Minutes of Proceedings - 2000-06-13
Eighth Assembly First Session 13/06/2000 Parliamentary Record No. 23
Date : 13/06/2000__________________________________________________________________________________
From To Pages
13 June 200022 June 2000 693 - 741
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
MOTIONS (Procedural)
MOTIONS (Substantive)
Date : 13/06/2000
Index to Minutes – 13 June 2000 to 22 June 2000
From To Pages
13 June 200022 June 2000 693 - 741
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Appropriation (Adelaide to Darwin Railway) Bill 2000 (Serial 251) 718
Appropriation Bill 2000 – 2001 (Serial 233) 722, 727, 731, 733
AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 238) 733, 740
AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 239) 733, 740
Crown Lands Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 250) 694, 706
Education Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 224) 706
Energy Pipelines Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 245) 700, 712
Financial Relations Agreement (Consequential Provisions) Bill 2000 (Serial 228) 714
First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000 (Serial 229) 714
Health Practitioners and Allied Professionals Registration Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 227) 707
International Transfer of Prisoners (Northern Territory) Bill 2000 (Serial 232) 698
Land Title (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 (Serial 248) 694, 706
Law of Property (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2000 (Serial 249) 694, 706
Legal Practitioners Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 242) 712
Mandatory Sentencing Repeal Bill 2000 (Serial 216) 704
Mine Management Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 225) 705
Mining Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 243) 696, 698
Miscellaneous (Interpretation Act and Penalties Act) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 237) 696
Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 221) 707
Pay-Roll Tax Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 235) 714
Petroleum Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 246) 700, 712
Petroleum Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 244) 696, 698
Registration of Teachers Bill 2000 (Serial 223) 705
Retail Tenancies Bill 2000 (Serial 218) 704
Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 240) 714
Taxation (Administration) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 241) 714
Work Health Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2000 (Serial 247) 700, 712
Work Health Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 236) 718
- Ministers for Primary Industry and Fisheries (Mr Palmer) and Lands, Planning and
Environment (Mr Baldwin) re King Ash Bay Fishing Club planning issues (Mrs Hickey) 710
- William (Bill) James McLaren, AM Commissioner of the Northern Territory Police
from 1967 to October 1978 (Mr Burke) (Paper 1861) 694
- Wednesday 14 June 2000 701
- Mr Rioli, sittings 13 June 2000 to 22 June 2000 (Ms Martin) 695
- Mr Stirling, 14 June 2000 at 1829 h, one hour pursuant to Standing Order 240A 703
- No. 23 assent to proposed laws, March 2000 (Paper 1860) 693
No. 24 Assent to proposed laws May 2000 and June 2000 (Paper 1875) 699
No. 25 recommending Appropriation (Adelaide to Darwin Railway) Bill 2000 (Paper 1900) 709
No. 26 recommending the First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000 (Paper 1909) 715
No. 27 re AustralAsia Railway Corporation Amendment Bill 2000 733
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Suspension of Standing Orders
Pass Bills through all stages
- Miscellaneous (Interpretation Act and Penalties Act) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 237),
Mining Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 243), Petroleum Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 244),
Legal Practitioners Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 242), Work Health Amendment Bill 2000
(Serial 236), Health Practitioners and Allied Professionals Registration Amendment Bill
2000 (Serial 227), Financial Relations Agreement (Consequential Provisions) Bill
(Serial 228), First Home Owner Grant Bill 2000 (Serial 229), Pay-roll Tax Amendment
Bill 2000 (Serial 235), Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 240), Taxation
(Administration) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 241), AustralAsia Railway (Special
Provisions) Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 238), AustralAsia Railway Corporation
