 1994 108,109,113, 114P
44 Retirement Villages 1994 111,121
40 Stamp Duty Amendment (No. 2) 1994 111,120
39 Taxation (Administration) Amendment (No. 2) 1994 111,120
45 Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment 1994 111,120
35 Traffic Amendment (No. 2) 1994 97,107
48 Traffic Amendment Act 1994 Amendment 1994 105,107, 114,115P
46 Valuation of Land Amendment 1994 111,121
38 Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment 1994 105,113
First sitting in new Parliament House
Address by His Honour the Administrator 87
Message from Her Majesty the Queen 87
Presiding Officers and Clerks from Australia and Pacific Region 87
Mr Suhardibroto, Deputy Attorney-General for Civil Law,
Republic of Indonesia 117
Mrs Braham, 4-6 October 1994 88
Mrs Braham, 11-13 October 1994 106
Recognition of Contribution by Ex-Servicewomen (Mrs Hickey) 107
Address-in-reply 117
First Sitting of the Legislative Assembly in New Parliament House 87
MOTIONS ( Procedural)
Suspend Standing Orders -
Take Two Bills together -
Stamp Duty Amendment (No. 2) 1994 (Serial 40) and
Taxation (Administration) Amendment (No. 2) 1994
(Serial 39) 120
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment 1994
(Serial 45) and Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment
1994 (Serial 43) 120
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Aged Accommodation Services - Note statement (Mr Reed) 97
Chambers Pillar Historical Reserve Plan of Management - Note paper 114
Filming in the Chamber - Permission given to ABC Television
and Channel 8 to take file footage inside the Chamber this day 91
Formal response by the Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12 - Note paper 94
General Business Day, 5 October 1994 89
Heritage Advisory Council, Annual Report, 1993-94 -
Note paper (Mr Coulter) 119
Local Road Funding - Note statement (Mr Manzie) 106
Native Title Claims in the Northern Territory - Note statement (Mr Hatton) 119
New Parliament House - Appreciation 87,88,102,107,115,126,127
Plans of Management -
Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve, dated
May 1994 - Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve, Review
of Public Submissions, dated March 1994 -
Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Corroboree Rock Conservation Reserve, dated May 1994 -
Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Corroboree Rock conservation Reserve, Review of Public
Submissions, dated March 1994 - Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, dated May 1994 - Note paper
(Mr Coulter) 118
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, Review of Public Submissions,
dated March 1994 - Note paper (Mr Coulter) 118
Note paper -
Chambers Pillar Historical Reserve Plan of Management 114
Formal response by the Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12 94
Ombudsman, Northern Territory of Australia, Annual Report, 1993-94 112
Pirlangimpi Community Government Scheme (Mr Hatton) 118
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Setter) 119
Public Accounts Committee, Report No. 21 - Report on the
Auditor-Generals Annual Reports 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 94
Review of Final Report of the Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12 94
Note statement -
Aged Accommodation Services (Mr Reed) 97
Local Road Funding (Mr Manzie) 106
Overseas Visits to Malaysia and the United States of America
(Mr Perron) 112
Native Title Claims in the Northern Territory (Mr Hatton) 119
Poker Machines in Clubs and Hotels (Mr Coulter) 119
Ombudsman, Northern Territory of Australia, Annual Report for
1993-94 - Print paper (Mr Perron) 112
Overseas Visits to Malaysia and the United States of America
Note statement (Mr Perron) 112
Pirlangimpi Community Government Scheme - Note paper
(Mr Hatton) 118
Poker Machines in Clubs and Hotels - Note statement (Mr Coulter) 117,119
Print paper -
Ombudsman, Northern Territory of Australia, Annual Report for
1993-94 (Mr Perron) 112
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Setter) 119
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, 1993-94 -
Note Paper (Mr Setter) 119
Print Paper (Mr Setter) 119
Public Accounts Committee, Report No. 21 - Report on the Auditor-
Generals Annual Reports 1990-1991 and 1991-1992 - Note paper 94
Review of Final Report of the Working Party on Public Accounts
Committee Report No. 12 - Note paper 94
