Minutes of Proceedings - 1997-12-02
Eighth Assembly First Session 01/12/1997 Parliamentary Record No. 2
Date : 02/12/1997__________________________________________________________________________________
Written Submission, No. 178, Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation, received 19.2.97 (Paper 101);
Written Submission, No. 179, Mr Colin Baker, received 19.2.97 (Paper 102);
Written Submission, No. 180, Ramingining Community Council, received 24.2.97 (Paper 103);
Written Submission, No. 181, Mr Alan Middleton, received 25.2.97 (Paper 104);
Written Submission, No. 182, Galiwinku CDEP, received 26.2.97 (Paper 105);
Written Submission, No. 183, Dr Peter Thorn, Rural Services, received 27.2.97 (Paper 106);
Written Submission, No. 184, Elcho Island Art & Craft, received 27.2.97 (Paper 107);
Written Submission, No. 185, Ramingining Health Centre, received 28.2.97 (Paper 108);
. Written Submission, No. 186, Tongan Ethnic Association NT, received 28.2.97 (Paper 109);
Written Submission, No. 187, Bungardi Trading Pty Ltd, received 28.2.97 (Paper 110);
Written Submission, No. 188, Galiwinku Community Inc, received 28.2.97 (Paper 111);
Written Submission, No. 189, Dr Paul Spillane, Gove District Hospital, received 28.2.97 (Paper 112);
Written Submission, No. 190, Warruwi Community Inc, received 4.3.97 (Paper 113);
Written Submission, No. 191, Mr Syd Stirling, MLA, Member for Nhulunbuy, received 6.3.97 (Paper 114);
Written Submission, No. 192, Arnhem Land Progress Association Inc, received 10.3.97 (Paper 115);
Written Submission, No. 193, Galiwinku Health Clinic, received 19.3.97 (Paper 116);
Written Submission, No. 194, Shepherdson College, Staff, received 19.3.97 (Paper 117);
Written Submission, No. 195, Shepherdson College, General Studies Class, received 19.3.97 (Paper 118);
Written Submission, No. 196, Mr Murray Garde, Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation, received 18.3.97
(Paper 119);
Written Submission, No. 197, Dr Elizabeth Chalmers, received 18.3.97 (Paper 120);
Written Submission, No. 198, Dr Peter Thorn, received 2.4.97 (Paper 121);
Written Submission, No. 199, Mr Bill Brevoort, East Earth Herb Inc, received 14.5.97 (Paper 122);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Warruwi by Warruwi Health Clinic, Ms M Hawkins, Registered Nurse; Ms N Garbaridju; Ms N Gardijalalug; Ms K Ganuyna, dated 17 March 1997 (Paper 123);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Warruwi by Warruwi Community Council Inc, Mr P Nangaraidj, President; Mr J Namayiwa, Vice President; Mr S Ganawa, Councillor; Mr J Namaluda, Councillor; Mr P Hennan, Sports & Recreation Officer; Mr J Yarnnidjanini; Mr J White, Council Clerk; 25 residents, dated 17 March 1997 (Paper 124);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Minjilang by Minjilang Health Clinic; Ms D Yarmirr, dated 17 March 1997
(Paper 125);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Minjilang by Minjilang Community Council Inc; Ms M Yarmirr, President; Ms D Yarmirr; Mr P Thomas; Mr T Scott, Council Clerk, dated 17 March 1997 (Paper 126);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Maningrida by Maningrida Health Clinic; Ms S Kildea, Registered Nurse; Mr M Parnaby, Registered Nurse; Dr M Dawkins; Ms J Bhome, Trainer Health Worker; Ms J Gadambua, Health Worker; Mr M Dawumal, Health Worker; Mr C Gunabarra, Health Worker; Ms M Mason, Trainee Health Worker; Ms F Naramala, Trainee Health Worker; Mr I Munro, Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation; Mr C Mundungar, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 127);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Ramingining by Ramingining Health Clinic; Ms M Thorpe, Registered Nurse; Dr W Allport; Ms G Wamati; Mr R Birrin Birrin; Mr A Mace, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 128);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Nhulunbuy