Amendment Bill 2000 (Serial 239) 695
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Aboriginal Reconciliation (Ms Martin) 694, 702
Agriculture and Horticultural industry developments in Katherine region –
Note statement (Mr Palmer) 695
APEC Trade Ministers Conference in Darwin – Note statement (Mr Manzie) 711
Department of Local Government 1998/99 – Performance Report - Note statement (Mrs Braham) 695
GST Impact on Tax Zone Rebate (Ms Martin) 694, 701
Indonesia, changes for the better – Note statement (Mr Burke) 711
Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, Cultural and Scientific Research
undertaken – Note statement (Mr Adamson) 700
NTETA role and directions of the Northern Territory’s Education and Training facility –
Note statement (Mr Lugg) 712
Sale of the Northern Territory TAB – Note statement (Mr Baldwin) 700
Suspension of sitting, Tuesday 20 June 2000 - Further consideration in Committee of the
Whole (Mr Palmer) 725
Suspension of sitting, Wednesday 21 June 2000 - Further consideration in Committee of
the Whole (Mr Palmer) 729
- Aboriginal Community Housing Stock (Paper 1969) (Mrs Braham) 732
Aboriginal Housing Business Division, administrative support (Paper 1972) (Mrs Braham) 732
Aboriginal Regional Councils in the Territory (Paper 1970) (MrsBraham) 732
Annual Reports
Centralian College, 31 December 1999 (Paper 1958) 740
Cobourg Peninsula Sanctuary and Marine Park Board 1998/99 (Paper 1959) 740
Department of Local Government 1998/99 – Performance Report (Paper 1866) (Mrs Braham) 695
Nitmiluk National Park, Year ended 30 June 1999 (Paper 1960) 740
Northern Territory Legal Aid Commission, 1998/99 (Paper 1930) 740
Road Safety Council of the Northern Territory, 1998/99 (Paper 1859) 698
Answer to question by Ms Martin – Outcomes of securing major new international investments
in the Territory economy, Department of Asian Relations and Trade (Paper 1942) (Mr Manzie) 727
Answer to question by Ms Martin – Outcomes of strategic new regional and country markets
1999-00, Department of Asian Relations and Trade (Paper 1941) (Mr Manzie) 727
APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting Darwin June 6-7, 2000 List of Ministers
present (Paper 1907) (Mr Manzie) 711
APEC statement of the Chair, Darwin, 7 June 2000 (Paper 1908) (Mr Manzie) 711
Appropriation Bill 2000/2001 N T Attorney-General’s Department – Questions and Answers -
Table 1, Native Title Matters, expenditure (Paper 1931) (Mr Burke) 723
Appropriation Bill 2000/2001 N T Attorney-General’s Department – Questions and Answers -
Table 2, Land Rights Matters, expenditure (Paper 1932) (Mr Burke) 723
Artists in the Fields a retrospective by Museums and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory
(Paper 1880) 700
Australian Artists and the Northern Territory (Paper 1884) 700
Australian Declaration toward Reconciliation (Paper 1863) (Mr Burke) 694
Birds of the Parliamentary Precinct, Darwin, Northern Territory (Paper 1978) (Mr Reed) 740
Breakdown of Advertising Expenses (Paper 1940) (Mr Baldwin) 724
Budget 2000, Delivering Quality Services, Jobs and Lifestyle, Northern Territory News,
dated 20 June 2000 (Paper 1934) (Mr Reed) 724
Cabinet Submission on privatisation of PAWA, Extract of (Paper 1901) (Ms Martin) 709
Chief Minister – Summary of Interstate Nominees Travel 1 July 1999 to 31 May 2000
(Paper 1924) (Mr Burke) 722
Chief Minister – Summary of Overseas Nominees Travel 1 July 1999 to 31 May 2000
(Paper1925) (Mr Burke) 722
Contemporary Territory 1998 – Third Biennial Exhibition of Northern Territory, 4 July –
23 August 1998 (Paper 1881) 700
Crown Lands Act
Revocation of Purkiss Memorial Reserve No. 1534, over Lot 294 Town of
Tennant Creek (Paper 1980) 740
Curtin University of Technology, National Drug Research Institute, preventing harmful
drug use in Australia, (Paper 1916) 721
Dental Services detail of waiting lists, staff vacancies and expenditure by region 1999/2000
(Paper 1954) (Mr Dunham) 728
Department of the Chief Minister, 1 July 1999 to 31 May 2000 – functions by date and
Minister (Paper 1926) (Mr Burke) 722
Development of Land and Water Resources in Ti Tree (Paper 1984) (Mr Baldwin) 725
Discussion Paper and invitation to comment – Proposal for a New Mine Management Act
by Northern Territory Government, Department of Mines and Energy (Paper 1897) (Mr Manzie) 705
Dwellings sold under the Housing 2003 policy by stock, type and area (Paper 1973) (Mrs Braham) 732
Education is not GST – free by Michael Lee MP Shadow Minister for Education Canberra,
