Minutes of Proceedings - 1997-11-25
Eighth Assembly First Session 25/11/1997 Parliamentary Record No. 1
Date : 25/11/1997__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
25 November 1997 4 December 1997 1 - 63
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
ADDRESS-IN-REPLY 9, 25, 28, 35, 42, 49
MOTIONS (Procedural)
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Date : 25/11/1997
Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 25 November 1997 to 4 December 1997
From To Pages
25 November 1997 4 December 1997 1 - 63
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
ADDRESS-IN-REPLY 9, 25, 28, 35, 42, 49
- Presentation to His Honour the Administrator (Madam Speaker) 46, 49, 51, 55
- Government 6
Opposition 8
- Advance Bank Integration Bill 1997 (Serial 33) 45, 56
Agents Licensing Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 25) 39, 48
AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 5) 12, 34
Ayers Rock Resort (Sale) Bill 1997 (Serial 1) 9, 28, 36, 37
Bail Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 15) 31, 41
Coroners Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 32) 45, 55
Criminal Code (Euthanasia) Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 11) 51
Criminal Records (Spent Convictions) Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 6) 11, 34
Dangerous Goods Bill 1997 (Serial 28) 12, 35
Fisheries Amendment Act 1997 Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 19) 39, 48
Freedom of Information Bill 1997 (Serial 14) 11
Health and Community Services Complaints Bill 1997 (Serial 38) 51, 62
Heritage Conservation Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 40) 51, 62
Independent Electoral Commission Bill 1997 (Serial 12) 11
Instruments Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 2) 12, 35
Interpretation Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 17) 39, 48
Jabiluka Uranium Mine (Mr Manzie) (23 petitioners) (Paper 220) 63
Juries Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1997 (Serial 8) 11, 34
Justices Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 16) 33, 41
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1997 (Serial 29) 31, 40
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 4) 12, 34
Legal Practitioners (Queens Counsel) Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 21) 11
Magistrates Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 31) 45, 55
Mental Health and Related Services Bill 1997 (Serial 39) 54, 62
- Mining Amendment Bill (No 2) 1997 (Serial 24) 31, 42
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 22) 31, 41
Northern Territory Electoral Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 26) 11
Pastoral Land Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 37) 45, 56
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 20) 11, 34, 49
Sea-Carriage Documents Bill 1997 (Serial 9) 31, 41
Sentencing Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 30) 31, 40
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 35) 45, 56
Statute Law Revision Bill 1997 (Serial 27) 39, 48
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 36) 45, 56
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 34) 45, 55
Traffic Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 23) 31, 41
Unit Titles Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 3) 12, 35
Water Supply and Sewerage Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 18) 31, 42
Work Health Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 7) 12, 35
- Deputy Chief Minister (Mr Reed) for lying to the people of Yulara and Parap, and lying
about the purchase of X-rated pornographic material (Paper 150) (Mr Bailey) 51
Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment (Mr Palmer) re heritage responsibilities,
Old Alice Springs Gaol (Paper 62) (Mr Toyne) 32
Minister for Local Government - Closure of the Yulara Town Council (Paper 56) (Mr Bailey) 26
- The Honourable Minna Lydia Ruth Sitzler (Paper 2) 2
