Minutes of Proceedings - 2000-10-10
First Assembly Eighth Session 10/10/2000 Parliamentary Record No. 25
Date : 10/10/2000__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
10 October 200019 October 2000 767 - 808
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
MOTIONS (Procedural)
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Date : 10/10/2000
Index to Minutes – 10 October 2000 to 19 October 2000
From To Pages
10 October 200019 October 2000 767 - 808
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000
(Serial 281) 788, 800, 806
AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 282) 788, 800, 806
Caravan Parks Act Repeal Bill 2000 (Serial 277) 788, 801
Cemeteries Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 278) 805
Commercial and Private Agents Licensing Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 257) 784
Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 273) 770, 780
Crimes at Sea Bill 2000 (Serial 267) 767, 780
Education Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 252) 785
Electronic Transactions (Northern Territory) Bill 2000 (Serial 269) 783, 789
Family Provision Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 263) 806
Firearms Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 272) 767, 780
Hawkers Act Repeal Bill 2000 (Serial 279) 788, 801
Housing Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 270) 767, 781
Kava Management Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 283) 799, 805
Law of Property Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 264) 806
Marine Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 259) 801
Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 266) 783, 789
Northern Territory Tourist Commission Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 256) 801
Oaths Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 255) 771
Off-shore Waters (Application of Territory Laws) Amendment Bill 2000
(Serial 268) 767, 780
Police Administration Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 271) 767, 781, 806, 808
Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 274) 788, 800, 808
Prostitution Regulation Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 276) 799, 805
Public Trustee Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 265) 806
Status of Palmerston Bill 2000 (Serial 261) 771
Surveillance Devices Bill 2000 (Serial 254) 806
Territory Insurance Office Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 275) 799, 805
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 260) 790, 797
Trespass Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 258) 806
Water Supply and Sewerage Services Bill 2000 (Serial 280) 799, 805
Wills Bill 2000 (Serial 262) 806
- Dr Kumantjayi Perkins AO, passed away 18 October 2000 (Mr Speaker) 803
Honourable Roger Bede Nott, former Administrator of the Northern
Territory (Mr Speaker) 770
- Chief Minister (Mr Burke) for Wednesday 18 October 2000 to attend
to government business relating to the construction of the AustralAsia Railway 788
Member for Port Darwin (Ms Carter) for Tuesday 17 October 2000 to
Thursday 19 October 2000 inclusive, due to her attendance at a
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association Seminar (Mr Burke) 787
- Northern Territory school education system (Dr Toyne) 789
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Suspension of Standing Orders
Pass Bill through all stages
- Police Administration Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 271) 781
Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 274) 805
- AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000
(Serial 281) and AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill
(No. 2) 2000 (Serial 282) 805
- AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000
(Serial 281) and AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill
(No. 2) 2000 (Serial 282) 800
Crimes at Sea Bill 2000 (Serial 267) and Off-shore Waters (Application
of Territory Laws) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 268) 780