dated 8 June 2000 (Paper 1962) (Mr Toyne) 731
Eisteddfod, 39th North Australian (Paper 1979) (Mr Adamson) 740
Emerging from What by Deana Murray (Paper 1885) 700
Enhancements to Police Housing, actual expenditure 1999-2000, programmed expenditure
2000-2001 by location (Paper 1937) (Mr Reed) 724
Expenditure Details by individual Minister – Document Production (Paper 1928) (Mr Burke) 722
Expenditure Details by individual Minister - Entertainment (Paper 1922) (Mr Burke) 722
Expenditure Details by individual Minister – Marketing and Promotion (Paper 1927) (Mr Burke) 722
Expenditure on Awards for 2000-2001, Department of the Chief Minister (Paper 1921) (Mr Burke) 722
Extreme Landforms by Christian Clare Robertson 14 November 1997 to 19 April 1998 (Paper 1882) 700
Financial Management Act
Direction by the Treasurer, pursuant to section 20(1)(a) - Transfer of Excess Allocations
between Activities, dated 15 June 2000 (Paper 1956) 741
Foundation initiatives (including a progress report) (Paper 1965) (Mr Adamson) 732
Funding for Recreation Officers in Aboriginal Communities 1999-2000 (Paper 1955) (Mr Lugg) 729
Funding to town camp organisations 1999-2000 (Paper 1967) (Mrs Braham) 732
Golden Chef’s Hat Award, List of Competitors (Paper 1983) (Mrs Braham) 712
Government Agencies housing construction costs on Aboriginal Communities
(Paper 1976) (Mrs Braham) 733
Graph 1 Percentage of Northern Territory Population Covered by Hospital Insurance
Tables (Paper 1952) (Mr Dunham) 728
GST to hit NT drivers, Northern Territory News, dated 14 June 2000 (Paper 1872) 700
Housing costs 1999-2000 (Paper 1968) (Mrs Braham) 732
IHANT Pooled Housing Funds (Paper 1891)(Mrs Braham) 703
Incidence of Unlawful Entry by Regional Centre 1998-99 to 199 – 31 May 2000
(Paper 1936) (Mr Reed) 724
Indigenous Education Strategic Education Program – Collins Review recommendations
(Paper 1961) (Mr Lugg) 731
Interstate Transfers and Patient Costs by Specialty 1999 – 2000 (financial year to date)
(Paper 1951) (Mr Dunham) 728
Labour Hire Companies and Companies providing Independent Contractors by Agency,
Company engaged, purpose and cost (Paper 1938) (Mr Reed) 724
Lands Acquisition Act
Statement of reasons for Acquisition, pursuant to section 44(3A) Re
- AustralAsia Railway Project re easement over Section 4047 Strangways, Section 4048
Hundred of Strangways (Paper 1862) 698
Burke, Hon D, Chief Minister to Hon Kim Beazley, Leader of the Opposition
dated 22 May 2000 (Paper 1910) 721
Carpenter, Mr G, Land and business Agent to Hon M Reed MLA, Minister for Tourism,
dated 5 April 1997 (Paper 1982) (Mrs Hickey) 710
Coles, Mr David to Mr Lindsay Turner, Chairman Nyirripi Community (Paper 1871) 698
Manzie, Hon D W to Mr S Stirling MLA re New Mine Management Act,
dated 24 February 2000 (Paper 1894) (Mr Manzie) 705
Unnamed to Hon D Manzie re Petroleum Exploration Permits, dated 26 August 1999
(Paper 1945) (Mr Manzie) 727
unsigned to Honourable Denis Burke, Chief Minister, re NTIS Director
Mr Dennis Hatcher (Paper 1920) (Ms Martin) 721
List of costed promises by Leader of the Opposition to the Budget 2000 –2001
(Paper 1911) (Mr Reed) 721
List of Current Joint Projects being pursued by Natural Sciences Research Staff of the
Museums and Art Galleries of the NT (Paper 1981) 701
List of enterprises and their activities currently operating out of the Trade Development
Zone, including employment numbers (Paper 1944) (Mr Manzie) 727
List of IHANT projects in the Barkly Region (Paper 1975) (Mrs Braham) 733
Local Government Funding, Grants and Subsidies 1999-2000 to 2000 to 2001
(Paper 1966) (Mrs Braham) 732
Martin Luther King Day, speech I have a dream, 28 August 1963 (Paper 1893)(Mr Elferink) 703
Mining and Exploration Titles affected by Native Title – June 2000 (Paper 1943) (Mr Manzie) 727
Nursing Homes and Hostels Aged Residential Care Allocations and Wait Lists as at
13 June 2000 (Paper 1953) (Mr Dunham) 728
Ombudsman's Report re section 17A preliminary inquiry report complaint against Territory
Health Services (THS) by Ms Clare Martin, MLA Leader of the Opposition by Peter A Boyce,
Ombudsman (Paper 1902) (Mr Dunham) 709
Overseas Travel Comparison 1998/99 and 1999/01 expenses incurred by each Minister
(Paper 1923) (Mr Burke) 722
Police Administration Act
Consent Agreement, Superintendent Salaries, pursuant to section 51,
dated 22 May 2000 (Paper 1868) 698
Press release COGSO and Independent Education Union of Australia, Discussion Paper
(Paper 1898) (Mr Henderson) 705
Pulse Jacki Fleet (Paper 1883) 700
