Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2004-03-30

Index to Minutes – 30 March 2004 to 1 April 2004

From To Pages
30 March 2004 1 April 2004 571 - 588

Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill

      Agricultural and Veterinary Chemicals (Control of Use) Bill 2004 (Serial 219) 579, 581
      Animal Welfare Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 204) 572
      Consumer Affairs and Fair Trading Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 205) 572
      Fire and Emergency Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 202) 582
      First Home Owner Grant Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 210) 578
      Fisheries Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 216) 579, 582
      Health Practitioners Bill 2003 (Serial 201) 582, 583
      Higher Education Bill 2004 (Serial 215) 572, 577
      Racing and Betting Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 207) 572
      Radiation Protection Bill 2004 (Serial 203) 578
      Stamp Duty Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 211) 578
      Summary Offences Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2004 579
      Uncollected Goods (Consequential Amendments) Bill 2004 (Serial 218) 573, 578
      Uncollected Goods Bill 2004 (Serial 217) 573, 578
      Unlawful Betting Amendment Bill 2004 (Serial 208) 572

      Blake, Mr Peter, Auditor-General for the Northern Territory (Mrs Braham) 582

      ATSIC Abolition - Ms Martin 577
      Brunei Trade Delegation 2004/2005 - Mr Henderson 577
      Community Development, Stronger communities - Mr Ah Kit 577
      Environmental Impact of Development Projects - Ms Scrymgour 581
      Jobs Plan and Training Strategy - Mr Stirling 581
      Mtis Report, outcomes - Mr Henderson 571
      Multicultural Awards and Harmony Day 2004 – Mr Vatskalis 577
      Northern Territory Social Services Conference - Ms Martin 581
      Nurses – Recruitment and Retention - Dr Toyne 571
      Palmerston Building Activity - Dr Burns 581
      Ranger Mine site, water contamination - Mr Vatskalis 571
      Treasurers Conference, Canberra 2004 - Mr Stirling 571

      Darwin Harbour Regional Plan of Management - Dr Burns 588

MOTIONS (Procedural)
      Extension of time
      Mrs Aagaard on motion of Dr Burns 574
      Dr Lim drew attention to lack of 580
      Suspension of Standing Orders
      Take two Bills together
        Uncollected Goods Bill 2004 (Serial 217) and Uncollected Goods (Consequential
        Amendments) Bill 2004 (Serial 218) 577

MOTIONS (Substantive)
      Auditor-General’s March 2004 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Note 573
      Auditor-General’s March 2004 Report to the Legislative Assembly - Print 573
      Building Healthier Communities – 5 Year Framework for Health and Community Services -
      Note statement 574
      Crime Prevention - Note statement 580
      Estimates Committee and Governemtn Owned Corporations terms of reference 2004/2005
      budget (Mr Henderson) 582
      Interim Report of the Select Committee on Substance Abuse in the Community - Note report 574
      Northern Territory Alcohol Framework, Interim Report - Note 580
      Public Accounts Committee Report on Termination Payments for CEOs and ECOs,
      Report Number 42 - Note 588
      Standing Orders Committee – Third Report of the 9TH Assembly – Code of Conduct and
      Ethical Standards and Amendments to the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interests)
      Act - Adopt report 579
      Treasurer’s Mid-Year Report 2003/2004 - Note 574

