Minutes of Proceedings - 2000-11-30
Eighth Assembly First Session 28/11/2000 Parliamentary Record No. 26
Date : 30/11/2000__________________________________________________________________________________
Year 6/7 students from Leanyer Primary School accompanied by their teacher Ms Rita Sproll; and
Dripstone High School students accompanied by their teacher Ms Irini Pikoulos.
Letter, Mr R K Edwards, Acting Australian Statistician to Mr Ken Clarke, Under Treasurer, dated 27 November 2000 (Paper 2240);
Graph, Yellow Pages Business Index Attitude to Territory Government, Yellow Pages business Index Small and Medium Enterprises, November 2000 (Paper 2241); and
Graph, Telstra Small Business Index Attitude to Territory Government, November 2000 (Paper 2242).
Article, N T Drug Here to Stay, NT News, (Paper 2245);
Article, Editorial of Herald Sun – Melbourne’s disgrace (Paper 2246);
Article, Shame of Our City, Herald Sun, dated 21 November 2000 (Paper 2247); and
Article, Clean it Up, Herald Sun, dated 22 November 2000 (Paper 2248).
Graph, Telstra Small Business Index, Business Confidence, November 2000 (Paper 2257);
Yellow Pages Small Business Index, February 1999, February 1999 (Paper 2258);
Telstra Small Business Survey (Paper 2259); and
Yellow Pages Business Index – Small and Medium Enterprises (Paper 2260).
A deliberately misleading statement (Paper 2268).
Date : 30/11/2000
- The Assembly met at 10.00 h. The Speaker, the Honourable T. R. McCarthy, took the Chair.
- The Speaker advised Members of the presence in the public gallery of –
Year 6/7 students from Leanyer Primary School accompanied by their teacher Ms Rita Sproll; and
Dripstone High School students accompanied by their teacher Ms Irini Pikoulos.
- On behalf of all Members the Speaker extended a warm welcome to the visitors.
- The Chief Minister (Mr Burke), by leave, moved - That this Assembly:
Noting the intention of the Commonwealth Parliament, at the invitation of the Victorian Parliament and Victorian Government, to return to Melbourne to commemorate and celebrate the centenary of the first meeting of the Commonwealth Parliament, which occurred at the Royal Exhibition Building on 9th May 1901 and the first sittings of each of the Houses of the Commonwealth Parliament which were held in the Legislative Council and Legislative Assembly Chambers of the Victorian Parliament on 10th May 1901,
- encourage all members to attend and join other members of all other Australian State and Territory legislatures in the celebration of the historic centenary meeting and sittings of the Commonwealth Parliament in Melbourne on 9th and 10th May, respectively.
- Mr Burke thereupon addressed the Assembly.
Question – put and passed.
Motion agreed to.
- The Member for Casuarina (Mr Adamson), by leave, presented petition No. 54, not conforming with Standing Orders, from (1136 petitioners) relating to the relocation of the Deckchair Cinema (Paper 2238).
Petition read.
- 10:08 Ms Martin to Mr Burke and referred to Mr Reed.
10:21 Mr Mitchell to Mr Burke.
10:28 Mr Stirling to Mr Reed.
Paper tabled: The Treasurer (Mr Reed) laid on the Table the following Papers -
Letter, Mr R K Edwards, Acting Australian Statistician to Mr Ken Clarke, Under Treasurer, dated 27 November 2000 (Paper 2240);
Graph, Yellow Pages Business Index Attitude to Territory Government, Yellow Pages business Index Small and Medium Enterprises, November 2000 (Paper 2241); and
Graph, Telstra Small Business Index Attitude to Territory Government, November 2000 (Paper 2242).
10:40 Mr Elferink to Mr reed.
10:44 Mr Henderson to Mr Reed.
Paper tabled: The Treasurer (Mr Reed) laid on the Table the following Paper –
Article, N T Drug Here to Stay, NT News, (Paper 2245);
Article, Editorial of Herald Sun – Melbourne’s disgrace (Paper 2246);
Article, Shame of Our City, Herald Sun, dated 21 November 2000 (Paper 2247); and
Article, Clean it Up, Herald Sun, dated 22 November 2000 (Paper 2248).
- 10:52 Mr Poole to Mr Burke.
10:55 Dr Toyne to Mr Lugg.
10:59 Ms Carter to Mr Baldwin.
11:03 Mr Stirling to Mr Burke.
The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) asked that further questions be placed on the written Question Paper.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) moved – That the Assembly at its rising adjourn until Tuesday 20th February 2001 at 10.00 am or such other time and /or date as may be set by Mr Speaker, pursuant to Sessional Order.