- Speaker (Mrs L Braham) (Paper 5) 5
- Deputy (Paper 3) 3
- Everingham, Hon Paul, AO, former Federal Member for the House of Representatives
for the Northern Territory and former Chief Minister of the Northern Territory 12, 61
- Mrs L Braham, 25 November 1997 4
- Productivity in the Mango Industry (Mr Toyne) 55
- Mr Stirling, 2 December 1997, 1 hour pursuant to Sessional Order 240A 45
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Leave denied
Toyne, Mr, to move a motion proposing a Committee on Use and Abuse of Substances
by the Community 24
Suspension of Standing Orders
Censure of Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment (Mr Palmer) re heritage
responsibilities, Old Alice Springs Gaol (Paper 62) (Mr Toyne) 32
Committee on Use and Abuse of Substances by the Community - Proposed committee -
Motion negatived (Mr Toyne) 24
Pass Bill through all stages
- Ayers Rock Resort (Sale) Bill 1997 (Serial 1) 28
Police Administration Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 20) 49
- Bail Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 15) and the Justices Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 16) 41
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 22) and the Traffic Amendment Bill 1997
(Serial 23) 41
Sentencing Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 30) and the Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill
(No. 2) 1997 (Serial 29) 40
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 35) and the Taxation (Administration)
Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 36) 56
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976, review of - Note statement (Mr Stone) 39
Answers to Questions asked on Previous Days - Sessional Order - adopted SO 119A 20
Chairman of Committees - Mr Mitchell 12
Committee of Privileges 13
Environment Committee - Sessional Committee 21
House Committee 15
Public Accounts Committee 17
Publications Committee 15
Standing Orders Committee 13
Subordinate Legislation and Tabled Papers Committee 15
Appointment of time for holding a sitting of the Assembly - Sessional Order 20
Auditor-General for the Northern Territory, 1996-97 dated August 1997
Note (Mr Stone) 25
Print (Mr Stone) 25
Broadcast of additional Answers at Question Time - Order of the Assembly 21
Committee on Use and Abuse of Substances by the Community - Proposed committee -
Negatived (Mr Toyne) 25
Constitutional Convention for the Northern Territory
Note statement (Mr Stone) 62
Crimes Victims Advisory Committee on Crime Victims Assistance
Note paper (Mr Stone) 62
Division Bells - Sessional Order - Amendment to SO 161, adopted 20
- Greenhouse Effect on the Northern Territory, in terms of job losses and reduction in export
earnings - Note statement (Mr Stone) 54
Health Care in the Northern Territory - Note statement (Mr Burke) 40
Leaders’ Forum of Premiers and Chief Ministers in Melbourne on 31 October 1997, the
Special Premiers’ Conference on Taxation Reform on 6 November 1997 in Canberra, the
National Domestic Violence Summit, the Council of Australian Governments and Treaties
Council meetings held on 7 November 1997 - Note statement (Mr Stone) 33
Lost generation and Aboriginal reconciliation (Mrs Hickey) 31
Northern Territory Directions - Transforming the Track into a Superhighway -
Note statement (Mr Adamson) 34
Ombudsman, 1996-97
Note report (Mr Stone) 35
Print (Mr Stone) 35
Plans of Management for Conservation Reserves, Rainbow Valley, Illamurta Springs
and Mac Clark (Acacia Peuce) - Note papers (Mr Baldwin) 27
Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 1 of 1997 for Ministers and
Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly
Disapprove parts (Mr Stone) 54
Print (Mr Stone) 54
Report on the Inquiry into the Issue of Kava
Note paper (Mr Burke) 48
Report on the Inquiry into the Issue of Kava Regulation prepared for the former
Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community - Authority
to Table, draft report (Mr Burke) 46
Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995
Report pursuant to Section 14 of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995
- Note report (Paper 78) (Mr Stone) 39
Note statement (Mr Reed) 26
Standing Orders Committee
First Report, Matters relating to Disorder, dated November 1997
- Print (Mr Coulter) 54
Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report for 1996-97 - Note paper (Mr Reed) 46
Weeds Management Bill 1997, Draft
Note paper (Mr Palmer) 62
- Administrator (Paper 1) 1
- A Management Program for Cycads in the Northern Territory of Australia 1997
(Paper 148) (Mr Baldwin) 49
A Management Program for the Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus banksii,
in the Northern Territory of Australia 1997 (Paper 147) (Mr Baldwin) 49
A Strategy for Conservation Through the Sustainable Use of Wildlife in the Northern
Territory of Australia (Paper 146) 49
Casino Operator’s Agreement between Peter Francis Adamson and Ford Dynasty,
dated 16 July 1997 (Paper 72) 38
Northern Territory of Australia and The Australian Lottery Company Pty Ltd and Others,
dated 10 April 1997 (Paper 71) 38
Annual Reports
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 1996/97 (Paper 169) 57
Alice Springs Hospital Management Board, 1996/97 (Paper 165) 57
Auditor-General for the Northern Territory, 1996-97 dated August 1997
(Paper 29) (Madam Speaker) 25
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 1994/95, Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act
(Paper 191) 57
Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, 1995/96, Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Act
(Paper 207) 57
Darwin Port Authority, 1996/97 (Paper 197) 57
Department of Asian Relations, Trade and Industry, 1996/97 (Paper 158) 57
Department of Housing and Local Government 1996/97 (Paper 141) 50
Department of Lands, Planning and Environment, 1996/97 (Paper 175) 57
Department of Mines and Energy, 1996-97 (Paper 80) 43
Department of Mines and Energy, Uranium Mining (Environment Control) Act,
18th Annual Report, 1 January - 31 December 1996 (Paper 84) 43
Department of Primary Industry and Fisheries, 1996/97 (Paper 161) 57
Department of Sport and Recreation, 1996/97 (Paper 193) 57
Department of the Chief Minister, 1996/97 (Paper 160) 57
Department of the Legislative Assembly, 1996/97 (Paper 218) 63
Department of Transport and Works, 1996/97 (Paper 196) 57
Director of Public Prosecutions, 1996/97 (Paper 170) 57
Gove District Hospital Management Board, 1996/97 (Paper 166) 57
Gurig National Park, Coburg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board, 1996/97 (Paper 181) 57
Heritage Advisory Council, 1996/97 (Paper 182) 57
Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Northern Region, 1996-97 (Paper 77) 38
Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Southern Region, 1996-97 (Paper 70) 38
Katherine Hospital Management Board, 1996/97 (Paper 163) 57
Legislative Assembly Member’s Superannuation Trust, 1996-97 (Paper 69) 38
Menzies School of Health Research, 1996/97 (Paper 184) 57
Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, 1996/97 (Paper 167) 58
National Road Transport Commission 1996/97 (Paper 144) 50
National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory), 1996/97 (Paper 183) 58
Nitmiluk National Park, for Year ended 30 June 1997 (Paper 91) 43
Northern Territory Anti-Discrimination Commission, 1996/97 (Paper 179) 58
Northern Territory Attorney-General’s Department, 1996/97 (Paper 168) 58
Northern Territory Auditor-Generals Office, Financial Statements for Year Ended
30 June 1997 (Paper 201) 58
Northern Territory Correctional Services, 1996-97 (Paper 82) 43
Northern Territory Department of Education, 1 January - 31 December 1996 (Paper 192) 58
Northern Territory Government and Public Authorities Superannuation Scheme,
1996/97 (Paper 190) 58
Northern Territory Government Conditions of Service Trust, 1996/97 (Paper 188) 58
Northern Territory Grants Commission, 1996/97 (Paper 194) 58
