Minutes of Proceedings - 2000-05-18
Eighth Assembly First Session 09/05/2000 Parliamentary Record No. 22
Date : 18/05/2000__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
9 May 200018 May 2000 645 - 692
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
MOTIONS (Procedural)
MOTIONS (Substantive)
By election, Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory for the
Division of Port Darwin (Ms Susan Jill Carter) to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of the Honourable Shane Leslie Stone QC (Paper 1765) 645
Date : 18/05/2000
Index to Minutes – 9 May 2000 to 18 May 2000
From To Pages
9 May 200018 May 2000 645 - 692
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Opposition portfolio responsibilities, effective 16 March 2000 (Ms Martin) 659
- Appropriation Bill 2000-2001 (Serial 233) 661, 666
AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 238) 665, 673
AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 239) 665, 673
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 5) 1998 (Serial 133) 672
Financial Relations Agreement (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000 (Serial 228) 664, 672
First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000 (Serial 229) 664, 672
Fisheries Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 226) 656
Health Practitioners and Allied Professionals Registration Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 227) 665, 674
International Transfer of Prisoners (Northern Territory) Bill 2000 (Serial 232) 651, 656
Juvenile Justice Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1998 (Serial 134) 672
Legal Practitioners Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 242) 659, 672
Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 230) 646, 652
Legislative Assembly (Security) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 231) 646, 652
Magistrates Amendment Bill 1999 (Serial 76) 648
Mining Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 243) 665, 674
Miscellaneous (Interpretation Act and Penalties Act) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 237) 665, 673
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 221) 651, 656
Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 235) 664, 672
Petroleum Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 244) 665, 674
Prisons (Correctional Services) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 215) 663
Racing and Betting Amendment Bill (No. 2) 1999 (Serial 197) 674, 689, 691
Revenue Units Bill 2000 (Serial 214) 648
Sale of NT TAB Bill 1999 (Serial 195) 674, 691
Sentencing Amendment Bill (No. 3) 1998 (Serial 132) 672
Sentencing of Juveniles (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2000 (Serial 234) 659, 662, 674
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 240) 664, 672
Statute Law Revision Bill 2000 (Serial 217) 662
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 241) 664, 672
Totalisator Licensing and Regulation Bill 1999 (Serial 196) 674, 675, 691
Water Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 222) 653
Work Health Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 236) 665, 673
- Chief Minister (Mr Burke) for misleading the Assembly over his role in the administration
of the remuneration, allowances and emoluments payable to Judges and Magistrates (Mr Stirling) 669
- Mr Frederick Keith Mannering Thompson, former Clerk of the Legislative Assembly from
1977 to 1982, passed away on 2 March 2000 646
Very Rev James Frederick McKay AC CMG OBE MA BD Hon LLD, passed away on
Friday 31 March 2000 645
- Nagle, Mr Peter, Member for Auburn in the New South Wales Legislative Assembly and
Chairman of the Regulation Review Committee 652
- Mr Hatton, Wednesday 10 May and Thursday 11 May 2000 (Mr Palmer) 655
- Commercial passenger industry deregulation (Mr Toyne) 648
- Ms Susan Jill Carter, Port Darwin, 9 May 2000 645
- No. 20 Assent to proposed laws 23 December 1999 (Paper 1768) 646
No. 21, Recommending a Bill for an Act to authorise the issue and expenditure of public
moneys out of the consolidated fund for the year 2000-2001 (Mr McCarthy) (Paper 1822) 660
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Suspension of Standing Orders
Pass Bill through all stages
- Sentencing of Juveniles (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2000 (Serial 234) 674
- Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 230) and
Legislative Assembly (Security) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 231) 652