Question – put and passed.
- The Treasurer (Mr Reed) laid on the Table the Ayers Rock Resort Corporation and Controlled Entities Financial Statements for 1999/2000 (Paper 2244).
Mr Reed made a statement relating thereto.
Mr Reed moved – That the Assembly take note of the Report.
On the motion of the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin) debate was adjourned.
- The Minister for Transport and Infrastructure (Mr Palmer) laid on the Table the Baseline Survey of the Port of Darwin for Introduced Marine Species (Paper 2249).
Mr Palmer made a statement relating thereto.
Mr Palmer moved – That the Assembly take note of the Report.
On the motion of the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin) debate was adjourned.
- The Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries (Mr Palmer) made a statement on the rapidly expanding Northern Territory Horticulture Industry (Paper 2250).
Mr Palmer moved – That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Debate ensued.Suspension of sitting: The sitting of the Assembly was suspended between 12:02 h and 14:15 h.Debate continued.
Question – put and passed.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) moved – That so much of Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent debate upon the Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report 1999/2000 and the Auditor-General's Report to the Legislative Assembly on the 1999/2000 Treasurer's Annual Financial Statement, being taken cognately.
Question – put and passed.
- Suspension of Standing Orders: The Leader of Government Business(Mr Palmer) moved – That so much of Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent Bills entitled Fines and Penalties Bill 2000 (Serial 287), and Fines and Penalties (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 (Serial 288) –
- (a) being presented and read a first time together and one motion being put in regard to, respectively, the second readings; the committee’s report stage; and the third readings of the Bills; and
(b) the consideration of the Bills separately in the Committee of the Whole.
Question – put and passed – there being an absolute majority of the whole number of Members present and no dissentient voice.
The Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries (Mr Palmer), on behalf of and at the request of the Chief Minister (Mr Burke), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to establish a Fines Recovery Unit and to provide for the enforcement of fines and penalties, and for related purposes; and a Bill for an Act to amend various Acts consequential on the enactment of the Fines and Penalties Act 2000.
Bills read a first time.
Mr Palmer moved – That the Bills be now read a second time.
On the motion of the Member for Wanguri (Mr Henderson) debate was adjourned.
- The Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing (Mr Baldwin), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Gaming Machine Act.
Bill read a first time.
Mr Baldwin moved – That the Bill be now read a second time.
On the motion of the Member for Wanguri (Mr Henderson) debate was adjourned.
- The Treasurer (Mr Reed) asked that the papers requested by Mr Dunham to be tabled on Wednesday 29 November 2000 by the Leader of the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin) during Question time be presented to the Parliament.
The Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Stirling) advised the Assembly that the papers would be tabled shortly.
- The Chairman of the Pubic Accounts Committee (Mr Poole) laid on the Table the Public Accounts Committee Annual Report No. 36 for the Year ended 30 June 2000, dated August 2000 (Paper 2255).
Mr Poole moved – That the Report be printed.
Question – put and passed.
Mr Poole moved – That the Assembly take note of the Report.
Ordered that Mr Poole have leave to continue his remarks at a later hour.
Debate adjourned.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question – That the Bill be now read a second time -
Debate resumed.
Question – put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
Leave granted for a motion for the third reading of the Bill to be moved forthwith.
On the motion of the Attorney-General (Mr Burke) the Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed law.
- The Member for Stuart (Dr Toyne), on behalf of the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin), pursuant to Standing Order 256, laid on the Table papers requested of the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin) to be Tabled during Question Time, Wednesday 29 November 2000 as follows:
Graph, Telstra Small Business Index, Business Confidence, November 2000 (Paper 2257);
Yellow Pages Small Business Index, February 1999, February 1999 (Paper 2258);
Telstra Small Business Survey (Paper 2259); and
Yellow Pages Business Index – Small and Medium Enterprises (Paper 2260).
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question – That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
Leave granted for a motion for the third reading of the Bill to be moved forthwith.
On the motion of the Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing (Mr Baldwin) the Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed law.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the motion - That the Assembly take note of the Reports, pursuant to resolution passed earlier this day -
Debate resumed.
Paper tabled: The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper –
- Debate continued.
Question - put and passed.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) moved – That the Member for Araluen (Honourable E H Poole) be appointed to serve on the Committee of Privileges.
Question – put and passed.