Northern Territory Housing Commission, 1996/97 (Paper 195) 58
Northern Territory Liquor Commission 1996/97 (Paper 140) 50
Northern Territory Police, Fire and Emergency Services, 1996/97 (Paper 157) 58
Northern Territory Tourist Commission, 1996/97 (Paper 186) 58
Northern Territory Treasury Corporation, 1996/97 (Paper 189) 58
Northern Territory Treasury, 1996/97 (Paper 185) 58
Northern Territory University, 1996 (Paper 159) 58
Office of Aboriginal Development 1996/97 (Paper 145) 50
Office of Ethnic Affairs, 1996/97 (Paper 177) 58
Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment, 1996/97 (Paper 187) 58
Ombudsman, 1996-97 (Paper 75) (Mr Stone) 35
Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory, for the year ended
30 June 1997 (Paper 9) 10
Power and Water Authority, 1997 (Paper 83) 43
Racing and Gaming Authority, Fourth Annual Report, 1997 (Paper 81) 43
Registrar of Financial Institutions, 1996/97 (Paper 171) 58
Road Safety Council of the Northern Territory 1996/97 (Paper 143) 50
Royal Darwin Hospital Management Board, 1996/97 (Paper 162) 58
Tennant Creek Hospital Management Board, 1996/97 (Paper 164) 58
Territory Health Services, 1996/97 (Paper 178) 58
Territory Insurance Office, 1996/97 (Paper 180) 58
The Office of Courts Administration, 1996/97 (Paper 173) 58
Trade Development Zone Authority, 1996/97 (Paper 172) 58
Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report for 1996-97 (Paper 99) (Mr Reed) 46
Work Health Authority and Work Health Advisory Council, 1996/97 (Paper 174) 58
Yulara Town Council year ended 30 June 1997 (Paper 57) (Mr Reed) 27
Audit Act 1995
Strategic Review of the Northern Territory Auditor-General’s Office, Peter Hade CPA,
Assistant Auditor-General of the Australian Capital Territory, 3 October 1997 (Paper 222) 58
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Academic Board) By-laws (Paper 34) 28
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Student Conduct) By-laws (Paper 37) 28
Amendments of Northern Territory University (Vocational Education and Training Board)
By-laws (Paper 36) 28
Northern Territory University (Fees and Charges) By-laws (Paper 35) 28
Category 1 Restricted Publication to be sold only to persons aged 18 and over (Mr Reed) 56
Community Government Schemes
Artarlpilta, Notice of approval in Northern Territory Government Gazette
dated 22 October 1997 (Paper 68) 38
Coomalie, Amendment, Notice of approval in Northern Territory Government Gazette
dated 27 August 1997 (Paper 66) 38
Yugul Mangi, Notice of approval in Northern Territory Government Gazette
dated 30 July 1997 (Paper 67) 38
Community Living Area grants, Briefing Paper (Paper 18) (Mr Palmer) 12
Community Survey, Development vs Demolition, the Old Alice Springs Gaol, Alice Springs
Town Council (Paper 63) (Mr Toyne) 32
Coroners Act
Office of the Coroner, Report to the Attorney-General, RE
- Inquest into the death of Columkille Kantilla, pursuant to Section 27 of the
Coroners Act, dated 13 October 1997 (Paper 199) 58
Inquest into the death of Sandra Wingrove, pursuant to Section 27 of the
Coroners Act, dated 17 October 1997 (Paper 198) 58
Domestic Violence Strategy, Annual Status Report, April 1996 to April 1997,
Northern Territory Government (Paper 65) (Mr Stone) 33
Draft Legislation dated 12 November 1997 - to amend the Ayers Rock Resort
Corporation Act, prepared by the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel (Paper 151) (Mr Bailey) 51
Financial Management Act
Approval of Additional Allocations
- Northern Territory Treasury etc., 30 June 1997 (Paper 53) 28
Office of Courts Administration and Magistrates Court, dated 20 June 1997 (Paper 46) 29
- Various Government Departments, dated 30 June 1997 (Paper 54) 29
Business Amongst Agencies
- Power and Water Authority and N T Treasury, dated 29 September 1997 (Paper 55) 29
Direction to Transfer Excess Allocations, dated 26 June 1997 (Paper 49) 29
Direction to Transfer Excess Allocations, dated 26 June 1997 (Paper 50) 29
Direction to Transfer Excess Allocations, dated 30 June 1997 (Paper 43) 29
