Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2002-10-08

Index to Minutes – 8 October 2002 to 17 October 2002

From To Pages
8 October 2002 17 October 2002 221 - 258

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Community Welfare Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 96) 252
      Crimes (Victims Assistance) Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 95) 239, 242
      Crown Proceedings Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 100) 230, 239
      Education Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 84) 247
      Health and Community Services Complaints Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 86) 225
      Information Bill 2002 (Serial 85) 225
      Juries Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 74) 236
      Liquor Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 105) 248, 252
      Motor Accidents (Compensation) Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 102) 248, 251
      Ombudsman (Northern Territory) Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 87) 225
      Pay-roll Tax Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2002 (Serial 103) 248, 251
      Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2002 (Serial 109) 253, 255
      Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) Bill 2002 (Serial 108) 253, 255
      Petroleum (Submerged Lands) Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 104) 248, 252
      Private Hospitals and Nursing Homes Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 79) 252
      Public Accounts and Estimates Committee Bill 2002 (Serial 45) 236
      Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 75) 236
      Statute Law Revision Bill (No. 2) 2002 (Serial 80) 248
      Swimming Pool Fencing (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2002 (Serial 107) 253, 256
      Swimming Pool Fencing Bill 2002 (Serial 106) 253, 256
      Tobacco Control Bill 2002 (Serial 101) 248, 252
      Volunteers Protection Bill 2002 (Serial 76) 236

      Bali bombing incident (Mrs Braham) 247
      Bali bombing tragedy, 12 October 2002 (Ms Martin) 249
      Harris, Ms Dianna Mary, passed away on 26 September 2002 (Madam Speaker) 222
      Smith, Horace Guy, former Clerk of the Legislative Assembly and officer of the Australian Senate,
      passed away on 4 October 2002 (Ms Martin) 222

      Beahan, Honourable Michaeal, former President of the Australian Senate 230
      Queensland parliamentary delegation comprising Mr Neil Roberts, Member for Nudgee;
      Mr Andrew McNamara, Member for Harvey Bay 244
      Gazzola MLC, Honourable John, a Member of the Legislative Council of South Australia, and
      Mr Brenton Williamson and Mr Lucio Matarazzo (Madam Speaker) 229
      Lawrie, Mrs Dawn, former Member for Nightcliff (Madam Speaker) 257
      McCarthy, Mr Terry, former Speaker of the Legislative Assembly (Madam Speaker) 230

      Wednesday, 9 October 2002, nominated (Mr Striling) 223

      Container Deposit Legislation (Mrs Braham) 244

      No. 09, assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly during the August 2002 sittings
      (Paper 605 ) (Madam Speaker) 221

      Alcohol Restriction Trials, Alice Springs (Dr Toyne) 239
      Arafura Sports and Community Club (Dr Toyne) 222
      AustralAsia Railway, Progress Update (Mr Henderson) 239
      AustralAsian Trade Routes, Development (Ms Martin) 222
      Bali Bombings, 12 October 2002 (Ms Martin) 247
      Battery Hill Mining Centre (Mr Ah Kit) 251
      Chinese Diplomatic Delegation (Mr Vatskalis) 229
      Community Cabinet Meetings (Ms Martin) 229
      Dream Time Tourism Event (Mr Henderson) 251
      East Arm Wharf Open Day (Mr Vatskalis) 255
      Gay and Same Gender Law Reform (Dr Toyne) 251
      Gulf Regional Development (Mr Ah Kit) 247
      Health Care Agreement 2002/2003 (Mrs Aagaard) 255
      Health Department Operational Review (Mrs Aagaard) 239
      Information and Communications Technology Forum, September 2002 (Mr Henderson) 222
      Juvenile Intervention Program, Alice Springs (Dr Toyne) 247
      Motor Sports Complex – Northline Closure (Mr Ah Kit) 229
      National Highways and Land Transport Standards (Mr Vatskalis) 239
      October 2002 Business Month (Mr Henderson) 229
      School Based Constables (Mr Stirling) 251
      Secondary Education Review (Mr Stirling) 222
      Seniors Month, August 2002 (Ms Martin) 255
      Timor Sea Gas (Ms Martin) 255

      Defence expenditure, support to economy of the Northern Territory (Mr Henderson) 228
      Economic Development Strategy for the Territory - Note statement (Ms Martin) 248
      Indigenous people and the justice system in the Territory (Dr Toyne) 253
      Litchfield Planning Concepts and Land Use Objectives (Mr Vatskalis) 244
      National DNA database, access to (Mr Stirling) 257

