Minutes of Proceedings - 1998-04-21
Eighth Assembly First Session 21/04/1998 Parliamentary Record No. 5
Date : 21/04/1998__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
21 April 1998 28 April 1998 109 - 141
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
MOTIONS (Procedural)
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Date : 21/04/1998
Index to Minutes - 21 April 1998 to 30 April 1998
From To Pages
21 April 1998 28 April 1998 109 - 141
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Administrators Pensions Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 57) 115, 122
Appropriation Bill 1998-99 (Serial 68) 126, 132, 140
Building Societies Act Repeal Bill 1998 (Serial 45) 112
Court Security Bill 1998 (Serial 42) 112
Financial Institutions (NT) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 44) 112
Gaming Control Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 70) 125, 132, 140
Gas Pipelines Access (Northern Territory) Bill 1998 (Serial 66) 116, 122, 129
Housing Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 49) 117
Kava Management Bill 1998 (Serial 64) 110, 117, 128
Lands Acquisition Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 75) 133, 136, 140
Legislative Assembly (Security) Bill 1998 (Serial 72) 125, 133
Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 58) 115, 122
Magistrates Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 48) 112
Mine Management Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 53) 112
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 73) 125, 132, 139
Northern Territory Treasury Corporation Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 46) 112
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 65) 110, 117, 128
Power and Water Authority Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 63) 110, 116, 128
Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 71) 125, 133
Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 69) 125, 133
Real Property (Unit Titles) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 62) 115, 122, 127
Referendums Bill 1998 (Serial 74) 131, 139
Summary Offences Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 56) 110, 116
Superannuation Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 60) 115, 122
Superannuation Guarantee (Safety Net) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 61) 115, 122
Supreme Court (Judges Pensions) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 59) 115, 122
Territory Insurance Office (Miscellaneous Amendments) Bill 1998 (Serial 52) 123
Territory Insurance Office Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 47) 123
Unclaimed Superannuation Benefits Bill 1998 (Serial 51) 123
Water Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 55) 122
Work Health Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 67) 125, 133
- Finch, Hon Fred, former Member for Leanyer in the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly and former Minister of the Northern Territory Government 121
- Fuel prices in the Northern Territory (Mrs Hickey) 136
- Bailey, Mr, 23 April 1998, 1 hour at 1034 h, pursuant to Sessional Order 240A 119
Bailey, Mr, 29 April 1998 for one hour at 10.11 am (Madam Speaker) 131
- No. 04, Vacancy in the representation of the Northern Territory in the Senate because of
the resignation of Senator the Honourable Robert Lindsay Collins on 30 March 1998
(Madam Speaker) (Paper 308) 109
No. 05, Assent to proposed laws (Madam Speaker) (Paper 309) 110
- No. 06, Appropriation Bill 1998-99 (Madam Speaker) (Paper 376) 126
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Leave denied
Minister for Racing and Gaming (Mr Adamson) to move a motion for the third reading
of the Gaming Control Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 70), forthwith 139
Suspension of Standing Orders
Move motion - pricing of petrol in the Northern Territory - negatived 120
Pass Bill through all stages
- Gaming Control Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 70) 139
Gas Pipelines Access (Northern Territory) Bill 1998 (Serial 66) 129
Lands Acquisition Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 75) 140
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 73) 139
Power and Water Authority Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 63) 127
Real Property (Unit Titles) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 62) 127
- Kava Management Bill 1998 (Serial 64) and Police Administration Amendment