Direction to Transfer Excess Allocations, dated 30 June 1997 (Paper 44) 29
Direction to Transfer Excess Allocations, dated 30 June 1997 (Paper 51) 29
Direction to Transfer Excess Allocations, dated 30 June 1997 (Paper 52) 29
Variation of Allocations to Activities
- Auditor-General’s Office, dated 25 June 1997 (Paper 48) 29
Department of the Chief Minister, dated 25 June 1997 (Paper 47) 29
Auditor-General’s Report to the Minister for Racing and Gaming, TAB,
Year ended 30 June 1997 (Paper 142) 50
Ayers Rock Resort Corporation for the year ended 30 June 1997 (Paper 31) (Mr Reed) 26
Illamurta Springs Conservation Reserve, Plan of Management/Conservation Plan of
Management, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory (Paper 59) (Mr Baldwin) 27
Industrial Relations Commission decision in Pili v Ayers Rock Resort Corporation,
Extract from (Paper 76) (Mr Bailey) 36
Inquiry into the Issue of Kava Regulation by Dr Peter d’Abbs and Dr Chris Burns,
Menzies School of Health Research, Draft Report, dated September 1997 (Paper 100)
and Written Submissions No. 178 - 199 (Papers 101 to 122) and Oral Evidence
(Papers 123 to 138) (Mr Burke) 46
Legislative Assembly Report on Canadian Study Tour by Loraine Braham MLA
Member for Braitling (Paper 95) (Mrs Braham) 42
Laramba Community, Members to Hon Tim Baldwin, MLA, dated 5 November 1997
(Paper 86) (Mr Toyne) 40
Palmer, Hon Mick, Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment to Mr G Yunupingu, AM,
Northern Land Council, dated 10 November 1997 (Paper 19) (Mr Palmer) 12
Reed, Hon Mike, MLA, Deputy Chief Minister to Mr Syd Stirling, MLA, Member for
Nhulunbuy, dated 27 October 1997 (Paper 61) 31
Mac Clark (Acacia Peuce) Conservation Reserve (Paper 60) (Mr Baldwin) 27
Media Release
Baldwin, Hon Tim, MLA, Minister for Local Government, dated 6 November 1997
(Paper 85) (Mr Toyne) 40
Menzies School of Health Research Act
Auditor-General’s Report to the Minister for Health Services, Menzies School of
Health Research, dated 27 August 1997 (Paper 200) 58
Northern Territory Government Gazette No S36 of 15 September 1997 (Paper 6) (Mr Stone) 6
Northern Territory Parks Masterplan, “Towards a Secure Future” (Paper 155) (Mr Baldwin) 55
Northern Territory University Faculty of Law Course Outline, "Legal Ethics"
(Paper 96) (Mr Stirling) 43
Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory Corporate Plan 1997-98 to
1999-2000 (Paper 156) (Mr Baldwin) 55
Plans of Management
Tnorala Conservation Reserve (Gosse Bluff), Parks and Wildlife Commission of
the Northern Territory, March 1997 (Paper 89) 43
Tnorala Conservation Reserve (Gosse Bluff), Review of Public Submissions,
Conservation Commission of the Northern Territory, Draft, July 1995 (Paper 90) 43
Project - From the users perspective, to study the supply and provision of Artificial Limbs,
The operation of Amputee Support Groups and The operation and provision of Return to
Work Programs for Amputees, In the U/K, The Netherlands, Germany and Iceland
(Paper 149) (Mr Manzie) 50
Rainbow Valley Conservation Reserve, Plan of Management, Parks and Wildlife Commission
of the Northern Territory (Paper 58) (Mr Baldwin) 27
Regulations 1997
No 27, Amendment to Stock Diseases Regulations (Paper 38) 29
No 28, Amendment of Education (Board of Studies) Regulations (Paper 39) 29
No 29, Amendment to Work Health Regulations (Paper 40) 29
No 30, Amendment of Juries Regulations (Paper 41) 29
No 31, Amendments of Fisheries Regulations (Paper 42) 29
No 32, Amendments of Housing Assistance Schemes Regulations (Paper 203) 58
No 33, Meat Industries Regulations (Paper 204) 58
No 34, Amendment of Stock Diseases Regulations (Paper 205) 58
No 35, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices Enforcement Scheme)
Regulations (Paper 206) 58
Remuneration Tribunal Determination, Report and Recommendation No. 1 of 1997,
Magistrates of the Northern Territory (Paper 202) 59
Remuneration Tribunal Report and Determination No. 1 of 1997 for Ministers and
