Minutes of Proceedings - 2001-03-01
Eighth Assembly First Session 20/02/2001 Parliamentary Record No. 27
Date : 01/03/2001__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
20 February 2001 01 March 2001 835 - 873
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
MOTIONS (Procedural)
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Date : 01/03/2001
Index to Minutes – 20 February 2001 to 01 March 2001
From To Pages
20 February 2001 01 March 2001 835 - 873
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 295) 852, 860, 866
Companies (Trustees and Personal Representatives) Amendment Bill 2001
(Serial 290) 836, 849
Compensation (Fatal Injuries) Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 292) 836, 849
Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 273) 845
Fisheries Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 289) 847, 854
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 286) 866
Gaming Machine Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 296) 858, 866
Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 291) 836, 849
Licensed Surveyors Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 293) 852, 860
Local Government Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 294) 837, 845
Marine Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 298) 858, 865
Mining Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 302) 858, 865
Mining Management Bill 2001 (Serial 301) 858, 865
Northern Territory Licensing Commission Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 297) 858, 866
Statute Law Revision (No. 2) Bill 2000 (Serial 285) 839
Unit Titles (Consequential Amendments – Building Developments) Bill 2001
(Serial 300) 859, 865
Unit Titles Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 299) 858, 865
Weeds Management Bill 2000 (Serial 284) 839
- Minister for Health, Family and Children’s Services (Mr Dunham) for his
failure to provide a renal dialysis service in Tennant Creek (Mrs Hickey) 852
- Sir Donald Bradman AC, passed away on Sunday 25 February 2001 (Mr Burke) 851
- Kilgariff, Honourable Bern, AM, a former Member and Speaker of the
Legislative Assembly 847
- Fuel prices and taxes (Ms Martin) 838
- No. 30 assent to proposed laws, 23 October to 14 November 2000 (Paper 2281) 835
No. 31 recommending a Bill to amend the AustralAsia Railway Corporation
Act, funding of Railway (Paper 2345) 851
No. 32 assent to proposed laws, 14 and 15 December 20001
(Paper 2359) (Mr Speaker) 857
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Suspension of Standing Orders
Pass Bill through all stages
- AustralAsia Railway Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 295) 866
- Gaming Machine amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 296) and Northern
Territory Licensing Commission Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 297) 866
Unit Titles Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 299) and Unit Titles
(Consequential Amendments – Building Developments) Bill 2001
(Serial 300) 865
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Aged Care facilities in the Northern Territory - Note (Mr Dunham) 859
Alcohol related behaviour and night patrol funding – Negatived (Dr Toyne) 844
Alcohol related behaviour and night patrol funding (Dr Toyne) 837
Alice Springs Cultural Precinct, Araluen Art Centre - Note (Mr Adamson) 854
Auditor-General of the Northern Territory, Report to the Legislative
Assembly, February 2001 – Note (Mr Burke) 842, 854
Auditor-General of the Northern Territory, Report to the Legislative
Assembly, February 2001 – Print (Mr Burke) 842
Baseline Survey of the Port of Darwin for Introduced Marine Species –
Note report (Mr Palmer) 854
Censure, Minister for Health, Family and Children’s Services (Mr Dunham)
for his failure to provide a renal dialysis service in Tennant Creek (Mrs Hickey) 852
Committee of Privileges
Report No. 1, February 2001 – Report into matter referred by the Assembly
on 30 November 2000 - Note (Mr Palmer) 859, 872
Report No. 1, February 2001 – Report into matter referred by the Assembly
on 30 November 2000 - Print (Mr Palmer) 859
Condolence, Sir Donald George Bradman AC, died on
Sunday 25 February 2001 (Paper 2346) (Mr Burke) 851
Cultural visits and economic links to Greece (Ms Martin) 837, 843
Dry land salinity funding in the Territory - Note (Mr Baldwin) 864
Governemnt Housing Construction Program (Dr Lim) 848
Health Care Facilities in the Northern Territory (Mr Palmer) - Note 848
Immunization program across the Territory (Paper 2396) (Mr Dunham) 864
Interactive Gaming Industry, developments (Paper 2354) (Mr Baldwin) 854
Kenbi (Cox Peninsula) Land Claim Report by the Aboriginal Land
Commissioner (Mr Burke) 842
Law Reform Committee Reports on sexual assault prosecution and self
defence and provocation - Note (Mr Burke) 854
Library and information services to remote and Aboriginal communities.
