Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2004-11-30
Index to Minutes – 30 November 2004 to 2nd December 2004
From To Pages
30 November 2004 2nd December 2004 717- 736
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- AustralAsia Railway (Special Provisions) Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 258) 718
Australian Crime Commission (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2004 (Serial 266) 719, 726
Australian Crime Commission (Northern Territory) Bill 2004 (Serial 265) 719, 726
Building Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (Serial 274) 727, 734
Building Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 260) 719, 720
Construction Contracts (Security of Payments) Bill 2004 (Serial 259) 719
Construction Industry Long Service Leave and Benefits Bill 2004 (Serial 272) 727, 734
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 (Serial 262) 727, 734
Darwin Port Corporation Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 264) 719, 726
Gene Technology (Northern Territory) Bill 2004 (Serial 249) 723
Lake Bennett (Land Title) Bill 2004 (Serial 267) 719, 726
Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation Amendment (Scheme Closure) Bill 2004
(Serial 257) 718
Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation Contributions Bill 2004 (Serial 256) 718
Marine Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 269) 720, 727
Misuse of Drugs Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 271) 727, 734
Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 250) 735
Place Names Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 251) 735
Planning Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 275) 727, 734
Police Administration Amendment (Powers and Liability) Bill 2004 (Serial 268) 727, 734
Professional Standards Bill 2004 (Serial 252) 735
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 261) 719, 726
Residential Tenancies Amendment Bill 2005 (Serial 276) 727
Sentencing Amendment (Aboriginal Customary Law) Bill 2004 (Serial 254) 729
Superannuation Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 255) 718
Taxation (Administration) Amendment (Objections and Appeals) Bill 2004 (Serial 263) 719, 726
Territory Parks and Wildlife Conservation Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 273) 727, 733
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Bill 2004 (Serial 270) 727, 734
Work Health Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 248) 727, 728, 729
- Darwin City Waterfront Project, Darwin Harbour (Mr Mills) - negatived 732, 733
- Honourable Justice Steven Bailey, former Justice of the Supreme Court in Darwin,
on 25 November 2004 (Ms Martin) 717
- Public Housing Tenants, Alice Springs (Mr Elferink) 735
- No. 27, Assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly during the October 2004 sittings,
dated 1 December 2004 (Madam Speaker) (Paper 1567) 731
- Aboriginal Interpreter Service (Mr Ah Kit) 731
Alice Springs Public Housing (Mr Ah Kit) 718
BIMP-EAGA (Mr Henderson) 731
Breast Screening Services (Dr Toyne) 718
China Delegation Visit, 24 to 31 October 2004 (Mr Henderson) 718
Community Welfare Act – Child Protection (Mrs Scrymgour) 732
Mt Todd Safety, Cyanide Storage (Mr Vatskalis) 718
Oncology Unit for the Territory (Dr Toyne) 725
Rieff Building, Alice Springs (Ms Scrymgour) 725
Timor Sea Gas, delegation to Japan (Ms Martin) 725
Unincorporated Roads, Commonwealth Funding (Dr Burns) 725
Volunteer Bushfires Brigade (Dr Burns) 731
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of time
Mr Burke on motion of Ms Carter 723
Mr Dunham on the motion of Ms Carney 733
Mr Wood on motion of Mr Henderson 733
Leave granted to Chief Minister to reply and close debate on motion noting Northern Territory
Electoral Commission Annual Report 2003/2004 730
Suspension of Standing Orders
Take two Bills together
- Australian Crime Commission (Northern Territory) Bill 2004 (Serial 265) and Australian
Crime Commission (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2004 (Serial 266) 726
Volatile Substance Abuse Prevention Bill 2004 (Serial 270) and Misuse of Drugs
Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 271) 734
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Assessment of Organizational Effectiveness, Human Resource and Management Systems
within the DEET Central Australian Office - Note 735
Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly – Examination of Contracts Awarded
by Government Agencies to Metis Consulting Pty Limited, November 2004 - Note (Mr Stirling) 724
Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly – Examination of Contracts Awarded by
Government Agencies to Metis Consulting Pty Limited, November 2004 - Print (Mr Stirling) 724
Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee
Membership change, Mr Mills discharged and Mr Maley appointed in his stead,
30 November 2004 (Mr Burke) 717
Northern Territory Electoral Commission Annual Report 2003/2004 - Note 730
oncology and radiotherapy facility at Royal Darwin Hospital (Mr Wood) 720
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2004, Members of the Legislative Assembly,
Members of the Executive Council or Ministers of the Territory – Note 730
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2004, Members of the Legislative Assembly,
Members of the Executive Council or Ministers of the Territory – Print 730
Treasurer’s Annual Financial Report 2003/2004 - Note 723
- Tuesday 8th February 2005 at 10am (Mr henderson) 735
- Annual Reports
Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority, 2003/2004 (Paper 1548) 724
AustralAsia Railway Corporation, 2003/2004 (Paper 1576) 736
Community Development, Sport and Cultural Affairs, 2003/2004 (Paper 1577) 736
Community Visitor Program Northern Territory, 2003/2004 (Paper 1549) 724
Darwin Port Corporation, 2003/2004 (Paper 1562) 730
Department of Corporate and Information Services, 2003/2004 (Paper 1579) 736
Department of Health and Community Services, 2003/2004 Corrigendum, page 165
(Paper 1580) 736
Department of the Legislative Assembly, 2003/2004 (Paper 1578) 736
Health and Community Services Complaints Commission, 2003/2004 (Paper 1546) 724
Heritage Advisory Council, (Thirteenth), 2003/2004 (Paper 1560) 730
Northern Territory Grants Commission, 2003/2004 (Paper 1559) 730
Northern Territory Tourist Commission, 2003/2004 (Paper 1551) 724
Northern Territory Treasury Corporation, 2003/2004 (Paper 1547) 724
Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee, 2003/2004 (Paper 1581) 736
Road Safety Council of the Northern Territory, 2003/2004 (Paper 1545) 724
Tarcoola – Darwin Rail Regulation, 2003/2004 (Paper 1550) 724
Territory Insurance Office, 2003/2004 (Paper 1563) 730
Work Health Advisory Council, 2003/2004 (Paper 1544) 724
Asbestos Alert, information pack (Paper 1558) (Mr Stirling) 728
Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly – Examination of Contracts Awarded
by Government Agencies to Metis Consulting Pty Limited, November 2004.
