Minutes of Proceedings - 2000-06-14
Eighth Assembly First Session 13/06/2000 Parliamentary Record No. 23
Date : 14/06/2000__________________________________________________________________________________
The Speaker advised Members that he had received the following Message from His Honour the Administrator –
The Speaker advised Members of the presence in the public galleries of Teacher Education students from Batchelor Institute accompanied by their lecturer Mr Gerry Pancini.
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Darwin Harbour, Northern Australia (Paper 1877);
The Beagle – Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, Vol 15 December 1999 (Paper 1878);
Report to Parks Australia North, on the Estuarine Fish inventory of Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia by Helen K Larson (Paper 1879);
Artists in the Fields a retrospective by Museums and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (Paper 1880);
Contemporary Territory 1998 – Third Biennial Exhibition of Northern Territory, 4 July – 23 August 1998(Paper 1881);
Extreme Landforms by Christian Clare Robertson 14 November 1997 to 19 April 1998 (Paper 1882);
Pulse Jacki Fleet (Paper 1883);
Australian Artists and the Northern Territory (Paper 1884);
Emerging from What by Deana Murray (Paper 1885);
List of Current Joint Projects being pursued by Natural Sciences Research Staff of the Museums and Art Galleries of the NT (Paper 1981); and
The Meeting of the Waters (Paper 1886).
(Paper 1892).
Syd’s Column, Arafura Times, dated 15 December 1999 re Work Health and Mine Management Acts
(Paper 1895);
Syd’s Column, Arafura Times, dated 23 February 2000 re Work Health and Mine Management Acts
(Paper 1896); and
Discussion Paper and invitation to comment – Proposal for a New Mine Management Act by Northern Territory Government, Department of Mines and Energy (Paper 1897).
Date : 14/06/2000
- The Assembly met at 10.00 h. The Speaker, the Honourable T R McCarthy, took the Chair.
The Speaker advised Members that he had received the following Message from His Honour the Administrator –
Message No. 24
Assent to Proposed Laws
Assent to Proposed Laws
I, NEIL RAYMOND CONN, the Administrator of the Northern Territory of Australia, advise the Legislative Assembly of my assent, pursuant to section 7 of the Northern Territory (Self-Government Act) 1978 of the Commonwealth, to the following proposed law:
- 25 May 2000
- Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Amendment Act 2000 (No. 12 of 2000)
Legislative Assembly (Security) Amendment Act 2000 (No. 13 of 2000)
- Revenue Units Act 2000 (No. 18 of 2000)
- Sentencing of Juveniles (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2000 (No. 17 of 2000)
- Fisheries Amendment Act 2000 (No. 21 of 2000)
Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment Act 2000 (No. 22 of 2000)
Racing and Betting Amendment Act 2000 (No. 16 of 2000)
Sale of NT TAB Act 2000 (No. 14 of 2000)
Statute Law Revision Act 2000 (No. 19 of 2000)
Totalisator Licensing and Regulation Act 2000 (No. 15 of 2000)
Water Amendment Act 2000 (No. 20 of 2000)
N R Conn
(Paper 1875)
The Speaker advised Members of the presence in the public galleries of Teacher Education students from Batchelor Institute accompanied by their lecturer Mr Gerry Pancini.
- On behalf of all Members Mr Speaker extended a warm welcome to the visitors.
- The following notices were given:
Mr Manzie: To present the Energy Pipelines Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 245).
Mr Manzie: To present the Petroleum Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 246).
Mr Manzie: To present the Work Health Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 247).
- 10:05 Ms Martin to Mr Burke.
10:18 Mr Balch to Mr Burke.
10:28 Mr Stirling to Mr Burke.
10:35 Ms Carter to Mr Baldwin.
10:39 Mr Ah Kit to Mr Lugg.
10:42 Dr Lim to Mr Reed.
Paper tabled: The Treasurer (Mr Reed) laid on the Table the following Paper –
- 10:51 Mr Henderson to Mr Dunham.
10:53 Mr Mitchell to Mr Palmer.
11:00 Mr Toyne to Mr Lugg.
11:03 Mr Mills to Mrs Braham.
The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) asked that further questions be placed on the Question Paper.
- The Minister for Minister for Racing, Gaming and Licensing (Mr Baldwin) made a statement relating to the sale of the Northern Territory TAB (Paper 1873).
Mr Baldwin moved – That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
Suspension of sitting: The sitting was suspended between 11:46 h and 14:00 h.
- The Minister for Arts and Museums (Mr Adamson) made a statement relating to significant cultural and scientific research undertaken by the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory (Paper 1874).