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Aboriginal land and native title issues – Note statement (Mr Burke) 804
Apprenticeship training strategies in support of the Railway Project,
Northern Territory Vocational Education and Training system (VET)
Note statement (Mr Lugg) 789
August 2000 Report of the Auditor-General to the Legislative Assembly -
Note report 781, 785
Australian Olympic Team, commendation (Mr Burke) 770
Darwin Harbour and environs, suburban expansion around (Mr Baldwin) 774
Defence industry in the Territory – Note statement (Paper 2092) 771
Fishing Access Summit (Dr Toyne) 769, 777
Fuel Pricing and Costs in the Territory – Negatived (Ms Martin) 768, 776
Good Governance – Negatived (Ms Martin) 768, 775
King Ash Bay Fishing Club, Borroloola – Negatived (Mrs Hickey) 767, 774
Land and Geographic Information management (LAIS) in the Territory –
Note statement (Mr Baldwin) 789
Morphine sulphate prescription rate in the Territory – Negatived (Mr Henderson) 769, 777
Opiate use in the Northern Territory – Note statement (Mr Dunham) 800
Private security controllers, review of levels and standards of training
conducted by the Northern Territory Licensing Commission –
Note statement (Mr Baldwin) 784
Remuneration, Salary and Allowances of Judges and Magistrates -
Note papers (Mr Burke) 773
Response times to Written Questions, proposed Standing Order 118 –
Negatived (Dr Toyne) 769, 779
Technology by the Territory’s Police, Fire and Emergency Services –
Note statement (Mr Reed) 804
Technology driven community, advances in the future –
Note statement (Mr Adamson) 800
Territory style entertainment and shows being embraced by Territorians –
Note statement (Mr Adamson) 784
Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report 1999/2000 (Paper 2172) -
Note (Mr Reed) 804
Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report 1999/2000 (Paper 2172) - Print (Mr Reed) 804
- Amendment of Determination and Determination of Remuneration of
Stipendiary Magistrates, dated 30 June 2000 (Paper 2104) Mr Burke) 774
Amendment of Determination of Salary and Allowances and Determination
of Allowance Payable to Judges (Other than the Chief Justice), Acting Judges
or Additional Judges), dated 30 June 2000 (Paper 2102) (Mr Burke) 774
Amendment of Determination of Salary and Allowances and Determination
of Allowance Payable to the Chief Justice, dated 30 June 2000
(Paper 2101) (Mr Burke) 773
Amendment of Determination of Salary and Allowances Payable to Judges
(Other than the Chief Justice), Acting Judges or Additional Judges)
of the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, 3 May 2000
(Paper 2100) Mr Burke) 773
Amendment of Determination of Salary and Allowances Payable to the
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Northern Territory, dated 3 May 2000
(Paper 2099) (Mr Burke) 773
Amendments to Tapatjatjaka Community Government Scheme, Notice of
approval in Northern Territory Government Gazette on 16 August 2000
(Paper2074) 772
Annual Reports
Alice Springs Hospital Management Board, 1999/00 (Paper 2161) 801
Anti-Discrimination Commission, 1999/00 (Paper 2135) 797
Arts and Museums, 1999/00 (Paper2120) 785
Department of Asian Relations and Trade, 1999/00 (Paper 2163) 801
Department of Mines and Energy, 1999/2000 (Paper 2180) 808
Department of Sport and Recreation, 1999/00 (Paper 2146) 797
Department of the Chief Minister, 1999/00 (Paper 2145) 797
Department of the Legislative Assembly, 1999/2000 (Paper 2176) 808
Director of Public Prosecutions, 1999/00 (Paper 2077) 772
Gove Hospital Management Board, 1999/00 (Paper 2158) 801
Health and Community Services Complaints Commission, 1999/00 (Paper 2075) 772
Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Northern Region, 1999/00 (Paper 2133) 797
Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Southern Region, 1999/00 (Paper 2134) 797
Katherine Hospital Management Board, 1999/00 (Paper 2160) 801
Legislative Assembly Members Superannuation Trust, 1999/00 (Paper 2142) 798
Local Government, 1999/00 (Paper 2144) 798
Northern Territory Architects Board, 1999/00 (Paper 2076) 772
