Minutes of Proceedings - 2001-02-27
Eighth Assembly First Session 20/02/2001 Parliamentary Record No. 27
Date : 27/02/2001__________________________________________________________________________________
Debate continued.
Statement - Remuneration Tribunal: The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin) pursuant to Remuneration Tribunal Determination paragraph 9.1(e) reported on her overseas travel to Greece and Cyprus during
January 2001.
Debate continued.
Question – put and passed.
Date : 27/02/2001
- The Assembly met at 10.00 h. The Speaker, the Honourable T. R. McCarthy, took the Chair.
Message No. 31
- I, JOHN CHRISTOPHER ANICTOMATIS, the Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, in pursuance of section 11 of the Northern Territory (Self-Government) Act 1978 of the Commonwealth, recommend to the Legislative Assembly a Bill to amend the AustralAsia Railway Corporation Act, which in part provides for the expending of public moneys of the Territory for the purpose of providing commercial funding on terms determined by the Minister.
- Dated 23rd February 2001.
(Paper 2345)
- The Speaker advised Honourable members of the passing, on Sunday 25 February 2001, of Sir Donald George Bradman AC, former Australian Cricket Captain, Chairman of the Australian Cricket Board for 6 years following his retirement in 1949 and selector for Australia.
For more than 35 years he served as Chairman, administrator and selector for Australia, and on the Imperial Cricket Conference.
The Chief Minister (Mr Burke), by leave, moved - That this Assembly notes with sadness the death of Sir Donald Bradman AC and place on record its appreciation of his unparalleled contribution to the world of sport in general and cricket in particular. He was not only a great Australian but his unrivalled prowess as a batsman enhanced our nation’s reputation world-wide for more than 70 years. (Paper 2346)
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
As a mark of respect Members stood in their places for one minute in silence.
- The Speaker advised Members of the presence in the public gallery of Year 6 students from Manunda Terrace Primary School accompanied by their teacher, Ms Jeannie Bennett.
On behalf of all Members the Speaker extended a warm welcome to the visitors.
- The Speaker advised Honourable Members that he had given permission for ABC Television to take file footage during question time this day, without sound.
- The Chief Minister (Mr Burke), by leave, presented a petition No. 64, not conforming with Standing Orders, from 98 petitioners relating to laws and penalties for drink driving offences. (Paper 2350)
Petition read.
- The following notices were given:
Mr Burke: To present the AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 295).
Mr Baldwin: To present the Licensed Surveyors Amendment Bill 2001 (Serial 293).
- 10:07 Ms Martin to Mr Burke.
Paper tabled: The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin), by leave, presented the following Paper –
- 10:14 Mr Elferink to Mr Reed.
10:21 Ms Martin to Mr Burke.
10:25 Mr Poole to Mr Burke.
10:31 Ms Martin to Mr Burke.
10:33 Mr Balch to Mr Manzie.
10:37 Mrs Hickey to Mr Dunham.
The Member for Barkly (Mrs Hickey) in proceeding to move a motion of censure of the Minister for Health, Family and Children’s Services (Mr Dunham) –
The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) asked that further Questions be placed on the Question Paper and ordered that the broadcast of Question Time be discontinued forthwith.
- Suspension of Standing Orders: The Member for Barkly (Mrs Hickey) moved – That so much of Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent her moving a motion to censure the Minister for Health, Family and Children’s Services (Mr Dunham) for his failure to provide a renal dialysis service in Tennant Creek.
The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) informed the Assembly that the Government would, pursuant to Standing Order 95, accept the motion as a censure motion.
The Member for Barkly (Mrs Hickey) thereupon moved - That this Assembly censure the Minister for Health, Family and Children’s Services (Mr Dunham) for –
(a) his failure to establish renal dialysis facilities in Tennant Creek as a priority in the Northern Territory as recommended by numerous reports;
(b) ignoring the plight of Territorians in the Barkly region who have the highest incidence of end stage renal failure in Australia; and
(c) contributing to the early deaths of Tennant Creek end stage renal patients who choose to remain in their homes rather than relocating to Alice Springs, 500 kilometres away, to access renal dialysis treatment. (Paper 2347)
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: Mrs Hickey, by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper –
- Debate continued.