Mr Adamson moved – That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Papers tabled: The Minister for Arts and Museums (Mr Adamson) laid on the Table the following Papers –
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Darwin Harbour, Northern Australia (Paper 1877);
The Beagle – Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, Vol 15 December 1999 (Paper 1878);
Report to Parks Australia North, on the Estuarine Fish inventory of Kakadu National Park, Northern Territory, Australia by Helen K Larson (Paper 1879);
Artists in the Fields a retrospective by Museums and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory (Paper 1880);
Contemporary Territory 1998 – Third Biennial Exhibition of Northern Territory, 4 July – 23 August 1998(Paper 1881);
Extreme Landforms by Christian Clare Robertson 14 November 1997 to 19 April 1998 (Paper 1882);
Pulse Jacki Fleet (Paper 1883);
Australian Artists and the Northern Territory (Paper 1884);
Emerging from What by Deana Murray (Paper 1885);
List of Current Joint Projects being pursued by Natural Sciences Research Staff of the Museums and Art Galleries of the NT (Paper 1981); and
The Meeting of the Waters (Paper 1886).
- Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
- The Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling), pursuant to notice, moved - That -
- The Northern Territory Parliament acknowledges –
(a) the imposition of the GST on the Northern Territory’s existing high price structure will result in Territorians being the highest-taxed residents in Australia; and
- (b) the Chief Minister shouldurgently meet with the Commonwealth Treasurer to ensure an increase in the income tax zone rebates to assist in offsetting the differential impact on prices arising from the GST faced by Territorians compared to most other Australians (Paper 1888).
Debate ensued.
The Treasurer (Mr Reed) moved the following amendment –
Omit all words after “That,” and insert in their stead –
“the Northern Territory Parliament acknowledges that –
- (a) in the unexpected event that the Commonwealth’s new tax system results in regional and remote areas being disadvantaged compared with other Australians -
- (b) the Northern Territory Government should continue to work closely with the Commonwealth Government to ensure Territorians are not disadvantaged financially compared to most other Australians.” (Paper 1889).
- Debate ensued.
Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. T. R. McCarthy, in the Chair) -
AYES, 17 NOES, 6
Mr Adamson Mr Ah Kit
Mr Balch Mr Henderson
Mr Baldwin Mrs Hickey
Mrs Braham Ms Martin
Mr Burke Mr Stirling
Ms Carter Mr Toyne
Mr Dunham
Mr Elferink
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
And so it was resolved in the affirmative.
Question – That the motion, as amended, be agreed to – put and passed.
- The Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin), pursuant to notice, moved –
- (a) acknowledge and acclaim the achievements of Aboriginal Territorians particularly in the areas of arts, politics, sport, culture and business;
- (b) acknowledge these achievements are the result of personal and collective triumph of indigenous Territorians over significant adversity and disadvantage; and
- (c) condemn the Territory Government for failing to deliver services to Aboriginal Territorians in the key areas of education, health and housing – thereby failing to support reconciliation at the most fundamental and practical level.
Debate ensued.
- The Minister for Health, Family and Children’s Services (Mr Dunham) moved the following amendment -
- “Omit paragraph (c) and insert in its stead –
(c) commends the Territory Government for delivering services to Aboriginal Territorians in the key areas of education, health and housing - thereby supporting reconciliation at the most fundamental and practical level.” (Paper 1890).
Debate ensued.
Question - That the amendment be agreed to - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. T. R. McCarthy, in the Chair) -
- AYES, 17 NOES, 6
Mr Adamson Mr Ah Kit
Mr Balch Mr Henderson
Mr Baldwin Mrs Hickey
Mrs Braham Ms Martin
Mr Burke Mr Stirling
Mr Carter Mr Toyne
Mr Dunham
Mr Elferink
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
And so it was resolved in the affirmative.
Question – That the motion, as amended, be agreed to – put and passed.
- The Member for Barkly (Mrs Hickey) moved – That so much of Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent the Assembly resuming debate on the motion, as amended, relating to Aboriginal Reconciliation, forthwith.
The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) advised the Assembly that the government had no objection to the motion.
Question – put and passed – there being an absolute majority of the whole number of Members present and no dissentient voice.
Question – That the following motion, as amended, be agreed to - put:
- “That, in a spirit of reconciliation the Northern Territory Parliament -
- (a) acknowledge and acclaim the achievements of Aboriginal Territorians particularly in the areas of arts, politics, sport, culture and business;
- (b) acknowledge these achievements are the result of personal and collective triumph of indigenous Territorians over significant adversity and disadvantage; and
(c) commends the Territory Government for delivering services to Aboriginal Territorians in the key areas of education, health and housing - thereby supporting reconciliation at the most fundamental and practical level.”
Debate resumed.Member suspended: The Speaker, pursuant to Standing Order 240A, ordered the Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) at 18:29 h to withdraw from the Chamber for a period of one hour on account of disorderly conduct.
Mr Stirling accordingly withdrew.
Debate resumed.
Paper tabled: The Minister for Housing (Mrs Braham) laid on the Table the following Paper –
- Debate continued.
- Paper tabled: The Member for Arnhem (Mr Ah Kit), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper –
(Paper 1892).
- Debate continued.
Paper tabled: The Member for Macdonnell (Mr Elferink), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper –
Debate continued.
Question - That the motion, as amended, be agreed to - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. T. R. McCarthy, in the Chair) -
AYES, 15 NOES, 6
Mr Balch Mr Ah Kit
Mr Baldwin Mr Henderson
Mrs Braham Mrs Hickey
Mr Burke Ms Martin
Mr Carter Mr Stirling
Mr Elferink Mr Toyne
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
And so it was resolved in the affirmative.