Select Committee on Effects of Poker Machines in Community
Venues (Mr Coulter) 127,128
Use of Speakers Gallery by Ministerial Advisers (Mr Speaker) 113
Post-Project Evaluation of the State Square Project - Referral to
Public Accounts Committee (Mr Bailey) 88,89,91,92
Resources for Northern Territory Police Force (Mr Ede) 89,93
Annual Reports
Anti-Discrimination Commission, 1993-94 (First) (Paper 223) 129
Australian Financial Institutions Commission, 1993-94 (Paper 229) 129
Centralian College, 1993 (Paper 155) 90
Department of the Chief Minister, 1993-94 (Paper 201) 116
Department of Lands, Housing and Local Government, 1993-94
(Paper 226) 129
Department of Law, 1993-94 (Paper 193) 109
Department of Mines and Energy, 1993-94 (Paper 200) 116
Director of Public Prosecutions, 1993-94 (Paper 228) 129
Education Advisory Council, 1993 (Paper 157) 90
Gove District Hospital Management Board, 1993-94 (Paper 198) 129
Northern Territory Architects Board, 1993-94 (Paper 173) 95
Northern Territory Liquor Commission, 1993-94 (Paper 222) 129
Northern Territory Open College of TAFE, 1993 (Paper 158) 90
Northern Territory Rural College, 1993 (Paper 159) 90
Northern Territory Tourist Commission, 1993-94 (Paper 224) 129
Office of Aboriginal Development, 1993-94 (Paper 225) 129
Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, 1993-94 (Paper 195) 109
Office of Courts Administration, 1993-94 (Paper 194) 109
Power and Water Authority, 1993-94 (Paper 199) 116
Uranium Mining (Environment Control) Act, 1993 (15th) (Paper 156) 90
Work Health Authority, 1993-94 (Paper 210) 116
Australias Northern Territory Advertisement - The Independent Monthly,
dated October 1994 (Mr Ede) (Paper 182) 106
Australias Northern Territory Advertisement - The Weekend Australian
Magazine, dated 1 - 2 October 1994 (Mr Ede) (Paper 181) 106
Australian Securities Commission, 1991 Annual Return of a Company,
Dreprey Pty Limited, dated 25 September 1991 (Mrs Hickey)
(Paper 203) 111
Australian Securities Commission, 1992 Annual Return of a Company,
Dreprey Pty Limited, dated 30 November 1992 (Mrs Hickey)
(Paper 204) 111
Australian Securities Commission, 1993 Annual Return of a Company,
Dreprey Pty Limited, dated 30 November 1993 (Mrs Hickey)
(Paper 205) 111
Chart , Native Title Act 1993, Non Claimant Application
(Mr Hatton) (Paper 231) 119
Facsimile of letter, Claude Mamarika, Umbakumba Community Council Inc to
Mr David Cairns, Department of Education, dated 28 June 1994
(Mr Lanhupuy) (Paper 175) 93
Facsimile of letter, Jambana Lalara, Chairman, Anindilyakwa
Land Council to Mr Claude Mamarika, Council President,
Umbakumba Community Council Inc, dated 29 September
1994 (Mr Lanhupuy) (Paper 176) 93
Facsimile Transmission, Rod Plaister, General Manager,
Darwin Region Tourism Association to Ross Gregory,
dated 6 September 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 207) 112
Financial Statement -
Ayers Rock Resort Corporation and Controlled Entities,
1993-94 (Paper 227) 129
Heritage Advisory Council Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 221) 119
Lands Acquisition Act -
Statement of Reasons for Acquisition - East Arm pursuant to
section 44(3), dated 6 October 1994 (Paper 177) 103
Letters -
Hon. P. A. Everingham, Chief Minister for and on behalf of the
Minister for Lands and Housing to Withnall and Everingham,
undated (Mr Bailey) (Paper 211) 116
Hon S. Hatton, Minister for Lands, Housing and Local
Government to Mr J. Maley, President, Litchfield Shire
Council, dated 5 September 1994 (Mr Stirling) (Paper 209) 112
Ms Brigid Walsh, Electorate Officer, Member for Barkly to Minister for
Health and Community Services, Hon M. Reed, MLA, dated 28
September 1994 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 232) 128
Long Term Question on Notice (Mr Coulter) (Paper 183) 106
Map - Northern Territory, Road Classification and Surface
Types, Department of Transport and Works, Land Transport Division,
updated July 1994 (Mr Manzie) (Paper 188) 106
Map, Palmerston Alternative Access Road - Wishart Road
Alignment Plan, Department of Transport and Works
(Mr Manzie) (Paper 208) 112
Memorandum, Minister for Tourism from the Chairman,
N T Tourist Commission, dated 9 August 1993 (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 185) 106
National Companies and Securities Commission, 1990 Annual
Return of a Company, Dreprey Pty Limited, dated
3 December 1990 (Mrs Hickey) (Paper 202) 111