Northern Territory Attorney General's Department, 1999/2000(Paper 2170) 808
Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority, 1999/00 (Paper 2089) 772
Northern Territory Government Conditions of Service Trust, 1999/00
(Paper 2166) 808
Northern Territory Treasury Corporation, 1999/00 (Paper 2168) 808
Northern Territory Treasury, 1999/00 (Paper 2169) 808
Office of Aboriginal Development, 1999/00 (Paper 2143) 798
Office of Communications, Science and Advanced Technology,
1999/00 (Paper 2165) 808
Office of Courts Administration, 1999/2000 (Paper 2177) 808
Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, 1999/00 (Paper 2155) 801
Royal Darwin Hospital Management Board, 1999/00 (Paper 2157) 801
Tennant Creek Hospital Management Board, 1999/00 (Paper 2159) 801
Territory Health Services, 1999/00 (Paper2162) 802
Trade Development Zone Authority, 1999/2000 (Paper 2106) 781
Uranium Mining (Environment Control) Act, 1999 (Paper 2078) 772
Utilities Commission, 1999/00 (Paper 2167) 808
Article, Builders feel pinch as slump worsens, Northern Territory News,
dated 22 September 2000 (Paper 2171) (Ms Martin) 803
Article, Darwins’ art of darkness by Nicholas Rothwell, 8 September 2000,
The Australian (Paper 2123) (Mr Adamson) 784
Article, Top End trip to self-discovery by Robin Archer,
dated 6 October 1999, Adelaide Advertiser (Paper 2124) (Mr Adamson) 784
Attachment 1 – Strip Claims to the Inter-tidal Zone denying landholders
access to the Sea (Paper 2174) (Mr Burke) 804
Attachment 2 – Claims to Beds and Banks of Rivers (Paper 2175) (Mr Burke) 804
Australia’s estuaries – assessing their condition (Paper 2137) (Ms Martin) 788
Booklet Nyinkka Nyunyu (Paper 2128) (Mrs Hickey) 784
Darwin’s Future Growth Options, the Elizabeth River Area, Media Kit by
the Northern Territory Government (Paper 2098) (Mr Baldwin) 774
Determination of allowances and Benefits of Acting Judge,
dated 27 July 2000 (Paper 2103) (Mr Burke) 774
Exports/imports from the Northern Territory for financial year 1999-2000 –
value (FOB) ($000) (Paper 2139) (Mr Manzie) 788
Extract of Minutes of Proceedings 17 August 2000 – Financial Management
Act, Transfers of excess allocations between Activities (Paper 2105) (Mr Reed) 773
Extract of pages 44 and 45 – Law of Privilege by Suzanne B McNicol, Law Book
Co Ltd 1992 – Legal Professional Privilege (Paper 2152) (Mr Manzie) 799
Extract of Treasurer’s Quarterly Financial Statement, schedule 17, pages 4 and 5
(Paper 2095) (Ms Martin) 773
Extract, Social Justice Report 1999 by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Social Justice Commissioner – Mandatory sentencing and Indigenous Youth
(Paper 2130) (Mr Ah Kit) 785
Fax, Ms Kezia Purick to Mr Steve Balch re results of Mine Rescue Competition
Results (Paper 2148) (Mr Balch) 797
Financial Statements
Menzies School of Health Research, 1999/00 (Paper 2136) 798
Northern Territory Auditor-General's Office, for year ended 30 June 2000
(Paper2079) 772
Grocery Price Survey, September Quarter 2000 by Northern Territory Treasury
(Paper 2138) (Mr Reed) 788
Andrews, Mr N J to Mr Graeme Dingwell re King Ash Bay Fishing Club,
dated 2 July 2000 (Paper 2108) (Mrs Hickey) 774
Baldwin, Hon Tim to Mrs M Hickey re King Ash Bay Fishing Club,
dated 19 September 2000 (Paper 2110) (Mrs Hickey) 774
Bolkus, Senator Hon Nick, Australian Labor Party to Francesco Bandarin,
Director World Heritage Centre, dated 22 September 2000 re Jabiluka
uranium mine(Paper 2118) (Mr Reed) 783
Gray, Mr Bob, Chemist in Charge SAS Laboratory, Brisbane Water,
Scientific Analytical Services to Ms Rachel Nolan dated 7 September 2000
re Sludge Sample – Stokes Hill Wharf – Our ref 00/07505
(Paper 2119) (Mr Henderson) 783
Hickey, Mrs M to Hon Tim Baldwin MLA re King Ash Bay Fishing Club,
dated 16 August 2000 (Paper 2109) (Mrs Hickey) 774
Inmate letters to solicitor (edited), dated 14 September 2000 (Paper 2151) 799
Memorandum to all nursing staff re Best Practice Skills Employment Agency,
19 September 2000 (Paper 2096) (Mr Dunham) 773
Minutes of meeting, Tuesday 12 September 2000, Donna Kittel, Jesses Wish