by Dr Elizabeth Chalmers, Consultant; Living with Alcohol Program, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 129);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Nhulunbuy by Northern Territory Police Force; Senior Sergeant J Emeny; A/Sergeant C Goodsell, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 130);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Nhulunbuy by Dr Paul Spillane, Hospital Medical Officer; East Arnhem District, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 131);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Nhulunbuy by Mr Tevita Hala Tupou, Public Officer; Tongan Ethnic Association, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 132);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Milingimbi by Milingimbi Health Clinic; Ms V Gordon, Registered Nurse; Ms A Herrin; Ms B Dhamany; Ms R Gungarinua; Mr P Batatji; Ms M Bumkun; Ms B Guyulun, dated 19 March 1997 (Paper 133);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Galiwinku by Galiwinku Health Clinic; Mr H Jones, Registered Nurse; Mrs K McMahon, Registered Nurse; Mr M Musco, Registered Nurse; Ms Yugirrnga; Ms Y Dhamarrandji; Mr O Datjarranga, Chairman, Galiwinku Community Inc, dated 19 March 1997 (Paper 134);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Yirrkala by Laynhapuy Homelands Association; Mr W Mununggurr, Chairperson; Ms N Mununggurr, Interpreter; Mr W Wulanybuma, Manager; Mr Y Maymuru; Mr D Gondarra; Mr B Mununggurr; Mr J Rika; Mr T Setter; Ms J Djerrkura; Mr G Ngurruwutthon; 60 members of the Association, dated 20 March 1997 (Paper 135);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Yirrkala by Yirrkala Health Clinic; Ms N Mununggurr, Interpreter; Ms W Marika; Ms M Yunupingu; Mr S Murdoch, Registered Nurse; Ms A Mitchell; Dr G Flynn; Mr B Maymuru, dated 20 March 1997 (Paper 136);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Yirrkala by Yirrkala Dhanbul Community Association; Mr W Marika, President; Mr D Marika, Council Clerk; Mr W Wanambi, Councillor; Mr M Mununggurr, Councillor, dated 20 March 1997 (Paper 137); and
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Gunyangara by Marngarr Community Council Inc; Mr S Baldwin, Council Clerk; Ms C Kohn, Registered Nurse; Mr D Yunupingu, Councillor, dated 20 March 1997 (Paper 138).
12. STATUTE LAW REVISION BILL 1997 (Serial 27):
A Management Program for the Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus banksii, in the Northern Territory of Australia 1997 (Paper 147); and
A Strategy for Conservation Through the Sustainable Use of Wildlife in the Northern Territory of Australia (Paper 146).
Date : 02/12/1997
- The Assembly met at 10:00 h, pursuant to adjournment. The Speaker, the Honourable L M Braham, took the Chair.
- The Member for Wanguri (Mr Bailey) presented a petition from 352 petitioners requesting the Assembly to take the necessary steps to ensure a facility for rollerblading, rollerskating and skateboarding is established in the northern suburbs of Darwin as a matter of priority (Paper 98).
Petition read.
- The following notices were given:
Mr Baldwin: To present the Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 34).
Mr Stone: To present the Magistrates Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 31).
Mr Stone: To present the Coroners Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 32).
Mr Palmer: To present the Pastoral Land Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 37).
Mr Reed: To present the Advance Bank Integration Bill 1997 (Serial 33).
Mr Reed: To present the Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 35).
Mr Reed: To present the Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 36).
- 10:04 Mrs Hickey to Mr Reed.
10:14 Mr Elferink to Mr Stone.
10:17 Ms Martin to Mr Reed.
10:23 Dr Lim to Mr Coulter.
10:30 Mr Stirling to Mr Reed.
10:32 Mr Lugg to Mr Stone.
