Minutes of Proceedings - 1999-08-10
Eighth Assembly First Session 10/08/1999 Parliamentary Record No. 18
Date : 10/08/1999__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
10 August 1999 19 August 1999 516 - 544
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
MOTIONS (Procedural)
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Date : 10/08/1999
Index to Minutes - 10 August 1999 to 19 August 1999
From To Pages
10 August 1999 19 August 1999 516 - 544
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Appointment of Leader of Government Business (Mr Palmer), confirmatory letter
from Chief Minister to Speaker with effective from 19 July 1999, notified at
10 August 1999 sitting (Mr Burke) 518
Ministries created 4 August 1999 (Mr Burke) 517
Opposition Shadow Ministers and Office Holders effective 10 August 1999 (Ms Martin) 518
- Animal Welfare Bill 1999 (Serial 168) 535, 544
Competition Policy Reform (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 173) 531, 536
Domestic Violence Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 158) 529
Electricity Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 159) 525
Financial Management Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 175) 535, 543
Interpretation Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 157) 544
Marine Pollution Bill 1999 (Serial 167) 524, 529
New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Northern Territory) Bill 1999 (Serial 172) 531, 536
Power and Water Authority Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 160) 532
Residential Tenancies (Consequential Amendments) Bill 1999 (Serial 170) 535, 543
Residential Tenancies Bill 1999 (Serial 169) 535, 543
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1998 (Serial 92) 537
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 166) 517, 525
Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 1999 (Serial 171) 531, 536
Veterinarians Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 174) 531, 536
- Huitson, Sergeant Glen, deceased Tuesday 3 August 1999 (Mr Burke) 517
Muirhead, Honourable James Henry, AC QC, former Administrator of the Northern Territory
from 1989 to 1992, deceased Tuesday 20 July 1999 (Mr Burke) 516
- No. 5 relating to Draft Bills, Residential Tenancies Bill 1999 and Residential Tenancies
(Consequential Amendments) Bill 1999 (Mr Palmer) 528
- Dr Phankham, Deputy chief of Human Resources; Dr Thongloun, Permanent Member
of the Standing Committee and Chairperson of the Committee on Foreign Affairs;
Mr Samane, Deputy-Chief of the National Assembly’s Office; Mr Thayaphone,
Member for Khammuan Province; Mr Khampong, Member for Vientiane Prefecture;
Dr Thongphanh, Vice-Chairwoman of the Socio-cultural Affairs Committee 531
Oswald, Honourable John, MP, Speaker of the South Australian House of Assembly
and Mrs Carol Oswald (Speaker) 524
Reginald Marsh a former Official Member of the Legislative Council from 1955 to 1957
and 1958 to 1962 (McCarthy) 528
- Mr Manzie, Wednesday 18 August 1999 and Thursday 19 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 537
Mr Stone, Wednesday 18 August 1999 and Thursday 19 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 537
- Aboriginal interpreter service (Mr Stirling) 532
Cane Toads (Mr Henderson) 528
Information Technology outsourcing, impact on both the public and private sectors (Mr Toyne) 543
- Mr Stirling, 10 August 1999, 1 hour, pursuant to Standing Order 240A 520
- No. 16 Assent to proposed laws 17 June 1999 to 22 June 1999 (Paper 1423) (Mr Speaker) 523
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Suspension of Standing Orders
Take two Bills together
- New Tax System Price Exploitation Code (Northern Territory) Bill 1999 (Serial 172)
and Competition Policy Reform (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 173) 536
Residential Tenancies Bill 1999 (Serial 169) and Residential Tenancies (Consequential
Amendments) Bill 1999 (Serial 170) 543