(Paper 2114) (Mr Henderson) 777
Refrigerator magnet Read with Your Kids – parents are partners in education
(Paper 2147) (Mr Lugg) 789
Regulations 2000
No. 42, Amendment of Darwin City Council By-Laws (Paper 2080) 772
No. 43, Amendment of Alice Springs (Animal Control) By-Laws (Paper 2081) 772
No. 44, Amendment of Nhulunbuy (Animal Control) By-Laws (Paper 2082) 772
No. 45, Amendments of Firearms Regulations (Paper 2083) 772
No. 46, Amendments of Housing Assistance Schemes Regulations (Paper 2084) 772
No. 47, Electricity Reform (Safety and Technical) Regulations (Paper 2085) 772
No. 48, Amendments of Supreme Court Regulations (Paper 2086) 772
No. 49, Amendment of Legal Practitioners Regulations (Paper 2087) 772
Remuneration Tribunal
Report to the Legislative Assembly pursuant to section 9.1(e) of the
Remuneration Tribunal – overseas travel 2nd to 24th July 1998 by the
Member for Nightcliff, Mr Hatton (Paper 2094) 772
A Strategy for Conservation of the Biological Diversity of wetlands in
the Northern Territory of Australia, Parks and Wildlife Commission,
Northern Territory (Paper 2154) 802
Inquest into the deaths of Glen Anthony Huitson and Rodney William
Ansell Nos. 9917767 and 9917768 respectively, delivered 15 September 2000
(Paper 2178) 808
Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report 1999/2000 (Paper 2172) (Mr Reed) 804
- Alice Springs Education Centre (164 petitioners) (Paper 2090) (Dr Toyne) 767
Commissioner for Public Employment appeal in respect of the Northern
Territory Public Service (General Conditions of Service) Award 2000
(6 weeks leave provision) be withdrawn, not conforming to Standing Orders
(Paper 2150) (Mr Stirling) (755 petitioners) 799
Commissioner for Public Employment to support a variation of the Northern
Territory Public Service Award to allow for the provision of 6 weeks recreation
leave, not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 2149)
(Mr Stirling) (2170 petitioners) 799
No. 40 – Distribution of morphine and Temazepam (Paper 2068). 767
No. 42 – Wirrina security patrols (Paper 2069) 767
No. 43 – John Stokes Square Complex (Paper 2070). 767
No. 47 – Alice Springs Education Centre (Paper 2071). 767
No. 48 – Anti–social behaviour, Stuart Park Shopping Complex (Paper 2072). 767
No. 49 – Kurringal flats complex, Dick Ward Drive, proposed disposal of
land title (Paper 2073). 767
- Aboriginal land and native title issues (Paper 2173) (Mr Burke) 804
Apprenticeship training strategies in support of the Railway Project,
Northern Territory Vocational Education and Training system (VET)
(Paper 2141) (Mr Lugg) 789
Chamber Microphones, inoperable for Members for Greatorex, Araluen,
Blain and Stuart. 787
Darwin as a resource, repair and supply centre (Paper 2121) (Mr Manzie) 783
Darwin Harbour and environs, suburban expansion around
(Paper 2097) (Mr Baldwin) 774
Defence industry in the Territory (Paper 2092) 771
File footage of Members by ABC Stateline (Mr Speaker) 773
Filming in chamber by Imparja (Mr Speaker) 767
Imparja Television to broadcast, with sound and vision, the condolence
motion for Charles Nelson Perkins AO (Mr Speaker) 803
Land and Geographic Information management (LAIS) in the Territory
(Paper 2140) (Mr Baldwin) 789
Opiate use in the Northern Territory (Paper 2153) (Mr Dunham) 800
Private security controllers, review of levels and standards of training
conducted by the Northern Territory Licensing Commission
(Paper 2129) (Mr Baldwin) 784
Technology by the Territory’s Police, Fire and Emergency Services
(Paper 2179) (Mr Reed) 804
Technology driven community, advances in the future
(Paper 2156) (Mr Adamson) 800
Territory export business in our international region (Paper 2093) 771
Territory style entertainment and shows being embraced by Territorians
(Paper 2122) (Mr Adamson) 784
- Casuarina Senior College, Year 11 students accompanied by their teacher
Mr Graham Parker 783
Coulter, Mr Barry, former Deputy Chief Minister and Treasurer of the
Legislative Assembly (Mr Speaker) 799
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016