      Tuesday 18 May 2004 at 10 am (Mr Henderson) 583

      Casino Operators Agreement, Between Hon. S J Stirling, Minister for Racing, Gaming and
      Licensing and Ford Dynasty PTY LTD, dated 29 March 2004 (Paper 1262) 588
      Annual Reports
      Auditor-General’s March 2004 Report to the Legislative Assembly (Paper 1255) (Mrs Braham) 573
      Auditor-General’s Report to the Legislative Assembly, Analysis of the 2002/2003 Treasurer’s
      Annual Financial Statement - Note 572, 573
      Department Corporate and Information Services 2002/2003 - Corrigendum page 128 to
      Auditor-General’s Report to the Minister for Corporate and Information Services,
      Government Printing Office, year ended 30 June 2003 (Paper 1243) 575
      Jabiru Town Council, 2002/2003 (Paper 1246) 575
      Jabiru Town Development Authority, 2002/2003 (Paper 1245) 575
      Pastoral Land Board 2002/2003 (Paper 1276) 575
      Public Trustee for the Northern Territory, 2002/2003 (Paper 1261) 588
      Surveyors Board of the Northern Territory, 2002/2003 (Paper 1247) 575
      Australian Dental Association, submission re Health Practitioners Bill (Paper 1269) (Ms Carter) 582
      Department of Health Budget Papers 2003/2004 obtained under the Information Act by the
      Opposition, Aged and Disability Services, Acute Services, index to papers (Paper 1258) (Ms Carter) 574
      Estimates of Budget Balancing Assistance and States‘ gains from tax reform – GST Revenue
      (Paper 1256) (Mr Mills) 573
      Fire Service Separation Statistics July 2003 to June 2004 (Paper 1257) (Mr Elferink) 574
      Greenwood, S, Executive Director, Pharmacy Guild of Australia, National Secretariat,
      dated 19 February 2004 (Paper 1275) (Dr Toyne) 583
      Howard, Mr John, to Pharmacist, re Achievements and Future Plans of the Howard
      Government for Community Pharmacy, dated 9 October 2001 (Paper 1274) (Dr Toyne) 583
      Kuhn, Ms Cheryl, Chair, Consumer Affairs Council to Hon Dr Peter Toyne, Minister for
      Justice and Attorney-General re operation of the Tow Truck Industry Code of Practice,
      dated 4 November 2003 (Paper 1254) (Dr Toyne) 572
      Planning Act
      Summary of Development Application, Terms of Direction, Reasons for the Direction,
      pursuant to section 85 (3), Lot 6192 (2) Ostermann Street, Town of Nightcliff (Paper 1273) 588
      Press release, Leader of the Opposition re Small/Medium Business confidence in Martin
      Government plunges to record low-minus 22%, dated 25 November 2003 (Paper 1271) (Mr Kiely) 583
      Regulations 2004
      No. 03, Amendments of Northern Territory Treasury Corporation Inscribed Stock
      Regulations (Paper 1248) 575
      No. 04, Amendments of Kava Management Regulations (Paper 1249) 575
      No. 05, Swimming Pool Safety Regulations (Paper 1250) 575
      No. 07, Amendment of Electricity Reform (Administration) Regulations (Paper 1263) 588
      No. 08, Amendments of Community Welfare Regulations (Paper 1264) 588
      No. 09, Amendment of Planning Regulations (Paper 1265) 588
      Remuneration Tribunal Report and Recommendation No. 1 of 2004, Magistrates of the
      Northern Territory (Paper 1244) 575
      Small Business Support for Defence, media release by Leader of the Opposition,
      dated 10 February 2004 (Paper 1272) (Mr Kiely) 583
      Stanley Tawny Port promotional cask (Paper 1259) (Ms Carney) 574
      Tenders Online awarded, Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment,
      construction projects Alice Springs (Paper 1270). (Dr Toyne) 583

      Croc Festival to be held in Katherine, petition No. 55, not conforming with Standing Orders,
      (Paper 1260) (Mrs Miller) (35 petitioners) 577
      Keith Lawrie Units in Alice Springs, overturning of a decision to allow existing tenants to
      live at the redeveloped units, petition No. 54 (Paper 1266) (Ms Carney) (211 petitioners) 581
      Mandorah Boat Ramp, repairs required, petition No. 56 (Paper 1267) (Mr Maley) (128 petitioners) 581
      Ostermann Street, Coconut Grove/Nightcliff district, flat development - petition No. 53,
      not conforming with Standing Orders (Paper 1251) (Dr Burns) (442 petitioners) 571
      No. 45, 53 re Ostermann flat development at Nightcliff (Paper 1252) 571
      Nos. 42 and 43 (Paper 1268) 581
      Nos. 45, 46, 47, and 51 (Paper 1253) 571

      Visiting Schools as part of the Parliamentary Education Program - 250 students ranging from
      Years 4 to 7 from Wagaman, Woodroofe, Holy Spirit and Leanyer Primary Schools were
      welcomed to parliament house by Minister Henderson, Dr Burns, Mr Mills, Mr Kiely
      and Ms Lawrie last week. 579

      Charles Darwin University Certificate IV Business students accompanied by their lecturer,
      Ms Susan Bandias (Mr Wood) 580
      Electorate Officers attending a seminar – Mrs Francine Quong, Mr Phil Powling,
      Ms Gayle Dougall, Ms Debbie Rowland, Ms Jessica Horn, Ms Judy Herring,
      Mrs Nicole Lewis, Mr Steve Brennan, Ms Jenny Laverty, Ms Jenny Djerrkura,
      Mr Chris Draffin, Mrs Therla Fowlestone, Ms Margaret Reilly and Ms Jarna Neve 579
      Katherine South Primary School students (Mrs Braham) 574
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016