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Arafura Games, 1999 – Note statement (Mr Lugg) 532
Auditor-General’s August 1999 Report to the Legislative Assembly – Note paper (Mr Mr Burke) 541
Auditor-General’s August 1999 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Print (Mr Mr Burke) 541
Chronic Diseases Strategies Note statement (Mr Dunham) 532
East Timor consultation ballot under the auspices of the United Nations –
Note statement (Mr Burke) 542
Foundations for our Future - Build on a Successful Resource-based Economy \
Note statement (Mr Manzie) 527
Foundations for Our Future, The Arts and the Territory Lifestyle - Note statement (Mr Lugg) 528
Law of property in the Northern Territory (Paper 887 (Mr Stone) 532
Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Appoint Mr Mills 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 519
Appoint Mrs Hickey 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 519
Discharge Mr Lugg 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 519
Report of Inquiry into appropriate measures to facilitate Statehood – Note and adopt
recommendations Numbered 1 to 6 (Mr Hatton) 529
N T Expo, July 99 – Note statement (Mr Manzie) 520
Northern Territory Institute of Sport, development of the – Note statement (Mr Lugg) 525
Planning Developments for Central Darwin - Note statement (Mr Burke) 535
Planning Developments for Central Darwin – Note statement (Mr Burke) 536
Privileges Committee
Appoint Mr Mills 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 519
Appoint Mr Stone 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 519
Discharge Mr Lugg 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 519
Discharge Mr McCarthy 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 519
Public Accounts Committee
Appoint Mr Henderson 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 520
Appoint Mr Poole 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 520
Discharge Mr Lugg 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 519
Report No. 33, Report on the Auditor-General's Mid year Report and End of Financial
Year Reports 1995-96 to 1998 – Fees, Fines and Outstanding Debts – Note report (Mr Coulter) 520
Report No. 34 of the inquiring into the Roles of various funding bodies in the development
and maintenance of roads, airstrips and barge landings on Aboriginal communities and
outstations in the Northern Territory – Note paper(Mr Poole) 536
Report No. 34 of the inquiring into the Roles of various funding bodies in the development
and maintenance of roads, airstrips and barge landings on Aboriginal communities and
outstations in the Northern Territory - Print (Mr Poole) 536
Select Committee on Territory Food Prices
Report, Food Prices in the Northern Territory – Price, Quality and Choice - Striking A
Fair Balance, Volume 1 – Report (Paper 1497), Volume 2 – Written Submissions (Paper 1498)
and Volume 3 – Transcripts of Proceedings (Paper 1499) (Dr Lim) – Note report 543
Report, Food Prices in the Northern Territory – Price, Quality and Choice - Striking A
Fair Balance, Volume 1 – Report (Paper 1497), Volume 2 – Written Submissions
(Paper 1498) and Volume 3 – Transcripts of Proceedings (Paper 1499) (Dr Lim) – Print 543
Standing Orders Committee
Appoint Mr Ah Kit 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 520
Appoint Mr Palmer 10 August 1999 (Mr Palmer) 520
Territory and Darwin as a Supply, Service and Distribution Centre for the Region.
Note statement (Mr Palmer) 542
Territory’s racing, gaming and licensing industries – Note statement (Mr Baldwin) 525
- Achieving the Vision, An Introduction to Proposed Central Darwin Planning
Scheme Amendments 1999 (Paper 1457) (Mr Bladwin) 536
Administrative Arrangements Order, Northern Territory Government Gazette S 35,
dated 4 August 99 (Paper 1402) (Mr Burke) 518
Annual Reports
Auditor-General’s August 1999 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 1487) (Mr McCarthy) 541
Northern Territory University 1998 (Paper 1494) 544