Bill 1998 (Serial 65) 128
- Administrators Pensions Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 57); the Legislative Assembly
Members' Superannuation Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 58); Supreme Court
(Judges Pensions) Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 59); Superannuation Amendment
Bill 1998 (Serial 60) 122
- Kava Management Bill 1998 (Serial 64) and the Police Administration Amendment
Bill 1998 (Serial 65) 116
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Adelaide to Darwin Railway Project and other major infrastructure projects –
Note Statement (Mr Coulter) 111
Agricultural industry in the Northern Territory and future opportunities that will arise
in the industry – Note Statement (Mr Palmer) 127
Commissioner for Health and Community Services Complaints - appoint
Peter Allen Lyle Boyce (Mr Burke) 125, 133
Fishcount Survey of the Northern Territory’s recreational fishing industry –
Note Statement (Mr Palmer) 121
Mandatory sentencing in the Northern Territory – Note Statement (Mr Stone) 115
Northern Territory Statehood Convention - Note Papers (Mr Coulter) 136
Northern Territory Statehood Convention, Report and extract of New State Constitution –
Print Papers (Mr Coulter) 136
Northern Territory Tourism – Note Statement (Mr Stone) 121
Oil and gas exploration and development in the Timor Sea (Paper 391) (Mr Poole) 127
Pricing of petrol in the Northern Territory (Mrs Hickey) 110
Report on the First Five Years of the Operation of the Prostitution Regulation Act –
Note Paper (Mr Stone) 121
Senate vacancy on resignation of Senator Collins (Mr Stone) 131, 137
Strategy for Conservation of Threatened Species - Note Papers (Mr Baldwin) 136
Water Resource Assessment in the Northern Territory – Note Statement (Mr Palmer) 112
Workplace Safety and Compensation for Injured Workers – Note Statement (Mr Burke) 116
- A Management Program for Ptychosperma bleeseri Burret in the Northern Territory of
Australia, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory (Paper 411) (Mr Baldwin) 136
A Management Program for the Greater Bilby, Macrotis lagotis, in the Northern Territory of
Australia, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory (Paper 410) (Mr Baldwin) 136
A Strategy for the Conservation of the Threatened Species and Ecological Communities in
the Northern Territory of Australia, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory
(Paper 409 ) (Mr Baldwin) 136
Administration Maxims (For All Public Officers Associated with Northern Territory
Administration), ca 1937 (Paper 394) (Mr Coulter) 128
Allied Health in Central Australia - Challenges and Rewards in Remote Area Practice,
Report by Anne Bent, Northern Territory Department of Education (Paper 403) (Mr Toyne) 135
An Extract from Volume 1 entitled, A New State Constitution for the Northern Territory
(Paper 408) (Madam Speaker) 136
Annual Reports
Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority, 1997 (Paper 413) 140
Prostitution Regulation Act
- Fifth, 9 May 1996 to 8 May 1997 (Paper 327) 117
Fourth, 9 May 1995 to 8 May 1996 (Paper 326) 117
Second, 9 May 1993 to 8 May 1994 (Paper 325) 117
dated May 1998 (Paper 375) (Mr Burke) 125
Brochures from the Northern Territory University relating to courses available at the
Faculty of Education (Paper 354) (Mr Adamson) 119
Brooke, Peter – Brief Biography, Northern Territory Labor Party (Paper 357) (Mr Adamson) 119
Budget Overview 1998-99 (Paper 389) (Mr Reed) 126
Budget Paper No. 1 – Budget Speech and Appropriation Bill 1998-99 (Serial 68)
(Paper 378) (Mr Reed) 126
Budget Paper No. 2 – The Budget 1998-99 (Paper 379) (Mr Reed) 126
Budget Paper No. 3 – Issues in Public Finance 1998-99 (Paper 380) (Mr Reed) 126
Budget Paper No. 4 – Capital Works Program 1998-99 (Paper 381) (Mr Reed) 126
Budget Paper No. 5 – Northern Territory Economy 1998-99 (Paper 382) (Mr Reed) 126
Northern Territory University (Academic Dress) (Paper 320) 113
Northern Territory University (Degrees and Other Awards) (Paper 321) 113
Constitutional Convention Day 8 – 9 April 1998 – Resolution E – Referendums
(Mr Bailey) (Paper 311) 111
Explanatory memorandum, Gas Pipelines Access (Northern Territory) Bill 1998
(Serial 66) (Paper 396) (Mr Poole) 129
Explanatory Memorandum, Lands Acquisition Amendment Bill 1998 (Paper 405) (Mr Palmer) 140
Explanatory Memorandum, Lands Acquisition Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 75)
(Paper 405) (Mr Palmer) 136