(Paper 2397) (Mr Adamson) 864
Native Title impediments on developing mining and exploration in the
Territory - Note (Mr Manzie) 859
Northern Territory exploration initiatives (Paper 2307) (Mr Manzie) 838
Public Accounts Committee, Annual Report 1999/2000 – Note (Mr Poole) 849
Questions postponed until 3 pm this day (Mr Palmer) 835
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2000 – Ministers and
Members of the Legislative Assembly, tabled on 30 November 2000 -
Disapprove (Mr Burke) 843
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2001 - Ministers and Members
of the Legislative Assembly - Note (Mr Palmer) 843
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2001 - Ministers and Members
of the Legislative Assembly - Print (Mr Palmer) 843
Royal Darwin Hospital Funding (Mr Henderson) - Negatived 842
Royal Darwin Hospital, funding (Mr Henderson) 837
Territory education system (Mr Lugg) 848
Treaties ratification (Mr Burke) 860
White Spot Syndrome Virus infecting prawns at the Darwin Aquaculture
Centre (Mr Palmer) 838
- $6m upgrade for emergency centre, Northern Territory News,
dated 27 April 1999 (Paper 2310) (Mr Henderson) 841
Advertisement, Most of Our Experiences are Priceless (Paper 2369) (Mr Reed) 858
Advertisement, Refreshingly Inexpensive (Paper 2368) (Mr Reed) 858
Animal Biosecurity Policy Memorandum 2000/057, Interim conditions on
importation of green (uncooked) prawns by Department of Agriculture,
Fisheries and Forestry, Australia, dated 14 December 2000
(Paper 2286) (Mr Palmer) 837
Annual Reports
AustralAsia Railway Corporation, 1999/2000, (Paper 2379) 872
Mental Health Review Tribunal, 1999/2000, (Paper 2380) 872
National Crime Authority, 1999/2000 (Paper 2391) 872
National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory), 1999/2000, (Paper 2378) 872
Northern Territory Education Advisory Council, 1999 (Paper 2334) 850
Northern Territory Electrical Workers and Contractors Licensing Board,
1999/2000 (Paper 2271) 840
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 1999/2000 (Paper 2392) 873
Northern Territory Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Board, 1999/2000
(Paper 2270) 840
Strehlow Research Centre, 1999/2000, (Paper 2377) 873
Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory, 1999/2000 (Paper 2272) 840
Territory Insurance Office, 1999/2000, (Paper 2383) 873
AQIS Protecting our way of life – Media release, dated 5 February 2001 –
AQIS Tightens Prawn Import Controls (Paper 2285) (Mr Palmer) 837
Auditor-General of the Northern Territory, Report to the Legislative Assembly,
February 2001 (Paper 2308) (Mr Speaker) 842
Brochure, Methanex Corporation New Zealand. (Paper 2358) (Mr Manzie) 855
Amendment of Northern Territory University (Fees and Charges)
By-laws (Paper 2289) 840
Amendment of Northern Territory University (Student Association)
By-laws (Paper 2291) 840
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Library)
By-laws (Paper 2293) 840
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Site and Traffic)
By-laws (Paper 2292) 840
Northern Territory University (Student Residences)
By-laws (Paper 2290) 840
Cartoon, Greek Cypriot Weekly “Satiriki”, dated 30 September 1978.
(Paper 2376) (Ms Martin) 860
Central Australian Funding to Sporting Organisations, Table of
(Paper 2388) (Mr Lugg) 863
Certificate of Exemption from Public Tenders, Form, application for.