Parole Board of the Northern Territory 1998, pursuant to section 3H of the Parole of
Prisoners Act (Paper 1483) 538
Australian Safari, International Cross Country Rally, 21 – 28 August 1999 (Paper 1445) (Mr Burke) 531
Ballot Paper UNAMET (Paper 1492) (Mr Burke) 542
Best Practice Services Pty Ltd, Australian Securities and Investments Commission Current,
Extract for Organization Number 075922735 and clipping of Northern Territory News,
dated September 12 and 23, 1998 (Paper 1455) (Mr Stirling) 535
Biological Control of Cane Toads, Electron Microscopy Unit’s Projects
(Paper 1439) (Mr Henderson) 528
Brochure, Public Housing to 2003 – How it affects you – A guide for Non – rebated tenants
(Paper 1491) (Mrs Braham) 541
Camel Cup, 1999 Race Sheet (Paper 1431) (Mr Elferink) 526
Competition in a Hot Environment – A practical guide to heat acclimatization in the
Northern Territory by the Northern Territory Institute of Sport (Paper 1429) (Mr Lugg) 525
Copy of speech notes re Sister Ellen Kettle by Dr Hargrave (Paper 1452) (Mr Manzie) 533
Domestic Violence and Employers, Occasional Paper No. 2, by the Office of Women’s
Policy (Paper 1435) (Mr Burke) 527
Drugs, Money and Governments 1997/98, Northern Territory Performance Survey Results -
Extract, ADCA (Paper 1430) (Mr Dunham) 526
Electricity Supply Association of Australia Ltd – 1999, Extract from Table 4.6 Electricity
Prices Pg. 59, Nominated price cents per Kwh – Total by Australian States
(Paper 1454) (Ms Martin) 535
Essential Primary Health Care Services for Health Development in Remote Aboriginal
Communities in the Northern Territory by Paul Freeman and Arie Rotem,
dated April 1999 (Paper 1447) (Mr Dunham) 532
Extract of transcript of public evidence, dated 24 June 1999, Coles Pty Ltd, Mr Williams
re electricity costs and pay-roll tax effects on grocery prices (Paper 1500) (Mr Reed) 543
Financial Management Act
Approval of Additional Allocation - Section 22(1), 28 June 1999, Anti-Discrimination,
Department of Industries & Business, Dept of Transport & Works, Dept of Education,
NT Housing (Paper 1466) 538
Determination of Amount by which allocations for certain receipts may be varied -
Section 23(1) 30 June 1999 - Dept of the Chief Minister (Paper 1462) 538
Determination of Amount of Allocation for Certain Receipts may be varied -
Section 23(1) 28 June 1999 – Office of Aboriginal Development (Paper 1460) 538
Determination of Amount of Allocation Transferred on Redistribution of Public
Business Amongst Agencies - Section 21(1), dated 24 March 1999, Territory Health
Services, Dept of Local Government, Department of Housing (Paper 1463) 538
Determination of Amounts of Allocation Transferred on Redistribution of Public
Business Amongst Agencies - Section 21(1), 1 June 1999, Dept of Industries & Business,
Dept of Mines & Energy, Office of Communications, Science & Advanced Technology
(Paper 1464) 538
Determination of Amounts of Allocation Transferred on Redistribution of Public
Business Amongst Agencies - Section 21(1), 29 June 1999, Dept of Corporate &
Information Services (Paper 1465) 538
Direction - Transfer of Allocation between Financial Years - Section 22(2), 30 June 1999,
DCM, AG's, NT Treasury, NT Treasury Corp, NTTC, NTPFES, P&W, T&W, WHA, DIB,
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, DLP&E, DME, DCIS, OCPE, Office of
Communications, Science &Advanced Technology, Edu, Centralian College, Sport &
Rec, NTETA, A&M, THS, Local Govt, OAD, DPIF, Correctional Services, DBS,
Construction, DPA, PAWA, NT Housing (Paper 1467) 539
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20 (1)(b),
29 June 1999, Department of Corporate & Information Services (Paper 1473) 539
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
23 June 1999, Batchelor College (Paper 1468) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
28 June 1999, Darwin Port Authority (Paper 1470) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
