Index to Minutes of Proceedings - 2003-08-12
Index to Minutes – 12 August to 21 August 2003
From To Pages
12 August 2003 21 August 2003 421 - 460
Bold No. 123=Passed Bill
Italic & Bold No. 123=Discharged Bill
Italic No. 123=Negatived Bill
- Associations Bill 2003 (Serial 174) 440, 443
Bail Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 135) 432
Bushfires Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 129) 432
Business Tenancies (Fair Dealings) Bill 2003 (Serial 175) 451, 455
Charles Darwin University Bill 2003 (Serial 169) 423, 432, 455, 457
Container Deposit (Environmental Protection) Bill 2003 (Serial 131) 432
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2003 (Serial 165) 424, 431
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 3) 2003 (Serial 173) 424, 430
Criminal Code Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 130) 432
Electrical Workers and Contractors Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 162) 436
Juries Amendment Bill 2002 (Serial 74) 431
Legal Practitioners Amendment (Incorporated Legal Practices and Multi-disciplinary Partnerships)
Bill 2003 (Serial 142) 444
Liquor Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 172) 424, 431
Menzies School of Health Research Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 170) 423, 432, 455, 457
Motor Vehicles Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 171) 424, 430
Northern Territory Aboriginal Sacred Sites Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 160) 439
Plumbers and Drainers Licensing Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 163) 423
Poisons and Dangerous Drugs Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 159) 435, 436
Public Sector Employment and Management Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 164) 423
Sentencing Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2003 (Serial 166) 424, 431
Sentencing Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 126) 432
Swimming Pool Fencing Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 168) 424, 433, 457
Traffic Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2003 (Serial 145) 440
Traffic Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 124) 432
Water Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 167) 428, 435
- Anhui Province of the People’s Republic of China, delegation members Mr Zhong, Mr Yu,
Mr Cheng, Ms Fei, Ms Nong, and Mr Lui (Madam Speaker) 436
Kelly, Vince, Senior Sergeant, President of the Northern Territory Police Association (Madam Speaker) 422
New South Wales parliament Public Bodies Review Committee
Mr Milton Orkopoulos MP, Chairman, Mr Alan Ashton MP, Mr Matthew Morris MP,
Mr Andrew Constance MP, Mr Wayne Merton MP and Mr Robert Oakeshott MP accompanied
by their manager Ms Catherine Watson (Madam Speaker) 425
- No. 16, assent to proposed laws passed by the Assembly during June 2003 sittings (Paper 1007) 421
- Aboriginal interpreter service (Mr Ah Kit) 439
Arts and cultural festivals, August 2003 (Ms Martin) 439
AustralAsia Railway, (Ms Martin) 422
Bass in the Grass concert (Ms Martin) 435
Darwin Cup Carnival, 2003 (Mr Stirling) 427
Delegation to Republics of Greece and Cyprus (Ms Martin) 455
Dental awareness month (Mrs Aagaard) 443
Electrical undergrounding project (Dr Burns) 422
Ethnic Affairs grants (Mr Vatskalis) 435
Fruit fly eradication campaign, Alice Springs (Dr Burns) 435
Group training and employment services, Katherine (Mr Stirling) 422
History Grants Scheme (Dr Toyne) 455
International cricket matches, Darwin 2003 (Mr Ah Kit) 427
Itinerants strategy, update (Mr Ah Kit) 435
Mining industries, exploration (Mr Henderson) 422
National Recreational and Indigenous Fishing Survey (Dr Burns) 455
Northern Territory Expo, 2003 (Mr Henderson) 427
Public liability insurance reforms (Mr Stirling) 439