Members of the Northern Territory Legislative Assembly (Paper 208) (Mr Stone) 54
Report of Tourism Infrastructure by Coopers and Lybrand dated 25 November 1997
(Paper 32) (Mr Reed) 26
Research collaboration between the Menzies School of Health Research and the
Eastern Provinces of Indonesia by Dr Nicholas Anstey, paper presented at the 2nd
National Tuberculosis Conference, Sydney (Paper 94) (Mr Stone) 42
Resolutions of the Planning Action Network (Paper 92) (Ms Martin) 42
Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995
Report pursuant to Section 14 of the Rights of the Terminally Ill Act 1995
(Paper 78) (Mr Stone) 39
Series of pamphlets “Our Land Our Law, Northern Territory Aboriginal Land Rights Act”,
Northern Land Council (Paper 214) (Mr Stone) 61
Sixty programs in search of a health system ... two of them out of control, Extract from
Australian Health and Aged Care Journal, December 1996 (Paper 88) (Mr Burke) 40
Standing Orders Committee, First Report, Matters relating to Disorder,
dated November 1997 (Paper 153) (Mrs Braham) 54
Stone, Shane Leslie v The Law Society of the Northern Territory & Others
(Supreme Court, Darwin, 29 July 1992, File no 337 of 1990), Northern Territory
University Library Short Term Loan Collection (Paper 97) (Mr Stone) 43
The New Western Arrarnta Bible, launching statement by Dr Paul Albrecht (Paper 93) (Dr Lim) 42
Transforming the Track into the Superhighway, the Northern Territory Government’s
Directions for Information Technology and Telecommunications (Paper 74) (Mr Adamson) 34
Unclassified video (Mr Reed) 56
Video “Our Land Our Law” (Paper 215) (Mr Stone) 61
Weeds Management Bill 1997, Draft (Paper 219) (Mr Palmer) 62
Weeds Management Bill 1997, Draft Bill (Paper 33) 29
X rated video - 18+ Restricted to adults 18 years and over (Mr Reed) 56
- Mr Hatton 46
- Accident and emergency facilities to improve access to general medical services on
a 24 hour basis in the Palmerston and rural area (3467 petitioners) (Mr Burke) (Paper 16) 11
Alice Springs Prison (old), decision to bulldoze and Heritage Listing be respected and
any development of this area be a matter of open public process (2292 petitioners)
(Mr Toyne) (Paper 15) 11
Driver High School, Year 9 students and their teacher, Ms Ruth Sheridan 31
Redbank Gorge, draining of (505 petitioners) (Mr Elferink) (Paper 17) 11
Rollerblading, rollerskating and skateboarding facility in the northern suburbs of
Darwin (Mr Bailey) (352 petitioners) (Paper 98) 45
- Mrs L Braham 5
- General Election, 30 August 1997 (Paper 4) 4
- Aboriginal Land Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976, review of (Paper 79) (Mr Stone) 39
Constitutional Convention for the Northern Territory (Paper 217) (Mr Stone) 62
Film file footage by ABC, Channel 8 and Imparja (Madam Speaker) 11
Greenhouse Effect on the Northern Territory, in terms of job losses and reduction in
export earnings (Paper 154) (Mr Stone) 54
Health Care in the Northern Territory (Paper 87) (Mr Burke) 40
Leaders’ Forum of Premiers and Chief Ministers in Melbourne on 31 October 1997,
the Special Premiers’ Conference on Taxation Reform on 6 November 1997 in Canberra,
the National Domestic Violence Summit, the Council of Australian Governments and
Treaties Council meetings held on 7 November 1997 (Paper 64) (Mr Stone) 33
Northern Territory Directions - Transforming the Track into a Superhighway
(Paper 73) (Mr Adamson) 34
Northern Territory Parks Masterplan (Mr Baldwin) 55
Report on the Inquiry Into the Issue of Kava (Mr Burke) 48
Sale of Ayers Rock and Alice Springs Resorts and dissolution of Yulara Town Council
(Mr Reed) (Paper 30) 26
Weeds Management Bill 1997, Draft (Mr Palmer) 62
- Northern Territory University, Faculty of Foundation Studies students and their
lecturer, Mrs Shirlie Richardson 11
- Deputy Chairmen of Committees
Mr Ah Kit, Mr Balch, Mr Dunham, Mr Elferink, Mr Lugg, Mr Rioli and Mr Toyne
(Paper 26) (Madam Speaker) 22
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016