28 June 1999, Dept of the Legislative Assembly (Paper 1469) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
28 June 1999, Office of the Commissioner for Public Employment (Paper 1471) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
28 June 1999, Parks and Wildlife Commission of the NT (Paper 1472) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
29 June 1999, Information Technology Management Services (Paper 1476) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
29 June 1999, NT Attorney-General's Department (Paper 1475) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
29 June 1999, NT Treasury (Paper 1474) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
30 June 1999, Department of the Chief Minister (Paper 1480) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
30 June 1999, Dept of Lands, Planning & Environment (Paper 1477) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
30 June 1999, NT Correctional Services (Paper 1481) 539
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
30 June 1999, NT Tourist Commission (Paper 1479) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
30 June 1999, Parks & Wildlife Commission of the NT (Paper 1482) 539
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities - Section 20(1)(b),
30 June 1999, Racing and Gaming Authority (Paper 1478) 538
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities, pursuant to
section 20(1)(a), Department of Education, dated 30 June 1999 (Paper 1412) 521
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities, pursuant to
section 20(1)(a), Power and Water Authorities, dated 30 June 1999 (Paper 1414) 521
Direction - Transfer of Excess Allocations between Activities, pursuant to
section 20(1)(a), Territory Health Services, dated 30 June 1999 (Paper 1413) 521
Variation of Allocation to Activity - Section 23(1) 29 June 1999 - Centralian College (Paper 1461) 539
Foundations for Our Future – become the Supply, Service and Distribution Centre for
the Region by Northern Territory Government (Paper 1496) (Mr Palmer) 542
Foundations for our Future the Northern Territory – Build on a Successful Resource-based
Economy (Paper 1437) (Mr Manzie) 528
Graph, Average Weekly Earnings of Full-time Adults February 1999 (Paper 1421) (Mr Reed) 524
Graph, Consumer Price Index, June Quarter 1999 annual %Change (Paper 1420) (Mr Reed) 524
Graph, Selected Household Taxes and Charges Average Home $ Annum incl Electricity
Water Sewerage, State Average $1712 (Paper 1433) (Mr Dunham) 527
Media release, Mr Peter Toyne MLA to Honourable Peter Adamson, dated 22 April 1999
re apology relating to petition at Areyonga (Paper 1490) (Mr Adamson) 541
Mural by Robert Czako at St Mary’s Family Services - Alice Springs (Paper 1484) (Mr Elferink) 538
Papunya School, Property Management Form 7 (pl) Application for Special Purpose Grant,
Minor New Works Projects (Projects up to $100 000) (Paper 1434) (Mr Toyne) 527
Photograph of Plenty Highway circa August 1999 (Paper 1451) (Mr Toyne) 533
Planning Act
Direction to the Planning Authority, Re
- Lots 2513 and 4812, pursuant to section 67(3)(b) (Paper 1441) 530
Planning Act, Information Paper – Discussion Draft for a proposed new N T Planning Act
(Paper 1416) (Mr Baldwin) 520
Preventable Chronic Diseases Strategy - the Evidence Base – Best buys and key result
areas in chronic disease control, dated August 1999, Territory Health Services
(Paper 1448) (Mr Dunham) 532
Printed Matter Classification Guidelines (Amendment No. 1), Guidelines for the classification
of Films and Videotapes (Amendment No. 2), and Guidelines for the Classifications on
Computer Games (Amendment No. 1) (Paper 1427) 526
Public Accounts Committee
Report No. 34 of the inquiring into the Roles of various funding bodies in the development
and maintenance of roads, airstrips and barge landings on Aboriginal communities and
outstations in the Northern Territory (Paper 1458) (Mr Poole) 536
No. 25, Palmerston (Animal Management) By-laws (Paper 1408) 521
Regulations 1999