(Paper 1554) (Madam Speaker) 724
BreastScreen NT, Building Healthier Communities (Paper 1538) (Dr Toyne) 718
Bushfires Council NT, Chairman’s Report for Alice Springs East and West, Barkly and
Elliott/Wauchope Bushfire Regions – July 2002 to June 2003 (Paper 1569) (Dr Burns) 732
Bushfires Council NT, Chairman’s Report for the Arafura, Vernon, Katherine, Gulf and Victoria
River Downs Bushfire Regions – Jan 2003 to December 2003 (Paper 1568) (Dr Burns) 732
Amendment of Public Sector Employment and Management By-Laws 2004 (Paper 1575) 736
Care and Protection of Children and Young People Act, Discussion Draft Bill (Paper 1570)
(Ms Scrymgour) 732
Coroners Act
In the matter of Coronial Findings and recommendations into the Death of Mr John Henry
Colbert, pursuant to section 46B, dated 4 October 2004 (Paper 1542) 724
Electoral Act
Northern Territory Electoral Act, Report by the Augmented Redistribution Committee, 2004
Redistribution of Northern territory Electoral Divisions, pursuant to section148, Volume 2
Supporting Documentation (Paper 1574) 736
Northern Territory Electoral Act, Report by the Augmented Redistribution Committee, 2004
Redistribution of Northern territory Electoral Divisions, pursuant to section148,, Volume 1
Details and Maps of Divisions (Paper 1573) 736
Infrastructure, Planning and Environment, 2003/2004 (Paper 1561) 730
Lands Acquisition Act
Labelle Downs Statement of reasons for acquisition, Section 43(1)(b),
dated 18th November 2004, Dr Burns, Minister for Lands and Planning (Paper 1535) 724
Map of Waterfront Development – Guide to Heights of Buildings /Structures, Central Darwin
by Department of Lands Planning and Environment (Paper 1553) (Ms Martin) 720
Planning Notices, Central Darwin Planning Concepts and Land Use Objectives 1999, Central
Darwin land Use Objectives 1996 and Central Darwin Planning Concepts and Development
Opportunities – Darwin City Waterfront Planning Concepts (Paper 1572) (Mr Dunham) 733
Police Administration Act
Consent Agreement between Hon. Sys Stirling, Minister for Employment, Education and
Training and Mr Vincent Michael Kelly, President, Northern Territory Police Association Inc
Re - Career Path for Members in the Forensic Services, dated 22 October 2004 (Paper 1543) 724
Consent Agreement between Hon. Sys Stirling, Minister for Employment, Education and
Training and Mr Vincent Michael Kelly, President, Northern Territory Police Association Inc
Re - Salary Sacrifice Package, dated 22 October 2004 (Paper 1552) 724
Pool competition – Parliamentary Premiership League (Paper 1572) (Mr Elferink) 736
Regulations 2004
No. 34, Amendments of Fisheries Regulations (Paper 1539) 724
No. 35, Misuse of Drugs Amendment Regulations (Paper 1540) 724
No. 38, Rules of the National Trust of Australia (Northern Territory) Act (Paper 1541) 724
Remuneration Tribunal Determination No. 1 of 2004, Members of the Legislative Assembly,
Members of the Executive Council or Ministers of the Territory (Paper 1565) (Ms Martin) 730
Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2004/2005 (Paper 1566) (Mr Stirling) 730
Upfront Black heart, courts by Paul Toohey, Bulletin, July 2004 (Paper 1564) (Ms Carney) 729
- Girraween Road realignment, by leave, No. 69 (Paper 1555) (Mr Wood) (643 petitioners) 725
Little Mindil and the Headland be rezoned as parkland - No. 68 (Paper 1556) (Mr Mills)
(4677 petitioners) 725
Midwifery services in the Northern Territory and private maternity services, by leave, presented
petition No. 66, not conforming with Standing Orders (Mrs Braham) (1144 petitioners) (Paper 1537) 717
Pedestrian crossing on Larapinta Drive for the safety of school children, petition No. 67
(Ms Carney) (427 petitioners) (Paper 1536) 717
Rieff building in Alice Springs - heritage status, by leave, No. 70 not conforming with
Standing Orders (Paper 1557) (Mrs Braham) (604 petitioners) 725
- Bakewell Primary School Year 4/5 students accompanied by Mrs Rosa Rasing (Madam Speaker) 725
Kormilda College Year 8 students accompanied by Ms Jacelyn Roxburgh (Madam Speaker) 717
Maningrida Community Education Centre accompanied by Ms Jo Killmister (Madam Speaker) 726
St John’s College GAP students accompanied by Ms Geradine O’Neil (Madam Speaker) 719
University of the Third Age, members accompanied by Ms Joy Kuhl (Madam Speaker) 719
Wulagi Primary School Year 2/3 students accompanied by Ms Barbara Griffith (Madam Speaker) 725
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016