- The Speaker (Mr McCarthy) advised Members that earlier this day he had received a letter from the Chief Minister pursuant to Standing Order 83 in which he raised a matter of privilege and seeking precedence of other business for the purposes of moving a motion to refer the matter to the Committee of Privileges.
The Speaker advised the Assembly that he had considered the Chief Minister’s request and taken into account the guidelines provided for by resolution of the Assembly dated 23 May 1996 and being aware that day is the last sitting day of the year and that there is limited further business to be dealt with by the Assembly I have determined that the motion should be given precedence of other business.
- The Chief Minister (Mr Burke) thereupon moved – That the action of the Member for Fannie Bay (Ms Martin) in presenting to this Assembly on 29 November 2000 what she purported to be a graph prepared by the Yellow Pages Business Index – Small and Medium Enterprises could be a contempt of this parliament in that it was –
A deliberately misleading statement (Paper 2268).
- Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper -
Debate continued.
Question - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. T. R. McCarthy, in the Chair) -
AYES, 15 NOES, 6
Mr Adamson Mr Ah Kit
Mr Balch Mr Henderson
Mr Baldwin Ms Martin
Mrs Braham Mr Rioli
Mr Burke Mr Stirling
Ms Carter Dr Toyne
Mr Dunham
Mr Elferink
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
And so it was resolved in the affirmative.
Motion agreed to.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) moved – That the Chief Minister (Mr Burke) be discharged from service on the Committee of Privileges and the Member for Karama (Mr Palmer) be appointed in his stead.
Question – put and passed.
The Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling), by leave, moved – That the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin) be discharged from service on the Committee of Privileges and the Member for Stuart (Dr Toyne) be appointed in her stead.
Question – put and passed.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) moved – That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
And the Assembly adjourned at 18:50 h until 10:00 h, until Tuesday 20 February 2001 or such other day and/or time as may be set by Mr Speaker, pursuant to Sessional Order.The following Papers were deemed to have been presented on Thursday 30 November 2000 –
Annual Reports:
Ayers Rock Resort, 1999/2000 (Paper 2244)
Darwin Port Corporation, 1999/2000 (Paper 2224)
Department of Corporate and Information Services, 1999/2000 (Paper 2227)
Department of Education, (Interim), 1 January 2000 to 30 June 2000 (Paper 2230)
Department of Industries and Business, 1999/2000 (Paper 2232)
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, 1999/2000 (Paper 2222)
Department of Transport and Works, 1999/2000 (Paper 2223)
Northern Territory Correctional Services, 1999/2000 (Paper 2229)
Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities Superannuation Scheme, 1999/2000 (Paper 2221)
Northern Territory Grants Commission, 1999/2000 (Paper 2225)
Northern Territory Rural College, 1999 (Paper 2233)
Northern Territory Tourist Commission, 1999/2000 (Paper 2252)
NT TAB, 1999/2000 (Paper 2231)
Ombudsman, (22nd), 1999/2000 (Paper 2228)
Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory, 1999/2000 (Paper 2251)
Territory Housing, 1999/2000 (Paper 2226)
Community Government Scheme:
Barunga Manyallaluk Community Government Scheme, Amendments to (Paper 2236)
Coroner's Act:
Inquest into the death of Marcio Jose Lay Nheu, No. 9915706, dated 1 November 2000 (Paper 2234)
Financial Management Act:
Determination of Amount of Variation of Allocation to Activities, pursuant to section 23(1), dated 9 November 2000 (Paper 2261)
Determination of Amount of Variation of Allocation to Activity, pursuant to section 23(1), dated 23 November 2000 (Paper 2262)
Determination of Amounts of Allocation Transferred on Redistribution of Public Business Amongst Agencies, pursuant to section 21(1), dated 23 November 2000 (Paper 2263)
Increase of Treasurer's Advance, pursuant to section 19(1), dated 30 November 2000 (Paper 2264)
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations Between Activities, pursuant of section 20(1)(a), dated 30 November 2000 (Paper 2265)
Determination of Amount of Variation of Allocation to Activity, pursuant to section 23(1), dated 23 November 2000 (Paper 2266)
Financial Statement:
TAB 1999/2000 (Paper 2220)
Plans of Management:
Cutta Cutta Caves Nature Park, November 2000 (Paper 2253)
Kintore Caves Nature Park, Summary of NT Government Submissions, November 2000 (Paper 2254)
Remuneration Tribunal Act:
Report and Determination No. 1 of 2000, Ministers and Members of the Legislative Assembly (Paper 2235)
- All Members attended the sitting, except Mrs Hickey, on leave.
Ian McNeill
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016