No. 20, Amendment of Justices (Territory Infringement Notices Enforcement Scheme)
Regulations (Paper 1403) 521
No. 21, Amendments of Pay-roll Tax Regulations (Paper 1404) 521
No. 22, Amendment of Registration Regulations (Paper 1405) 521
No. 23, Amendments of Motor Vehicles (Fees and Charges) Regulations (Paper 1406) 521
No. 24, Amendments of Water Supply and Sewerage Regulations (Paper 1407) 521
No. 26, Work Health Court Rules (Paper 1409) 521
No. 27, Amendment of Prisons (Correctional Services) Regulations (Paper 1410) 521
No. 28, Amendment of Stock Diseases Regulations (Paper 1411) 521
Select Committee on Territory Food Prices
Report, Food Prices in the Northern Territory – Price, Quality and Choice -
Striking A Fair Balance, Volume 1 – Report (Paper 1497), Volume 2 – Written Submissions
(Paper 1498) and Volume 3 – Transcripts of Proceedings (Paper 1499) (Dr Lim) – Note report 543
The need to Control Cane Toads by W. J. Freeland, Conservation Commission of the
Northern Territory, Search Vol No. 7-8, August – September 1985 (Paper 1440) (Mr Henderson) 528
Total Recall, Territory Health Services - Top End Recall System for Chronic Diseases, Territory
Health Services (Paper 1449) (Mr Dunham) 532
Tourism News from the Minister for Tourism, 1st Edition July 99 (Paper 1485) (Mr Reed) 538
Tourism News from the Minister for Tourism, 2nd Edition Aug 99 (Paper 1486) (Mr Reed) 538
- Aboriginal Interpreter Service, funding (Mr Burke) (1192 petitioners) (Paper 1453) 535
Bilingual education programs in Northern Territory Schools (601 petitioners)
(Mr Toyne) (Paper 1432) 527
Loss of regular direct air service from Groote Eylandt to the east coast via Cairns
(393 petitioners) (Mr Ah Kit) (Paper 1425) 524
No. 30 - Bilingual programs in Northern Territory schools (Mr Toyne) (47 petitioners) (Paper 1488) 541
No. 19 (Paper 1489) 541
Sentence review for assault on D Wauchope (85 petitioners) (Mr Burke) (Paper 1424) 524
- Member for Blain, Mr Barry Francis Coulter and Member for Wanguri, Mr John Derek Bailey
on 18 June 1999 (Papers 1418 and 1419) (Mr Speaker) 516
- By-election
certified that Terrence Kennedy Mills and Paul Raymond Henderson had been duly
elected as Members of the Legislative Assembly for the Divisions of Blain and Wanguri
on 31 July 1999, respectively (Papers 1398 and 1399) (Mr McCarthy) 516
- Arafura Games, 1999 (Paper 1450) (Mr Lugg) 532
Chronic Diseases Strategies (Paper 1446) (Mr Dunham) 532
East Timor consultation ballot under the auspices of the United Nations (Paper 1493) (Mr Burke) 542
Filming by ABC TV and Channel of swearing in of Members for Blain and Wanguri, Mr Mills
and Henderson respectively (Mr Speaker) 516
Foundations for our Future - Build on a Successful Resource-based Economy
(Paper 1436) (Mr Manzie) 527
Foundations for Our Future, The Arts and the Territory Lifestyle (Paper 1438) (Mr Lugg) 528
N T Expo, July 99 (Paper 1417) (Mr Manzie) 520
Northern Territory Institute of Sport, development of the (Paper 1428) (Mr Lugg) 525
Planning Act, discussion draft (Mr Baldwin) 520
Planning Developments for Central Darwin (Paper 1456) (Mr Burke) 535
Territory and Darwin as a Supply, Service and Distribution Centre for the Region.
(Paper 1495) (Mr Palmer) 542
Territory’s racing, gaming and licensing industries (Paper 1426) (Mr Baldwin) 525
- Adelaide River School, students, accompanied by their teacher Mr Mark Mclay (Mr McCarthy) 541
Sumiyoshi Senior High School students, Osaka, Japan accompanied by their teachers
Ms Wendy Green and Ms Yoshiko Ennyu (Mr McCarthy) 524
Warakurna school students accompanied by their teachers Mr Russell Osborne,
Ms Joanne Pearson and Ms Glenise Newman (Mr McCarthy) 527
Year 5 and 6 students from St Paul’s Primary School accompanied by their teachers
Mr Dirk Benson and Ms Jan Kitchingman (Mr McCarthy) 531
- Deputy Chairmen of Committees
Mr Elferink, Mr Balch, Mr Mills and Mr Poole (Paper 1422) (Mr McCarthy) 525
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016