Explanatory memorandum, Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 1998
(Serial 73) (Paper 416) (Mr Manzie) 139
Explanatory memorandum, Power and Water Authority Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 63) (Paper 395) 128
Financial Management Act
Administrator’s Direction, Increase of Treasurer’s Advance, dated 27 February 1998 (Paper 365) 123
Direction, Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities, dated 27 February 1998
(Paper 366) 123
Treasurer’s Determination, Amounts of Allocation Transferred on Redistribution of
Public Business Amongst Agencies, dated 6 March 1998 (Paper 364) 123
FISHCOUNT A Survey of Recreational Fishing in the Northern Territory, Summary by
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries/Kewagama Research (Paper 371) (Mr Palmer) 122
Graph 1 – Mandatory Sentencing – All Reported Mandatory Sentencing Offences
(Paper 330) (Mr Stone) 115
Graph 2 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Stealing Offences (Paper 331) (Mr Stone) 115
Graph 3 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Criminal Damage Offences (Paper 332) (Mr Stone) 115
Graph 4 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Unlawful Entry with Intent Offences
(Paper 333) (Mr Stone) 115
Graph 5 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Unlawful Entries in Dwelling Offences
(Paper 334) (Mr Stone) 115
Graph 6 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Unlawful Entries in Building Offences
(Paper 335) (Mr Stone) 115
Graph 7 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Unlawful Use of Vehicle/Vessel Offences
(Paper 336) (Mr Stone) 115
Graph 8 – Mandatory Sentencing – Total Reported Offences (includes Mandatory
Sentencing Offences) (Paper 337) (Mr Stone) 115
Graph, Crime Rate Prior to Mandatory Sentencing (Paper 350) (Mr Stone) 116
Graph, Crime Rate Since Mandatory Sentencing (Paper 351) (Mr Stone) 116
Graph, Effect of Mandatory Sentencing on the Australian Dollar (as compared with the $US)
(Paper 349) (Mr Bailey) 116
Graph, Trends for total offences covered by Mandatory Sentencing (Paper 328) (Mr Stirling) 115
Health - Does the Minister read reports?, comment by Gerard Waterford, Alice Springs News,
dated 29 April 1998 (Paper 402) (Mr Rioli) 135
Inquest into the Death of Springvale Station Worker, Coroner’s Findings and
recommendations, Commenced on 26 November 1997 (Paper 367) 123
Kavanagh, Peter, Brief Biography, Northern Territory Labor Party (Paper 356) (Mr Adamson) 119
Legal Opinion in the Matter of Casual Vacancy in the Place of a Senator for the Northern
Territory by Gavan Griffith QC, Sellbourne Chambers, Sydney, dated 22 April 1998
(Paper 353) (Mr Stone) 119
Lim, Dr Richard, MLA, Member for Greatorex to Mrs Maggie Hickey, MLA, Leader
of the Opposition, dated 23 February 1998 (Paper 361) (Ms Martin) 119
Murphy, Mr Peter, Senior Private Secretary, Office of the Chief Minister, to unnamed
addressee, dated 5 March 1998 (Paper 374) (Mr Bailey) 126
Puruntatameri, Mr Marius, Chairman, Tiwi Land Council, to Hon Shane Stone, MLA,
Chief Minister, dated 15 April 1998 (Paper 313) (Mr Stone) 111
Stone, Hon Shane, MLA, Chief Minister to Mrs Maggie Hickey, MLA,
Leader of the Opposition, dated 23 April 1998 (Paper 401)(Mr Stone) 135
Map, Water Resources of the Northern Territory – Hydrogeological and Water
Development Assessments, Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment
(Paper 323) (Mr Palmer) 112
Map, Water Resources of the Northern Territory – Stock Water Supply Assessments,
Department of Lands, Planning and the Environment (Paper 324) (Mr Palmer) 112
Media Release, Maggie Hickey, MLA, Leader of the Opposition, Hickey Launches
Alice Springs Candidates, dated 10 February 1998 (Paper 355) (Mr Adamson) 119
Minute, Conn, Dr Neil, Under-Treasurer to Treasurer, BTEC Program,
dated 4 May 1990 (Paper 373) (Mrs Hickey) 125
New Fare Structure, effective from 1 July 1998, for Darwin Buses (Paper 397) (Mr Coulter) 132
Northern Australia Oil and Gas Task Force, the Vision - Brochure (Paper 392) (Mr Poole) 127
Operational Structure and Flow Chart – Transport and Infrastructure Development
(Paper 315) (Mr Coulter) 111
Plans of Management
Barranyi (North Island) National Park, Summary of Public representations, Parks and
Wildlife Commission of the NT (Paper 368) 123
Press Release, High Court Decision, Hon Mike Reed, MLA, Treasurer, dated 5 August 1997
(Paper 400) (Mrs Hickey) 135
Prospects for Timor Sea Gas in the Australian Market, Report by ACIL Economics Policy Ltd.