(Paper 2365) (Mr Stirling) 858
Committee of Privileges
Report No. 1, February 2001 – Report into matter referred by the
Assembly on 30 November 2000 (Paper 2362) (Mr Palmer) 859
Coroners Act
Office of the Coroner, Inquest into the death of Eduardo Concepcion,
pursuant to Section 27 of the Coroners Act, dated 25 January 2001
(Paper 2393) 873
Domestic Violence Strategy 1994 to 2005, NT Safe, Community Against Crime
(Paper 2394) 873
Financial Management Act
Determination of Variation of Allocation to Activity - Northern Territory
Treasury Corporation, pursuant to section 23(1) and (2),
dated 10 January 2001 (Paper 2381) 873
Graph, Comparison of Capital City Unleaded Petrol Import Parity Indicator
Price with Average Unleaded Petrol Prices (Paper 2308) (Ms Martin) 839
Graph, comparison of Capital City Unleaded Petrol Import Parity Price with
Average Unleaded Petrol Prices (Paper 2309) (Ms Martin) 841
Greek newsletter (Paper 2318) 844
Katherine District Business Re-establishment Fund Trust, Special Purpose
Financial Report for the period ended 30 April 2000. (Paper 2390) (Mr Reed) 863
Lands Acquisition Act
Statement of reasons for acquisitions pursuant to section 44(5),
dated 11 December 2000 re Section 4449 Hundred of Bagot and
NT Portion 3601, Northern Territory Gazette G1, 2001 (Paper 2288) 840
Dunham, Hon Stephen, and John Bailey to Mr Fred Finch, Chairman
N T Planning Authority, dated 26 March 1999 re Planning Authority
notice on Lots 6883 and 6834 Leanyer (Paper 2338) (Mr Henderson) 848
Dunham, Hon Stephen, Minister for Health, Family and Children’s
Services to Dr Helen Carney, Anyinginyi Congress Aboriginal Corporation,
dated 19 August 1999 (Paper 2344) (Mrs Hickey) 853
Dunham, Hon Stephen, Minister of Health, Family and Children’s Services
to Dr D Cox, Medical Board of the Northern Territory,
dated 19 December 2000 - re Dr Anthony page – allegations of lack of
consent (Paper 2385) (Mr Dunham) 863
Gibbs, Mr Greg, State Manager, to Mr Peter Plummer Secretary
Department of Education, dated 22 December 2000 (Paper 2366) (Dr Toyne) 858
Henderson, Mr Paul to Seniors village re Seniors’ Village on Tambling
Terrace, dated 25 January 2001 (Paper 2335) (Dr Lim) 848
Martin, Ms Clare Leader of the Opposition to Hon T McCarthy, Speaker,
dated 1 March 2001 (Paper 2398) (Mr Speaker) 864
Martin, Ms Clare, Leader of the Opposition to Ms J Carney, Barristers
and Solicitors, dated 19 February 2001 (Paper 2364) (Mr Burke) 858
Oliver, Ms Nola M to Chief Minister, dated 2 July 1999 re Senior Citizens
Village planned for Lots 6833 and 6834 (Paper 2339) (Mr Henderson) 848
Panton, Mr Bill, President, Leanyer Land Care Group to Director,
Development Assessment Services, Dept of Lands Planning and
Environment, undated reconsolidation of Lots 6833 and 6834 Town
of Sanderson (Paper 2340) (Mr Henderson) 848
Plummer, Mr Peter, to Mr Greg Gibbs, Department of Education Training
and Youth Affairs, dated 17 January 2001 (Paper 2367) (Dr Toyne) 858
Map, Darwin Region, Regional Planning Base, Biting Insect Nuisance and
Public Health Hazard, Figure 1C2 (Paper 2314) (Mr Burke) 842
Map, Darwin Region, Regional Planning Base, Cyclonic Storm – Surge
and Flooding Hazards, Figure 1C3 (Paper 2315) (Mr Burke) 842
Map, Darwin Region, Regional Planning Base, Land Generally suitable
for Horticulture and Agriculture, Figure 1A2 (Paper 2313) (Mr Burke) 842
Map, Exploration Licences on Aboriginal Freehold Land and Land that may
be Subject to Native Title. (Paper 2373) (Mr Manzie) 859
Map, Geographic Extent of Claimant Applications as per register of Native
Title Claims as at 30 June 2000 (Paper 2374) (Mr Manzie) 859
Map, residential town plan of Kalkarindji (Paper 2342) (Mr Reed) 849
Map, Seniors Village, Lot 7032 Leanyer Drive - artists impression
(Paper 2336) (Dr Lim) 848
Map, Seniors Village, Lot 7032 Leanyer Drive - Leanyer Senior Residential
Development by Territory Housing, Northern Territory Government
(Paper 2337) (Dr Lim) 848
National Environment Protection Council 1999-2000 (Paper 2370) 861
Newsletter, Opposition Leader, August 2000 - CLP Plan to push petrol
prices up (Paper 2329) (Mr Burke) 847
Newsletter, Opposition Leader, Nov/Dec 2000 – CLP Sticks to Petrol Price
Hike Plan (Paper 2331) Mr Burke) 847
Newsletter, Opposition Leader, November 2000 – Damn the CLP Government