Ridley Aquafeed Prawn and Barramundi Farmers Conference, 24 to 31 July 2003 (Dr Burns) 439
Schools literacy and numeracy, progress (Mr Stirling) 443
Sergio de Mello United Nations envoy to Iraq (Ms Martin) 443
Small business training workshops (Mr Henderson) 455
Territory investment mission and skills marketing campaign, Sydney (Ms Martin) 427
Tourism Minister’s Council, 2003, industry 10 year plan (Dr Burns) 443
- Building Stronger Regions, Stronger Futures (Mr Ah Kit) 452
Indigenous arts and culture (Ms Martin) 437
Indigenous Education (Mr Stirling) 441
Information and communications technology industry in the Territory (Dr Toyne) 437
Kidney disease in the Territory (Mrs Aagaard) 459
Litter abatement and resource recovery strategy (Dr Burns) 425
Northern Territory Transport Plan (Mr Vatskalis) 453
O’Sullivan Report into police resources in the Northern Territory (Paper 1012) (Mr Henderson) 423
MOTIONS (Procedural)
- Extension of Time
Burke, Mr , granted an extension of time on motion of Ms Carter, pursuant to Sessional Orders 423
Mr Wood granted an extension of time on motion moved by Mr Baldwin pursuant to Standing Orders 425
Mr Wood on the motion of Dr Lim 430
Leave denied Mr Vatskalis to address Assembly re motion on duplication of Stuart Highway
at Noonamah and Strauss Airstrip 429
Ringing of the Bells on motion by Mr Henderson, 21 August 2003 457
Suspension of Standing Orders
Allow Mr Vatskalis to address Assembly re motion on duplication of Stuart Highway at
Noonamah and Strauss Airstrip 430
Extension of time for Mr Bonson to complete speech moved Ms Lawrie 459
Extension of time for Mr McAdam to complete speech moved Ms Lawrie 459
Pass Bill through all stages
- Swimming Pool Fencing Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 168) 433
- Charles Darwin University Bill 2003 (Serial 169) and Menzies School of Health Research
Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 170) 433
- Charles Darwin University Bill 2003 (Serial 169) and Menzies School of Health Research
Amendment Bill 2003 (Serial 170) 432
Criminal Code Amendment Bill (No. 2) 2003 (Serial 165) and Sentencing Amendment Bill
(No. 2) 2003 (Serial 166) 431
MOTIONS (Substantive)
- Building Stronger Regions, Stronger Futures (Mr Ah Kit) 452
Four year terms of the Assembly, fixed (Mr Wood) 427
Indigenous arts and culture – Note Statement (Ms Martin) 437
Indigenous Education – Note Statement (Mr Stirling) 441
Information and communications technology industry in the Territory – Note Statement (Dr Toyne) 437
Litchfield Area Plan and zoning map (Mr Wood) negatived 430
Litter abatement and resource recovery strategy – Note Statement (Dr Burns) 425
Northern Territory Auditor-General’s Office Strategic Review Report 2003 by Neil Jackman –
Note Report (Mr Stirling) 459
Northern Territory Transport Plan – Note Statement (Mr Vatskalis) 453
O’Sullivan Report into police resources in the Northern Territory – Note Statement (Mr Henderson) 423, 425
Procurement Reform - Note Statement (Mr Henderson) 440
Select Committee to investigate possible changes to the Sentencing Act (Mr Wood) 424
Select committee to investigate possible changes to the Sentencing Act (Mr Wood) negatived 430
Sessional Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development
Interim Report on Issues associated with the progressive entry of Cane Toads into the
Northern Territory – Note Report (Ms Lawrie) 459
Standing Orders Committee, Second Report, June 2003 – Adopt Report (Mr Henderson) 452
Stuart Highway duplication, Noonamah and Strauss Airstrip (Mr Wood) 427, 429
- Tuesday 7th October 2003 at 10am (Mr Henderson) 459
- Annual Reports
Batchelor Institute of Indigenous Tertiary Education 2002 (Paper 993) 426
Menzies School of Health Research, 2001/02 (Paper 1036) 453
National Crime Authority 2001/2002 (Paper 994) 426
Northern Territory University 2002 (Paper 992) 426