- Financial Relations Agreement (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000 (Serial 228), First Home
Owner Grant Bill 2000 (Serial 229), Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 235), Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 240) and Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 2000
(Serial 241) 672
- AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 238) and
AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 239) 673
Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 230) and
Legislative Assembly (Security) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 231) 652
Mining Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 243) and Petroleum Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 244) 674
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation Trade Ministers meeting in Darwin – Note statement
(Mr Manzie) 655
Auditor–General's Report, February 2000 - Note report (Mr Burke) 656
Correctional Services, new initiatives – Note statement (Mr Manzie) 656
Department of Corporate and Information Services, operation over past 18 months –
Note statement (Mr Adamson) 648
Distribution Committee, 2000 Distribution of Northern Territory Electoral Divisions, Volume I
and Report of the Distribution Committee, 2000 Distribution of Northern Territory Electoral
Divisions, Volume II – Motion to approve distribution (Mr Burke) 666, 691
Education services in the Northern Territory and future directions – Note statement (Mr Lugg) 652
Health service industry in the Territory – Note statement (Mr Dunham) 672
International Force East Timor Mission, Operation Stabilise East Timor (Mr Burke) (Paper 1851) 671
Judges and Magistrates Salaries and Allowances (Mr Stirling) - Notice of motion 647
Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Appoint Ms S Carter 647
Discharge Mr S Balch 647
Local Government reform, development and future directions – Note statement (Mrs Braham) 662
Minerals industry development in the Territory – Note statement (Mr Manzie) 652
Northern Territory’s National Highway Strategy for the next 20 years – Note statement (Mr Palmer) 661
Sessional Committee on the Environment
Appoint Ms S Carter 647
Discharge Mr Hatton 647
- Aboriginal Health Initiatives by Territory Health Services (Paper 1842) (Mr Mitchell) 666
Advertisement – Australian Labor Party, Annual General Meeting, Katherine Review,
Tuesday 14 March 2000 (Paper 1788) 647
Affirmations of allegiance and of office, Member for Port Darwin, Ms Susan Jill Carter,
(Paper 1792) 645
Annual Reports
Department of Education, 1999 (Paper 1775) 648
Jabiru Town Council, 1998/99, A Council inviting Community participation and
involvement (Paper 1853) 692
Jabiru Town Development Authority, 1998/99 (Paper 1852) 692
National Environment Protection Council, 1998/99 (Paper 1773) 648
National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory), 1998/99 (Paper 1774) 648
Northern Territory Architects Board, 1998/99 (Paper 1840) 667
Parole Board of the Northern Territory, pursuant to section 3H of the Parole of Prisoners
Act, Year ending 31 December 1999 (Paper 1845) 692
Budget Overview 2000-2001 (Paper 1821) (Mr Reed) 661
Budget Paper No. 1 – Budget Speech 2000-2001 (Paper 1809) (Mr Reed) 661
Budget Paper No. 2 – The Budget 2000-2001 (Paper 1810) (Mr Reed) 661
Budget Paper No. 3 – Issues in Public Finance 2000-2001 (Paper 1811) (Mr Reed) 661
Budget Paper No. 4 – Capital Works Program 2000-2001 (Paper 1812) (Mr Reed) 661
Budget Paper No. 5 – Northern Territory Economy 2000-2001 (Paper 1813) (Mr Reed) 661
Timber Creek Community Government Council By-Laws (Paper 1786) 648
Community Government Schemes
Mataranka Community Government Scheme (Paper 1796) 653
Coroners Act
Office of the Coroner, Report to the Attorney-General, RE
- Inquest into the death in custody of Cheyne Clarke, pursuant to Section 26 and 27
of the Coroners Act, dated 6 March 2000 (Paper 1802) 657
Recommendation pursuant to section 76(5) of the Crown Lands Act, Revocation of
Reserve No. 1372 over Lots, 502, 1115 and NT Portion 1302, Zimin Drive, Town of
Katherine (Paper 1790) 648
Distribution Committee, 2000 Distribution of Northern Territory Electoral Divisions,
Volume I (Paper 1828) and Report of the Distribution Committee, 2000 Distribution of
Northern Territory Electoral Divisions, Volume II (Paper 1829) (Mr Burke) 666
Education, Training and Youth Affairs – Senate Legislation Committee – Questions on
Notice 1999 – 2000 Budget Estimates Hearing – Question No. E 88 asked by Senator Crossin