10:39 Mr Bailey to Mr Reed
10:42 Mr McCarthy to Mr Baldwin.
10:46 Mr Rioli to Mr Reed.
10:50 Mr Dunham to Mr Baldwin.
10:54 Mrs Hickey to Mr Stone.
Member ordered to withdraw: And the Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) continuing to interject in a disorderly manner -
The Speaker, pursuant to Sessional Order 240A, ordered the Member for Nhulunbuy to withdraw from the Assembly.
The Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) was therefore ordered to withdraw from the Assembly at 11:07 h for 1 hour, pursuant to Sessional Order 240A and he accordingly withdrew from the Chamber.
- The Treasurer (Mr Reed) laid on the Table the Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report for 1996-97 (Paper 99).
Mr Reed moved - That the Assembly take note of the Paper.
On the motion of the Deputy Leader of the Opposition (Mr Bailey) debate was adjourned.
- The Leader of Government Business (Mr Coulter) advised that His Honour the Administrator would be pleased to receive Honourable Members for the purpose of presenting the Address-in-Reply on Wednesday 3 December 1997 between the hours of 14:00 and 16:00.
- The Member for Nightcliff (Mr Hatton) made an explanation of matters he had raised in a speech during the Adjournment Debate last week.
- The Minister for Health, Family and Children's Services (Mr Burke), by leave, moved - That this Assembly authorises him to lay on the Table a draft Report on the Inquiry into the Issue of Kava Regulation prepared for the former Sessional Committee on the Use and Abuse of Alcohol by the Community.
Question - put and passed.
Mr Burke thereupon laid on the Table the following Papers -
Written Submission, No. 178, Miwatj Health Aboriginal Corporation, received 19.2.97 (Paper 101);
Written Submission, No. 179, Mr Colin Baker, received 19.2.97 (Paper 102);
Written Submission, No. 180, Ramingining Community Council, received 24.2.97 (Paper 103);
Written Submission, No. 181, Mr Alan Middleton, received 25.2.97 (Paper 104);
Written Submission, No. 182, Galiwinku CDEP, received 26.2.97 (Paper 105);
Written Submission, No. 183, Dr Peter Thorn, Rural Services, received 27.2.97 (Paper 106);
Written Submission, No. 184, Elcho Island Art & Craft, received 27.2.97 (Paper 107);
Written Submission, No. 185, Ramingining Health Centre, received 28.2.97 (Paper 108);
. Written Submission, No. 186, Tongan Ethnic Association NT, received 28.2.97 (Paper 109);
Written Submission, No. 187, Bungardi Trading Pty Ltd, received 28.2.97 (Paper 110);
Written Submission, No. 188, Galiwinku Community Inc, received 28.2.97 (Paper 111);
Written Submission, No. 189, Dr Paul Spillane, Gove District Hospital, received 28.2.97 (Paper 112);
Written Submission, No. 190, Warruwi Community Inc, received 4.3.97 (Paper 113);
Written Submission, No. 191, Mr Syd Stirling, MLA, Member for Nhulunbuy, received 6.3.97 (Paper 114);
Written Submission, No. 192, Arnhem Land Progress Association Inc, received 10.3.97 (Paper 115);
Written Submission, No. 193, Galiwinku Health Clinic, received 19.3.97 (Paper 116);
Written Submission, No. 194, Shepherdson College, Staff, received 19.3.97 (Paper 117);
Written Submission, No. 195, Shepherdson College, General Studies Class, received 19.3.97 (Paper 118);
Written Submission, No. 196, Mr Murray Garde, Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation, received 18.3.97
(Paper 119);
Written Submission, No. 197, Dr Elizabeth Chalmers, received 18.3.97 (Paper 120);
Written Submission, No. 198, Dr Peter Thorn, received 2.4.97 (Paper 121);