not the harbour (Paper 2330) (Mr Burke) 847
Newsletter, TCA SHORTCUTS, dated 9 February 2001 and 16 February 2001
(Paper 2343) (Ms Martin) 852
NT Youth Survey Report by the Office of Youth Affairs. (Paper 2389) (Mr Burke) 864
Parliamentary Internship Program Paper, Youth Consultation Report, The
Western Australian Youth Advisory council Model and the Northern Territory,
dated 2000 by Ms Samantha Manette (Paper 2404) 873
Plans of Management
Arltunga Historical Reserve, Draft Plan of Management - Review of
Public Submissions (Paper 2355) 855
Arltunga Historical Reserve, November 2000 (Paper 2351) 855
Emily and Jessie Gaps Nature Park, Draft Plan of Management - Review
of Public Submissions (Paper 2357) 855
Emily and Jessie Gaps Nature Park, September 2000 (Paper 2353) 855
John Flynn’s Grave Historical Reserve, Draft Plan of Management -
Review of Public Submissions (Paper 2356) 855
John Flynn’s Grave Historical Reserve, September 2000 (Paper 2352) 855
Regulations 2000
No. 55, Land Title Regulations - Certificate as to Title (Paper 2294) 840
No. 56, Amendments of Registration Regulations (Paper 2295) 840
No. 57, Amendment of Pay-roll Tax Regulations (Paper 2296) 840
No. 58, Amendments of Firearms Regulations (Paper 2297) 840
No. 59, Amendment of Motor Vehicles (Fees and Charges) Regulations
(Paper 2298) 840
No. 60, Amendment of Petroleum Products Subsidy Regulations (Paper 2299) 840
No. 61, AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Regulations (Paper 2300) 840
No. 62, AustralAsia Railway Corporation (Investment) Regulations (Paper 2301) 840
No. 63 Amendments of Lands and Mining Tribunal Rules (Paper 2302) 840
Regulations 2001
No. 01, Territory Wildlife Regulations (Paper 2306) 840
Remuneration Tribunal
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2001 - Ministers and
Members of the Legislative Assembly (Paper 2316) (Mr Palmer) 843
Report to the Legislative Assembly by Dr Peter Toyne, pursuant to
section 9.1(e) of the Remuneration Tribunal Determination – Greece and
Cyprus, January 2001 (Paper 2400) 873
Report to the Legislative Assembly by Ms Clare Martin, pursuant to
section 9.1(e) of the Remuneration Tribunal Determination – Greece and
Cyprus, January 2001 (Paper 2399) 873
Report to the Legislative Assembly by Ms Sue Carter, pursuant to
section 9.1(e) of the Remuneration Tribunal Determination – United
Kingdom, study of hospice facilities, Year 2000 (Paper 2403) 873
Report to the Legislative Assembly pursuant to paragraph 9.1(e) of the
Remuneration Tribunal - overseas travel January 2001by the member for
Fannie Bay (Ms Martin) to Greece and Cyprus (Ms Martin) 855, 861
Souvenir Program – A Commemorative Concert 17th and 18th February 2001
entitled Somewhere North of Somewhere (Paper 2401) (Mr Manzie) 872
Summary Report on the Discovery of RNA Signals similar to White Spot
Syndrome Virus in Imported Green Prawns by Northern Territory Department
of Industry and Fisheries, dated February 2001 (Paper 2284) (Mr Palmer) 838
Table, Funding for Native Title $17.020m (Paper 2372) (Mr Manzie) 859
Table, Leanyer and Woodleigh Gardens Open Space and Parks
(Paper 2341) (Mr Henderson) 848
Territory Today, November 2000 – Railway Work to start this month
(Paper 2332) (Mr Burke) 847
Tourism Brochures, Barramundi post cards (Paper 2387) (Mr Reed) 863
Tourism Brochures, valid 1 April 2001 to 31 March 2002 (Paper 2386) (Mr Reed) 863
Treaty – List of multilateral treaty action under negotiation by the Australian
Government – as at December 2000 (Paper 2375) Mr Elferink) 860
Yuendumu Water Supply Test Data, fax dated 22 October 1999, Power and
Water Supply and letter, Mr A Ogden to Councilor Eddie Robertson
Yuendumu Council, dated 19 April 2000 (Paper 2312) (Dr Toyne) 841
- Drink driving offences, laws and penalties, petition No. 64 (Paper 2350)
(Mr Burke) (98 petitioners) 852
Elizabeth River Estuary, the New Township of Weddell and Darwin Harbour,
No. 62 (Paper 2323) (Ms Martin) (3836 petitioners) 847
Elizabeth River Estuary, the Township of Weddell and Darwin Harbour,
No. 63 (Paper 2324) (3802 petitioners) (Mr Burke) 847
Gay and Lesbian Fun Festival “Alice is Wonderland” in Alice Springs
on 10 to 17 March 2001 - protesting the conduct of (Paper 2361)
(Mrs Braham) (762 petitioners) 858
Hospice establishment and ongoing funding, petition No. 61.