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Extension of time
      Member for Arnhem (Mr Ah Kit) 253
      Member for Blain (Mr Mills) 257
      Member for Brennan (Mr Burke) 253
      Member for Brennan (Mr Burke) 225
      Member for Daly (Mr Baldwin) 228
      Member for Millner (Mr Bonson) 253
      Minister for Justice and Attorney-General (Dr Toyne) 248
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Take two Bills together
        Personal Injuries (Liabilities and Damages) Bill 2002 (Serial 108) and the Personal Injuries
        (Liabilities and Damages) (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2002 (Serial 109) 253
        Swimming Pool Fencing Bill 2002 (Serial 106) and Swimming Pool Fencing
        (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2002 (Serial 107) 253

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Casuarina Coastal Reserve Management Plan - Note (Mr Elferink) 232
      Defence expenditure, support to economy of the Northern Territory – Note (Mr Henderson) 228
      East Arm to Glyde Point and Wickham Point industrial developments (Mr Wood) 231
      Economic Development Strategy for the Territory - Note statement (Ms Martin) 256
      Estimates Committee review panel (Mr Burke) 224, 235
      Financial Management Act, Direction – Transfer of excess Allocations between Activities, pursuant
      to section 20(1)(a), signed Administrator, dated 5 June 2002 (Paper 398) - Note (Mr Reed) 229
      Financial Management Act, Variation of Allocation to Activity, various Agencies, pursuant to
      section 23(1), signed Treasurer, dated 16 May 2002 (Paper 397) - Note (Mr Reed) 229
      Health and education expenditure (Mr Burke) 223, 232
      Illicit Drug use in the Territory - Note statement (Dr Toyne) 248, 252, 257
      Illicit drug use in the Territory – Note statement (Mrs Aagaard) 236
      Indigenous people and the justice system in the Territory – Note statement (Dr Toyne) 253
      Industrial development sites in the Darwin region along the proposed corridor from East Arm
      to Glyde Point (Mr Wood) 248
      Litchfield Planning Concepts and Land Use Objectives – Note statement (Mr Vatskalis) 244
      National DNA database, access to – Note statement (Mr Stirling) 257
      National Marine Conservation Park for Darwin Harbour (Mr Wood) 230, 231
      Police resources review (Mr Burke) 223, 233
      Standing Orders Committee
      discharge (Ms Carter), appoint (Mr Reed) 256
      Estimates Committee review (Mr Burke) amended (Mr Stirling) 235
      extension of time until February 2003 to report to the Assembly on the Code of Conduct and
      Ethical Standards reference provided to the Committee on 20 June 2002 (Mr Stirling) 256

      Tuesday 26 November 2002 255

      Advertisement, Delivering for Today Investing for Tomorrow, NT News, August 2002 (Paper 630) (Mr Burke) 233
      Alcohol Education in Schools, extract from International Handbook of Alcohol Dependence and
      Problems, Chapter 40, (Paper 660) (Dr Burns) 258
      Annual Reports
      Alice Springs Hospital Management Board, 2001/2002 (Paper 651) 258
      Centralian College, 2001/2002 (Paper 636) 245
      Department of Business, Industry and Resource Development, 2001/2002 (Paper 647) 258
      Department of Health and Community Services, 2001/2002 (Paper 645) 258
      Department of Justice, 2001/2002 (Paper 656) 258
      Department of the Chief Minister, 2001/2002 (Paper 655) 258
      Department of the Legislative Assembly, 2001/2002 (Paper 654) 258
      Director of Public Prosecutions, 2001/2002 (Paper 646) 258
      Education Advisory Committee, 2001 (Paper 609) 228
      Gove District Hospital Management Board, 2001/2002 (Paper 652) 258
      Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Northern Region, 2001/2002 (Paper 635) 245
      Juvenile Justice Board of Management, Southern Region, 2001/2002 (Paper 634) 245
      Katherine Hospital Management Board, 2001/2002 (Paper 649) 258
      Lands and Mining Tribunal, 2001/2002 (Paper 621) 237
      Northern Territory Treasury Corporation, 2001/2002 (Paper 657) 258
      Northern Territory Treasury, 2001/2002 (Paper 653) 258
      Royal Darwin Hospital Management Board, 2001/2002 (Paper 648) 258
      Tennant Creek Hospital Management Board, 2001/2002 (Paper 650) 258
      Utilities Commission, 2001/2002 (Paper 639) 254