(Paper 393) (Mr Poole) 127
Regional Highlights, Alice Springs 1998-99 (Paper 388) (Mr Reed) 126
Regional Highlights, Arnhem and Tiwi Islands 1998-99 (Paper 386) (Mr Reed) 126
Regional Highlights, Darwin 1998-99 (Paper 383) (Mr Reed) 126
Regional Highlights, Katherine 1998-99 (Paper 385) (Mr Reed) 126
Regional Highlights, Palmerston and Rural 1998-99 (Paper 384) (Mr Reed) 126
Regional Highlights, Tennant Creek 1998-99 (Paper 387) (Mr Reed) 126
Regulations 1998
No 07, Amendments of Gaming Machine Regulations (Paper 316) 113
No 08, Sentencing (Punitive Work Orders) Regulations (Paper 317) 113
No 09, Juvenile Justice (Punitive Work Orders) Regulations (Paper 318) 113
No 10, Amendments of Gaming Control (Licensing) Regulations (Paper 319) 113
Report on the First Five Years of the Operation of the Prostitution Regulation Act
(Paper 362) (Mr Stone) 121
Review of Allied Health Therapy Services and Associated Social Work Services in
Central Australia, Interim Report, dated 23 February 1998 (Paper 312) (Mr Rioli) 111
Survey Report - A Financial Planning Kit for Women, Occasional Paper No 2, Office of
Women’s Policy (Paper 398) (Mr Stone) 132
Table 01 – Mandatory Sentencing – All Reported Mandatory Sentencing Offenders
(Paper 338) (Mr Stone) 115
Table 02 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Stealing Offences (Paper 339) (Mr Stone) 115
Table 03 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Criminal Damage Offences (Paper 340) (Mr Stone) 115
Table 04 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Unlawful Entry with Intent Offences
(Paper 341) (Mr Stone) 115
Table 05 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Unlawful Entry in Dwelling Offences
(Paper 342) (Mr Stone) 115
Table 06 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Unlawful Entries in Building Offences
(Paper 343) (Mr Stone) 115
Table 07 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Unlawful Use of Vehicle/Vessel Offences
(Paper 344) (Mr Stone) 115
Table 08 – Mandatory Sentencing – Total Reported Offenders (Includes Mandatory
Sentencing Offences) (Paper 345) (Mr Stone) 115
Table 09 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Robbery Offences (Paper 346) (Mr Stone) 116
Table 10 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Receiving Stolen Property Offences
(Paper 347) (Mr Stone) 116
Table 11 – Mandatory Sentencing – Reported Assault with Intent to Steal Offences
(Paper 348) (Mr Stone) 116
The Report of the Statehood Convention Volume 1 (Paper 406) and Volume 2
(Paper 407) (Madam Speaker) 136
Toyne, Peter – Brief Biography, Northern Territory Labor Party (Paper 358) (Mr Adamson) 119
Toyne, Peter, MLA for Stuart, Biography page from Internet Home Page,
dated 23 April 1998 (Paper 359) (Mr Adamson) 119
Toyne, Peter, MLA for Stuart, Biography page from the Internet Home Page,
dated 27 August 1997 (Paper 360) (Mr Adamson) 119
Women in the Budget 1998-99 (Paper 377) (Mr Reed) 126
- Toyne, Mr 120
- Alice Springs Hospital, 24 hour security for patients, public and staff (Dr Lim)
(401 petitioners) (Paper 310) 110
Mobile telephone service for Groote Eylandt (Mr Ah Kit) (116 petitioners) (Paper 412) 135
Women against kava Yirrkala region (Mr Ah Kit) (130 petitioners) (Paper 372) 125
- Early return of Mr Bailey after suspension from the Assembly for one hour at 10.11 am
on 29 April 1998 132
- Adelaide to Darwin Railway Project and other major infrastructure projects
(Paper 314) (Mr Coulter) 111
Agricultural industry in the Northern Territory and future opportunities that will arise
in the industry (Paper 390) (Mr Palmer) 127
Broadcast of Treasurer's Budget Speech (Madam Speaker) 125
Budget reply, Leader of the Opposition’s, Channel 8 to broadcast live or rebroadcast,
with sound and vision, and for 8 TOP-FM radio to broadcast live (Madam Speaker) 131
Commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the First Sitting of the Legislative Council –
Resolution document (Madam Speaker) 125
FISHCOUNT Survey of the Northern Territory’s recreational fishing industry
(Paper 370) (Mr Palmer) 121
Mandatory sentencing in the Northern Territory (Paper 329) (Mr Stone) 115
Northern Territory Tourism (Paper 363) (Mr Stone) 121
Oil and gas exploration and development in the Timor Sea (Paper 391) (Mr Poole) 127
Water Resource Assessment in the Northern Territory (Paper 322) (Mr Palmer) 111
Workplace Safety and Compensation for Injured Workers. (Paper 352) (Mr Burke) 116
- Gunbalunya Community Education Centre and their teachers, Mr Alan Perrin,
Mr Josiah Namundja and Mr Graham Mathews (Madam Speaker) 110
Information Technology and Administration Trainees from government departments
accompanied by Trainee Coordinator, Ms Kara Thomas (Madam Speaker) 135
Jingili Primary School, Year 7 students and their teacher, Ms Sue Mihailou (Madam Speaker) 127
Northern Territory University, Faculty of Foundation Studies, Certificate IV
in Business (Administration) students and lecturer Mrs Shirlie Richardson (Madam Speaker) 131
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016