Receipts of sale of homes under Housing 2003 by area (Paper 1974) (Mrs Braham) 732
Regulations 2000
No. 24 Amendments of Procurement Regulations (Paper 1887) 707
No. 25, Amendment of Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading (Pawnbrokers and
Second-Hand Dealers) Regulations (Paper 1869) 698
No. 26, Legislative Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Regulations (Paper 1870) 698
No. 27, Totalisator Licensing and Regulation Regulations (Paper 1912) 741
No. 28, Totalisator Licensing and Regulation (Arbitration) Regulations (Paper 1913) 741
No. 29, Totalisator Licensing and Regulation (Hearings) Regulations (Paper 1914) 741
No. 30, Amendments of Racing and Betting Regulations (Paper 1915) 741
Report to Parks Australia North, on the Estuarine Fish inventory of Kakadu National Park,
Northern Territory, Australia by Helen K Larson (Paper 1879) 700
Resignations in each rural health clinic by category of staff and as a percentage of total staff
in each category (Paper 1950) (Mr Dunham) 728
Resignations in each Territory Hospital by category of staff and as a percentage of total staff
in each category (Paper 1949) (MrDunham) 728
Roadmap for Reconciliation (Paper 1864) (Mr Burke) 694
Schedule of Elective Surgery Waiting List – Census by month of all five Territory Hospitals
1999-00 (Paper 1947) (Mr Dunham) 728
Schedule of teacher resignations by month and region (Paper 1957) (Mr Lugg) 731
Schedule, Hospital Emergency Department Waiting Times (Minutes) by Triage Category
July 1999 to May 2000 (Paper 1946) (Mr Dunham) 728
Skinks of the Northern Territory by Paul Horner (Paper 1876) 700
Sorry Business Focus Corroboree 2000 Special Report, Weekend Australian,
dated 27 May 2000 (Paper 1892) (Mr Ah Kit) 703
Sponsorships Paid (Annual Report) for period 1 July 1999 to 30 June 2000
(Paper 1964) (Mr Adamson) 732
Strategies to improve employment opportunities and outcomes for Aboriginal people
(Paper 1986) (Mrs Braham) 732
Strategy, Aboriginal Economic Development Model (Paper 1977) (Mrs Braham) 733
Surgical category average waiting times on waiting lists for all five Territory Hospitals 1999-00
(Paper 1948) (Mr Dunham) 728
Syd’s Column, Arafura Times, dated 15 December 1999 re Work Health and Mine Management
Acts (Paper 1895) (Mr Manzie) 705
Syd’s Column, Arafura Times, dated 23 February 2000 re Work Health and Mine Management
Acts (Paper 1896) (Mr Manzie) 705
Territory Capital Works Projects 2000 – 2001, Schedule of (Paper 1985) (Mr Palmer) 728
Territory Housing cost by program item (Paper 1971) (Mrs Braham) 732
The Beagle – Records of the Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory,
Vol 15 December 1999 (Paper 1878) 700
The Marine Flora and Fauna of Darwin Harbour, Northern Australia (Paper 1877) 700
The Meeting of the Waters (Paper 1886) 701
Treasury – Question No. 7 – 2000 – 2001 Tax Reform Savings Deducted (Paper 1933) (Mr Reed) 723
Unlawful entry with intent (combined buildings and dwellings) total count using ABS
counting rules (Paper 1935) (Mr Reed) 724
Unleaded petrol prices at the pump – 15 June 2000 (obtained by phone) (Paper 1919) (Mr Burke) 721
Youth Grants 1999/2000 Youth Festival Drug and Alcohol Free Entertainment Youth
Development/Leadership (Paper 1929) (Mr Burke) 722
- Mandatory sentencing legislation, repeal (442 petitioners) (Paper 1918) (Ms Martin) 721
Mandatory Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders Bill 1999 , repeal immediately
(102 petitioners) (Paper 1917) (Ms Martin) 721
No. 41 re establishment of a school to reduce children’s travel time from Three Bore,
Camel Camp and Homestead (Paper 1865) 694
- Agriculture and Horticultural industry developments in Katherine region (Paper 1867) (Mr Palmer) 695
APEC Trade Ministers Conference in Darwin (Paper 1906) (Mr Manzie) 711
Corroboree 2000, Reconciliation papers (Mr Burke) 694
Department of Local Government 1998/99 – Performance Report (Paper 1866) (Mrs Braham) 695
Indonesia, changes for the better (Paper 1904) (Mr Burke) 711
Museums and Art Galleries of the Northern Territory, Cultural and Scientific Research
undertaken (Paper 1874) (Mr Adamson) 700
NTETA role and directions of the Northern Territory’s Education and Training facility
(Paper 1906) (Mr Lugg) 712
Sale of the Northern Territory TAB (Paper 1873) (Mr Baldwin) 700
- Batchelor Institute Teacher Education students accompanied by their lecturer Mr Gerry Pancini. 699
Kormilda College, year 11 students attached to the Legislative Assembly as part of the
E-Team Program (Mr Speaker) 722
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016