      Bible presented to Mrs Braham by Reverend Tony Davis, Minister for Frontier Services, at the
      Alice Springs Telegraph Station on the conclusion of the Last Camel Train, Year of the Outback
      activity (Paper 611) (Mrs Braham) 223
      Does Drug Education Work, extract of article from journal Drug and Alcohol Review (2000),
      pages 441 to 446 (Paper 661) (Dr Burns) 258
      East Arm to Glyde Point, Hundred of Ayers, Sections 1788, 1645, 1670, 1819, 1657 and 1644
      (Paper 618) (Mr Vatskalis) 230
      Estimates Committee hearings 17 to 19 September 2002, Questions on Notice Nos. 1969 to
      2016 inclusive of their corresponding answers which arose during the public hearings and
      corresponding answers (Paper 658) Chairman of Estimates Committee (Dr Burns) 257
      Estimates Committee hearings 17 to 19 September 2002, Supplementary answers to questions
      asked during the during the hearings which Agencies have provided to the Committee Secretariat
      (Paper 659) Chairman of the Estimates Committee (Dr Burns) 257
      Financial Statements
      Auditor-General’s Office, year ended 30 June 2002 (Paper 610) 228
      Auditor-General’s Report to the Treasurer, Northern Territory Government and Public
      Authorities Employees’ Superannuation Fund, year ended 30 June 2002 (Paper 620) 237
      Auditor-General’s Report to the Trustees, Legislative Assembly Members’ Superannuation
      Trust, year ended 30 June 2002 (Paper 619) 237
      Future Rail Corridor for Darwin to Alice Springs Railway (Paper 644) (Mr Wood) 254
      Graph, Daily Average Number of Total Prisoner Population against Indigenous Prisoner
      Population – March 1996 to June 2002 (Paper 642) (Dr Toyne) 254
      Graph, Office of Crime Prevention – Quarterly Daily Average Number of Adult Prisoners by
      Indigenous Status – March Quarter 1988 to June Quarter 2002 (Paper 641) (Dr Toyne) 254
      Graph, Police recruitment versus strength, July 2002 to June 2005 (Paper 631) (Mr Burke) 234
      Human Resources and Training, Police staff by gender as at 30 June 2001 (Paper 632) (Mr Burke) 234
      Information Bill 2002 (Serial 85), Draft Regulations 2002 (Paper 613) (Dr Toyne) 223
      Povey Stirk, Lawyers and Notaries, to Ms Jodeen Carney MLA, dated 19 September 2002
      (Paper 637) (Ms Carney) 240
      Stewart, Mr Frank, Secretary/Treasurer and Public Officer, Arafura Bowls and Social Club Inc
      to Hon Denis Burke MLA, Chief Minister, dated 11 April 2001 (Paper 614) (Ms Martin) 225
      Literacy and Numeracy Week 2001/2002, booklet (Paper 643) (Ms Lawrie) 254
      Map of Sections 1812, 1813 1791, 1814, 1817,1847 Wickham Point and Middle Arm
      (Paper 617) (Mr Wood) 230
      Map, Land Use Concepts – Proposed Litchfield Planning Concepts and Land Use Objectives
      (Paper 616) (Mr Wood) 230
      Map, Land Use Concepts, East Arm to Glyde Point, dated 20 August 2002 (Paper 629) (Mr Vatskalis) 231
      NT School Based Policing Scheme, Review of , Report (Paper 640) (Mr Stirling) 251
      Regulations 2002
      No. 34, Amendments of Port By-Laws (Paper 622) 237
      No. 35, Amendments of Legal Practitioners Regulations (Paper 623) 237
      No. 36, Amendment of Taxation (Administration) Regulations (Paper 624) 237
      No. 37, Amendment of First Home Owner Grant Regulations (Paper 625) 237
      No. 38, Amendments of Pay-roll Tax Regulations (Paper 626) 237
      No. 39, Amendments of Motor Vehicles Regulations (Paper 627) 237
      No. 40, Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading (Infringement Notices) Regulations (Paper 628) 237

      24 hour medical assessment service, Reinstatement and 24 hour chemist be established for
      the Palmerston and rural area, petition No. 19,. (Paper 607) (Mr Maley) (1321 petitioners) 222
      Genetically modified free organisms state of the Northern Territory, petition No. 20,
      (Paper 608) (Mr Maley) (335 petitioners) 222
      Humpty Doo rubbish dump, petition No. 18, not conforming with Standing Orders
      (Paper 606) (Mr Maley) (29 petitioners) 221
      No. 15 - relating to the regulation of fireworks for Territory Day (Paper 633) 239

      Broadcast live with sound and vision proceedings of the Assembly today until conclusion
      of Ministerial Reports (Madam Speaker) 247
      Illicit drug use in the Territory (Mrs Aagaard) 236

      Kiana School students accompanied by their teacher Mr Lance Sharp (Madam Speaker) 257
      Leanyer Primary School, Year 6/7 students and their teacher Ms Leanne Linton (Mrs Braham) 247
      Nungalinya Theological College, English as a Second Language students accompanied by
      Ms Amanda Donohoe (Madam Speaker) 251
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016