The Minister for Housing (Dr Lim) moved – That the Question be now put.
Question - That the question be now put - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. T. R. McCarthy, in the Chair) -
AYES, 16 NOES, 7
Mr Adamson Mr Ah Kit
Mr Balch Mr Henderson
Mr Baldwin Mrs Hickey
Mr Burke Ms Martin
Ms Carter Mr Rioli
Mr Dunham Mr Stirling
Mr Elferink Dr Toyne
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
And so it was resolved in the affirmative.
Question - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. T. R. McCarthy, in the Chair) -
AYES, 7 NOES, 17
Mr Ah Kit Mr Adamson
Mr Henderson Mr Balch
Mrs Hickey Mr Baldwin
Ms Martin Mr Burke
Mr Rioli Ms Carter
Mr Stirling Mr Dunham
Dr Toyne Mr Elferink
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr McCarthy
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
Motion negatived accordingly.Suspension of sittings: The sittings of the Assembly was suspended between 12:23 h and 14:30 h.
- Suspension of Standing Orders: The Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services (Mr Reed) moved – That so much of Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent him making a statement relating to the recent flooding of Top End Communities.
Question – put and passed - there being an absolute majority of the whole numbers of Members present and no dissentient voice.
Mr Reed thereupon made a statement outlining the government response to recent flooding of Top End Communities.
- The Attorney-General (Mr Burke) made a statement relating to Law Reform Committee Reports on sexual assault prosecution and self defence and provocation. (Paper 2348)
Mr Burke moved – That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
- The Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing (Mr Baldwin) made a statement relating to developments in the Interactive Gaming Industry. (Paper 2354)
Mr Baldwin moved – That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
- The Minister for Arts and Museums (Mr Adamson) made a statement relating to the progress of the Alice Springs Cultural Precinct. (Paper 2349)
Mr Adamson moved – That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
- The Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries (Mr Palmer), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an act to amend the Fisheries Act.
Bill read a first time.
Mr Palmer moved – That the Bill be now read a second time.
Debate ensued.
On the motion of the Member for Stuart (Dr Toyne) debate was adjourned.
- The Order of the Day having been read for resumption of debate on the question – That the Assembly take note of the Report –
Debate resumed.
Question – put and passed.
- The Order of the Day having been read for resumption of debate on the question – That the Assembly take note of the Report –
Debate resumed.
Question – put and passed.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) moved – That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Minister for Resource Development (Mr Manzie) laid on the Table the following Paper –
Debate continued.
Statement - Remuneration Tribunal: The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin) pursuant to Remuneration Tribunal Determination paragraph 9.1(e) reported on her overseas travel to Greece and Cyprus during
January 2001.
Debate continued.
Question – put and passed.
- The Assembly adjourned at 21:55 h until 10:00 h, Wednesday 28 February 2001.PAPERS:
The following Papers were deemed to have been presented on Tuesday 27 February 2001 –
Plans of Management:
Arltunga Historical Reserve, November 2000 (Paper 2351)
Arltunga Historical Reserve, Draft Plan of Management - Review of Public Submissions (Paper 2355)
John Flynn’s Grave Historical Reserve, September 2000 (Paper 2352)
John Flynn’s Grave Historical Reserve, Draft Plan of Management - Review of Public Submissions (Paper 2356)
Emily and Jessie Gaps Nature Park, September 2000 (Paper 2353)
Emily and Jessie Gaps Nature Park, Draft Plan of Management - Review of Public Submissions (Paper 2357) ATTENDANCE:
- All Members attended the sitting.
Ian McNeill
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016