(4911 petitioners) (Paper 2360) (Mrs Hickey) (Ms Carter) 858
Hospice, establishment and ongoing services, No. 69 (Paper 2384)
(Ms Carter) (90 petitioners) 863
Leanyer Skatepark, Nos. 66, 67 and 68 (109, 175 and 160 petitioners respectively)
(Paper 2382) (Mr Henderson) 863
No. 51, 52, 53, 55, 56, 57 and 58 (Papers 2273 to 2280) 836
No. 54 - re New Permanent Site for the Deckchair Cinema (Paper 2325) 847
No. 62 and 63 - re Elizabeth River township of Weddell (Mr Burke) 847
Riverview Ampol Roadhouse/Caravan Park Liquor Licence, proposed
revocation of, No. 60 (Paper 2283) (Mr Reed) (96 petitioners) 836
Takeaway alcohol hours, Katherine residents not in agreement with any
proposal to cut, No. 59 (Paper 2282) (Mr Reed) (1121 petitioners) 836
- Abence of Speaker McCarthy - Acting Speaker Mr Mitchell MLA
advised Honourable Members of the absence of the Speaker until 3 pm today 835
Aged Care facilities in the Northern Territory. (Paper 2371) (Mr Dunham) 859
Alice Springs Cultural Precinct, Araluen Art centre (Paper 2349) (Adamson) 854
Dry land salinity funding in the Territory. (Paper 2395) (Mr Baldwin) 864
Flooding of Top End Communities, February 2001 (Mr Reed) 854
Governemnt Housing Construction Program (Paper 2328) 848
Health Care Facilities in the Northern Territory (Paper 2326) (Mr Palmer) 848
Immunization program across the Territory (Paper 2396) (Mr Dunham) 864
Interactive Gaming Industry, developments (Paper 2354) (Mr Baldwin) 854
Katherine District Business Re-establishment Fund Trust, Special Purpose
Financial Report for the period ended 30 April 2000 (Mr Reed) 863
Kenbi (Cox Peninsula) Land Claim Report by the Aboriginal Land
Commissioner (Paper 2311) (Mr Burke) 842
Law Reform Committee Reports on sexual assault prosecution and self
defence and provocation. (Paper 2348) (Mr Burke) 854
Library and information services to remote and Aboriginal communities.
(Paper 2397) (Mr Adamson) 864
Matter of Public Importance proposed by Leader of Opposition for
1 March 2001 - late arrival of letter (Mr Speaker) 864
Native Title impediments on developing mining and exploration in the
Territory (Paper 2363) (Mr Manzie) 859
Northern Territory exploration initiatives (Paper 2307) (Mr Manzie) 838
NT Youth Survey Report by the Office of Youth Affairs (Mr Burke) 864
Party political association of Mrs Braham, Assembly representation
change from the Country Liberal Party to an Independent Member (Mrs Braham) 836
Territory education system (Paper 2327) (Mr Lugg) 848
White Spot Syndrome Virus infecting prawns at the Darwin Aquaculture
Centre (Paper 2287) (Mr Palmer) 837
- Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education students accompanied
by their lecturer Ms Robyn Ober 841
Good Shepherd Lutheran Primary School, Year 3/4 students accompanied
by their teacher Ms Emily Lewis 857
Manunda Terrace Primary School, Year 7 students, accompanied
by their teacher, Ms Jeannie Bennett (Mr Speaker) 851
Moulden Park Primary School, Year 6 students accompanied
by their teacher Ms Frances Hooper 857
Moulden Park Primary School, Year 6 students accompanied by
their teacher, Ms Frances Hooper 863
Northern Territory Literacy and Numeracy Training Program students
accompanied by their lecturer Ms Lorraine Sushames (Mr Speaker) 836
Palmerston Seniors Group 857
Young Tiwi Leaders Ms Kelly Bo, Mr James Kantilla, Mr Cyril Rioli Jnr,
Mr Pedro Wonaeamirri, Mr Tristan Munatopi, Mr David Guy Jnr and
Mr Robert Joarn accompanied by Mr Cliff and Mrs Patsy Thompson (Mr Speaker) 838
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016