on bilingual education (Paper 1798) (Mr Toyne) 652
Evidence Sheet, Fact Two, ALP Position Paper extract of page 26 and page 10, Queensland
Crime Prevention Strategy (Paper 1787) 647
Extract from a draft thesis – Northern Territory Statehood 1985 – 1998 Public Policy and
Process – Chapter 13 Experiences of sub national polities in the United States of America
(Paper 1857) (Mr Hatton) 692
Extract of Aboriginal Lands Rights (Northern Territory) Act 1976, section 23, Functions
of Land Councils (Paper 1841) (Mr Ah Kit) 666
Extract of The Australian Financial Review, Tuesday 16 May 2000 – Debt, virtue in the
middle (Paper 1830) (Mr Reed) 665
Financial Statements
Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board, 1998/1999 (Paper 1846) 692
Health and Community Services Complaints Act
Appointment of Commissioner for Health and Community Services Complaints,
appointment of Peter Allen Lyle Boyce, pursuance of section 9(1),
Dated 24 March 2000 (Paper 1807) 657
Stirling, Mr Syd, Parliament House re judges and magistrates salary and allowances,
undated and unsigned (Paper 1850) (Mr Stirling) 671
Magistrates Act, Determination of Remuneration, Allowances and Terms and Conditions
of Chief Magistrates, dated 27 February 1998 (Paper 1837) (Mr Burke) 666
Magistrates Act, Revocation of Determination and Determination of Remuneration,
Allowances and Terms and Conditions of Chief Magistrate, dated 30 November 1999
(Paper 1838) (Mr Burke) 666
Magistrates Act, Revocation of Determination and Determination of Remuneration,
Allowances and Terms and Conditions of Stipendiary Magistrates, dated 30 November 1999
(Paper 1836) (Mr Burke) 666
Map, redevelopment plan for Kurringal Housing Complex, Fannie Bay (Paper 1803) (Mrs Braham) 655
Media release, Health projects, Alice Springs and Yulara by Minister for Health and
Community Services (Mr Hatton), 17 October 1990 (Paper 1804) (Mr Henderson) 655
National Highway Strategy – the next 20 years, by Northern Territory Government
(Paper 1825) (Mr Palmer) 661
Nutherway 2000 Land Access Workshop, Mandorah, Wednesday 19 April 2000
(Paper 1799) (Mr Ah Kit) 652
Ombudsman (Northern Territory) Act
Appointment of Ombudsman and Determination of Terms and Conditions of Office,
appointment of Peter Allen Lyle Boyce (Paper 1808) 657
Regional Highlights, Alice Springs 2000-2001 (Paper 1820) (Mr Reed) 661
Regional Highlights, Arnhem and Tiwi Islands 2000-2001 (Paper 1818) (Mr Reed) 661
Regional Highlights, Darwin 2000-2001 (Paper 1815) (Mr Reed) 661
Regional Highlights, Katherine 2000-2001 (Paper 1817) (Mr Reed) 661
Regional Highlights, Palmerston and Rural 2000-2001 (Paper 1816) (Mr Reed) 661
Regional Highlights, Tennant Creek 2000-2001 (Paper 1819) (Mr Reed) 661
Regulations 2000
No. 14, Animal Welfare Regulations (Paper 1776) 649
No. 15, Electricity Reform (Administration) Regulations (Paper 1777) 649
No. 16, Planning Regulations (Paper 1778) 649
No. 17, Amendments of Fisheries Regulations (Paper 1779) 649
No. 18, Amendments of Veterinarians Regulations (Paper 1780) 649
No. 19, Amendments of Palmerston (Animal Management) By-Laws (Paper 1781) 649
No. 20, Amendment of Palmerston (Signs, Hoardings and Advertising) By-Laws (Paper 1782) 649
No. 21, Amendments of Supreme Court Rules (Paper 1783) 649
No. 22, Amendments of Supreme Court Rules (Paper 1784) 649
No. 23, Amendment of Nhulunbuy (Animal Control) By-Laws (Paper 1785) 649
Remuneration Tribunal
Report to the Legislative Assembly by Dr Lim, pursuant to section 9.1(e) of the
Remuneration Tribunal Determination 1999 – oversea travel entitlement - IBM, Police
and Justice; IBM, Police Justice and Identification 667
Report to the Legislative Assembly by Hon. Denis Burke, pursuant to Section 9.1(e) of
the Remuneration Tribunal Determination 1999 – overseas travel entitlement (Paper 1844) 692
Report to the Legislative Assembly by Hon. Terry McCarthy, pursuant to Section 9.1(e) of the Remuneration Tribunal Determination 1999 – overseas travel entitlement (Paper 1858) 693
Report to the Legislative Assembly, pursuant to paragraph 9.1(e) of the Remuneration Tribunal Determination by Mrs L Braham’s (Paper 1800) 653
Remuneration Tribunal Report and Recommendation No. 1 of 2000, Magistrates of the
Northern Territory (Paper 1854) 692
Statement of protest to Parliament by 58 Prison Officers re appointment of non-public
sector employees as Prison Officers (Paper 1827) (Mr Stirling) 663
Supreme Court Act, Determination of Salary, Allowances and Benefits of a Judge of the
Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, dated 27 June 1991 (Paper 1831) (Mr Burke) 665
Supreme Court Act, Determination of Salary, Allowances and Benefits of a Judge of the
Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, dated 30 July 1992 (Paper 1832) (Mr Burke) 665
Supreme Court Act, Determination of Salary, Allowances and Benefits of acting Judge,
dated 31 July 1997 (Paper 1835) (Mr Burke) 666
Supreme Court Act, Determination of Salary, Allowances and Benefits of Chief Justice of
Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, dated 26 February 1993 (Paper 1839) (Mr Burke) 666
Supreme Court Act, Determination of Salary, Allowances and Benefits of Judge,
dated 27 September 1996 (Paper 1833) (Mr Burke) 666
Supreme Court Act, Determination of Salary, Allowances and Benefits of Judge,
dated 29 January 1999 (Paper 1834) (Mr Burke) 666
Transcript – 8DDD Morning Program, Thursday 4 May 2000, Fred McCue/Ross Morton
re – Toyota Fleet for APEC Conference (Paper 1791) (Mr Ah Kit) 648
U3A Online – Press Clipping 1st April 2000 (Paper 1848) (Mr Burke) 670
U3A, Online - page 5, 16th March meeting with Clare Martin (Paper 1849) (Mr Burke) 670
Women in the Budget 2000-2001 (Paper 1814) (Mr Reed) 661
- Mr Ah Kit re his comments made during adjournment debate of the Assembly on
Wednesday 17 May 2000 669
Mr Lugg re his comments made during adjournment debate of the Assembly on
Wednesday 10 May 2000 669
- Caretaker [on-site] for the Wirrina Flats complex, funding (Paper 1801)
(192 petitioners) (Ms Martin) 655
John Stokes Square, caretaker, employment by the Department of Territory Housing
(Paper 1823) (Mr Hatton) (45 petitioners) 659
No. 35 – re employees of Aboriginal and Islander Medical Support Services (Paper 1769) 646
No. 37 – re five year-freeze on production of genetically engineered organisms (Paper 1770) 646
No. 38 – re community living area at Jingaloo, transfer of title to Traditional Owners (Paper 1771) 646
No. 39 – re rezoning of Lots 1974 and 1975 Town of Darwin from R3 to B3 (Paper 1772) 646
Transport of school children 80 kms from 3 Bore, Camel Camp and Homestead to attend
school, by leave, (Paper 1793) (21 petitioners) (Mr Toyne) 651
- 8 TOP FM to broadcast the Opposition Leader’s response to the 2000-2001 Budget Speech
handed down by the Treasurer (Mr Reed) on Tuesday 16 May 2000 (Mr McCarthy) 665
ABC TV, Channel 8 and Imparja to broadcast live or rebroadcast, with sound and vision,
the presentation of the Budget and the Treasurer’s Speech 659
ABC-TV, Channel 8 and NT News to film, with sound, during the swearing in of the new
Member for Port Darwin 645
Asia Pacific Economic Co-operation Trade Ministers meeting in Darwin (Paper 1805) (Mr Manzie) 655
Correctional Services, new initiatives (Paper 1806) (Mr Manzie) 656
Department of Corporate and Information Services, operation over past 18 months
(Mr Adamson) (Paper 1789) 647
Education services in the Northern Territory and future directions (Paper 1795) (Mr Lugg) 652
Health service industry in the Territory (Paper 1855) (Mr Dunham) 672
Local Government reform, development and future directions (Paper 1826) (Mrs Braham) 662
Minerals industry development in the Territory (Paper 1794) (Mr Manzie) 652
Northern Territory’s National Highway Strategy for the next 20 years (Paper 1824) (Mr Palmer) 661
- Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education students accompanied by their
lecturer Ms Martha Kamara (Mr Speaker) 669
Casuarina Street Primary School students from Katherine accompanied by their teachers
Ms Marion Guppy and Ms Chris Nolan (Mr McCarthy) 665
Centralian College Students accompanied by their teacher Sister Josephine 656
Darwin High School, Year 11 students and their teachers, Ms Sara Waylen and
Mr Patrick Clarke (Mr McCarthy) 655
Northern Territory University Certificate of Business students (Mr McCarthy) 665
Northern Territory University Faculty of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander studies
students accompanied by their lecturers Ms Fiona Hussin and Mr Don Christopherson
(Mr McCarthy) 659
Northern Territory University international students and their lecturer
Ms Stephanie Galvin (Mr McCarthy) 666
- Deputy Chairman of Committees, Ms Sue Carter (Paper 1797) 651
By election, Member of the Legislative Assembly of the Northern Territory for the
Division of Port Darwin (Ms Susan Jill Carter) to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation
of the Honourable Shane Leslie Stone QC (Paper 1765) 645
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016