Minutes of Proceedings - 1999-10-12
Eighth Assembly First Session 12/10/1999 Parliamentary Record No. 19
Date : 12/10/1999__________________________________________________________________________________
Date : 12/10/1999
- The Assembly met at 10.00 h. The Speaker, the Honourable T R McCarthy, took the Chair.
- The Speaker (Mr T R McCarthy) advised honourable Members of the death, on 9 September 1999, of Mr Phil Purich a former Member of the Legislative Council.
The Chief Minister (Mr Burke), by leave, moved – That this Assembly express its deep regret at the death of Mr Phil Purich, a former Member of the Legislative Council and place on record its appreciation of his long and meritorious service to the people of the Northern Territory and tender its profound sympathy to his family (Paper 1501).
The Chief Minister (Mr Burke) addressed the Assembly.
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
Motion agreed to.
As a mark of respect Members stood in their places for one minute, in silence.
- The Speaker ( Mr T R McCarthy) drew Members attention to the presence in the Speaker’s Gallery of Mr Bern Kilgariff AM, OAM, a former Speaker and Member of the Legislative Assembly and former Senator for the Northern Territory.
On behalf of all honourable Members, Mr Speaker extended a warm welcome to the distinguished visitor.
- No. 31 - The Member for Casuarina (Mr Adamson) presented a petition from 27 petitioners in support of the maintenance of bilingual programs in Northern Territory schools (Paper 1503).
Petition read.
Response to petition: The Clerk, in accordance with Standing Order 100A, tabled a response to petition No. 22 and advised of its incorporation in the Hansard (Paper 1502).
- The following notices were given:
Mr Stirling: To move that –
- The Northern Territory Government –
- (a) adopt a whole of government approach aimed at the reduction and prevention of crime in the Territory; and
- (b) immediately establish a crime prevention unit located within the Chief Minister’s department to carry out this task.
Ms Martin: To move that –
- The Northern Territory parliament believes -
- (a) Australia must have an Australian Head of State; and
(b) the Australian Constitution should be amended to establish Australia as a republic.
Mrs Hickey: To present the Director of Public Prosecutions Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 179).
- 10:18 Ms Martin to Mr Burke.
10:27 Mr Mitchell to Mr Burke.
10:32 Ms Martin to Mr Burke.
10:36 Mr Stone to Mr Reed.
10:42 Mr Stirling to Mr Burke.
10:44 Mr Balch to Mr Reed.
10:52 Ms Martin to Mr Baldwin.
11:03 Dr Lim to Mr Burke.
11:06 Ms Toyne to Mr Baldwin.
11:11 Mr Mills to Mr Lugg.
The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) asked that further questions be placed on the Question Paper.
- The Chief Minister (Mr Burke) made a statement relating to the current situation in East Timor since the act of popular consultation on 30 August 1999 (Paper 1504).
Mr Burke moved – That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Treasurer (Mr Reed) laid on the Table the following Paper –
- Debate continued.
Suspension of sitting: The sitting was suspended between 11:46 h and 14:00 h.
Debate resumed.
Question – put and passed.
- The Minister for Housing (Mrs Braham) made a statement relating to the delivery of Aboriginal housing (Paper 1507).
Mrs Braham moved – That the Assembly take note of the Statement.
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
- The Speaker advised that the Leader of the Opposition (Ms Martin) had proposed the following definite matter of public importance for discussion this day:
- The widespread community concern at the Northern Territory Government’s management of the planning process and community support for the withdrawal of the Government’s proposals until effective community consultation is established and implemented.
The proposed discussion having received the necessary support -
The Speaker called upon Ms Martin to address the Assembly.
Discussion ensued.
Discussion concluded.
- The Order of the Day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question – That the Bill be now read a second time –
Debater resumed.
Question – put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
Leave granted for a motion for the third reading of the Bill to be moved forthwith.
On the motion of the Treasurer (Mr Reed) the Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed law.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer) moved – That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Member for Millner (Mr Mitchell), by leave, had incorporated in Hansard the following Paper –
Debate continued
Question – put and passed.
And the Assembly adjourned at 20:59 h until 10:00 h on Wednesday 13 October 1999.PAPERS:
The following Papers were deemed to have been presented on Tuesday 12 October 1999 –
Police Administration Act:
Northern Territory Police Consent Agreement 1999, dated 20th September 1999 (Paper 1505). ATTENDANCE:
All Members attended the sitting.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016