Northern Territory Fishing and Boating Guide, 1994 Edition,
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries (Mr Palmer)
(Paper 172) 91
Northern Territory Grants Commission, Chapter 7 -
Recommendations on Municipal Road Grants for 1993/94
(Mr Manzie) (Paper 190) 106
Northern Territory Grants Commission, Chapter 8 -
Recommendations on Non-municipal Road Grants for
1993/94 (Mr Manzie) (Paper 189) 106
Northern Territory Local Roads Network 1990, Graph
(Mr Manzie) (Paper 192) 106
Ombudsman, Northern Territory of Australia, Annual Report for
the year 1993-94 (Mr Perron) (Paper 197) 112
Open Letter from Urapuntja Health Service, Health Worker
Graduates, dated 3 August 1994 (Mr Rioli) (Paper 174) 91
Pirlangimpi Community Government Scheme (Replacement)
(Mr Hatton) (Paper 213) 118
Plans of Management -
Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve, dated
May 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 215) 118
Barrow Creek Telegraph Station Historical Reserve, Review
of Public Submissions, dated March 1994 (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 216) 118
Corroboree Rock Conservation Reserve, dated May 1994
(Mr Coulter) (Paper 217) 118
Corroboree Rock conservation Reserve, Review of Public
Submissions, dated March 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 218) 118
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, dated May 1994 (Mr Coulter)
(Paper 219) 118
Trephina Gorge Nature Park, Review of Public Submissions,
dated March 1994 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 220) 119
Poster, The Debate An Alice Springs Youth initiative
sponsored by the Northern Territory Government (Mr Reed)
(Paper 233) 128
Territory Government (Paper 233).
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report, 1993-94 (Mr Setter)
(Paper 212) 119
Regulations 1994 -
No. 26, Prisons (Correctional Services) (Paper 160) 90
No. 27, Amendments of the Stock Diseases (Paper 161) 90
No. 28, Amendments of the Traffic (Paper 162) 90
No. 29, Amendment of Registration (Paper 163) 90
No. 30, Amendments of Real Property (Paper 164) 90
No. 31, Amendments of Local Court Rules (Paper 230) 129
No. 32, Petroleum (Paper 165) 90
No. 33, Trade Measurement (Charges and Fees) (Paper 166) 90
No. 34, Amendments of Motor Vehicles (Fees and Charges)
(Paper 167) 90
No. 35, Amendments of Stock (Control of Hormonal Growth
Promotants) (Paper 168) 90
No. 36, Marine (Hire-and-Drive Vessel) (Paper 169) 90
No. 37, Amendments of Mining (Paper 170) 90
Amendments of Flora River Local Management Committee
Regulations (Paper 171) 90
Story boards (4) to develop advertising for the Northern
Territory Tourist Commission (Mr Coulter) (Paper 206) 112
Table, Local roads Funding/Expenditure 1991 - 1994 (Mr Manzie)
(Paper 191) 106
Transcript, Seventh Assembly First Session 04/10/94
Parliamentary Record No 4 - Question: Tourist Commission
Advertising Tenders (Mr Coulter) (Paper 187) 106
Written Question - Mr Bell to the Minister for Tourism re
Tourism Industry Advertising (Mr Coulter) (Paper 184) 106
Written Question No. 71 (Mr Coulter) (Paper 186) 106
Mr Bell 118
Mr Perron 106
Mr Bailey 108,114
Mr Coulter 108
Sodomy Legislation (38 petitioners) (Mr Setter) (Paper 180) 105
Aged Accommodation Services (Mr Reed) (Paper 178) 97
Filming by ABC Television and Channel 8 - file footage
(Mr McCarthy) 91
Local Road Funding (Mr Manzie) (Paper 179) 106
Native Title Claims in the Northern Territory (Mr Hatton)
(Paper 232) 119
Overseas Visits to Malaysia and the United States of America
(Mr Perron) (Paper 196) 112
Poker Machines in Clubs and Hotels (Mr Coulter) (Paper 214) 119
Use of Speakers Gallery by Ministerial Advisers (Mr Speaker) 112
Electorate officers of the Members of the Legislative Assembly 97
Members of the Filipiniana Senior Citizens Association 117
Nhulunbuy High School basketball teams 117
Presiding Officers and Clerks of Australia and Pacific Region 87
Students from -
Centre for Aboriginal and Islander Studies and their lecturer
Sue Stanton 111
Certificate in Administrative Studies unit at ITAFE at the
Northern Territory University and the Course
Coordinator, Mrs Shirlie Richardson 97
Driver Primary School, Year 6/7 and their teacher
Ms Judith Evans 111
Leanyer Primary School, Year 6/7 and their teacher
Mrs Helen Pearce 105
Wanguri Primary School, Grade 7 and their teacher,
Mr Malcolm Taylor 117
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016