Answers to questions taken on notice during the Estimates Committee hearings, June 2003
(Paper 1014) (Mr Kiely) 425
AustralAsia Railway, Construction Progress, dated 29 July 2003 (Paper 1009) (Ms Martin) 422
Birds of the Top End, Australia Web site, Mike Reed (Paper 1043) (Mr Henderson) 457
Building Stronger Regions, Stronger Futures, Northern Territory Department of Community
Development, Sport and Cultural Affairs (Paper 1037) (Mr Ah Kit) 452
Community Government Schemes
Nyirranggulung Mardrulk Ngadberre (Paper 1011) 426
Construction Connections, monthly newsletter of the Territory Construction Association,
August 2003 (Paper 1029) (Mr Vatskalis) 441
Coroners Act
In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendations into the death of Bernard
Austin Robins, pursuant to section 46B, dated 10 August 2003 (Paper 1016) 433
In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendations into the death of Michaela Palmer,
pursuant to section 46B, dated 10 August 2003 (Paper 1015) 433
In the matter of Coronial Findings and Recommendations into the death of Reba Lakuwanga,
pursuant to section 46B, dated 27 June 2003 (Paper 991) 426
Declared Heritage Places and Objects – The Northern Territory Heritage Register, extract from web site,
Department of Infrastructure, Planning and Environment (Paper 1023) (Mr Dunham) 429
Defence force volunteers awards, list (Paper 1048) (Mr Henderson) 460
Financial Management Act
Instrument – Transfer of excess allocation/s between purposes of same agency – Department of
Business, Industry and Resource Development (Paper 995) 426
Graph, Average Weekly Earnings (Trend) Full-Time Adult Employees Annual Percentage Change
2000 to 2003, Across all States and Territories ABS Cat. No.6302.0 (Paper 1025) (Mr Stirling) 440
Graph, Construction Activity Index, Comparison of Bourke government to Martin government 1999
to 2003 (Paper 1026) (Mr Stirling) 440
Graph, Darwin House Sales, Average Price (RHS), 1996/97 to 2002/2003 (Paper 1034) (Mr Stirling) 452
Graph, Home Loan Affordability Indicator All States and Territories March Quarter 2003
(Paper 1024) (Mr Stirling) 436
Graph, Number of Housing Finance Commitments – June 2003 % Change over June 2002, ABS
Cat.NO.5609.0 (Paper 1020) (Mr Stirling) 429
Larapinta Drive water pumping station and rising main - Site Plan and Headworks Phase 1
(Paper 1027) (Mr Vatskalis) 440
Legislative Assembly Members’ Web page, Minister Vatskalis, extract (Paper 1040) (Mr Maley) 456
Legislative Council, Questions Without Notice, Thursday, 26th June 2003 – Question No. 1039
Hon Norman Moore to the Leader of the House representing the Premier (Paper 1041) (Mr Burke) 456
Legislative Council, Questions Without Notice, Thursday, 26th June 2003 – Question No. 1040
Hon Norman Moore to the Leader of the House representing the Premier (Paper 1042) (Mr Burke) 457
Ah Kit, Hon J, Minister for Housing to Dr R Lim, Member for Greatorex, dated 8 August 2003 re
flooring at the Coconut Grove Seniors Village (Paper 1021) (Mr Ah Kit) 428
Pearce, Phillip, Licensed Conveyancing Agent to Ms Jodeen Carney, Member for Araluen,
dated 12 August 2003 re Swimming Pool Fencing Authority (Paper 1030) (Ms Carney) 441
Shearer, Ms Sue, CEO REINT to Hon J Ah Kit, Minister for Community Development, re
amendments to swimming pool legislation, dated 15th August 2003 (Paper 1044) (Mr Ah Kit) 457
Unknown to Ms Jodeen Carney, Member for Araluen, dated 29th July 2003 (Paper 1028) (Ms Carter) 440
Vatskalis, Hon Kon, Minister for Transport and Infrastructure to Hon John Anderson, Minister for
Transport and Regional Services, Canberra, re Upgrading of the Stuart Highway between Noonamah
and Cox peninsula road, dated 13 August 2003 (Paper 1019) (Mr Vatskalis) 428
Northern Territory Auditor-General’s Office Strategic Review Report 2003 by Neil Jackman
(Paper 1045) (Mr Stirling) 459