Written Submission, No. 199, Mr Bill Brevoort, East Earth Herb Inc, received 14.5.97 (Paper 122);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Warruwi by Warruwi Health Clinic, Ms M Hawkins, Registered Nurse; Ms N Garbaridju; Ms N Gardijalalug; Ms K Ganuyna, dated 17 March 1997 (Paper 123);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Warruwi by Warruwi Community Council Inc, Mr P Nangaraidj, President; Mr J Namayiwa, Vice President; Mr S Ganawa, Councillor; Mr J Namaluda, Councillor; Mr P Hennan, Sports & Recreation Officer; Mr J Yarnnidjanini; Mr J White, Council Clerk; 25 residents, dated 17 March 1997 (Paper 124);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Minjilang by Minjilang Health Clinic; Ms D Yarmirr, dated 17 March 1997
(Paper 125);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Minjilang by Minjilang Community Council Inc; Ms M Yarmirr, President; Ms D Yarmirr; Mr P Thomas; Mr T Scott, Council Clerk, dated 17 March 1997 (Paper 126);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Maningrida by Maningrida Health Clinic; Ms S Kildea, Registered Nurse; Mr M Parnaby, Registered Nurse; Dr M Dawkins; Ms J Bhome, Trainer Health Worker; Ms J Gadambua, Health Worker; Mr M Dawumal, Health Worker; Mr C Gunabarra, Health Worker; Ms M Mason, Trainee Health Worker; Ms F Naramala, Trainee Health Worker; Mr I Munro, Bawinanga Aboriginal Corporation; Mr C Mundungar, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 127);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Ramingining by Ramingining Health Clinic; Ms M Thorpe, Registered Nurse; Dr W Allport; Ms G Wamati; Mr R Birrin Birrin; Mr A Mace, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 128);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Nhulunbuy by Dr Elizabeth Chalmers, Consultant; Living with Alcohol Program, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 129);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Nhulunbuy by Northern Territory Police Force; Senior Sergeant J Emeny; A/Sergeant C Goodsell, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 130);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Nhulunbuy by Dr Paul Spillane, Hospital Medical Officer; East Arnhem District, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 131);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Nhulunbuy by Mr Tevita Hala Tupou, Public Officer; Tongan Ethnic Association, dated 18 March 1997 (Paper 132);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Milingimbi by Milingimbi Health Clinic; Ms V Gordon, Registered Nurse; Ms A Herrin; Ms B Dhamany; Ms R Gungarinua; Mr P Batatji; Ms M Bumkun; Ms B Guyulun, dated 19 March 1997 (Paper 133);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Galiwinku by Galiwinku Health Clinic; Mr H Jones, Registered Nurse; Mrs K McMahon, Registered Nurse; Mr M Musco, Registered Nurse; Ms Yugirrnga; Ms Y Dhamarrandji; Mr O Datjarranga, Chairman, Galiwinku Community Inc, dated 19 March 1997 (Paper 134);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Yirrkala by Laynhapuy Homelands Association; Mr W Mununggurr, Chairperson; Ms N Mununggurr, Interpreter; Mr W Wulanybuma, Manager; Mr Y Maymuru; Mr D Gondarra; Mr B Mununggurr; Mr J Rika; Mr T Setter; Ms J Djerrkura; Mr G Ngurruwutthon; 60 members of the Association, dated 20 March 1997 (Paper 135);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Yirrkala by Yirrkala Health Clinic; Ms N Mununggurr, Interpreter; Ms W Marika; Ms M Yunupingu; Mr S Murdoch, Registered Nurse; Ms A Mitchell; Dr G Flynn; Mr B Maymuru, dated 20 March 1997 (Paper 136);
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Yirrkala by Yirrkala Dhanbul Community Association; Mr W Marika, President; Mr D Marika, Council Clerk; Mr W Wanambi, Councillor; Mr M Mununggurr, Councillor, dated 20 March 1997 (Paper 137); and
Oral Evidence, Briefing at Gunyangara by Marngarr Community Council Inc; Mr S Baldwin, Council Clerk; Ms C Kohn, Registered Nurse; Mr D Yunupingu, Councillor, dated 20 March 1997 (Paper 138).
