Minutes of Proceedings - 1998-06-18
Eighth Assembly First Session 16/06/1998 Parliamentary Record No. 7
Date : 18/06/1998__________________________________________________________________________________
18. APPROPRIATION BILL 1998-99 (Serial 68):
The Order of the Day having been read for further consideration of the Bill in Committee of the Whole -
Details of rental rebates by income type and accommodation size (Paper 476);
Wait list applicants receiving rent relief subsidy at 1 June 1998.(Paper 477);
Wait times for NT General Public Housing applications all centres as at 31 May 1998 (Paper 478);
Eligibility for Public Housing based on a means and asset test (Paper 479);
Public and Remote Area Housing Stock (Paper 480);
Details of clients accessing Home Share Tenant Shared Equity Scheme, HomeStart Private Shared Equity Scheme, EarlyStart Deposit Assistance Grant, Assist Interest Subsidy (Paper 481);
Projections for Home Share Tenant Shared Equity Scheme, HomeStart Private Shared Equity Scheme, EarlyStart Deposit Assistance Grant, Assist Interest Subsidy (Paper 482);
Repairs and Maintenance budget allocations for 1998/99 in public, government and other industry rental housing (Paper 483);
Allocation for training programs for Community and Local Government Authorities.(Paper 484);
Education – Replacement Silver Bullets (Paper 485); and
Northern Territory Library-Staff by Classification and Number before and after restructure (Paper 486).
Date : 18/06/1998
- The Assembly resumed at 10.00 h, pursuant to resolution suspending the sitting, dated 16 June 1998. The Speaker, the Honourable L. M. Braham, took the Chair.
18. APPROPRIATION BILL 1998-99 (Serial 68):
The Order of the Day having been read for further consideration of the Bill in Committee of the Whole -
In the Committee
(Deputy Chairman – Mr Lugg)
In the Committee
(Deputy Chairman – Mr Lugg)
- Questions, by leave, were asked of the Minister for Public Employment relating to properties rented by Government Agencies.
Ordered - That consideration of allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Racing and Gaming Authority and TAB be called on forthwith, in that order..
- Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Racing and Gaming Authority -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
- Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the TAB -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocation agreed to.
- Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Northern Territory University -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Northern Territory Employment and Training Authority -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Education -
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Minister for Education (Mr Adamson) laid on the table the following Paper –
- Debate continued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Batchelor College -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Centralian College -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Northern Territory Rural College -
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Ordered - That consideration of allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Communications and Advanced Technology and Department of Communications and Advanced Technology: Commercial Services, be taken together and called on forthwith.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Communications and Advanced Technology and Department of Communications and Advanced Technology: Commercial Services -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Department of Sport and Recreation -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocation agreed to.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Parks and Wildlife Commission of the Northern Territory: Wildlife Parks -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocation agreed to.
Proposed allocation specified for expenditure on the Activity within the Office of Aboriginal Development -
Debate ensued.
Proposed allocation agreed to.
Ordered - That consideration of allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Housing and Local Government and Northern Territory Housing Commission, be taken together and called on forthwith.
Proposed allocations specified for expenditure on the Activities within the Department of Housing and Local Government and Northern Territory Housing Commission -
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Minister for Housing and Local Government (Mr Baldwin) laid on the table the following Papers –
Details of rental rebates by income type and accommodation size (Paper 476);
Wait list applicants receiving rent relief subsidy at 1 June 1998.(Paper 477);
Wait times for NT General Public Housing applications all centres as at 31 May 1998 (Paper 478);
Eligibility for Public Housing based on a means and asset test (Paper 479);
Public and Remote Area Housing Stock (Paper 480);
Details of clients accessing Home Share Tenant Shared Equity Scheme, HomeStart Private Shared Equity Scheme, EarlyStart Deposit Assistance Grant, Assist Interest Subsidy (Paper 481);
Projections for Home Share Tenant Shared Equity Scheme, HomeStart Private Shared Equity Scheme, EarlyStart Deposit Assistance Grant, Assist Interest Subsidy (Paper 482);
Repairs and Maintenance budget allocations for 1998/99 in public, government and other industry rental housing (Paper 483);
Allocation for training programs for Community and Local Government Authorities.(Paper 484);
Education – Replacement Silver Bullets (Paper 485); and
Northern Territory Library-Staff by Classification and Number before and after restructure (Paper 486).
Debate continued.
Proposed allocations agreed to.
Clauses of the Bill, by leave, taken together and agreed to.
Title of the Bill agreed to.
Bill to be reported without amendment.
- The Speaker (Ms Braham) resumed the Chair; the Chairman (Mr Mitchell) reported accordingly; and the report was adopted.
The Treasurer (Mr reed) moved – That the Bill be now read a third time.
Debate ensued.
Paper tabled: The Treasurer (Mr Reed) laid on the table the following Paper –
Extract, NT Budget 98 - Reed warns it’ll be tough, NT News, dated 15 April 1998 (Paper 487).
Debate continued.
Question – put and passed.
The Bill was read a third time and passed to be a proposed law.
- The Treasurer (Mr Reed) moved – That the Assembly at its rising adjourn until Tuesday 11 August 1998 at 10.00 h or such other time and /or date as may be set by Madam Speaker, pursuant to Sessional Order.
Question – put and passed.
- The Chief Minister (Mr Stone) moved – That the Assembly do now adjourn.
Debate ensued.
Question – put and passed.
And the Assembly adjourned at 20.50 h until Tuesday 11 August 1998 at 10.00 h or such other time and /or date as may be set by Madam Speaker, pursuant to Sessional Order.
The following papers were deemed to have been presented on the 18 June 1998:
Annual Reports:
Centralian College 1997(Paper 465)
Northern Territory Rural College 1997(Paper 466)
Community Government Schemes:
Cox Peninsula, Amendments (Paper 467)
Financial Management Act:
Direction by Administrator, transfer of excess allocations between activities, pursuant to section 20(1) (a), dated 15 June 1998 (Paper 468)
Direction by Treasurer, transfer of excess allocations between activities, Northern Territory Treasury: Services-Corporate Management, Economic Services, Financial Services to Northern Territory Treasury: Services-Budgets and public Finance, Territory Revenue Management and Northern Territory Treasury: Superannuation Office-Administration, pursuant to section 20(1) (b), dated 3 June 1998 (Paper 472)
Direction by Treasurer; transfer excess allocation, Department of Transport and Works to Trade Development Zone Authority, pursuant to section 20(1) (b), dated 26 May 1998(Paper 469)
Direction by Treasurer, transfer of excess allocations between activities, Northern Territory Tourist Commission - Corporate Management, Regional Tourism Associations to Northern Territory Tourist Commission - Marketing, Regional and Industry Liaison, pursuant to section 20(1) (b), dated 12 June 1998 (Paper 470)
Direction by Treasurer, transfer of excess allocation between activities, Department of Lands, Planning and Environment-Land Administration, Land Information to Department of Lands, Planning and Environment - Corporate Support, pursuant to section 20(1) (b), dated 12 June 1998 (Paper 471)
Increase of Treasurers Advance, pursuant to section 19(1), dated 15 June 1998 (Paper 473)
All Members attended the sitting.
Ian McNeill
Clerk of the Legislative Assembly
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016