Northern Territory Transport Plan, Draft, dated 20 June 2003 (Paper 1038) (Mr Vatskalis) 453
O’Sullivan Report, Extract from Final Report into Independent Assessment of Resources, Northern
Territory Police, page 56 – Graph, Police Establishment/Actual Comparison, July 1998 to July 2002
(Paper 1013) (Mr Burke) 423
Palliative Care Unit design plan, In-patient Facility only, by Jackman Gooden (Paper 1035) (Mrs Aagaard) 452
Regulations 2003 (cont)
No. 32, Tobacco Control Regulations (Paper 996) 426
No. 35, Information Regulations (Paper 997) 426
No. 36, Firearms Regulations (Paper 998) 426
No. 37, Major Cricket Events Regulations (Paper 999) 426
No. 38, Tobacco Control Regulations (Paper 1000) 426
No. 39,Limousine Regulations (Paper 1001) 426
No. 40, Private Hire Car Regulations (Paper 1002 426
No. 41, Minibus Regulations (Paper 1003) 426
No. 42, Taxis Regulations (Paper 1004) 426
No. 43, Passenger Bus Regulations (Paper 1005) 426
No. 44, of 2003 Commercial Passenger (Miscellaneous) Regulations (Paper 1006) 426
Sessional Committee on Environment and Sustainable Development
Interim Report on Issues associated with the progressive entry of Cane Toads into the
Northern Territory (Paper 1046) (Ms Lawrie) 459
Thamarrurr elected members, Table of community government councillors (Paper 1022) (Mr Ah Kit) 429
TranslatorsCafe’.com, Web page (Paper 1039) (Mr Maley) 456
- Reed, Mr, Member for Katherine relating to comments by Mr Henderson on the Birds of the
Top End, Australia Web site 457
- Narrows Road, Shiers Street, Wilmot Street reduction of the speed limit to 40 kilometres per hour
(Paper 1010) (Petition No. 37) (151 petitioners) (Ms Martin) 422
Palmerston Boat Ramp, improvements (Paper 1032) (Mr Mills) (petition No. 38) (545 petitioners) 443
No. 34, relating to Aranda House in Alice Springs and that the text of the response would be
included in the Hansard record (Paper 1033) 443
Nos. 28, 30, 33 and 35 and authorized their incorporation in the Hansard record (Paper 1008) 422
- Motion to refer matter to Committee of Privileges, namely Minister Kon Vatskalis’ apparent breach
of Section 10 of the Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interest ) Act for his failure to
declare his interests 459
Mr Maley raised a proposed matter of privilege - an apparent breach of Section 10 of the
Legislative Assembly (Register of Members’ Interest ) Act for Mr Vatskalis’s failure to declare his interests 456
Notice of motion moved by Mr Maley – referring to Committee of Privileges a proposed matter of
privilege, namely the Minister Kon Vatskalis’ apparent breach of Section 10 of the Legislative Assembly
(Register of Members’ Interest ) Act for his failure to declare his interests 456
- Member for Drysdale (Mr Dunham) drew the attention of the Speaker to the lack of a quorum 452
- Quorum of the Assembly (Madam Speaker) 457
- Darwin High School students, Year 12, accompanied by their teacher Ms Elizabeth Mountford
(Madam Speaker) 455
Darwin High School Year 11 students accompanied by their teacher Ms Jan Farr (Madam Speaker) 439
Discovering Democracy Teacher’s Conference participants accompanied by the conference
organiser Ms Colleen Williams 444
Dripstone High School Year 11 students accompanied by teacher Ms Michelle Truscott and
Mrs Margaret Vatskalis (Madam Speaker) 443
FORWAARD representatives accompanied by Mr Leon James and Mr Damien Tonson (Madam Speaker) 452
Marrara Christian School Year 4 and Year 5 students accompanied by their teacher Ms Rosie Bignall
(Madam Speaker) 427
Nakara Primary School students, Year 6, accompanied by their teacher Ms Briseis More (Madam Speaker) 456
Northern Territory University Business Faculty students accompanied by their lecturer,
Ms Susan Bandias (Madam Speaker) 437
Salvation Army MASH (Mature Age Social Hour) (Madam Speaker) 427
Last updated: 04 Aug 2016