- Mr Burke made a Statement relating thereto (Paper 139).
Mr Burke moved - That the Assembly take note of the Paper.
Debate ensued.
- Suspension of sitting: The sitting was suspended between 12:04 h and 14:14 h.
- Debate resumed.
Question-put and passed.
- The Attorney-General (Mr Stone), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Interpretation Act.
Bill read a first time.
Mr Stone moved - That the Bill be now read a second time.
On the motion of the Member for Barkly (Mrs Hickey) debate was adjourned.
- The Attorney-General (Mr Stone), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Agents Licensing Act.
Bill read a first time.
Mr Stone moved - That the Bill be now read a second time.
On the motion of the Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) debate was adjourned.
12. STATUTE LAW REVISION BILL 1997 (Serial 27):
- The Attorney-General (Mr Stone), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to revise and correct the law of the Territory in minor respects.
Bill read a first time.
Mr Stone moved - That the Bill be now read a second time.
On the motion of the Member for Nhulunbuy (Mr Stirling) debate was adjourned.
- The Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries (Mr Palmer), pursuant to notice, presented a Bill for an Act to amend the Fisheries Amendment Act 1997.
Bill read a first time.
Mr Palmer moved - That the Bill be now read a second time.
On the motion of the Member for Stuart (Mr Toyne) debate was adjourned.
- The order of the day having been read for the resumption of debate on the motion - That the following Address-in-Reply be agreed to:
- “MAY IT PLEASE YOUR HONOUR - We, the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory, in Parliament assembled, desire to express our loyalty to our Most Gracious Sovereign, and to thank Your Honour for the Speech which you have been pleased to address to the Assembly.”.
- Debate ensued.
Papers tabled: The Minister for Parks and Wildlife (Mr Baldwin) laid on the Table the following Papers -
A Management Program for the Red-Tailed Black Cockatoo, Calyptorhynchus banksii, in the Northern Territory of Australia 1997 (Paper 147); and
A Strategy for Conservation Through the Sustainable Use of Wildlife in the Northern Territory of Australia (Paper 146).
Debate continued.
Question -put and passed.
- The Speaker (Mrs Braham) advised Honourable Members that it was her intention to wait upon His Honour the Administrator for the purpose of presenting the Address-in-Reply at 14:30 h on Wednesday 3 December 1997 and invited Honourable members to join her at this time.
- Suspension of Standing Orders - Pass Bill through all stages: The Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services (Mr Reed) moved - That so much of Standing Orders be suspended as would prevent the Police Administration Amendment Bill 1997 (Serial 20) passing through all stages at these sittings.
Question - put and passed - there being an absolute majority of the whole number of Members present and no dissentient voice.
The order of the day having been read for the resumption of the debate on the question - That the Bill be now read a second time -
Debate ensued.
Question - put and passed.
Bill read a second time.
Leave granted for a motion for the third reading of the Bill to be moved forthwith.
On the motion of the Minister for Police, Fire and Emergency Services (Mr Reed) the Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed law.
- The Chief Minister (Mr Stone) moved:- That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Member for Sanderson (Mr Manzie) laid on the Table the following Paper -
Debate continued.
And the Assembly adjourned at 19:35 h until 10:00 h Wednesday 3 December 1997.
The following papers were deemed to have been presented on Tuesday 2 December 1997:
- Annual Reports:
Department of Housing and Local Government 1996/97 (Paper 141)
National Road Transport Commission 1996/97 (Paper 144)
Northern Territory Liquor Commission 1996/97 (Paper 140)
Office of Aboriginal Development 1996/97 (Paper 145)
Road Safety Council of the Northern Territory 1996/97 (Paper 143)
- Financial Statements:
Auditor-General’s Report to the Minister for Racing and Gaming, TAB, Year ended 30 June 1997 (Paper 142)
All members attended the sitting.
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016