Motion, as amended, agreed to.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debate ensued.
Question - put.
The Assembly divided (the Deputy Speaker, Hon. E H Poole, in the Chair) -
AYES, 6 NOES, 17
Mr Ah Kit Mr Adamson
Mr Henderson Mr Balch
Mrs Hickey Mr Baldwin
Ms Martin Mrs Braham
Mr Stirling Mr Burke
Mr Toyne Mr Carter
Mr Dunham
Mr Elferink
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr McCarthy
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Reed
Motion negatived accordingly.
Bill negatived.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debate ensued.
Question - put.
The Assembly divided (the Deputy Chairman, Mr J. W. Elferink, in the Chair) -
AYES, 6 NOES, 18
Mr Ah Kit Mr Adamson
Mr Henderson Mr Balch
Mrs Hickey Mr Baldwin
Ms Martin Mrs Braham
Mr Stirling Mr Burke
Mr Toyne Mr Carter
Mr Dunham
Mr Elferink
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr McCarthy
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
Motion negatived accordingly.
Bill negatived.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debate ensued.
Papers tabled: The Minister for Resource Development (Mr Manzie) laid on the Table the following Papers –
Syd’s Column, Arafura Times, dated 15 December 1999 re Work Health and Mine Management Acts
(Paper 1895);
Syd’s Column, Arafura Times, dated 23 February 2000 re Work Health and Mine Management Acts
(Paper 1896); and
Discussion Paper and invitation to comment – Proposal for a New Mine Management Act by Northern Territory Government, Department of Mines and Energy (Paper 1897).
Question - put.
The Assembly divided (the Deputy Chairman, Mr J. W. Elferink, in the Chair) -
AYES, 6 NOES, 17
Mr Ah Kit Mr Adamson
Mr Henderson Mr Balch
Mrs Hickey Mr Baldwin
Ms Martin Mrs Braham
Mr Stirling Mr Burke
Mr Toyne Mr Carter
Mr Dunham
Mr Elferink
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
Motion negatived accordingly.
Bill negatived.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Member of Wanguri (Mr Henderson), by leave, laid on the Table the following Paper –
Debate continued.
Question - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. T R McCarthy, in the Chair) -
AYES, 6 NOES, 16
Mr Ah Kit Mr Adamson
Mr Henderson Mr Balch
Mrs Hickey Mr Baldwin
Ms Martin Mrs Braham
Mr Stirling Mr Burke
Mr Toyne Mr Carter
Mr Dunham
Mr Elferink
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Reed
Motion negatived accordingly.
Bill negatived.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debate ensued.
Question - put.
The Assembly divided (the Speaker, Hon. T R McCarthy, in the Chair) -
AYES, 6 NOES, 17
Mr Ah Kit Mr Adamson
Mr Henderson Mr Balch
Mrs Hickey Mr Baldwin
Ms Martin Mrs Braham
Mr Stirling Mr Burke
Mr Toyne Mr Carter
Mr Dunham
Mr Elferink
Mr Hatton
Dr Lim
Mr Lugg
Mr Manzie
Mr Mills
Mr Mitchell
Mr Palmer
Mr Poole
Mr Reed
Motion negatived accordingly.
Bill negatived.
- Suspension of Standing Orders: The Chief Minister (Mr Burke) moved – That so much of Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent the Land Title (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 (Serial 248); the Law of Property (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 (Serial 249); and the Crown Lands Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 250) -
(a) being presented and read a first time together and one motion being put in regard to, respectively, the second readings; the committee’s report stage; and the third readings of the Bills together; and
(b) the consideration of the Bills separately in the Committee of the Whole.
Question – put and passed – there being an absolute majority of the whole number of Members present and no dissentient voice.
Mr Burke, pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend various Acts, Regulations and Rules of Court consequential on the enactment of the Land Title Act 2000 and for other purposes; a Bill for an Act to amend various Acts consequential on the enactment of the Law of Property Act 2000 and for other purposes; and a Bill for an Act to amend the Crown Lands Act consequential on the enactment of the Law of Property Act 2000 and the Land Title Act 2000.
Mr Burke moved – That the Bills be now read a second time.
Debate ensued.
On the motion of the Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) debate was adjourned.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question – That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
Leave granted for a motion for the third reading of the Bill to be moved forthwith.
On the motion of the Minister for Territory Insurance (Mr Manzie) the Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed law.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of debate on the question – That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debate ensued.
Question put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
Leave granted for a motion for the third reading of the Bill to be moved forthwith.
On the motion of the Minister for Health, Family and Children’s Services (Mr Dunham) the Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed law.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) moved – That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Debate ensued.
And the Assembly having continued to sit until 12 midnight -
Thursday 15 June 2000 A.M.
Debate continued.
Question – put and passed.
And the Assembly adjourned at 00:09 h until 10:00 h on Thursday 15 June 2000.
The following Paper was deemed to have been presented on Wednesday 14 June 2000 -
Regulations 2000:
No. 24 Amendments of Procurement Regulations (Paper 1887).
All Members attended the sitting, except Mr Rioli on leave.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016